Could you explain why those are big red flags? -_-) Hey Im scared now I have MC in 22 56 Taurus and my 4th house starts at 22 Scorpio containing Pluto. and saturn in leo at 22 degrees (in the 6th house). If the natal chart concurs, there is a danger caused by a heart condition or a violent accident. About the placement: Mars is in my 5th house, and I was born before noon. Thank you! one of them cyber bullied me, one of them made me feel extremely insecure. They make those transformations happen easier. And having Sun and Mars in the 10th house means you are fairly motivated to achieve worldly success, tangible success (Taurus). I wish I had more to add here, but I have been wondering about the 22s I see in my chart and in others' as well. 117K subscribers in the AskAstrologers community. Even a 1-2 min difference can indicate a different Ascendant degree and house cusps degrees, mind you. I assume you are familiar with that, if not you can find articles on the psychology of Socprio and Neptune on my website. Check your 11th house or its ruler for further information. . Im super nervous about my chart because I do have my moon in Aries in the 22nd degree and its in the second house , I dont really know if its a bad placement in particular but I did see we are having a new moon in Aries next week in the 22nd degree and I dont know if that will possibly affect me more in that time too. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. 22 degrees astrology 22 degrees astrology. So I have my Venus at the 21 degree in the 12th house and my Pluto at the 22nd degree in the 12th house also both are Sagittarius. You are definitely not doomed. :)), I hope I could help! Hi, I also have Neptune in the 18th degrees, but its in Aquarius & the 11th house. I have the most beautiful and loving parents. I attribute the many points to my survival and decent nature, as I have so many they form conjunctions, sextiles, and trines. I`m having health issues half of my life and I`m afraid what my life will be in the future. I had so much expectations during my jupiter return & was heart broken when i didnt have any friends yet again when i thought this was the time. After deep diving into astrology over the last few years, it all makes a lot more sense. She fights a lot with all of us-mostly with me (she is a teenager). Be super organised! My dad is a capricorn rising and my mum a virgo rising haha, My Capricorn sun is in the 22nd degree and Im not going to lie but that is scaring me lol. Most likely, your relationship with your partner will experience a hiccup, or something else will cause your life to shift. but i think it has something to do with my cusp because my birth is december 23. lemme know what you think!! As far as worrying about a complicated pregnancy I recommend you look at critical degrees of planets. I must kill or be killed. My dad did die when I was a kid! I kept seeing the kill or be killed situation which had me feel paranoid but reading your post has made me feel a little better about the 18 and 22 degrees! As you said you have a Virgo Ascendant, hopefully the busy Aquarius house (now 4 planets are in Aquarius), which is your 6th house, brings you healing! Venus in Gemini can give some excellent skills with the hands that you could possibly make a job out of it. NEWMAGICFOR THE NEWAGE Daring to challenge old stereotypes and misconceptions surrounding magical practice, New Millenni. With all my love and hugs, Niki, My moon is in Pisces 22 degrees in my fifth house. If you want proof to calm your nerves, go to Astroseek, click "famous people database", then click "advanced astro search", then "planet search". This is interesting. Thank you and I apologize in advance of my poor English. Having difficulties with exams is indicated by the 9th house or the ruler of the 9th house is weak or weakened by other planets. But I dont know if this would manifest badly or what it means, jupiter and venus (in 8th) is conjunct (both pisces) . View Archive. Thank you for responding! If most of the angles are 29 degrees then the native would have a violent death for certain. I have never once felt violently vindictive, but I do know I would fight and even kill if I or someone I loved was being threatened. Is that a bad placement. For more specific interpretation I must see the whole chart. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. . my daughters Gemini rising at 18 How should I interpret this? Now Im so nervous lol! It can have many general interpretations, such as a long-lasting marrige, working together with the spouse, a more mature or older spouse etc. Also mars 18degreea at 7th house. Moon in the second house at 22 degrees Ive been studying astrology but not quite sure how it applies to me and dont want to conjure up any negativity in my life. What does it mean ? 2 TP Aug 9, 2017. This was a nicely written blog. Experienced the rawness of life as I saw one commenter mention. I feel transformed and want to use my experience to help heal. Just means when push comes to shove you are cutthroat, like win at all costs. The 22nd degree found in astrology charts is sometimes referred to as the "to kill or be killed degree". why? Thanks. i think we need shadow work i get the vibe that most of us have been looked down upon or not believed in because of others which led us to be envious or self centered. If one has only a good 5th house (house of joy) that is already a good life, right? Hey Olivia, I am very sorry for your loss! Btw a strong Jupiter in the 12th house gives powerful guardian angels to the native. Mars Pisces 22 However, the distribution of suicide by hanging appeared significantly higher in those with a birth sign of Virgo and lowest in Sagittarius and Scorpio. I personally have 22 degrees in Capricorn Chiron and Im kinda worried since Chiron is pretty heavy aspect even with his massive healing qualities. why is 22 degrees a fatal degree in astrology? ASTROLOGY IS HERE TO HELP. Thank you so much! aries in my 1st house If you have a planet in the 22nd degree in the natal chart, then read on. If I had been knowledgeable about our chart before this violent tragic incident Im wondering if this event could of been prevented?!?!? Life has been pretty painful but the older I get the the more painless it gets. The minutes are important for natal chart rectification and for the slow-moving planetary transits. I have a Virgo Venus at 22. I dont think it means actual death or murder. How can I use this Energy in possitive afirmative way? I have my Mars and Chiron in 22 degrees in aqua and this has been my life experience too, Leo Sun 22 and would most definitely agree w this, Hi wondering could you help or advise, I've just read this exact same thing in my birth chart nothnode in Scorpio critical at 21 degrees , It says the same kill or be killed. rising, pluto, scorpio. And do the same with the 9th house too. Moon there can make you gainful with Moon domains. I have only one aspect with Mars: Mars sextile Jupiter. What is the meaning behind that? Your Saturn is at 21st degree. I have that too, my MC is in Capricorn at 18th degree. Im so worried that means something in regards to my mothers life. Hi Ive always been worried about this especially after finding I have Venus in Cancer at 22 degrees. hi there! I do have a critical mother and hope that is what it represents. because a few people did relate with me on quora. As a Capricorn rising that is absoluety ok to feel that. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Oh, and plus, the Scorpio one also has an aspect of Sun-Chiron, but instead of conjunct, is opposite the Sun. hi! The Sabian Symbols for your 2nd house cusp and Moon would be 23rd and 19th degree respectively..Based on zero to one degree = first degree and 29 to 30 degrees = 30th degree, which (I think) most astrologers use. Does that basically mean i will have to experience a serious illness? The fact that you are worried when you are reading this post, is the textbook manifestation of Virgo because Virgo rules worrying. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. so you have your Saturn and Mars in weak conjunction in Taurus, correct? thats a lot of 22s.. any insights would be so appreciated you have no idea, One of the many possible interpretaion can be to spend money (2nd house) quickly (Mars) BUT having Mars at the 22nd degree means youd better be careful with spendings and spend more slowly (22nd degree, Capricorn analogy). now, i want to remind you that this is the worst case scenario and that this degree can manifest itself in many diferent ways - just like the 18 . Please help me out in understanding what i need to do?!.. You are having a Venus return soon. My mother has her natal sun in exactly 22 degrees. But when I was a baby my father could be killed, had a threat to his life. Or illness? guys, firstly, this is a very broad interpretation. Work in the 8th house fields, or channel that energy somehow into your work. This thread got me thinking of sabianshope i'm not too off topic here. note that i have also studied from various sources about this. Chapter 9 - THE ANNUNCIATION. I used to sleep with weapons (rocks, baseball bats) next to my bed as a child. Once the native learns these lessons she is able to maintain a loving romantic relationhsip. This site uses cookies to help personalise content, tailor your experience and to keep you logged in if you register. . Leo qualities 3 times. Thx. Thank you so so much!!! (The whole chart should be considered.) The purpose of astrology is not to scare anyone. being a perfectionist can be super beneficial and you can achieve a lot with that. Scorpio degrees: 8 th degree and 20 th degree. By clicking Accept, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. I have mars in 22 deg 3H scorpio and saturn in 18 deg 8H aries kinda scared tbh is this really bad? I am sure not a workaholic, also the moon is oppositing sun and mars, trines pluto a little scary,i also have a 7th house stellium. Collected Editions. I have also always battled with this seemingly irrational fear that something was out to get me. Hey Melanie, wishing you all the best! thank you for sharing this, eased my mind sooo much!!! . Venus is at 2 22 Cancer, Neptune/Moon midpoint at 22 Sag, and my Venus/Jupiter midpoint is at 22 Cancer. Thank you for this article. 22 degrees means you have to experience a very raw and difficult part of this world. My libra Jupiter also appears to be my chart ruler. What would be your interpretation of this? What does that mean?, Making money (2nd house) with Moon domains and make it as a career (22nd degree, Capricorn degree). Ascendant at the 18th degree (Meaning+ Examples),, Special Deal! Having your Venus at the 22nd degree means add Capricorn qualities, which point back to work/vocation/career. Looks like eing pretty heavy? Hello! 18- Virgo degree. I would suggest adding a basic Virgo quality to your Uranus, which can be ie budgeting. What difference does the degree on the planets and house cusps make? Hello! but then its was called the worst degree in astrology! Thank you for this article it definitely helped soothe my anxiety a bit. Hi, is it bad that my Mars is in Virgo and its 18 degrees? Add the houses domains to the keywords above. Cause I know the degree 22 is "to kill or be killed" saying . Hey Sabrina, Is it a bad thing ? I have been getting more into astrology and I'm learning about degrees. Could you please give me some advice? I hope this helps and I am definitely in the process of feeling comfortable in places that are not as comfortable as they should. The final degree in the natal chart: poised for change. Being placed in the 12th house means your career can be connected to isolated places or far away places or working in solitude. . . So, talking about coincidence, we have more of ``degree theory`` in here. Also, very interesting article! Whats your take on 0 degrees Leo Sun? Its Doesnt always mean murder. I recently discovered that I have a Virgo Venus in the 18th degree. The degrees just add more meaning or deeper insight. Covid-19 was the eighth leading cause of death among children in recent months, according to a study published Monday. North Node in Aries 18 degrees, I have my libra jupiter in the tenth house at the 18th degree. I have an 18 degree in venus, that is in Gemini, what does that brings to me? Moon in Taurus at the 22nd degree in the 10th house can be awesome! Kill Or Be Killed, Vol. My dad is a cap and quite literally my best friend and I am getting overwhelmed by this info . Any planet in the 11th house is good. any insight? Ascendant in Virgo at 6. My sun (father) is at 18 degrees: I had a very abusive father, mentally and physically, and my moon (mother) is at 22 degrees: she was a very cold and distant. My 18 degree 14 3 Virgo Mercury (retrograde) and 18 degree 3 23 Virgo Venus are conjunct at 18 degrees Virgo in my 11th House. Search: 22 Degrees Astrology. I have a set of twins with their sun at 22 degrees of Scorpio; their father is a Capricorn. manifest clarity and find solutions. I have my Sun 22 08 degree Virgo, Pluto 22 39 degree Virgo. ASTROLOGY IS TO HELP US ENHANCE KNOWLEDGE. My ex, who so far has been my only real love experience in life passed away 6yrs ago. Advertisement Coins. I would really appreciate it since their both in the 18th degree . Keep strong. Because I have Saturn at 21.40, so would that count as 22?? Hi, super-strong Capricorn energy! my sun (libra) and moon (virgo) are in the 18th degree and its really freaking me out cause apparently im either connected to satan or will have a really bad illness and i dont know how to handle this information. But I can see what you mean and indeed shadow work is extremely important. All of my planets are at 18 degrees except for 2 of them witch are in 19 degrees and its making me anxious , How was your life going? 22 degrees "kill or be killed" Read My Chart. This doesn't imply the literal death. I love Nikolas work and Im still learning how to fully interpret it. Hi! As Saturn being one of the career indicators in the chart.. My mother who is a Virgo rising has her Venus conjunct her ascendant in 18. omg how has life been like for you so far? I have Moon at 21'05 (Aquarius) and its ruler, Uranus is on the 9th cusp (house of dreams and visions) so I often dream of being in danger. Bit worried, could you let me know what these means? My sun is in the 6th (work) and I am a Capricorn rising and I feel Work is the most important thing in my life. This is an introduction into the most famous degree in astrology. My No 1. remedy for Virgo Venus is to have a beauty (Venus) routine (Virgo). its nice to meet you! Extreme difficulty and grief dominant throughout life despite immense effort to function better within it. Search: 22 Degrees Astrology. I cant lie I have been struggling a lot since a young age, with self-esteem and others criticism and sometimes its hard to take, still to this (age 17). Since Jupiter is the planet of luck and 18 brings bad fortune and 1st house is to self, I feel like I am walking down an eminent path of self destruction? This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. . If a friend of Saturn (Venus and Mercury) even that hard aspect can bring great results later. Without having a look on your chart I would say about the 7th house Saturn that it must be a double Saturn influence, depends on the dignity of Saturn. Hi Niki, 22 : kill or be killed Astrology and Psychology. How long have you been blogging for? i dont have any severe health issues that i know of though. If you interpret your Venus this way add Capciron qualities to it. Just discovered this after years of study, very interesting. It just struck me as odd as Ive always wanted to act but confidence & public speaking were a huge hindrance, but I adore reading & writing so wondering if this might be some sort of coincidence? A person murdered by father had most malefic at 21 Sagittarius and MC on 18 Scorpio. Actually star, your Uranus and 12th house are in the 23rd degree and your Venus is in the 22nd degree. I am confident they will be benefited from this site. I have some excellent intel on this topic. Kill or be killed. He was also an Aries Sun So my Neptune in Capricorn 18 placement in my 2nd H(Sag 27) is a bit concerning Ive been warned abt it relating to lung health issues. 22 Pisces (352): A PROPHET BRINGING DOWN THE NEW LAW FROM MOUNT SINAI. Ill definitely digg it and personally But not necessarily murder. Also, february 9, the lunar eclipse was on Leo 21, with chiron (barely a degree from the sun) at 22aqua. Barbee Knowflake . A precious piece of information. You are a Pisces through and through, listen to your accurate intuitions, it will help anytime.:). Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. 120K subscribers in the AskAstrologers community. It is a process that really helped me transform and let go of what was and the cool thing is it shows you your possible trajectory, your life path and its lessons. It's cheaper. Once you master your Neptune, miracles will happen. Do not freak out about the rest of your chart. Its one of the best houses of all. If mercury is his best planet he can make a nice career/work out of it. Love, Niki, Hi, my sun is also at 0 degrees Leo on the cusp, its located in the 10th house in cancer though, so it also rules my 11th, omg that super strong Sun takes good care of the 11th house domains. I have an 18-Degree Scorpio Rising, and yes, its a very difficult placement as the Serbian has said, but its also the special Degree of Magic in the Rising Sign which is its positive side. Mars in Aries, 1H in order to know what these all mean, add Capricorn qualities (22nd degree) to your interpretation. my Neptune @ 22, with Venus sandwiched in between @ 20, all part of my earth grand trine. A woman, well-known Belgrade lawyer, was killed from the back with 22 (!) Ive also definitely been witness to some traumatic shit also. Weird lol. I do not think that my 18 degree is evil however, I do not understand how to work with it, because it is in 11th house. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. And 22 degrees in my North Node in Leo in the twelfth house. There are plenty of people with that placement that don't experience murder. Astrology helped me better understand and accept certain things that happened in my life, so that I longer think like a victim. I used to have severe asthma as a child, but not sure if that has relevance in my future. I have my sun, ascendant, and 7th house in 22 degrees all in scorpio aside from my taurus rising. Do you have a day chart or a night chart? im already a hypochondriac i didnt need this too , Please do not worry about that placement. and lastly scorpio midheaven at 22.44 I Google and all I see is negative things about the 22 degree theory, I try to watch my thoughts and not manifest negativity but sis Im worried per usual , Also my Moon is in the 2nd house, Virgo.. i dont know about you guys but i highly suggest doing shadow work for my saggitarius peeps. as per my personal views i feel like if we encourage this behavior it will lead to bad karma. My 18 degree Virgo Mercury/Venus conjunction in my 11th House is opposed by my 13 degree Pisces Moon in my 5th House; Quintiles my 29 degree Scorpio Mars in my 1st House; conjuncts my 23 degree Virgo Saturn in my 11th House; and Squares my 16 degree Sagittarius Chiron in my 2nd House. Ive always said I attact bad luck,this makes alot of sense. 0 coins. My chart seems to have a repeating pattern . I assume you are familiar with reading your chart, just add the basic meanings of those degrees to your interpretation. And there are tons of Mercurian careers these days..:), Having Jupiter at the 22nd degree in Saggi in the 12th house can be a great Sagittarius career indicator. Hellothanks for a very interesting article. I have a rare muscle disease that makes me slowly an invalid, because its rare nobody can tell me more about the specific course it will go, and diabetes type 1, (also incurable), no astrologer could ever tell me something about my health situation. hi so my moon (taurus)is 22 degree and falls into my 10th house which is stems my aries stellium and my ceres is 22 and my jupiter is 18 degree in gemini which falls into my 11th house which also 11th house is gemini and im kinda freaking out and cried abit but if you can reply ASAP that would help a lot, Thanks . I mean even a 1-2 min difference in the birth time can indicate a different Asc degree. What do you think? 4h in taurus at 22.44, A lot of military, and politicians have 22 degrees through their chart. Firstly, Mars in Capricorn is one of the greatest positions of all, especially if you have a night chart. It was very informative, but I cant seem to find any information about my 18 degree Taurus Midheaven which is also in the 10th house. You can read more about the positive manifestation of the 22nd degree here: Neptune is your 7th house co-ruler in the 5th house, in Capricorn according to whole sign house system. Sun Sagittarius 22 I just heard about the whole "22 degrees kill or be killed" myth and I would like to know if it's bad that my ascendant is in 22 degrees Pisces? However, in female chart Venus represent also the self-esteem and slef-worth. I have my moon in libra, 2nd house, 22.8 degrees. Pluto in Scorpio in the 8th house. It honestly Depends on what it squares off with. Or the native should be isolated if work in those fields. Also I have 22 degrees in sagittarius in my 6th house. suggest to my friends. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. Its wonderful reading this blog based on another perspective. Note: The mathematical points of a chart include the . And do you think it will get better? In astrology, every detail counts btw there is a square aspect between them, which will become easier with time. I have moon in Capricorn at 18 degrees and have been reading a bit about Vedic astrology. Hi, today i read about the 18degree, rare diseases, illness with no cures, Hi I have a Gemini Venus 18 degree in the 8th house? A community for asking questions about your birth chart, or astrology in general. Smart question! Throughout the forums but mainly in natal astrology there are two main branches Placidus (unequal size houses) v Equal House (whereby each house is same size) but lots more. I cant believe it, I have two 18 degree placements, in my ascendant and Mercury, both in Pisces. I dont think having the MC at the 18th degree is that bad, I have the same. smart question indeed! I also have few houses and ascendant at 8 Scorpio degree, I heard 8th degree also being critical since it belongs to Scorpio. same im really scared i have 4 22 degrees. You know how the FBI has an entire team dedicated to psychologically profiling murderers? I don't find the astrological analysis in the article terribly compelling. Great post! Hi I loved this blog. Maybe imagined or real, depending on how spiritual you are and what you believe. A community for asking questions about your birth chart, or astrology in general. Your emotional health can have a massive impact on that baby in the long run. And the 18th degree (all the Virgo analogy) use as additional information. After a life filled with emotional abuse, bullying, social anxiety, self-doubt, self-medication, feeling lost, I looked death in the face and said no. I know it's the"kill or be killed" degree but any input on this would be helpful as i am a little scared. Designed to teach you about some of the issues that this can bring into your life as we explore each of the signs throughout the miniseries so stay tuned for more episodes on this topic!Cover Photography:Designed on CanvaBackground photo from www.shutterstock.comPhotography Featured In Video:Photo of Band Killer Be Killed retrieved from www.nuclearblast.comPhoto of White Dress Marilyn Monroe retrieved from of Marilyn in Pink Dress retrieved from of Marilyn Monroe Singing Mr President by Yale Joel retrieved from 22nd degree in moon sign. I just found out about the meaning of these degrees and looking on my natal chart I have an 18 Pluto in Sagittarius which sits on my 22 Midheaven in Scorpio 10th House. 6th house rules work, work environment, and having the ruler in that house, it means that the Moon will take good care of that house. Don't worry. Watch out for 18 degrees as well. Now i am completed and so looking forward to my life as an elder. Me too! In June this year, you will have a solar eclipse on your Sun and Mercury, which will indicate very powerful new beginnings in your life. Just to let you know, the accuracy of this is scary. Which is the native needs to have 3 different indicator in the chart, by transits, progression or profection to something life-alerting to happen. hi thank you so much for this article i have pisces venus in 22nd degree in my 7th house squaring pluto in my 4th. Arianna. mercury (2H) semi sextile venus & venus bi quintile neptune cap. my sun in cancer in 5th house Mars in Virgo at the 18th degree is already a double-whammy Virgo energy and Mars there can give the best engineers, business people of all sorts. I am no longer grieving for him as such but the connection. Hi Nikki, People who have planets or points* at 2 wield supreme power and are well-positioned to make remarkable achievements, according to research work done by Serbian astrologer Nikola Stojanovic. 20- Scorpio: often shows jealousy or revenge. It has been quite helpful to me to have this free astrology reading report. My sun is Scorpio in 11th house (14 degrees) and my moms moon is in scorpio 22 degrees in 11th house. Forums Forums Astrology Kill or be killed 22nd degree Kill or be killed 22nd degree wildborbsunlimited updated 1 year, 10. My boyfriend and I both have 22 degree placements. And what aspects do they have? 22 degree astrology kill or be killed. I already felt like my whole chart in general was a mess, with so many oppositions, and had not given much thought to degrees before exploring Nikolas degree theory, and now after stumbling upon it, it has made me so anxious! I am trying to understand a transit going on now with the new moon in Cancer @ 18 degrees. Maybe you could help me with some advice. Kill Or Be Killed, Vol. Jupiter loves to be in the 11th house.. My Sun is at 22 degrees Scorpio. Ive been learning astrology for a while but Im still quite confused about the degrees. 1 TP Jan 18, 2017. I would appreciate your insight as to how I can make the best use of this influence for the higher good of all. It also shows you that no matter what, you still have the choice out of all the lessons to become a perfect version of what you can become! This would be Gemini rising in the 1st house at the 22degree . It didnt help that my North Node conj Jupiter/Neptune is in Scorpio in the 12th house. North Node and South Node in the 12 Zodiac Signs. Unfortunately, I dont know if there are good sources of information online about this topic. This is a community for discussing and learning astrology, not for personal chart and life questions. I am very worried that I am crazy, please help!! Im relatively new to astrology & really freaking out about the 22 degrees kill or be killed thing as I have 4 placements at 22 degrees: Sun in Cancer, 5H Someday it will manifest handsomely in your career and reputation. Password One must know the darkness to heal the darkness. hi! Without knowing anything about your career, and work what about considering it as to be of service of sorts? Lovers Compatibility Package 79.95$, Soul Mates Report & Potential Together 21.95$, Your Life Destiny & Reach Your Full Potential 22.95$, Your 12 Months Ahead, Personal Forecast 26.95$.