Another similarity is the lack of comparative or superlative degrees. Since the Egyptian culture is somewhat unknown to the American population, this pa. The high god of the Pawnee people, Tirawa, gave duties and powers to the Sun and Moon, the Morning Star and Evening Star, the Star of Death, and the four stars that support the sky. Native American Art Science and AAAS are working tirelessly to provide credible, evidence-based information on the latest scientific research and policy, with extensive free coverage of the pandemic. Also, the false dogma that no Old World explorers prior to Columbus could have been on our continent affected peoples perceptions. Previous genetic work had suggested the ancestors of Native Americans split from Siberians and East Asians about 25,000 years ago, perhaps when they entered the now mostly drowned landmass of Beringia, which bridged the Russian Far East and North America. Native Americans were beaten, tortured and even killed so other Native Americans would change cultures. Among the major differences between Native American and contemporary European societies: Despite complex development, no Indian tribes developed the use of metal tools and weapons. These things were important in differentiating men because it shows their self responsibility, personal achievements, and personal accomplishments. For West Africans and Native Americans, religion is not seen as something that is set apart at a certain time or is conducted a certain way. Are there really distinct similarities between America and Egypt? It seems the Cherokee people have had mixed feelings about Yatess work. At the point when the European settlers came over in the sixteenth century, the Cherokee Native American Indians were living in the East and Southeast United States. The Hebrew account tells the same, even calling first man Adam which means red earth in the Hebrew language. Native American tribes all have their own unique views of just how the world and civilization came to be. Prior to these studies, only six genomes older than 6000 years from the Americas had been sequenced. includes much evidence of the exploration of American soil by ancient people with the above language groups. 3. Would you like to help support our organization's work with endangered American Indian languages? Did anyone acknowledged the slavery of shipped Americans to Europe? google_ad_client = "pub-8872632675285158"; The Maya were native people of Mexico and Central America, while the Aztec covered most of northern Mesoamerica between c.1345 and 1521 CE, whereas Inca flourished in ancient Peru between c.1400 and 1533 CE and extended across western South America. There are different regions that make up the Arab world. Like many early civilizations women have a subordinate position in the families they don't have many rights. AAAS is a partner of HINARI, AGORA, OARE, CHORUS, CLOCKSS, CrossRef and COUNTER. The Water Beetle made the land from mud, while the Buzzard made the mountains and valleys. Although the presence of many of the virtuous Native American values is very meager today, this one still exists as a miniscule glimmer across our lives. TRUE Locations Of Israel AND Jerusalem FOUND!! Big fan of Robert Jordan, The Wheel Of Time series. On the other hand ,the right-handed twin whos considered that he has a straight mind and always tell the truth ended up lying to his brother . Similarities can be seen in different spheres such as creation of humankind or even in the story about flood. 2019 will mark 400 years since the beginning of American slavery, which began in 1619. The Apostle Paul, in discussing how Christians are the true descendants of Abraham, wrote these words: Galatians 3:7-Therefore know that only those who are of faith are sons of Abraham. As the Bible reveals, an alliance of these linguistic groups was established under King Solomon during the tenth century B.C. Economist 2016 Revealed! INDIA AND EGYPT. Yates said Tanoa may refer to a Greek. For the Egyptians, it is Amun, or Amun-Ra, which means . Maui is similar to the Egyptian words for guide or navigator. Maui was said to have brought all civilized arts and crafts. google_ad_width = 728; Though it was rare for an Apache woman to become a warrior, girls learned to ride and shoot just as boys did, and women often helped to defend Apache villages when they were attacked. I enjoy reading and learning. The Cherokee tribes are Native toward the North American landmass. Predictive Programming in Cartoons! Women were landowners, but men were chiefs. In Egypt, a son could offer a stone to his parents, or to mark the birth of a new baby." "For the Maya, they represented rulers or the history of rulers. PROPHETIC! Just as mysterious is the trace of Australasian ancestry in some ancient South Americans. Anasazi And Algonquois Similarities. Being a witch or bad medicine person was punishable by death. With a phallic obelisk right next to them! Interestingly, one of the reasons the stele was initially rejected was that it contained some signs resembling Hebrew and others resembling Phoenician. 29 This ancient stele contains joint inscriptions in three ancient Languages: Iberian- Punic (a language related to and descended from Phoenician and Hebrew), Egyptian, and ancient Libyan. People would go to consult the Oracle whenever they had misfortune upon them and clans would never go to war unless they had consulted the Oracle first. 3. When did American Indians arrive in the Americas? 1948 Israel: Biblical Prophecy Or A Fraud? Six days of work with one commanded day of rest. Two ancient cultures we call the birth of civilization. indicates that they had been cooperating together for a considerable period of time. The Mayan pyramids were built mostly between the 3 rd and 9 th century AD by the Maya, a Mesoamerican civilization that arose around 1500 BC. As he built a new family something always bucked against his ability to be present and . While some share similarities in their stories, others have a very different story to tell of how this world came to be. The myth says, "When the world was finished, there were as yet no people, but the Bald Eagle was the chief of the animals. "How did it get there? 29 And if you are Christs, then you are Abrahams seed, and heirs according to the promise. For decades, scientists could describe the peopling of the Americas only in broad strokes, leaving plenty of mysteries about when and how people spread across the continents. Respect is a big part of our lives still. While the Central Band of Cherokee website has posted a summary of Yatess research, some online comments indicate that some Cherokee have been reluctant to stand behind such claims or to involve themselves in the controversy. It was mostly whites that were slaves, not indentured. Okay, if we suppose to been in slavery then that means everybody would have in slavery, but there were more free meteors than slaves negroes. He wonders whether that Australasian ancestry was confined to a small population of Siberian migrants who remained isolated from other Native American ancestors throughout the journey through Beringia and the Americas. It separates the great and hardworking from the weak and lazy (ex: Unoka). DNA gleaned from a roughly 14,000-year-old fragment of a human tooth suggests that people inhabiting a surprisingly large swath of Asia were the ancestors . Meltzer points out that none of the new samples can illuminate what's happening at pre-Clovis sites such as Chile's Monte Verde, which was occupied 14,500 years ago. This shows the power that the Oracle had, which comes from the belief of the people that the Oracle could tell the future or connect them to the deceased. 41 But they took this counsel among themselves, that they would leave the multitude of the heathen, and go forth into a further country, where never mankind lived. But their are many pyramids made by the Negro aka the Original Native Americans of America we call these pyramids today mounds and their makers the moundbuuilders. They are absolutely indigenous to this continent," Raff says. 'I was already in my 30s when my Indianness was pulled out from under me.' Photograph: Sequoya Yiaueki. 30 These are the language groups of the tripartite alliance which the Bible reveals began in the reign of Solomon! One could hardly invent a more fitting folk memory of Greek culture, Yates wrote. ", Lizzie is a contributing correspondent to Science, covering archaeology. Similar Values of Native Amercians and Puritans Essay. Also known as The Cradle of Civilization.. According to Carolyn J. Marr "At Chemawa, a cemetery contains headstones of 189 students who died at the school, and these represent only the ones whose bodies were not returned home for burial" that the school was harsh and treated the . Los Lunas Decalouge stone dates back to 107BCE is a 60ton limestone with Deut 27:2,3 ten commandments pliased in PaleoPhoenician surrounded by several other artifacts including a Sirius/Orion star map. Hebrew artifacts strewn throughtout the Americas from the N-S as four renown Mexican scholars agree the Negro were the first occupants ie Professor Constantine Rafinesque, Vicente Riva Palacio, Carlos Cuervo Marquez and Dr Nicolas Leo. 43 And they entered by the narrow passages of the river Euphrates. Their culture was more like a triangle. It is also fascinating to learn that the Native American tribes contain ancient stories of their being descended from the Hebrews. AAAS is a partner of HINARI, AGORA, OARE, CHORUS, CLOCKSS, CrossRef and COUNTER. google_color_text = "000000"; The competingteams, neither of which knew what theother was up to until the last minute, arestill trying to reconcile and make sense ofeach other's data. Or as I like to call it,a phoenix! There are certain similarities - though important distinctions also - between the traditions of Mesopotamia (which are ancestral to the Biblical narrative) and those of Egypt. By Bruce Bower. Everything in Israel is black vs yellow. The Trojan War and Ramayana 1 2 Another very interesting similarity is between Ramayan and the Trojan War. Generally speaking, they had a decent relationship with the other settlers. This may be true, but if it is, they left Asia more than 20,000 years ago, which is much too long a time period for linguistic preservation to occur. James Adair, an 18th century settler who traded with Native Americans for 40 years, wrote that their language, customs, and social structures were similar to those of the Israelites. There is not, perhaps, any one language or speech, except the Hebrew and the Indian American, which has not a great many prepositions. And, just as we saw with the First Egypt what happened to that Egypt during the period of Moses and the Children of Israel? On the other hand, dismissing these similarities without investigating them further can be labeled scientific incompetence. The Anasazi, Algonquian, and Iroquois North America once had somewhere between 140 and 160 different Native American tribes (American History). These upper parts of the pyramid (consisting only of men) had important roles in society. Nearly one-third of Native American genes come from west Eurasian peoples with ties to the Middle East and Europe, according to the oldest human genome yet sequenced, a new study says. The Most Hight God is returning to gather his people once again and finally we will be free!!! across the Americas about 13,000 years ago, Earliest evidence of horseback riding found in eastern cowboys, Funding woes force 500 Women Scientists to scale back operations, Lawmakers offer contrasting views on how to compete with China in science, U.K. scientists hope to regain access to EU grants after Northern Ireland deal, Astronomers stumble in diplomatic push to protect the night sky, Satellites spoiling more and more Hubble images, Pablo Neruda was poisoned to death, a new forensic report suggests, Europes well-preserved bog bodies surrender their secrets, Teens leukemia goes into remission after experimental gene-editing therapy, Ancient DNA Links Native Americans With Europe, Ancient human parallel lineages within North America contributed to a coastal expansion, Genomic evidence for the Pleistocene and recent population history of Native Americans. Since it was found in Iowa of the United States, it had to wait approximately a century to be understood. When America Declares War on Russia, America Will Fall.. 30% Native American DNA is middle-eastern in decent . As for African religions, there is no single religious branch. The Bereshyt/Zep Tepi/Genesis 15:13,14 prophesied 400 years of captivity beginning 1619-2019 coincides with the 7,000 year conjunction of Virgo and Regulus Leo as it relates to Rev 12:1,2 woman clothed with the sun and moon beneath her feet in birthing pains ready to deliver the manchild Msshyac Immanuel and Hydra being contained by Ophicius the Serpent Bearer of the 13th leap month announcing, wait for it, the Feast of TrumPence on Sept 23, 2017. Importantly, they were built for different purposes, are of different design and are located in sites different with regard to the local populace. Your tax-deductible contribution plays a critical role in sustaining this effort. Only men could be Pharaohs and in most of their paintings woman are behind the pharaohs or the males. Massive Similarities Between Different World Mythologies. He states the Cherokee linguistic structure is almost identical to the Hebrew language. They are one of the tribes that mastered the skill and art of farming. These reference populations are used to generate your ancestry percentages. Cherokee carried a sacred ark before them into battle. The main things that Native American and people today accept that it is a good thing to have could be the balance in the nature . Willerslev also finds traces of this Anzick-related ancestry in later samples from South America and Lovelock Cave in Nevada. We use cookies to understand how you use our site and to improve your experience. He recounted a Cherokee Twister Clan legend that named Mauis father as Tanoa. In writing about the Cherokee Paint Clan, Yates stated: Some of them practiced Judaism, although United Keetoowah [a Cherokee organization] elders vehemently deny this.. The North African region is south of the Mediterranean Sea and is comprised of ten countries. Its America copying Egypt, light skin Egyptian are racist towards people with dark skin just like European gene being racist. Could The Native Americans Be Descendants Of The Hebrews? The creation myths tell two polar opposite stories about how human kind came to be on Earth. I'll describe 3 deities from each religion and let you decide what is similar and different about each. The 12,700-year-old Anzick child from Montana, who is associated with the mammoth-hunting Clovis culture, known for their distinctive spear points, provided a key reference point. Egyptians were polytheistic. Chinese invented a moon cycle calendar. Extracting genome data is a new frontier for Egyptologists, however. As in Hebrew, Native American nouns have neither cases nor declensions, wrote Adair. We read throughout the Scriptures of the close relationship between the Hebrews and the peoples of Tyre and Sidon at different times. A major archeological find, a stele inscribed with ancient Old World languages, was found in 1874 near Davenport, Iowa. According to the World on the turtles back story ,the twin brothers created balance to this world like Yin and Yang which you might often see in many Asian cultures ., America is Egypt as is evidenced with the Smithsonian cover up of Egyptian/Kemetan artifacts in the Grand Canyon. July 22, 2015. This individual had genetic similarities to both Europeans and indigenous Americans, suggesting he was part of a population that contributed to movements into the New World 15,000 years ago and . In the Judeo-Christian myth, God created the Earth first then he created water, the sun, and the plants and animals. Could Ancient Greek Myths Hint at Contact With South America? The 10 Plagues will SURELY come again to America Modern Egypt. Dont yet have access? Scientists took 166 bone samples from 151 mummies, dating from approximately 1400 B.C. Back to the Infrequently Asked Questions index Boys, when they were younger, would spend time with their mothers, staying in their huts and listed to stories, The first tribe I will be talking about is the Navajo tribe. Are there really distinct similarities between America and Egypt? The Egyptian society lasted from 3100 BCE to 30 BCE. Help News from Science publish trustworthy, high-impact stories about research and the people who shape it. There were two regions of Egypt. The men were also expected to rule his wives and children. The data include 64 newly sequenced ancient DNA samples from Alaska to Patagonia, spanning more than 10,000 years of genetic history. Get more great content like this delivered right to you! Traditional religions are particularly different. Several Cherokee elders from Quallah boundary told me they were descendants of Israelites.In the early 18th century James Adair, a Hebrew scholar, lived for forty years among the Cherokee. The Creator had to have valued these plants, father roles arrange marriages and controls the amount of education each child receives the father also chooses the careers for his son's. "A key difference iswhen and how it arrived in the New World." Adair interacted extensively with the Native Americans hundreds of years ago, while their traditions were still thriving. Women were allowed to become priests in religious cults giving them some slight power in religion but men were still respected and taken more serious compared to. Heres proof that there are so many similarities similarities you may have never known: When you first look at modern Egypt today, what do you see? Note how about 30% of American land lies EAST of the River, with the other 70% WEST. As a result, says Jennifer Raff, an anthropological geneticist at the University of Kansas in Lawrence, "The [genetic] models that we've been using to explain the peopling of the Americas have always been oversimplified.". Known to America as The Cradle of American Civilization.. Isaiah 11:11 as well as joel 3:19. People will usually treat you accordingly. "Native Americans truly did originate in the Americas, as a genetically and culturally distinctive group. For example, in the myth "The World on the Turtles Back" (25) "In the Sky-World there was a man who had a wife, and the wife was expecting a child" This is a Native . But when Willerslev visited the tribe in person and vowed to do the work only with their permission, the tribe agreed, hoping the result would bolster their case for repatriation. What's new on our site today! Acknowledging and exploring a hidden history of interaction. Required fields are marked *. Throughout history, Egypt was one of the greatest societies for many reasons. The early, When reading the origin myth from the Cherokee, it is clear that animals and plants were valued for assisting in creating the earth, receiving special gifts, and sharing the land with humans. The lowest part of the hierarchy consists of children, in which the boys were superior to the girls. Hmm Where have I heard that before? Several evidences documented that these Canaanites had indeed colonized the North American continent, and that indeed, the Phoenician Empire had planted its flag on our shores long before the time of Columbus (and indeed, long before the time of Christ). 45 For through that country there was a great way to go, namely, of a year and a half: and the same region is called Arzareth. Cherokee name for the Holy Spirit: Loak- Ishthoollo- Aba, the great, beneficent, supreme, Holy Spirit of fire The Cherokee God is a triune that is One being named: El- o- HeyM In Cherokee, Au- Do- NiV- Du is the word for Lord. There is some similarity with the word Adonai, used by Hebrew- speakers. Delighted as they are with the data in the new studies, scientists want more. If you want proof youll have to spend a few months in the archives looking over everything from old ads to newspapers to letters to current period books to notices just to verify that what this author said is true. Many distinct Native American groups populated the southwest region of the current United States, starting in about 7000 BCE. Dr. Fell specifically noted the Phoenician character of the Iberian inscriptions. google_color_link = "0000FF"; The most recent major study of Egyptian materials by DuQuesne confirms that ritual masking existed in ancient Egypt, although its extent is problematic. Egypt is located around the Nile River. As for the rest, there is no more similarity between Native American and Ancient Egyptian civilizations than between any two ancient cultures. The Relevance of Native America to Black History. When Christopher Columbus first discovered America, he and his crews found a large population of people already inhabiting the land. 2 Chronicles 8:7-9 relates that the Hebrews and the Phoenicians worked together on this project, while 1 Kings 5:6 and 18 reveals that the Hebrews often stayed and worked in Phoenician cities during this project, and many Phoenicians stayed and worked in Israeli cities. Yin and Yang represent the Balance in thing ,in black theres still white and in white theres still black . Neither historical events nor cross-cultural currents can explain the unique parallels in the myths and imagery of ancient Egypt and India. Despite the scatteredness of the Arab world, these regions are similar. Notice how the Nile flows through the ENTIRE country, with about 30% of land to theeastof the River, and 70% to thewest. Next came men who were ordered depending on how many titles they had, how wealthy they were, and how strong they were. Other accounts that also attribute Hebraic influence of Cherokee society include explorer and botanist William Bartram, James Mooney, John Payne, and Daniel Butrick (who lived with the Cherokee for several decades), to name a few. All rights reserved. Each of the 50 countries that occupy the African continent has its own history. google_ad_channel =""; Amen. For decades, Cairo in Egypt was, and in some ways still is, the combined Hollywood and New York for film and . Any divergence from the expected haplotypes is usually attributed to an intermingling of races after European colonization, not to the genes that came with Native Americans from their origin. In some cases like shown in Source 4, an American Indian woman is seen smoking from a cigarette. Native Americans are generally thought to fit into five genetic groups, known as haplotypes, each named by a letter of the alphabet: A,B,C,D, and X. Yates demonstrated in a paper titled Anomalous Mitochondrial DNA Lineages in the Cherokee, what he calls the fallacy behind many genetic analyses: [The geneticists say] Lineage A, B, C, D, and X are American Indian. They were a powerful detached tribe of the Iroquoian family and were commonly called Tsaragi which translates into "cave people." There are no coincidences; there are no surprises. MORE ON THAT HERE. The Ramayana took place after Ravana. It showed no resemblance to Asian populations, only to European, yet it showed a clear connection to Native Americans. Was America ever under the period of ENSLAVEMENT? Although it is true that American Indians had little influence on modern technology and they have their own history and beliefs, their adaptation in modern US society has not flourished as much. In fact Det.28:1-68 Shows that the so called Negro Native American Hispanic are in fact the tru children of God (Israelites) The Levant region is east of the Mediterranean Sea and includes Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, and Palestine. After up to 8000 years in Beringiaa slightly shorter stop than some researchers have suggested ( Science, 28 February 2014, p. 961)they spread in a single wave into the Americas and then split into northern and southern branches about 13,000 years ago (see map, below). You want the truth the Negros are both the Egyptians and Hebrew, they have been building Pyramids all over north and south american today called mounds and moundbuilders their makers. For example, when King David died, we are told: 1 Kings 5:1-Now Hiram king of Tyre sent his servants to Solomon, because he heard that they had anointed him king in place of his father, for Hiram had always loved David. 27 For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ. Hence, there is much religious diversity in Africa. Reich's team found an even closer relationship between Anzick and 9300- to 10,900-year-old samples from Chile, Brazil, and Belize. (2 Kings 17), the ten northern tribes were taken captive back to the land of Assyria. to A.D. 400, extracting DNA from 90 . Adapted from Rhagavan et al., Science The largest was Tikal, which by 750 CE had about 40,000 inhabitants, in specialized occupations and ruled by elites. This could be evidence of American Indians adapting to the western world, but it is merely a photograph taken for a photographer's album. What sticks out? This shows that theres no completely black or white in this world so the balance between these two is so important. Their art also reflected the environments in which. Today American/Egypt is ruled by Rome/England-Pope. Join us on today's show as we uncover and discuss the similarities between Ancient Egypt and the Inca / Pre Inca peoples of Mesoamerica. YES!!! These three credentials have given him a unique perspective on Native American history as it relates to these ancient cultures, and how DNA testing can support the theoretical link. The Mayans, Aztecs and Incas shared some similarities like farming practices, social structures, military defenses and the worship of multiple gods. The following are some examples of what he witnessed: The Cherokee name for God: YoHeWaH (Yo- Heh- WaH).This is amazing because in Hebrew the name of God is written YHVH and is often pronounced Yehovah, Jehovah, and Yahweh. He wrote in his book The History of the American Indians: It is a very difficult thing to divest ourselves, not to say, other persons, of prejudices and favourite opinions, and I expect to be censured by some for opposing commonly received sentiments, or for meddling with a dispute agitated among the learned ever since the first discovery of America.. A series of mysterious and uncanny architectural, artistic, and religious parallels connect the ancient Maya and Egyptian civilisations. Science and AAAS are working tirelessly to provide credible, evidence-based information on the latest scientific research and policy, with extensive free coverage of the pandemic. But the set of differences makes each myth almost unique. Chavvah is the Hebrew word commonly translated as Eve and means Lifegiver. The Cherokee word for earth is Yahkane which means Yahs footstool. New Moon assemblies with the new year beginning at the first sighting of the New Moon during the Spring Equinox. Egyptians started around 3150 B.C and had its highest peak at 30 B.C. As we can see in this authentic Egyptian hieroglyphic, and according to the Story of The Exodus,the Hebrews, also known as the Children of Israel, sojourned in Egyptfor 430 years, and were ENSLAVED there for 400 years. Do anyone check the document census records, probate court records to confirm the slavery? Apparently, ancient explorations and settlements were concentrated on the major inland waterways of America, as much of the evidence of their presence has been found in such locales. //-->. They were considered as civilised by white settlers because they had started using a significant number of the traditions grabbed from the colonists.