"And, he's a deep thinker, pushing the envelope with commentary that allows the reader or listener to think outside the box. I fact-checked this nine times, because I said This can not be real, Roberts said. Which, of course, he does not define but which he implies is some sort of unconditional affirmation (which is not the way Christ defined love). Look at everyone the same, treat all the same, do business with them the same. He can move in with Tanner in PDX. The three biggies: Do you believe in and worship God and Jesus Christ? In his article he explicitly wants to change the definition of family in the proclamation. The Minneapolis radio stations that have been the home to the University of Minnesota football and basketball teams will keep them for the foreseeable future. Why arent parts of Utahs prison being saved for historys sake. Hopefully people here do not kick a guy when he is already down, Even if financially ok, gotta be a big blow to your ego/confidence to know that, Poor guy on the air sounds like he's forcing back tears talking about it. They are the on-air, microphone-toting, talking pirates minus one who walked the plank. It's worth reading in depth. Family is comfort. The only problem with that arrangement was that while the Jazz owner was on our air, he was directly competing against his teams station. Tribune sports columnist Gordon Monson was ousted from his spot on The Zone's afternoon drive time show after 20 years behind the mic. You werent in the position or frame of mind at a certain time in your life to do the mission thing? he does a great impersonation of Rob Gronkowski, and hes got a really over-the-top Boston accent that he can also do. KIRO Radio 97.3 FM and 710 ESPN Seattle are the . I too think its suspect. Removing the idea that turning down a calling in the church is a sin would be a priority. Its seeing each others jagged edges, but choosing never to look away. He was a home but he, Never good for someone to lose a job, glad he still can write to support himself. They are loved, not condescendingly, not like pets in a cage, but like authentic equals. Too many people would rather get comfortable with sin, than becoming comfortable in God's presence. What if Donovan Mitchell emerges not just as a great basketball player, but as a social leader of an entire generation? A recent quote I read: Theres no commandment that commands anyone to make sure other people keep commandments.. (Al Hartmann | The Salt Lake Tribune) Larry and Gail Miller watch a game with Gordon Monson in 2007. From the General Handbook of the church: As used here,apostasyrefers to a member engaging in any of the following: * Repeatedly acting in clear and deliberate public opposition to the Church, its doctrine, its policies, or its leaders, * Persisting in teaching as Church doctrine what is not Church doctrine after being corrected by the bishop or stake president, * Showing a pattern of intentionally working to weaken the faith and activity of Church members. You werent in the position or frame of mind at a certain time in your life to do the mission thing? He'll go back to 1320 and bring them all with him. How dare they? Not sure. The show made money. There was a complication in that mixing. But Monson still has hope for what the station can be in the . He said: None of our guys asked me to come on. Russ Heltman is a daily news writer for BSM. Not a rebel. Whenever possible, choose a job that does not require you to work on Sundays.. /u/maharbamt, if your post doesn't fit this definition, we kindly ask you to delete this post and repost it with the appropriate flair. People of all faiths and perspectives are welcome to engage in civil, respectful discussion about topics related to Mormonism. Not a fan, but sad for anyone losing their job. Monson, who had been co-hosting the afternoon show on The Zone alongside Jake Scott, co-founded the independent station with Utah Jazz TV voice Craig Bolerjack. I hope he lands on his feet. GordonMonson When you have members in developing countries selling their gold teeth to go to your temple while your church sits on BILLIONS how can you see it as anything but corrupt and a cult? Just a theory. The answer is BYU. Honestly, about time. Maybe doctrine will change, maybe it will never change. GordonMonson Even with those changes its still coo-coo land crazy. On Friday, he used his column in the Salt Lake Tribune to say goodbye to the station he helped launch and give the new bosses a message. Wouldnt serving as a hardworking missionary be the best way to repent? Forum Moderator. They could be good, famous examples and missionaries for their church, stirring interest in matters of faith while suiting up and knocking the snot out of opponents on the Sabbath. Since I was also a columnist for The Tribune, with strict journalistic rules to follow, working simultaneously now for a station owned by the Jazz, a team I covered and opined about for the paper, there had to be hands-off orders to follow. Were excited to use our scale and reach to bring Gopher sports to fans throughout Minneapolis and nationwide on the iHeartRadio app.. We had both been tossed out by another local sports station because, as they said it, they no longer could afford to pay us. Id like to be wealthy as much as the next guy. Hunter. In pink tops and white pants, women celebrate free period products becoming available in Utahs state buildings, Proposal to boost Utah bar licenses gets smaller with another round of cuts by lawmakers, Moab, Park City cry foul as Utah lawmakers target rules for vacation homes. Let me represent those fifty people in the bar. Gone would be sermons that are all delivered exactly the same, with the same tone and tenor, as though they were all written by the same person, without the slightest hint of individuality. Father. And he that taketh not his cross, and followeth after me, is not worthy of me. Nay, ye cannot say this; for that same spirit which doth possess your bodies at the time that ye go out of this life, that same spirit will have power to possess your body in that eternal world." sltrib.com 1996-2023 The Salt Lake Tribune. "Let the residue of the elders watch over the churches, and declare the word in the regions round about them; and let them labor with their own hands that there be no idolatry nor wickedness practiced. (Francisco Kjolseth | The Salt Lake Tribune) Gordon Monson. Its not a fictious site. Press J to jump to the feed. (Its something I read on a wall somewhere written by someone at some time for families everywhere): Family is love without motive. Below are a few of the "interesting" ideas from his article. only for your personal, non-commercial use. All rights reserved. Not infrequently, with BYU such a big deal in this market, religion crossed over into sports. On the other hand, some readers and responders applauded his commitment to his beliefs, considering that commitment nothing short of inspiring. Fifty people in a bar can tell the tuck rule? Miller Co. signed a contract. A cocksure host bet his life that BYU would lose to Oklahoma back in the day. Would have come with it. Five years after that football player made his own decision, I visited him in his classroom, where he was teaching a bunch of 16- and 17-year-olds the finer points of algebra. Something mostly outside my normal sphere of writing. Some folks need to be encouraged that . Do not lord over them with direct orders or by implication. Another called a high-ranking Utah administrator a liar. The three separate stories entertain you with realistic experiences that could happen to anyone of us. Estimated read time: 3-4 By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. "I'm not exaggerating when I say that most, if not all, of what I have in my life professionally, I owe to Gordon," said Scott Garrard, longtime midday host and Zone executive. Family is constant. Gordon Monson is a Mormon sports writer for the Salt Lake Tribune (a publication started by the Godbeites to attack church leaders and policies- true story). In one church manual, targeted toward young people, which appeared to be official, it read as follows: Sunday is not a day for shopping, recreation or athletic events. If you sell your radio station, you will probably get fired from it if you arent very good. Gordon Monson: Utah fans are everywhere, worshiping at college footballs cathedralTheres something about the Rose Bowl and its mystique, its history, its draw that brings people in. Hello! Over time, before the LHM Group bought the stations, personnel changed, the Jazz-affiliated station lured away some talent, and the competition was fierce. WFAN afternoon host Evan Roberts thought he was reading a story from sports satire site Ballsack Sports while perusing the report. Gordon Monson laid off from 1280. Everyone on 1280 and 97.5 The Zone had something to say. This is where the discussion here separates from poor me and turns to a much more important matter open reporting and free commentary in this town and state that is not controlled or swayed by a dominant overlord. When I kept reading it thinking This cant be true, this cant be true, I started thinking to myself I hope its truehes going to suck, and its gonna be so funny. He also works in gameday communications for FC Cincinnati and additionally contributes to the AllBengals blog for Sports Illustrated. Maybe a shout here and there. or not, if it simply keeps food on the table and the mortgage paid, what is an employee supposed to do? 9/30/21 2:09pm. The Salt Lake Tribune, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) public charity and contributions are tax By the way, which is unhealthier banned coffee or permissible energy drinks that simultaneously spin the body and blow the mind in a thousand different directions? KFAN+ will be the exclusive home of Minnesota womens hockey. As of immediately? That would be ironic, since Im a lifelong member of that church, and was once offered a columnist job at the KSL-affiliated Deseret News, which I turned down. Its making mistakes, but giving grace. Something different. minutes. All that is a lot to handle. All other content is 1999-2023 SM Consulting, LLC. And he also testified unto the people that all mankind should be saved at the last day, and that they need not fear nor tremble, but that they might lift up their heads and rejoice; for the Lord had created all men, and had also redeemed all men; and, in the end, all men should have eternal life. (Alma 1:4). He was trying to disrupt swimmers who were protesting the hotel . It was a bit rough around the edges. Although he jokes he's an "oxymormon," he believes his experience gives him unique insight. Not that hard is universally bad. His opinion piece on Elder Holland's BYU talk? It was many years ago when a talented BYU football player informed me and thereby the world that he would forgo playing in the NFL to teach math at a high school. I called an executive at Simmons Media, left a telephone message for him, told him what we aimed to do. Donate more if you feel so inspired, but you dont have to do so in the name of good and godliness. https://www.sltrib.com/religion/2022/01/02/gordon-monson-please-dont/. Hopefully they can discuss this so it does not become a pattern. 3 more would improve Utahs culture: shun being childlike, move beyond materialism (Rolexes arent a pass to heaven), take air pollution that prematurely kills 2,400/yr seriously. He was a top prospect, a 6-foot-7, 330-pound offensive tackle who had been a high draft pick, selected despite previously sending letters to NFL clubs saying he would decline any invitation. Gordon Monson laid off from 1280. 9/30/21 2:08pm. Larry always showed up in person, ready to talk, ready to share information, ready to argue, ready to brawl, if thats what the issue of the day called for. Theres nothing wrong with modesty, I get that. Call it whatever you want, with or without the priesthood, but empower women. He was a fervent believer, a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints who had made a habit of scripture study and, in this particular case, he was following with strict interpretation and adherence to what he had read. And they didn't. The father of five daughters, he served a mission in Germany and today, in fact, is a member of his stake high council. Sports, sports, sports. Was it because I voiced my own independent thoughts about sports and a wide range of other topics that made the folks at KSL uncomfortable? Whether those women have the priesthood or not, they should be allowed a berth as wide as the men when it comes to church leadership and decision-making. when people say he is loadedhow much is loaded. Never pressure or guilt anyone into filling a church calling. Donate to the newsroom now. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Also if family is defined as "love without motive, love without conditions", I wonder if or why he would oppose queer polygamy advocates like fellow member of the church Blaire Ostler who makes that exact same argument to support bringing back polygamy, but a more "expansive" polygamy. Rather than Bonneville dealing with sign a new one down the road, they decided to just pay him out the rest of it and be done with him. This is a Institutional post. Dan Patrick liked the idea. Thats what we saw ourselves as freaking pirates in the studio, at the ballpark, at the stadium, at the arena, toting and talking into our microphones, taking notes, taking calls and taking no prisoners. To receive the free newsletter in your inbox, subscribe here. Right there in Exodus 20:8 Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy., Study and stare as he might, he could not rearrange the scripture, not in his mind, to a more suitable, bendable Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy unless you can pile up enough stacks of cash in pro football to buy a mansion with a pool surrounded by a mote and five acres of manicured lawn, and a garage filled with a fleet of Ferraris., [Get more content like this in the Mormon Land newsletter, a weekly highlight reel of developments in and about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. When The Zone was formed in 2001, it was done with one central governing principle preserving freedom to voice opinions, popular or unpopular, reverent or irreverent, about sports, about sports teams in this market, about coaches and players, about institutions of all kinds, and about other things, without boundaries. For a minute, forget about the bombastic statements and sentences, think about what really matters. The only allowable exception here would be if thats the way said leaders spouse addresses him or her around the house. Tom Brady trying to be funny and not be funny is gonna be the most hilarious thing in the world., Gopher Sports Properties and iHeartMedia have agreed to a new contract that will keep the Golden Gophers on KFAN, KFAN+ and KTLK through the end of the 2026-2027 academic year.. GordonMonson Amen, Brother! Our two companies are uniquely aligned, sharing deep roots in Utah and a focus on serving local audiences with a commitment to high-quality content and operations.. And it was OK. All good. In a deal made with the Jazz, there was an interloper on the scene. Did Christ himself sip a little wine? The upside to this specific story was the manner in which the player went about his business. Advance warning: We're going to talk religion here, so if you have an aversion to that, stop reading here and now. One host told a caller making racist comments to take the white hood off. Others went after coaches who mistreated their players. Maybe Gordo can comment on that? New pill cuts cholesterol, heart attacks. Below are a few of the "interesting" ideas from his article. Politicians and policymakers in Utah, and elsewhere, sometimes get confused about this. People around here only got bits and pieces of the whole. Im reading this again, and its on Radar Online! Is that really something God would be against? Your suggestions are sound and I support you 100%. The two things we wanted to avoid: cheap shots and cheerleading. I was coming to the end of the line anyway, planning to walk away on my own. "- Doctrine and Covenants 52. Monson was caught up in a business decision between the Jazz and Bonneville International Corp., which will manage the daily operations of The Zone Sports Network (97.5 FM and 1280 AM). Not on the show today? They straight handed us an entire station the one the Beach Boys sang about in their song Salt Lake City and told us to build it from the ground up. All posts are copyrighted by their author. There were times when I decided to play pro ball. We had some fun with that awkward circumstance over the next few hours, and then we walked away, making a different promise, this one to ourselves, one that would actually be kept to go out and build a new show on a new station that would do sports talk right. They are men and women, hopefully smart and inspired men and women, but not already-translated folks who are angels in human form. Instead of the fundamental unit of society being couples having and raising children, family is just anyone who unconditionally loves each other. We might be wrong sometimes, and we knew that up front. He didnt beat anybody over the head with his own personal, strident brand of righteousness, his higher standard. There was no sanctimony in his decision. Not the you who was ducking out down a back alley, looking for the easier route. It might be hard. That was Jackson Guild's version of what happened during and after the natural. The question Gordon is most often asked is where he went to school. Family is beauty and madness intertwined our storm and shield all at once. No legitimate sports-talk station should shy away from such matters. As a consequence of BYU's inclusion into the Big 12 for the 2023-24 academic year, the football program will face scheduling difficulties likely requiring wholesale shuffling. Too often these leaders are thought of within the church as more than celebrities, as though they are if not deity, close to it. Gordon Monson is a Mormon sports writer for the Salt Lake Tribune (a publication started by the Godbeites to attack church leaders and policies-. So what. "The Queer Polygamy Model leaves room for same-gender and same-sex sealings, whether they are non-romantic, such as between my sister and me, or homosexual, such as between two wives. Give me a damn seat on the competition committee already so I can be in that room and pound the table, Dan, he said Wednesday on The Dan Patrick Show. Again, not saying church members dont already do those acts of giving and kindness, but what I am saying is, if some behavior must be made mandatory, make it service to humankind. Donate to the newsroom now. GordonMonson 100% in agreement with your 20 recommendations. Why couldnt he gain that forgiveness without being sent home for what amounts to a Walk of Shame in front of family, friends and fellow members before earning his way back out to donate his time as a church volunteer? Head Topics, publish breaking news of all around the world. In June 1964, James Brock dumped acid into the water at the Monson Motor Lodge in St. Augustine, Fla. Surfer. 9/30/21 2:08pm. From first downs to buzzer beaters, get KSL.coms top sports stories delivered to your inbox weekly. His humor may catch you off guard, but he loves to see and hear people laugh. Gordon was compensated greatly. 12. GordonMonson ..as Samuel Callan warned, the church that weds itself to the culture of the day will be a widow within each succeeding age. This is but one of the marks of the true and living Church: it is spared the fruits of fadism(Maxwell) GordonMonson Paywalled. Is a walk around the neighborhood OK, but a hike in the mountains not OK? What do you do when Luke Staley, one of the Cougars all-time football greats, wants his jersey number taken off LaVell Edwards Stadium because of concerns over the enforcement of the Honor Code and LGBTQ issues at BYU? Family is the type of love that will never leave. deductible, Report a missed paper by emailingsubscribe@sltrib.comor calling801-237-2900, For e-edition questions or comments, contact customer support801-237-2900or emailsubscribe@sltrib.com. What does thinking or looking like a ball bearing or like the New Christy Minstrel Singers have to do with righteousness? They can wear a beard or long hair or flowing robes. deductible, Report a missed paper by emailingsubscribe@sltrib.comor calling801-237-2900, For e-edition questions or comments, contact customer support801-237-2900or emailsubscribe@sltrib.com. All rights reserved. As far as I understand he will continue to write for the Tribune. Next thing, the Los Angeles Times and Boston Globe, among others, were contacting him to get his story. The Tribune is also reporting that other radio producers were let go as part of the transition to Bonneville. Before and after the Miller Family sold the Jazz and the station in separate deals to Ryan Smith, the overall spirit of the station remained. For. Ill go on writing my column here, loving the written word, same as it ever was, for a while yet. But this discussion isn't about what could have happened on the court. Make it clear that eternity is a long, long time and if people in this brief life do not always get or agree with what the church is doing or why it takes the positions it does, and they dont cling to the iron rod or stay on the covenant path, if they wander a bit or a lot, they wont necessarily be sentenced to some miserable, hellish prison in the Great Beyond, isolated from whom and what they love. Ive actually heard church leaders blame girls in the congregation for wearing short skirts and tight shirts, thereby causing impure thoughts to creep into the tender minds of the boys. Im also rooting for ESPN 700. He had served as a Counselor in the First Presidency of the Church since November 10, 1985. If fans at home are screaming at their TV that the call that was just made makes no sense, then the NFL should be listening. ), Francisco Kjolseth | The Salt Lake Tribune. OK, since were starting a new year, lets try something wild and crazy here. Don't cry for Monson, he is quite well off and still writes for that garbage rag, Whatever happened to the former Ute player Kyle Gunther? Same with going for a walk, or not going for a walk. All topics? He was happy for other athletes who chose to go ahead and play on Sundays for their success, for their utilization of size and strength and speed and skill. But I always came back to the feeling that I shouldnt. And there shall also be many which shall say: And if it so be that we are guilty, God will beat us with a few stripes, and at last we shall be saved in the kingdom of God. Yeah, this would cost the church a stack of cash, reducing its financials considerably. The scriptures speak a lot about the importance of the Sabbath day, the promises to those who obey that commandment are real and powerful. /r/Mormon is a subreddit for articles and topics of interest to people interested in Mormon themes. Nobody could tell me why I, rather singularly, was uninvited. Forgiveness can come quickly, a good spirit, too, especially when the desire is there for diligent, good works. Just a believer looking for a slightly better way. But if they are in a place in their lives that makes it overly burdensome for them to do something the bishop thinks he wants them to do, empowering them to righteously express a firm no without feeling guilty would absolutely be acceptable.
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