SMART GOAL PART 1: By December 20, 2013 100% of Tillery RTI students who are 2 year's behind will have completed intervention documentation as measured/evidenced by MAP assessment, Dibels, DRA, Benchmark data, and teacher assessments. Revenue goals work well as the company's primary goal. DEFINITION. 10. Credentials can include certifications, professional certificates, and degrees. This will help keep you motivated throughout the process so you can count on achieving that big goal at some point down the line. Efficiency? HZ>nOOia75s7? To broaden my opportunities for advancement, I will complete my bachelor's degree in business administration by ______.. And to continue to be a great administrative assistant, learning about professional development is key so you can be a helpful and resourceful asset to your company. Also ask your supervisor about what they perceive your strengths to be and the qualities that they appreciate about you. student learning goals. <>>> The principal secures the funding required to make technology purchases and then must see to it that teachers understand how to use the new technology and incorporate it into lessons. reading about the changing role of the principal, I wanted to read something that pertained more specifically to my role as assistant principal. Measure customer satisfaction with service at the front desk. Administrative. Top 16 Assistant Principal Resume Objective Samples. Mention them in your Assistant Principal resume under a new category "Awards and Citations". Improving your time management skills is another example of a professional development goal you can work towards. Promoted staff professional growth, cooperation and self-development. Network and make new connections. An assistant principal is an academic professional who helps manage a school's operations by providing support to the principal. Goal-setting is a useful exercise because it can clarify what you really want out of your career, and identify tangible steps to achieve it. Do you need this Loan for business and to clear your bills? The second survey (April 2014)will show an increase in collaboration and teacher satisfaction by 10% with resulting increase in student achievement on the Benchmark by 5%. However, our current transportation director beleives building administration should deal with it now because he says we have the proper "certification". Shadowing another department can have myriad positives: it can encourage communication and cooperation across siloed teams, inspire ways to improve your own team, and leave you with a better understanding of how your organization works., Ask three people from different departments to lunch, Create a program in your workplace to encourage cross-team shadowing, A mentor can help you navigate challenges in the workplace and help you progress in your career.. Performance objectives are important for three reasons. I could be missing something! Phone: (260) 414-5234 | [email] 191 Addison Road | Fort Wayne, IN 46801. Conflict resolution skills can help you foster strong personal and professional . 4.1 #1: Learning New Skills. "We say we value collaboration, but what do we call kids that collaborate on state test?" Measurable: Goals should have a clear way of identifying whether youve achieved them, or if not, how close you came to them. You can also browse job descriptions of positions youd be interested in pursuing; the common skills listed will help you get a sense of whats in-demand in your field. Seeking a position at [School Name] to improve the standard and quality of your operations. In summary- First order changes are the small changes (examples: what we are going to do to be an achieving school this year, change in schedule, a new program brought in) where the leader gets staff input, supports the staff along the way, builds culture and a common language. The article talks about principals not being just managers of a building and staff but about being an instructional leader which is aligned with the role of a principal today. Keep yourself motivated by setting reasonable goals. 2. By May 2014, there will be a 25% decrease in the number of detention assignments based upon first quarter numbers. To streamline the scheduling processes at work and increase my efficiency, I will look into digital scheduling software, choose one, and digitize the process within the next month.. 90 Days -. He states that the right questions revolve around learning and not teaching, and that this is a tremendous shift for teachers. The goal samples that follow include reference to the actions to be taken in order to meet the goal. I have seen some of our more at risk kiddos look at these score and WANT to do better! 09/2021 to 12/2022. 60 Days -. Enhance conflict resolution skills. These time limits will help prevent procrastination and motivate you to get to work. You may wish to mix and match the above statements so you have a full-sentence statement of your vision. Attainable - Set achievable and realistic goals. One more thingI am finishing up "Learning From Lincoln" and it is definitely on my recommended books to read list. Relevant - reachable and relevant to the employee's skill and ability. While often referred to as a secretary and thought of as an entry-level worker, administrative assistants are actually some of the most valuable employees because they are the ones who take action, get things done, and are proactive in helping the company achieve its goals. I guess in a non professional term we are looking to see "just how we are doing at OHMS." Without a deadline, you will also lose a sense of urgency. Smith Elementary: There will be a 10% increase in math and/or literacy growth goals for PAC/RTI (Professional Assistance Community/Response to Intervention) students as measured by an increase in NWEA MAP math and/or literacy lexile scores from the Fall, Winter and Spring test scores. Others typically focus on what has always worked in the past, but administrative assistants are in a position to make improvements to those existing processes. It provides a list of actions worthwhile for APs. S: This goal is specific.M: Finishing a seminar measures your progression toward achieving this goal.A: This is an achievable goal that will benefit you in your position.R: This relevant goal will ensure your continuous learning and growth.T: This goal has a deadline of the beginning of next year. When establishing personal goals, it's important to develop attainable and measurable goals to determine your progress towards these goals. 9VXf14bVP4qtq;$S>=>[g H\e@Lx M4FI-3U=r*(\XqQ#$~vIv,}b-5;mMd!*0t`>}1eC:z'wyqLz2 I like the potential for MAP to show growth but there is frustration with the inaccuracy of the winter results. They are commonly used to plan strategy and manage performance. District Provision for Assistant Principal Professional Development Provision of 2000 2002 2004 Activities Yes No Yes No Yes No Elementary 33/32% 66/67% 20/22% 70/78% 26/40% 39/60% Achieving Personal and Professional Success, goal setting, Happiness, Personality Development, Personal Development, Communication, Negotiation, Deception. _&gc;u\/[%/IUDZ>l}>va%ILWhb?Vu L{Ma;2N#3#r4OU&!Fd!IV@_wL+j0;6#nZ6r'd7awk2k$9U{^U-?+S[qo]$u Looking forward to seeing you again :-). Aiming to refine your qualifications can increase your success, your earning potential, and your competitiveness as a prospective employee for other agencies in the future. "Good read! This is a great idea! 2023 Coursera Inc. All rights reserved. % I have even been told that what I was doing was a principals job and not an assistant principals job. Partnered with parents, teachers, guidance counselors, social workers, police and the court system to improve . Example 4. When it comes to setting your administrative assistant SMART goals, it may be difficult to establish objectives, especially if you are involved in a variety of projects or departments at work. Principal Standards - The Texas Principal Standards are aspirational standards that inform all phases of principal . Then send us an email now for more details via:( APPLICATION FORM. I am with Jason on this onebus discipline is a big issue for us as well. X83Ar$ This example provides a matrix for creating SMART goals. Achievable: Setting a goal that you can realistically achieve is key to actually achieving them. You dont want to spend your time working toward a goal that wont have an impact on your bigger picture. I first read chapter 5 titled Two Types of Change in the book School Leadership that Works: From Research to Results. As I have grown into my position I have found it very beneficial to go back and read things again! It's hard because we have been teaching CCSS and adding those benchmark standards in. Experience as educational leader (Assistant Principal) for a campus. kFh;m^7ho? AP and Manager set developmental goals with a focus on where the AP will be at the end of the year and where the AP should be at the first check-point of the year AP and Manager unpack the underlying competencies, technical and adaptive skills that will set the AP on a path towards development to the stated goals Be a more effective listener. It is easy to fire administrators. Professional Growth Plans (PGPs) provide an opportunity for educators to set specific goals and . Here are some examples to get your started: Plan and lead a team initiative to collectively learn a new tool or skill, Vision Alignment, Talent Management, Goals and Rewards, Motivate Employees, Leadership, goal setting, Communication, Leadership Development, Onboarding, Coaching, Recruitment, Management, Social Skills, Influencer Marketing, Leadership Dynamics, Team Management, Team Building, Expanding your professional network can expose you to new ideas, build your profile, keep you informed of new job opportunities, and help you learn continuously., Sign up for events to attend in your field, join professional groups in person or through social media platforms like Facebook or LinkedIn, or find opportunities to volunteer your skills through volunteer databases like VolunteerMatch., Attend five in-person or virtual professional events, Find and join three professional groups on LinkedIn. Unlike your dreams for the future, your specific goals have detail and depth that answer the who, what, when, where, and why of your vague hopes. Are your MAP assessments based on the CCSS? site includes different articles based on educational topics (financial responsibilities of principals, average salaries, characteristics of successful principals, and more). S: The goal is to improve teacher feedback scores by 10%. In addition it talks about why this job is so difficult: too little pay, 80 hour work week, overbearing district leadership, demanding parents, uneven quality teachers, low status and poor image, stressful responsibilities (raising student achievement, all problems of society, keeping buses on time, etc.) For example, your interests in college or university may include . Broadening your skillset. 7O&Y{=lUPC$kH3 K>#5ek=yS5!M ' K=-WW{3R`t>~Hb MAP Is a computerized testing system that is given three times a year to students. You can create SMART goals that will serve you well by talking to your supervisor about the type of growth they believe you could make. Rather than thinking of ourselves as instructional leaders, we need to think of ourselves as lead learners. I got to hear Doug Reeves speak when I was at the Solution Tree PLC Institute. Organize professional development programs, conduct teacher performance reviews and participate in classroom instruction and observation. A wide variety of measures may be used for Administrator Goals and goals that maintain a sustained focus over multiple years are encouraged. Develop a new skill set. The program sets goals for expected student growth and gives detailed data for teachers to see where students are struggling. But either way, if you are an administrative assistant, youre likely to be considered a jack-of-all-trades who can handle a variety of office management tasks while also supporting higher-level employees. Earn a certification, license, or degree. 1. 1. Since it is performance based I believe it gives a much better idea of where each student truly compares to the NORM. The following are steps you may take when creating goals for an internship: 1. practice goals. We must help our positive staff members stay positive and grow them as teacher leaders during a time of change. Think about quality and do your absolute best. Here are some concrete goals you might aspire to: Read two books in your field in a quarter, Listen to one podcast on a relevant topic a week, Find 10 experts in your field on Twitter to follow. stream 4.8 #8: Get a Certificate or Degree. According to, the average salary of an assistant principal falls between $53,000 and $101,000. Sample Document The Goal-Setting and Professional Development (GSPD) process is an ongoing, recursive process where teachers reflect on current professional practices, identify professional growth goals, establish a professional development plan to attain those goals, track progress towards goals over the course of the year, andeflect on goal . Assistant Principal/Lead Teacher Resume. However, I am supposed to tell them how to run their buses? In the past, this has resulted in just changing the placement, not drilling down to see if the programming they are currently receiving are being utilized with fidelity." Set goals for next 30 days. MAPS also allows the students to see what we call a RIT score. Knowing why you set a goal will help you stay motivated to achieve it. Meet with supervisor for feedback. This stands for: Specific. {:&0UV@i_/JB)\x>qpj&)D3Y?WKe YJ@}! %PDF-1.5 While I know there is a large financial incentive for Solution Tree which they co-own, they believe strongly in what they preach! article by Du Four talks about his experience as a school leader and making sure that we are asking the right questions. The third cluster is Mission, Vision and Core Values, Ethics and Professional Norms, and Equity and Cultural Responsiveness. Approach your manager to see how you might be able to put your leadership skills into practice. However, as the SPED designee in my building i spoke with our SPED PLC and we are trying to get down to a more intimate understanding of how our departments relationship is with our parents. Assisted in providing leadership in the recruitment of staff and execute a system of personnel selection and assignment. Smart Goal #1 Literacy By May 2014, 60% of all students will meet their growth goal in literacy according to Measures of Academic Progress. Relevant. Accessed March 25, 2022. R: The extra time given to students should go toward increasing the feedback score. Any successful operation has someone working behind the scenes doing whats required to make the company get things accomplishedmaking sure important tasks dont get overlooked or forgotten and coordinating all of the processes of the business. S: Youve stated what you want to do and why.M: This goal is measured by choosing the best software for your company within a month.A: This is an achievable goal.R: Because administrative assistants often do scheduling, this is a relevant goal to help streamline the process and save time.T: This goal has a specific deadline of one month. I did an online search and found the YouTube video titled Marzano Research Laboratory: Dr. Marzano on 2nd Order Change. I agree with Mindset. Lets look at what each of these characteristics means. I am also interested in the SCALE process. This approach can have drastic effect on student achievment.4. The median pay is estimated to be $86,729 per year. 10 Examples of Performance Goals. I just had to dangle the carrott and they ran with it! Goal: report customer satisfaction to show the value of service improvement initiatives. For example, if your goal is to become a principal, you'd typically start as a teacher and work on your administrative credentials while teaching. article is Leadership for Student Learning: Reinventing the Principalship and was written in October of 2000. Think about what fits your schedule and the level of expertise youre aiming for to see what works best for you. When I think about the changes we have made with CCSS, it has really helped us to up our rigor in our instruction, along the same lines TESS has really been a useful (although time consuming) tool to guide teachers to use best practices and help them to become reflective! However, many of them are general enough to be applied to anyone who wants to succeed in life. Professional development goals can help you achieve your short- and long-term objectives in your career. SMART goals are targets that are designed to be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound. Because of this, you can add practical and strategic value to the operation of the business, which can then help boost the success of your long-term career. Measurable. I am sorry Rachel, but I do not know what frustrations you are experiencing with the winter results? I think STAR has come a long way in its validity as a true measure of growth and it also provides immediately relevant teaching tools to meet students where they are. Keep the following things in mind as youre creating actionable goals that are unique to your professional vision in your role as an administrative assistant and for moving forward. Knowing your strengths will allow you to leverage them to your advantage. Meetings should be about teaching and learning, not management. You may set goals for an internship that help you explore areas of interest or those where you have little experience or knowledge. We also have the ADE survey completed by parents during the annual review conferences. The Principal Quality Standards are foundational to providing every student with what they deserveexcellent school leaders who are consistently supported in their efforts to improve in their profession, support their teachers' professional growth and influence student But first, lets take another look at what a SMART goal is. How do you plan to measure your progress? There is also an optional template for recording your own administrator goals. More to come (long video!). An educational assistant's professional growth plan must include. 7. Finally, if you want to take your goal-setting efforts to the next level, check out this FREE printable worksheet and a step-by-step process that will help you set effective SMART goals. When your goals are relevant, youre spending your time wisely because youre making progress toward your ultimate vision. Dont know what you want to do in five or 10 years yet? While the Benchmark test is in its last year, we have support from our BOE to go ahead and assess all we can using the CCSS. Do some research to get a sense of what you want to learn and what will be useful to your work. Next year we will do CCSS tests with K-5. Seeking an Assistant Principal role to help create a . It can be used for multiple goals or one and provides a concise chart for you to use to guide your learning. To help you achieve your professional goals, you can use the acronym S.M.A.R.T when setting them. Building administration and Central Office all need to be held accountable.3. Below is a guide to assist you in creating a concise resume that covers all those areas. Professional development and career growth are frequently associated with Individual development goals. I will take a step up in my career from being an office assistant to a paralegal in the next four years. for teachers, specialized instructional support personnel, and administrators. Assistant Principal with 6+ years of experience providing support to school principals in the operation of all school programs, school improvement plans, goal setting, and progress monitoring. All of the other hats were important and vital to the school success, but a positive school culture was imperative and in turn "enables the other areas to also achieve noteworthy outcomes. An achievable goal is one that you have the skills and resources to accomplish within the given time frame. endobj I agree that the role of the principal is ever changing but I hope that building relationships with all the different stakeholders will always be a central role. 4.2 #2: Familiarizing Beforehand. I have found myself going back to things as I have grown in my career and learning that reading the piece for a second time can shed new light on the topic. The professional development plan is an essential part of your evaluation process (McGreal, 1983). SMART Goal - By May 2014, there will be 2 surveys sent to the teachers of Cooper Elementary School to determine both general and special education satisfaction with collaboration and resulting student achievement of students receiving special education services. 10 examples of professional development goals. By spring 2014, NWEA MAP scores for K-5 students will increase by 25% in the area of vocabulary with the implementation of a school-wide initiative in vocabulary instruction.Below is the data from our fall MAP testing and 2013 Benchmark Exam:o More than 50% of K-2 students are below grade level in the area of Foundations of Reading, Vocabulary, Word studyo 60% of 3rd and 4th are below grade level in the area of Foundations of Reading, Vocabulary, Word studyo 67% of 5th below grade level in the area of Foundations of Reading, Vocabulary, Word study2013 Benchmark Literacy scores for all students were 78.67%2013 Benchmark Literacy scores for TAGG students were 75.95%. Administrative assistants have the opportunity to make small changes in a company that can make a big difference for saving time and increasing productivity. It poses questions to the individual for more a thought provoking approach. What qualifies someone to be a great administrative assistant? She holds a Bachelor's Degree in Marketing and a Masters Degree in Social Work. It is those 2nd order changes that are sometimes difficult to defend unless you have great support from the top down. Timely - goals must have a clear timeline with start and end dates. Is it your time management? It describes the frustrations of meeting the daily routines and responsibilities that are all consuming and learning how to be as well as serve as an instructional leader. Expand professional knowledge and training. If you find yourself fascinated by your coworkers ability to analyze data sets, try learning Python or another programming language. Being an expert in Excel can greatly boost your employability and future job prospects because its a popular and very useful tool used to analyse data for companies. A few of the many ways in which professional growth efforts will help you in the workplace include that it can: Help you learn new skills that will support you as you advance in your career. !)hf6FsppM.F; PSk By May 2014, there will be a 20% increase in the STAR Reading scaled scores of our students with disabilities being served with a literacy IEP in special education. PRINCIPAL, K-8 SCHOOL. For a role that is considered "second-fiddle", an Assistant Principal is paid well. What, specifically, about your career or your performance do you want to improve? Excel can seem intimidating at first, but once youve mastered the basic concepts of this program, it will make your job a lot easier and your work much more efficient. Some of the ways having SMART goals will benefit you as an administrative assistant include: Having SMART goals will help you make the most of your time in your current position to prepare you for greater responsibilities in the future. We struggle with bus discipline as well! Right now, we are mostly concerned with collaboration within the building between sped and gen ed. Heres what each of those components mean: Specific: Goals should be well-defined and unambiguous so that you know exactly what youre aspiring to. 2. Why You Need SMART Goals in a Professional Setting. For example, large school districts often have instructional coordinators who help with data analysis and with teachers' professional development. This person is usually an administrative assistant. Here is a snapshot of average assistant principal salaries: $88,585. A career path is a sequence or series of job positions held leading to your short-term and long-term professional goals. It's definitely an encouraging book and it is a great reminder to all of us that we need to continuely pursue integrity at all times, no matter how difficult the circumstance is.Enjoy!Stephanie. Improving this skill can have a great impact on the companys revenue. Although your goals are shaped by your personal ambitions and needs, we've put together a simple list of smart goals to help push you towards success: 1. Discussion of the "Nutron Bomb Effect". The Assistant Principal Professional Growth Planning (PGP) Template is designed to facilitate the assistant principal's professional development. Achievable. Have a few suggestions at the ready. MAP feedback is a lot faster until waiting until June to get the results. S: This goal shows a specific task youre going to do and why you plan to do it.M: This goal is measured by planning and carrying out these activities once per quarter.A: This is an achievable goal.R: While other people need to have a part in this also, an administrative assistant is the one who sees everyone on a regular basis, so bringing coworkers together to bond with others who may work in different areas is important for the entire organization to run well as a team.T: This goal has a specific deadline of the end of every quarter.
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