Corvum notably gain the unique Appraising Eye ability that can be used once per long rest. You know one cantrip from the sorcerer spell list.of birdfolk cities. Sharp Mind. As a sable luma, you are often found on the fringes of Speed. Playable races do not exhibit physical and agile. in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. Your base long jump is 30 feet, and yourWhen they stand with a group, jerbeens are emboldened: the base high jump is 15 feet, with or without a running start.presence of others reassures them, granting them the courage Nimbleness. As Bards adventure, they gather as many stories from the world around them as they tell. Cervans are sturdy race of deer-folk that are without a doubt the most resilient race ofHumblewood. Printed August 2019. Aerial Defense. * A skilled ranger taught you how toian spirit in an unoccupied space you can see within 60 feet of use your magic to pinpoint your quarrys weak spots. You cannot glide while wearing heavy While most lumas find their peculiar nature to be a armor, or if you are encumbered.hindrance in society, some make use of their gifts to climbthe social ladder. On a fail- ure, they must spend their reaction to attack a creature of your choice within 5 feet of them. Quickly integrates your content into compendiums and import your characters from D&DBeyond (and sync their status back at the end of your game!) Choose one of these subraces. Languages. Great seen fight. Their undeniable skill in matters of logistics complete a long or short rest before you can use it again.and planning make them valuable to councils and powerfulindividuals alike. A wise monk was happy to share the basic At 6th level, if the target succeeds the form of the jab and weave. It also meant a world full of secrets, hidden dangers, and obstacles for a party of adventurersto overcome. larly, raptors, a race whose physical characteristics resem-Here are a few tools to help you flesh out the look and feel ble birds of prey, could reach around 5 feet in height.of your character. Militia Training. Hedges who dwell outside of the birdfolk cities preferto live in individual burrows under the great roots of trees.Communities of hedges enjoy living surrounded by nature,near clearings within the forest or lone copses. At 14th level you can select a second favorite trick from among Travelers Tricks you know.36 Chapter 1 | Welcome to the WoodTravelers Trick Options At 14th level you have learned to shore up any weaknesses in your stance. Cervans reach maturity around 12 years. Hedges love gardening, and tend to keep aWood, or within the safety of birdfolk perches. Your base walking speed is 30 feet. You may use Dexterity instead of Strength At 14th level, even if the target fails their for the attack and damage rolls of these unarmed strikes.saving throw they only take half damage from The damage die used for these unarmed strikes is thethe effect. While doing so, you continue to fall gentlyand strong with an uncanny knack for tracking. At 14th level, you have learned how to make your ward even more resilient. Size. Birdfolk can be written quickly with a quill,reference would be wolves, coyotes, or other hunting canines or scratched easily with a claw, and has been widely adoptedthat could be commonly found in a forest environment. As long as you succeed against a DC of 10 + beasts regard you as their kin, and you possess the ability to their challenge rating, you can learn one useful fact of your speak the languages of the most powerful and mystic of their choice about the targets combat abilities. Legends say there may even be a primal elemental force lurking within the Scorched Grove. Have you the courage to find out? Any additional dice added to the attacks damageFIGHTER roll are not affected by this ability.Martial Archetype At 10th level, the improvised weapons you wield become even more lethal in your hands. Jerbeens grow quickly, reaching maturity around5 years. The gods of night are varied, encompassing those powers of your deity to grant yourself truesight within 120 feetwho would use the cover of darkness to protect others from of you for a number of minutes equal to your Wisdom modi-threats, to those who would use the shadows for wrong doings. You have proficiency in theAcrobatics skill. Jerbeens value privacy, but true isolation fromfriends, families, or loved ones is considered to be the worstpossible fate a jerbeen could suffer.JERBEEN TRAITS Ability Score Increase. You have a set of large, strong antlers thatcan be used to make devastating charge attacks. Sylvan, along confounds many who try to learn it due to the prevalencewith various dialects of Primordial (Auran, Aquan, Ignan, and of passive voice and the deferential manners built intoTerran) are uncommon languages known only by few in the conversation. Others have been told since birth that they were blessed by the wind, much in the way the Amaran-d6 Bond thine Reya was in the old tales. ll Whenever you successfully use your Sleight of Hand skillll You may change direction freely while gliding, and may outside of combat to steal an object, you may immediately gain up to 10 feet of altitude once before you finish conceal it flawlessly on your person, or put another object your descent. Humblewood foregoes the typical humanoid races of D&D in favor of allowing the players to play as Funny Animals straight out of old fables, and . Subclass is unplayable (in my opinion) of you don't optimize for it. Humblewood Review. Chapter 1 | Welcome to the Wood 43d6 Ideal GROUNDED Despite the inherent vertical aspects of birdfolk culture,1 Repentance. Your Dexterity scoreincreases by 1. As each of these races are excellent in their own right, they're primarily being judged based on their flexibility, and how frequently their unique traits will likely be relevant. Cervans teach that the best important for both themselvesmeans of survival in any situation is to remain and their communities. At the discretion of the GM, your Humblewoodhave a flat weight modifier. Enemies within the shadows constantly feel the presenceof hungry predators watching them, and become frightened Additionally, whenever you hit with an improvisedas long as they remain inside the affected area. If thetarget of your charge is Large or smaller, they must make aStrength saving throw against a DC of your Proficiency Bonus+ 8 + your Strength Modifier. This feature also feels a bit redundant; as you can always ask to use an alternative ability score for a skill check if you can justify it. 7 I never really had a plan in life, I tend to just go Thugs are the muscle of a bandit group, and use their with the flow.size and strength to intimidate merchants into giving upwithout a fight. 6 I feel nothing for this title, and carry it against my will. As a huden gallus, you are of the land. You have a deepconnection to the magic of theWood. Bite. either does damage, or prevents damage ll You have advantage on Charisma checks made against one option under their attack, legendary, or beasts that are of Large size or larger. Some consider your aversion to heights a rejection6 and make my own way in the world. You have a climb speed of 20 feet. This ability can notably be used even if the damage they'd received put them down to zero HP, essentially allowing them to immediately get themselves right back up after being downed! throughout the Wood.Vulpins should be represented as wild animals, to illustratethe duality of their sophisticated yet savage nature. This ability allows a Corvum to examine an object, gleaning any magical properties it may have, how said properties function, and even that object's rough financial value! Youare most capable when immersed inthe forest. One of the traits mapachs are most well-known for is Resilience. The options are presented here in alphabeticalorder. Like this book? Despite these positives, a great deal of a Gallus's other abilities are quite limited in their utility, gaining a few proficiencies and doubling their proficiency bonus on history checks that relate to their lore, community, or background. The marvelous Humblewood setting for D&D 5e is very close to public release and I'm here to tell you what lies in store! Compared to Auran, the other dialects ofPrimordial sound stilted or broken to birdfolk. In addition to Glide, Strigs gain +2 strength, are at their strongest when in a forest. I am starting a new humblewood campaign and I want to know what you guys think of the subclasses. PATH OF THE Planebreaker for 5E - $58.48. It has been ruled for generations by the birdfolk who inhabit the Great Tree-City of Alderheart. At 6th level, you have honed your skills to the point where At 6th level, your bond with the guardian spirit grows even you can easily track your quarry. Of the around 90 pounds. A Mapach is capable of creating temporary arrows that break on impact, or even scrounging together disguises. Add this result in pounds to your races base weight. In truth, lumas have a unique perception of thetheir role in perch society. Maintaining good grooming is akin to keeping a Wing Flap. While doing so, you continue to fall gentlydistrusted because they behave the way they do, or if they at a speed of 60 feet per round, taking no fall damage whenbehave the way they do because they are distrusted. Languages. They are also inveterate opportunists. We discuss the College of the Road Bard Subclass from the Humblewood Campaign Setting from Hit Point Press! Subrace. You serious? After the establishment of the treaty, humblefolk began toNow the great birdfolk cities face more threats from bandits live once again in small woodland villages beneath the trees,and forest fires than ever before. Adventure in the Wood 84 The Ancient Forest 134 Vulpin 32 Introduction 84 The Avium 135Characters In the Wood 32 Overview 85 Exploring the Avium 137 Character Details 32 Part 1: The Adventure Begins 86 Into the Library 139 Sex & Gender 32 86 Shadows Fall 142 Height and Weight Sleepy Meadowfen 89 Mysterious Circumstances 143 Variant Rule: Different Looks for 32 Winnowing Reach 91 Putting the Pieces Together 145 34 The Missing Researcher 91 The Necromancer 145 Birdfolk and Humblefolk 36 The Mokkden Caverns 95 Odwalds Trap 146 Languages of the Wood 36 Returning to the Reach 95 The Secret Door 147New Class Options 39 The Swamp Witch 99 The Study Room 148 Bard 41 A Witchs Debt 100 The Old Classroom 149 Cleric 43 Leaving the Reach 101 The Secret Laboratory 151 Fighter 47 Part 2: The Bandit Menace 101 Developments 152New Backgrounds 49 A Rough Road Ahead 102 Part 5: Of Fate and Flame 153New Feats The Great Tree City 106Spell Descriptions Elizas Emporium 107 Odwalds Fate 153 The Birdfolk Council 1092. In the world of Everden, nestled between the mighty Crest mountain range and the vast marshes of the Mokk Fields, lies a mystical forest known as Humblewood . You're saying "this subclass sucks as a melee bard if you dump your melee stat." Fighters aren't great with 8 STR/DEX either. Jerbeen are a race of mouse-like beings that value working together with other. their lifetime, with no amount of training granting a glimpse of such visions again. Fighters have access to heavy armor from level one and are one of the most versatile classes you can play. ll You ignore difficult terrain. Small sized and nimble, Jerbeens gain +2 dexterity, +1 charisma, and are quite mobile. Number 2 - The Circle of Stars. Their meek demeanor and favor loose tunics, baggy trousers, flowing robes, and otherand deference in social situations has earned them a reputation clothes which fit easily over their quills. These subclasses, items and much, much more will be included in Hexbound, a 5th edition witchy supplement developed by Antonio Demico and published by Hit Point Press. You gain the following benefits:ll You may choose to land your glide in a space occupied by ll You gain proficiency in either the Survival or Nature skill. Log In Sign Up. This is why I believe roleplaying games have had such a resurgence in the past few years, because were looking for a connection to the world around us. They even gain the ability to help their allies as a bonus action! Chapter 1 | Welcome to the Wood 21Cervan enlightened leaders Cervans are a versatile deer-like folk who make their A cervan whose Sight has been triggered is encouraged tohomes in small, intimate villages throughout Humblewood. This subclass gets some interesting abilities. Through speech and touch you can communicate simple ideas Understanding. Speed. Swift. 1 lb.Mapach 3'11" +2d6 85 lb. Brawler. Personal relationships are fleeting. They are insightful and empathetic, but not to the pointof being socially exploitable. It is said that this is a main contributing Charisma is your spellcasting ability for this cantrip.factor for the close-knit, and exclusive luma districts inlarger cities. 18th Two For Flinching, Brutal Brawler Improvement, Blindside Improvement You may choose the order in which creatures within thespells area are affected. While doing so, you continue to fall increases by 1.gently at a speed of 60 feet per round, taking no fall damagewhen you land. Learned. When you react with a readied action,you have advantage on the first attack roll, skillcheck, or ability check you make as a part ofthat action.Mistral Raptor As a mistral raptor, you are most at homefar from the ground. and unequal treatment. tional distance up to your movement speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.of gardening unmatched by other birdfolk. Choosing a selection results in a full page refresh. You gain the follow- more gracefully. Any additional dice added to the attacks damage roll are not affected by this ability. Expert Climbers. For the duration of the effect,deeper. I'm playing college of the road and it sucks as hell, having to waste inspiration die to use core abilities of the class. A creature who has witnessed or heard tales of your ruthlessness makes this saving throw with disadvantage. heavier, more muscular builds, standing aroundOccasionally, cervans who survive such traumas are 7 feet tall, and sometimes weighing over 200granted mystical visions. When falling you can use yourreaction to spread your arms, stiffen your wing feathers, andslow your descent. User account menu. Your Intelligence scoreincreases by 1. Contains new races, backgrounds, spells, monsters, magic items, world and a compelling adventure for 1st to 5th level characters. When a chick is born with special markings or uniqued6 Ideal feather patterns, or when they survive a dramatic childhood event, some folks brand them Wind-Touched. After the implementation of increases by 2.the Humblefolk Treaty, many cervans continued to live by theold ways. While they resemble animals. Are they OP, UP, or neither? This striving is what propels some cervans to posi- a different subracepronghornsand are thought to betions of great import throughout the Wood. Songbird. Whats important is that you select a background zation. He enjoys collecting comics, records, and wins in Samurai Shodown. Use left/right arrows to navigate the slideshow or swipe left/right if using a mobile device. Only the truly foolhardy among them are taken in by Darkvision. Either way, the future of the Wood is yours to write. Number 3 - The Circle of the Shepherd. Youcannot benefit from any Dexterity bonus to armor classwhile curled up, but you can still use shields. (2d4) lb.Raptor 2'11" +2d6 25 lb. Theyare one of the few races who truly understand that conflict is Age. I really like this feature, but I do feel like the differences should just be added to the Tavern Brawler feat. Before the Treaty, vulpin raiders CERVAN TRAITSand mapach thieves were serious threats. Scroungecrafting demonstrates creativity, ingenuity, materials into any tool or piece of adventuring gear worth 30and resourcefulness, but is misunderstood by outsiders who gold pieces or less. Cervan Cervans Strig Hedge Hedges Sylvan Strigs usually resemble owls of all kinds. You choose whether any foe reduced to 0 hit points by this attack remains stable or dies. Something made you decide that path was nolonger worth pursuing, and you left that life behind. The trees are old and powerful, with rare specimens that reach as tall as small mountains. Posted by 2 years ago. (Evil)6 Naturalism. Being small and Jerbeen.and not particularly strong gives them a perspective that allowsthem to easily empathize with others, though not all jerbeensshare this compassionate outlook. This is the Humblewood, an ancient and magical place that hums an endless song, sung to the Great Rhythm of life and death. Raptors reach maturity around 20 years. (Lawful) to legend, one who is touched by the wind will never feel at Encouragement. Your Constitution scoreand slow your descent. I did some hard time in Alderhearts prison,1 and the perch guard who arrested me still has it d6 Community Place out for me. I just want to be free to live my own life, an outcast. Moreover, a newly invigorated Bandit Coalition swells in numbers. Sorry, should have clarified I was onlycommenting on the 3rd levelto start with, didn't have time for the full video. a regular jump, but not while gliding. The magic of animals and their usually unseen lives intrigues us, sparks our imagination, and we see a lot of ourselves in them when we finally slow down enough to look. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.portents of doom, and other times visions of a far Practical. tries to compliment me.7 I will deny my fears to everyone. Humblewood is an exciting new Campaign Setting for 5e DND that includes 10 original player races, new monsters, magic items, and a compelling adventure for 1st to 5th level characters. While this ability's capabilities are dictated by a DM based on the materials that a Mapach has available to them, they can make a wide variety of tools and items, that allow them to adapt to any situation. The item will be completely functional,see it as primitive or crude. You can choose to reroll any attack,those who pass judgement. Hedges are compassionate, empathetic, andcreatures, results in fewer occasions for conflict. Beyond the obvious physicalfound in the Wood. My friends are like family to me, canopy in ways perch-dwelling birdfolk cannot.3 and Ill keep trying to do right by them until the end. unique perspective.4 Im slow to trust someone new, but open up 4 I project my insecurities onto others. Items crafted in sucha way will function exactly as a normal versionof the item, and if you have proficiency in thetools used to craft them, they can even lookprofessionally-crafted. Even at lv3 you are effective in combat (whilst not the improvised powerhouse youll later be,) with these two very fun features thatll give the flavour to people who havnt watched the video or read p.41-42 of the Humblewood setting book yet: Intimidating Banter At 3rd level, you are adept at integrating insults and barbs into your fighting style. Its hard to say whether the corvums are slow your descent. This will make calculating things that rely oncharacteristics based on sex, and traits such as plumage, mark- size categories much easier, rather than having to remem-ings, and size difference are not associated with a specific sex ber which size variant a player has chosen for a race.or gender. These quills provide exceptional protection, there-fore you have a base armor class of 14 + your Dexteritymodifier. If you just straight added those differences to the Tavern Brawler Feat then its be an S tier feat no question. Ability Score Increase. Press the space key then arrow keys to make a selection. Though primarily oral, a system for writing Birdfolk in pictogramsVulpin was developed long before the founding of Alderheart and has since transformed into a set of abstract glyphs representing Vulpins generally look like foxes, but an alternative visual different sounds. You gain proficiencyin the Insight skill.Kindled Corvum As a kindled corvum, you know implicitly that you arethe smartest in the room. You can use these backgrounds in addition to the back- Runners are the messengers and scouts of the Coalition,grounds available in the 5th Edition Core Rules. not made the choice lightly. You cannot glide while wearing heavy armor, or if youwealth of sensory information they receive from their partic- are encumbered.ularly keen eyes and sensitive ears. However, most importantly, Vulpins automatically learn numerous spells such as Charm Person at level one and Fear at level five, using intelligence as their spellcasting modifier! Corvums cut imposing figures, standing between 4and a half and 5 and a half feet tall, encompassing a varietyof different builds. You can always recall the general layout of the terrain around you while traveling along the2 Whenever I see something valuable, I cant help forest floor. It is quite commonfor hedges to have a variety of animal friends who sharetheir home. Simi- Your character is more than just a collection of rules. Follow our Twitter! When falling you can use yourprey, they have sharp talons and agile builds that help them reaction to spread your arms, stiffen your wing feathers, andeffortlessly glide through the canopy. The best way to respect each others Title and Blessing differences is to find a solution that doesnt exclude anyone. with this moniker.Suggested Characteristics 4 I live in the shadow of my mentor, seeking their approval. (Good) An Odd Bird Among birdfolk you are somewhere between an oddity and Freedom. one condition immunity ll Beasts of Large size or larger have a friendly disposition one special ability possessed by the creature that toward you unless you have attacked them. Roleplaying games are wonderful for many reasons, one being that they can provide a form ofescape, or they can mirror reality. Rules are made to be broken, and the Scofflaw extendsthis logic to their fighting style. The gallus have an earfor the truth, and are often capable of rooting out liesand dishonesty.GALLUS TRAITS Ability Score Increase. Eye of Twilight improvement Channel Divinity: Invocation of Night8th Veil of Dreams, Eye of Twilight improvement Starting at 2nd level, you can use your Channel Divinity to harness the powers of night, clouding the vision of your foes in a shroud of darkness.17th Creature of the Night, Eye of Twilight improvementNight Domain Spells Cleric Level Spells 1st sleep, veil of dusk* 3rd darkness, moonbeam 5th nondetection, globe of twilight* 7th divination, stellar bodies* 9th dream, seemingSpells marked with an asterisk (*) can be found in this book.Eye of Twilight Beginning at 1st level, a divine blessing grants you the abil-ity to see more clearly in dark and dim conditions.
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