.hzYKFv.hzYKFv{-webkit-flex:0 0 auto;-ms-flex:0 0 auto;flex:0 0 auto;width:318px;height:unset;margin:0;}/*!sc*/ Copyright Nationwide News Pty Ltd. All times AEST (GMT +10:00), A NOTE ABOUT RELEVANT ADVERTISING: We collect information about the content (including ads) you use across this site and use it to make both advertising and content more relevant to you on our network and other sites. The businessman is the son of billionaire Richard and owner of cardboard box maker and recycler Visy in Australia and Pratt Industries in the US, where he has become close to Donald Trump after building factories on Americas rust belt. While property is the overall winner, its mining that dominates the top 10 wealthiest. Clive Palmer $18.35 billion 8. Rinehart tops Richest 250, Canvas Perkins the big mover. Where indicated, third parties have written and supplied the content and we are not responsible for it. The businesswoman swelled her personal wealth to AUD$32.64 billion, up from AUD$36.28 billion last year. The Shahin family are South Australia's wealthiest representatives on the inaugural edition of the The List Australia's Richest 250, published in the Weekend Australian on Saturday. Billionaire mining magnate Gina Rinehart tops this year's edition of The List - Australia's Richest 250, ahead of notable business identities including Andrew Forrest, Mike Cannon-Brookes, Anthony Pratt and Clive Palmer. Compiled by media publicationThe Australian, the Richest 250 list shines a light on how the other half lives. We strongly recommend that you obtain independent advice before you act on the content. Then it pays to have these two traits that the founders of Canva and Meriton share, the editor of the Richest 250 tells the Money Cafe podcast. Privacy Policy. It has also helped create a record number of new names on The List, with 29 debutants. The entire fortune of Australia's wealthiest 250 is valued at $318.33 billion, with each member having an average of $1.27 billion. The richest Australian in 20212 is none-other than mining magnate Gina Rinehart. @media (max-width:767px){.bTWqPM.bTWqPM{-webkit-column-count:2;column-count:2;height:200px;}}/*!sc*/ The List also features Atlassian founder Mike Cannon-Brookes at number four with $9.01billion, Frank Lowy at number six with $8.92billion and mining magnate Andrew Twiggy Forrest at number eight with $7.34billion. We aggregate real estate news and property news so you have one place to visit for all your property news. See the new rankings. Tim Gurner says developers that want to start big projects in Sydney or Melbourne are ignoring a complete systemic change. Gina Rinehart tops the list with a $32.64 billion fortune, while fellow mining magnate Andrew "Twiggy" Forrest comes in second with $31.77 billion. Property was the highest money-making sectors from the list, with 59 people on the list making their mint in the property sector. Philanthropist Andrew Forrest comes in a close second on the list with wealth of $31.77 billion, also accrued through mining. Australia's richest person is officially Gina Rinehart, as the boom in commodity prices boosts her mining operation Hancock Prospecting. Follow the topics, people and companies that matter to you. To connect a sign in method the email must match the one on your Crikey account. Andrew Forrest $31.77 billion 3. Clive Palmer $18.35 billion 8. Despite being the only member of the top 10 to lose wealth this year, Rinehart continued to benefit from the major boost in iron ore prices. If Bevan Slatterys has big plans: to pull off what will be the largest private digital infrastructure project in Australias history. Meet the little-known powerhouse behind Australias burgeoning e-commerce industry. Hes reportedly put up more than 75,000 apartments to date, according to Forbes. The List - Australia's Richest 250. Despite the pandemic, some sectors retail in particular have done incredibly well and created a surge in new wealth on. No Rich List would be complete without its fair share of real estate billionaires. Australias billionaires have thrived during the pandemic year - and some on this years Rich List have reaped even bigger rewards from a soaring iron ore price. Third is paper merchant Anthony Pratt with $27.77 billion; while Atlassian co-founders Mike Cannon-Brookes and Scott Farquhar are 4th and 5th with wealth of $26.20 and $25.99 billion. The wealthiest individual in the 2019 list was Gina Rinehart, estimated to have a personal net worth of US$ 14.8 billion; a US$ 2.6 billion decrease in her personal net worth of US$ 17.4 billion, as estimated by Forbes in 2018. The Rich List issue of AFR Magazine is out on Friday, May 28. Two things Richest 250 members have in common, Rinehart tops Richest 250, Canvas Perkins the big mover, The Australian brings you the countrys richest as NFTs, Simple lessons in David Dickers 25-year overnight success, Cars and politics fuel Clive Palmers passion play, High flyers: Private jets the new toy of choice, Richest 250 recast: Young tech stars topple old guard, Helping other tech unicorns find their feet, Packer $400m richer by lunch, but sliding down Richest 250 list, How our biggest names thrived during the pandemic, Millionaires secret to picking right stocks. Billionaire Alex Waislitz has attacked Grant Thornton for its decision to declare fair and reasonable a $107m takeover offer for listed fintech OneVue. Andrew Forrest - better known as "Twiggy" - is the current non-executive chairman of Fortescue Metals Group. Melanie Perkins and Cliff Obrecht of Canva reach the top 10 for the first time as wealth surges and 29 fresh faces appear in the overall list this year. The valuations are undertaken by the Rich List editors and an analyst and are minimum estimates. A unique collection of NFTs celebrates their success. @media (max-width:1024px){.juvbvE.juvbvE{display:block;}.juvbvE.juvbvE > *:not(:last-child){margin:0 0 24px 0;}.juvbvE.juvbvE.juvbvE.juvbvE.juvbvE.juvbvE.juvbvE.juvbvE ul{margin-right:0;}}/*!sc*/ Small-cap stock guru David Paradice sold out of headline maker GameStop late last year, potentially missing out on a billion-dollar position, but he says hes still sleeping well at night. @media (max-width:767px){.iwiQAo.iwiQAo.iwiQAo.iwiQAo{margin-right:-1rem;}}/*!sc*/ The real estate developer appears on a list dominated by property entrepreneurs, along with heavyweights in industries including manufacturing, transport, mining, technology and retail. Developer Lang Walker has taken the challenges of the pandemic in his stride and is banking on a big return to the office with his latest Sydney project. @media (max-width:767px){@media (max-width:767px){.juvbvE.juvbvE.juvbvE.juvbvE.juvbvE.juvbvE.juvbvE.juvbvE ul{margin-right:-1rem;}}}/*!sc*/ Needless to say, the results werent entirely surprising. It's been a good pandemic for Australia's richest people, and The Weekend Australian (of all places) has now revealed just how good: the total wealth of the richest 250 Australians is up about 25%. Also a keen philanthropist, Rinehart is well known for her donations to Swimming Australia, which have allowed elite athletes to focus on training without having to pick up part-time jobs.It is believed Rinehart is the largest individual donor to Olympic sport in Australian history. Yang Huiyan has a net worth of $19 billion. .juvbvE.juvbvE button > svg{color:var(--ck-textPrimary);}/*!sc*/ Jack Cowin $4.82 billion 19. Visit site. Tania Austin, the owner of Decjuba, is one of the most impressive new names on The List Australias Richest 250 this year. Today, they're worth $470 billion. According to The Australian's Rich List for 2022, mining magnate Gina Rinehart is the richest person in Australia. .gPAVgb.gPAVgb{color:var(--ck-textInvertedStatic);}/*!sc*/ There was only 27 women included among Australia's 250 richest people in 2021. Williams, Forrest renewed his focus on charitable endeavours, donating a whopping $109.6 million, more than anyone else on The List. Chances are that if you purchased something online during the COVID-19 pandemic, it arrived at your door in a cardboard box made by Anthony Pratt's business.Pratt is the executive chairman of Visy Industries and Pratt Industries in America, the world's largest privately owned packaging and paper company. .dkDJIp{display:-webkit-box;display:-webkit-flex;display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;-webkit-flex-direction:column;-ms-flex-direction:column;flex-direction:column;-webkit-box-pack:start;-webkit-justify-content:flex-start;-ms-flex-pack:start;justify-content:flex-start;-webkit-align-items:stretch;-webkit-box-align:stretch;-ms-flex-align:stretch;align-items:stretch;padding:0;}/*!sc*/ Picture: John Appleyard. The List is the biggest annual study of Australia's 250 wealthiest individuals undertaken in this country, with final wealth figures calculated in late February 2022. Bron is also the founder of parenting website Mumlyfe, which shares stories and advice for mums of older kids. He used to work at Hungry Jacks. Atlassians Mike Cannon-Brookes says Australia needs to build its own Netflixes and Ubers to remain globally competitive. DespiteMolnars early success,the average age of Australias richest people remains unsurprisingly high at 65 years of age, while among the 250 members of the rich list, there were only 30 women. NewsDNA. The businesswoman swelled her personal wealth to AUD$32.64 billion, up from AUD$36.28 billion last year. .cfSGoo.cfSGoo{color:var(--ck-textSecondary);margin-top:20px;}/*!sc*/ You should obtain specific, independent professional advice from a registered tax agent or financial adviser in relation to your particular circumstances.Copyright 2021 Pinstripe Media - Digital Publishing and Video Production Agency Sydney Feedback She has been writing in the Australian online space for over 10 years. Listed company valuations are calculated in mid-April. Entrepreneur Anthony Pratt says super funds should help to build the export capability of the nations manufacturing sector. @media (max-width:767px){.gfNauG.gfNauG{padding:0px 15px;}}/*!sc*/ Managing $12bn of assets around the world, Peter Cooper has built a multi-million dollar fortune for himself and his clients. The billionaire still has more than $3bn of property assets after converting a sheep paddock into a huge office precinct. The real art is in putting things together in a better way. He is the founder and managing director of Meriton. Remarkably, the Rich Listers loot would have been even higher had the list cut-off been just a fortnight later than April 19, when the iron ore price was in a slight dip. The top 10 on The List are wealthier than ever before, led by two of the countrys most successful businesswomen who have changed the face of corporate Australia. Australian retail phenomenon Culture Kings is about to launch its biggest play, with its 30-something founders taking on the US market. The Sydney bar tsar reveals what his plans are for expanding his empire beyond his home turf. The Australian unveils its second annual list of Green Power Players in 2023, Ticky Fullerton leaves The Australian for CEO role at Australian British Chamber of Commerce, Christopher Dore steps down as editor in chief of The Australian, Bianca Chatfield a key member of Fox Netball team for season 2022. This is also known as Online Behavioural Advertising. It took until the fast car enthusiast was 50 to realise what he needed to change to be a success in business pay staff well, hire more women and stay out of the way. Australia's top 10 richest people revealed Australia's top 10 richest people revealed View Gallery Gina Rinehart has been named the nation's richest person in the Australian's 2022 The List: Australia's Richest 250. You can access the latest stories from the journalists youre following here. There are ways to get ahead, however. Whats the point of media rich lists these days? Yasser Shahin and Dr Sam Shahin. It is also found online at afr.com. In addition to acquiringR.M. The three billionaires - the top three in The List: Australia's Richest 250 with a combined wealth of almost $50 billion - are talking to The List about the key moments and decisions they made during their respective business careers, which add up to more than 100 years of combined corporate knowledge. Public shareholdings are calculated on share prices up to mid-February 2022, and property values and purchase prices have been derived from several public sources. He leads the charge at #6, with $17.2b made through property developer Meriton. It has been a good COVID-19 lockdown for Atlassian co-founders Mike Cannon-Brookes and Scott Farquhar. Don't have an account? Can restaurant king Justin Hemmes take on Melbourne? Gina Rinehart (Resources/Agriculture) - $34.02 billion 2021 Rank: 1 2020 Rank: 1 Wealth Change: +$2.96 billion 2. Gina Rinehart is the richest person in Australia, with a . Australian retail phenomenon Culture Kings is about to launch its biggest play, with its 30-something founders taking on the US market. Keep informed with what is happening with Real Estate Agents in New Zealand/Australia and internationally. Its been fun uncovering the new names coming up amongst the old guard of. Mike Cannon-Brookes $26.20 billion 5. Good news for would-be property moguls, data released by The Australian for its annual analysis of Australias Richest 250 reveals that almost 24 per cent of Australias wealthiest are rich because of property holdings. James Packer got a $100m parting gift from brother Lawrence Ho as the Hong Kong magnate walked away from Crown. Youre not necessarily worldly youre not life experienced. Hes setting up a new technology education foundation to get the ball rolling. Its probably advisable to start at the bottom (Bevan Slattery, poor sod only has $450m) and work your way up to Gina Rinehart. | PM Adern responds to rumours, Government smashes own record for amount spent on emergency housing, The War of the Burgers as Whalburgers, In-N-Out open doors in NZ | WATCH, Mortgage holders to feel the squeeze following Westpacs predicted rate hike | WATCH, Insurer says 20,000 homes in New Zealand at risk of severe flooding, Mark Wahlbergs restaurant chain opening in New Zealand | WATCH, Auckland home suffers near-$1m hit as resale losses grow, NZ Sothebys International Realty to open new office, Real Estate Agents: Who has the lowest and highest fees? Tania Austin, the owner of Decjuba, is one of the most impressive new names on The List - Australia's Richest 250 this year. You know youve been staring at The List for far too long when those lower on the list start to look poor. But how he chooses to spend it is unique. Despite the troubles, four of Rinehearts kids are there (John #32, Bianca #33 and Ginia #34), as are the Packer (James #18 and Gretel #60) and a smattering of Murdoch (Lachlan #21 and Prudence #48) offspring. Harry Triguboff $20.81 billion 7. Triguboff, aka high-rise Harry is an Australian billionaire real estate developer, and is the highest ranking property mogul on the list. The List: Australia's Richest 250 2022 Top 20 1. Final wealth figures were calculated in late February 2022 and revealed the average wealth among the 250 was $2.08billion, with 131 billionaires on the list. Ruslan Kogan isnt entirely joking when he admits his $1.5bn business is really a data analytics company masquerading as an online retailer. Powered by WordPress. Become a subscriber to get full access to the website, as well as our premium newsletters. The List: Australias Richest 250 is published in The Australian. Cliff Obrecht and Melanie Perkins founded Canva in 2012 and its now worth $6b, with Obrecht and Perkins owning $2.5b apiece. Dr Jerry Schwartz is attempting to develop a helipad atop his 38-level hotel in Darling Harbour to support tourism and business. Personalised advertising: We show you more relevant advertising based on your activity. Keep informed with what is happening with property in Auckland, New Zealand. Despite a downbeat profit forecast, Atlassians billionaire founders say theyve survived major downturns and have a plan for this one. Forget fast cars, super yachts or luxury houses. Rinehart No1 as pizzas also deliver a packet, Economy dire for 12-18 months: pub baron, Property doyen Kevin Seymour parks opinion, Gurner warns of apartments shortage and COVID rental crisis, Rich-list solar farm wins federal support, Up $11bn, Forrest has a profitable pandemic, Freedom Foods increases writedown and cuts staff, Pandemic a healthy boost for Chemist Warehouse, High-stakes probe into Packers Crown to resume, What an $88bn property play can tell you about the market, find out more about our policy and your choices, including how to opt-out here. Dont try to time the market, says Gray. Keep informed with what is happening with property and real estate in New Zealand. Hi there, welcome to your account and your subscriber benefits. John Gandel $5.05 billion 17. Brendan Casey, Property Journalist and Editor. Gina Rinehart topped the Richest 250 list overall for 2022, with a massive $32.64 billion in wealth. Harry Triguboff $20.81 billion 7. The average age of members is 65, with 98-year-olds, (Aristocrat Leisure and Ainsworth Game Technology founder) and, (TarraWarra) the eldest named and 32-year-old. An elite clutch of start-up founders is getting richer more quickly than ever, adding $30bn since March as wealth shifts from old industries to new sectors. The List is the biggest annual study of Australia's 250 wealthiest individuals undertaken in this country, with final wealth figures calculated in late February 2022. But they dont hold back when they are asked about their tips for staying fit. Gina Rinehart (AUD$32.64 Billion) After an incredible year in 2020 that saw her grow her personal wealth by an astonishing 123 per cent, Hancock Prospecting chairman Gina Rinehart has followed it up. They wind down in various ways, from the sporty to the leisurely or just collecting ritzy houses. The final results are based on wealth figures calculated generally in late February. Australias richest 250 wealth at a glance. And its little surprise that our richest people call some of the countrys ritziest regions home, with the most popular suburb for those on the list to live being Toorak in Melbourne, with 20 people owning property there. Ruslan Kogan, kogan.com founder and former young rich-lister, is backing a plant-based meat firm called Deliciou. Roundup: Foxtel to pay back workers + Southern Cross selling TV assets. Help using this website - Accessibility statement, has built his AirTrunk into a $5 billion concern, Megan Wynne joins alongside husband Bruce Bellinge, the implosion of his eponymous supply chain. To put that into some perspective, Australias gross domestic product is $1.9 trillion; the superannuation sector is worth $3 trillion. Co-founder of software giant Atlassian, Scott Farquhar is the fifth richest person in the country and with an estimated net worth just shy of $26 billion.Farquhar bought the former Fairfax Family estate Elaine in Point Piper at a then record-breaking $75 million. The average wealth on the list is $2.08 billion with 131 billionaires on the list, last year the average wealth was $1.88 billion.