And his suppressants have to be custom made. It's been nine months and he has still made no progress. Peter pulled away. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. If you'd like to send me one, my username is @loubuttons. Tony asked. Because youre not supposed to wear it while exerting yourself. Y/n Stark had no choice. My irondad bingo entry for the prompt: Mays Abusive Boyfriend. Which you know, would not be good at all since you just back from Spider-Man-ing. Anyways if you have any requests youd like to slip in, you have until 7:00 am est to do so! Nobody knows where Thor's poptarts keep going. You have the wrong Dora.. Did MJ actually die? He took a deep breath. Or: Peter's alone in the apartment when he discovers an enemy Spider-Man can't defeat: a global pandemic. !, (Also, if it wasnt clear, Peter and the Avenger fam are trying domestic fluff on for size), (That didnt explain anything either. The good news is that Tony Stark is a male omega as well. Other than that? i recently found your account and am in love. Sounds suitably ominous - Im all ears. Avengers Team/Peter Parker Peter Parker Steve Rogers James "Bucky" Barnes Tony Stark Natasha Romanov (Marvel) Sam Wilson (Marvel) Clint Barton Bruce Banner Thor (Marvel) May Parker (Spider-Man) Thaddeus Ross Pack Dynamics Pack Bonding Pack Family Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics Alpha Steve Rogers Omega Bucky Barnes Beta Bruce Banner Beta Clint Barton Tony is sold, and dials up his exuberant, dramatic inner child to eleven Because Of Reasons. sorry if youve already been asked this, im new. He pointed an accusing finger at Tony, but um, not the pointer finger "Jeez kid, slow your roll," Tony chuckled, he heard the sharp intake of breath from Cap. He slept through the whole night, no nightmares, no insomnia. I dont know if you can find fics posted on tumblr, Im not sure if this was posted on ao3. He has a life-time of hate, of love, of sorrow and damn if he ain't gonna use it. (Maybe this time for the better? IronDad Bingo Fic #1Trope: Protective Peter Parker. Peter Parker has a lot on his plate. So theres that. mays abusive boyfriend rec list The Avengers get together to put together a way to defeat the boss level bad guy. I knew that. He hesitated for another moment, then saved the number as TS. He had met with the kid at the end of the morning, they had Italian for lunch, they had tinkered in the lab in the afternoon. So theyre coming back to New York? Peter asks, and Tony gives him a look. did you tell him thank you for the webbing stuff? Peter who was Tonys kid, - In all but blood hed said when James had asked, after Tony had spent approximately twenty-three minutes whining about how the kid was going to give him grey hairs - Peter who was Spider-man, Peter who was staying the week at the Avengers Compound because his aunt was at some nursing conference in Washington. Also, Peter makes Tony proud. (Events of The Sorcerer's Stone take place here)PART ONE Sabrina Parker's continued existence was a mysterious thing, after living three different lives, she wonders if a fourth is possible.Harry Potter was a well-known person to everyone but that with which he spent five years with.Ron Weasley found it incredibly unlikely that he could be anything his brothers weren't - but the universe has plenty of curveballs in its arsenal.Hermione Granger set out to make a name for herself but may be even more successful than she planned - in the worst of ways. The kid was buzzing with adrenaline. Peter stared down at the phone, a shot of adrenaline making his fingers tremble. Really amazing piece that starts with action. rec lists. ", Staring at him with a deadpan tone, Peter gave it to him in black and white, seeing as telling him indirectly didn't work at all, "It means stop taking everyone's bullshit.". Tony went to grab the kid's arm when the kid moved again. He was in his room, homework scattered all over his desk, the dim light set at a level comfortable for his enhanced vision. He needs Captain America and his highly observant allies with eyes and ears everywhere right now. also, this will be the lastpeter cries because of *insert persons* behavior/x person or persons are mean to peter rec lists for a while because ive done a few similar ones in the past! Did Ned actually die? Youre tiny, she said. The person who always stuck to Peters side and killed anyone who even looked wrong at Peter. She wasnt happy with it, but she wasnt trying to stop him either. Because youre not supposed to wear it for more than eight hours, and if you put it on as soon as you woke up like usual, it would be at least twelve hours. Peter laid back down on his bed and sighed. Okay, wow, well he wouldnt have given it to you if he didnt want you to use it, it must be okay, right? oh crap.. Everything Comes Back To You: Chapter 6: Trope: Argument by losingmymindtonight. cover drawn by @bitweary Then why are you calling?, Um, I just wanted to give you a quick update. It happened so swiftly, this spreading thing. If he needed the man, or his "team", he'd be there. The phone screen seemed to stare at him accusingly, and his fingers hovered over the keys for a moment. But, youre tiny. Just messing with me. Cold, Cold, Cold by Heckyheck_Icravedeath. FRI, give me a display of all files, would ya? Tony asked, as he fiddled with one of his gauntlets down in the lab. ily again and thanks for the help you wonderful, wonderful person x. Iron Dad Bingo #20- Trope: Peter meeting the Avengers, There will be a deduction on the landing by JustReallyTired. NOTE: There is kidnapping and captivity in this fic, but the main focus is the aftermath. And Im not wearing it yet., The slightest pause. Male omegas are so rare most people dont think that they exist. When Impressions Fail. it contained the promised calcium chloride and a pack of Reeses. Please consider turning it on! "You good Pete?" Tony Stark gets a call from May Parker that brightens up his whole day: attend Peters parent/teacher conference in her stead. God, this is going to kill him, isnt it? Not many people make up the list of Tony's hyperfixations, of those people, only Rhodey and Jarvis really count. To sleep or not to sleep, was the question on Peter's mind as he laid in his bed. He considered a moment and hit delete before sending. Peter's homelife isn't the best, but hey, at least he has a slightly irresponsible college kid to depend on, "Life is what happens to you while you're busy making other plans.". Why would they spare him a second thought? Because they dont know hes spider-man he thinks itll be fun to throw himself out the window. Time to search for the coffee. :3, ok when i got this is shrieked and then promptly forgot every irondad fic that ive ever read lmao. Karen is in my suit. Uh, excuse me Swiper? Tony snapped. Tonys blood smelt like copper and metal and it was all over his hands. "You're all mine; the hair, the lips, the body, it's all mine." Of all the things Tony had expected from today, sitting around a table with the recently pardoned Avengers as they eat pizza and try to pretend nothing even happened in Germany was not it. it took me forever to remember them and i feel like im forgetting a big one. He's made scientific miracles happen to come back from the impossible before, but does he still have the will to carry on? ily, thank you all for asking x, First Meeting by doctornineandthreequarters. Uh, Mr Stark? Peter managed, eyes wide. Identity confirmed, came FRIDAYs voice in the background. complete, I was wondering if you had any fics involving IronStrange? [Previously titled "gray skies and flying pigs"]. He's refrained from telling Tony, worried he'll look stupid in the eyes of his mentor, who's been through much worse than being depressed. Everything that could possibly go wrong in his life went wrong in the worst way possible, almost every time. Peter Parker's life was at a point where he was content. With it all.With the Avengers and their double standards.With Rogers and his constant disdain.With Romanoff and her snide comments.He. (Peter gets whammied by alien magic, and Tony pays the price). Eventually his aunt yelled that dinner was ready, and he sighed and slipped the phone in his pocket. Hell, hed love it if Flash would remember, and that was a bad sign. I asked if you were binding right now, She repeated, voice stern. Peter shook his head in anger and followed him inside. Tony is nothing but an engineer: he creates things, yes, but he also fixes them. Do you have any fanfics where the rogue avengers hurt peter/make him cry and Tony gets angry? Promotions Arent Always A Good Thing by agib, When Peter was almost thirteen, May met Carter., Not too many months after Carter moved in, May got a promotion at work.. A life of darkness, blood, abuse, training, and missions have been all he's ever known. anyways, dont forget to comment and leave kudos. shock But now seeing him on the ground, holding protectively his more than probably broken nose with one hand as blood pool in his palm and drop onto the pristine floor while his other hand instinctively reach for a shield that isnt here and that, in his opinion should never be again-, Peter cant help but feel particularly satisfied with what he just did. He wasn't interested in salvation. Peter wasn't always on his own, not really. Oh god, Peter thought when he saw them. And hes kept it secret. but ill definitely keep a look out for it though! Unfortunately, that included Peter Parker. Trans Peter Comes Out by insertfandomjoke series, trans peter So he accepted his place and did everything he could in order to prove that he can be useful. "Okay, c'mon Pete," Tony attempted to pull the kid to his feet. maybe he gets berated by an adult like steve, etc. Tony decided to ignore it. "Lmao, Wanda, this situation is so hilarious." Tony knows hes got no business being a father. The adrenaline was beginning to wear off, Sleepy Pete began to surface. "Okay." Tony was taken aback from Peter's willingness to give back the suit. Yes? The voice was somehow unexpected, and Peters breath caught in his throat. He got up and moved to get the teen up. and found a paper bag on his bed with Supplies, use responsibly TS written on it. His kid needed sleep. He did the only thing he knows how to do well: he fixed things, he pulled out the fires, he covered their mistakes and payed for the things they broke. While Homecoming characters play a large role in this story some things have been altered and the plot changed including but not limited to how injured Tony was at the end of Civil War. Until he doesn't. He hit the number with his thumb before he could think better of it, and the phone switched to the dialing screen. But a part of him did. After the loss of Aunt May, he's taken in by Tony and Pepper as their adopted son. Tony Stark is a BAMF and the universe loves him. - #1 Sequel to Five Times Peter Impresses the Avengers Tony smiled before wrapping an arm around Peter's shoulders and having to forcefully lead him back to his room before having Friday lock his room for the night. Best rankings your favorite dorky spider guy in a multitude of 5+1 one shots. or;Post No way home, Tony finds files of Peter. Tony asked. I know he wasnt in control. Even if its just Flash. After Germany, after Tony recovered from his wounds, he looked at Peter and saw a kid, and a pretty badly damaged kid at that. Whats wrong? I mean) Im A Man by lost_in_a_sea_of_fandoms and ssssssssssssssssssspiderboi. And hes probably the one getting this stuff anyway. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply". Peter has tried to move on, and to put his life back together without the pieces of his old life getting in the way. Shoot me a text if you need something. And then he hung up. While being grounded for two months Peter meets Deadpool who won't stop visiting him everyday, his presence is a good distraction so Peter lets him stay around. rec lists, What are your top 10 favorite Irondad fics? Some of these will be AUs, Ships (mostly Peggysous), etc. thanks! Getting his drivers license is still a top priority. Peter Meets The Avengers Chapter 1, an avengers fanfic | FanFiction Peter's POV "Urgh," Peter sighed, looking at his clock. In which being trans post-spider bite is harder than it sounds. When another small bag appeared on his bed and seriously, how were they even getting there? What will happen when the Avengers find one of those "test subjects" that were considered a success? "Kid, where are you?" He sounded annoyed. Looking at his phone he saw he had eight missed calls from Mr. Stark. I know. Except for when he very suddenly isnt. Until he stopped being useful. Like, at all. Harley took over being Spider-Man as the 'Golden Spider'. rec lists. Peter didnt notice how heavily he was breathing until he stopped. It shatters on impact, sending glass everywhere including into Peter, leaving him slowly dying in a room full of stunned investors. 25 Feb/23. After he had to make everyone forget him? When Carter starts abusing him, he begins to feel crushed by the weight of it all. Something about him makes Peter feel nervous, but he makes May happy. "Since when did you get an intern?" Unfortunately, that included Peter Parker. He took a step forward, one of his hands already reaching for his arc reactor. Completely treatable, he knew.But Aunt May had lied. Ruining our trip, Its not ruined, Peter says. They miscalculated.And now?Now Iron Man is out for revenge.The smart people will stay on his good side. Because he thought that he had finally found that one person, other Pepper, Rhodey and Happy, to ground him. The Avengers seem to like Harley more than Peter. Whooping Cough, she said. Tony went to grab the kid's arm when the kid moved again. ily, thanks for asking and i hope you love these as much as i do :) x, itll be over (and Ill still be asking when) by JBS_Forever, They are fighting a one-story tall mechanical robot in the middle of Brooklyn when Peter swings over its head and says, You guys ever see The Incredibles?, it sinks its roots into the cracks (until the structures coming loose) by madasthesea, I cant believe Tony Stark is gonna have a kid.. "This is your fault," Peter accused, Tony let out a hard wheeze. Hell, he saw his brilliance nearly every day since he woke up from his coma. Harry Potter wants a new start and as the newly titled Master of Death, he thinks he deserves it. The threats won't stop." Peter gets hit by a de-aging weapon and turns into a two-year-old, and must rely on Tony (who thinks he has no idea how to take care of a child) and others until he can be returned to normal, if that's even possible. But not everything is as easy as it seems. he watches them with the others, and suddenly remembers. Peter ignored him and was about to walk into the kitchen when he tripped over his foot. In fact, there was now a 5-year-old daughter and an adopted 21-year-old kid from Rosehill, Tennessee. Cap asked him the first question. Who knows? Aka the Avengers and Harley pull up and shit goes down. Peter is now commonplace in life among the Avengers, but no one had realized the part he'd had in Tony's life. Three years have passed since that night on the Statue of Liberty. trans peter rec list Series of unrelated pieces in which Peter Parker meets the Avengers (or Rhodey or Ant-Man or someone like that). avengers fanfiction peter hurt on patroldaniel casey ellie casey. He looks nice and acts that way at first, but things change after the first meeting and Peter doesnt know what to do. Ive only just watched Spiderman Homecoming, and am very late to this party. Tony rolled his eyes. Ready or not, war is coming and nothing can delay the inevitable. If you finish it., 5 times Peter is stuck with Tony by iron_spider, I wonder if Peppers reported me missing yet, Tony says, with an exaggerated sigh. Fear all else but never me. Well see, he says, pulls an old-looking flip phone out of his pocket and tosses it in the air a couple times before setting it on the table. Please consider turning it on! He grasped for purchase nearby, wherever he could find support, because he was afraid of collapsing. SHIELD pushed too far. Currently, Peter was wearing a sleeveless Spider-man shirt that has a hood on it, and grey sweatpants, so all the Avengers saw the muscles on this random 15-year-old kid (he's forever 15 in my mind). Drunk pirates. Singed? But they didnt care! Is that you? His kid is going to be grounded for life, that he swears. Tony gets angry and punishes Peter. So he decided he would watching Peter overnight, seriously, how much can go wrong?Oh god, why did he have to jinx it? And there, under the last line, a number. I could be wrong though, so Im sorry if I am. With a singular tap, the nanotech spread from his chest, to his right shoulder, all the way to only one of his arms. He jerked a bit before flopping his head to look at Tony. The Guardians of the Galaxy and Captain Marvel are barely holding back the invaders attacking Earth. Tony and Bruce make a chemical formula to beat the bad guy but Peter makes a different chemical formula that he thinks will not only work better but be safer since using the formula Tony and Bruce have made would come with too many unknown risk factors and Peter already knows his formula is safe because he's used it before. "Cool," Tony provided. The rules have changed and next time, the consequences will be explicit and extensive. Its funny, a few months ago Tony would have gladly snapped at Cap. (discontinued: explanation in series description). He hasn't told May just how bad it is, not wanting to worry her anymore than he already has with him being Spider-Man and all. The government doesnt know where they are because theyre amateurs, so they cant summon them. Tony sighed, it was Sleepy Pete. Was that too much to ask for? dont forget to comment and leave kudos. Later, when Peter was older, he would look back on his childhood of tumult and chaos and think that there had never been anything like it. Thanks. The next night he got home (yes, before his spider-curfew; that was an argument he did not want to have with May again!) weird laws in guatemala; les vraies raisons de la guerre en irak; lake norman waterfront condos for sale by owner Write by: . Tilting his head questioningly, Tony asked, "What exactly do you mean by that, kiddo? A hard glare was set on them, but it looked more like puppy eyes. OR Tony gets Rogue Avengers pardoned, and a lot of this is from Peters point of view because this is taking a toll on Tony, i cant seem to get a grip, no matter how i live with it by psikeval. So he got out of his oh so comfy bed and trudged to the living quarters, ignoring the feeling of something going wrong. The phone on the table starts ringing. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply", Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Rape/Non-Con, Underage, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (4), The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types (5), Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure (7), Alternate Universe - College/University (3), Hard Times (Gonna make you wonder why you even try), Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, I Wish We Were All Rose Colored Too (My Rose colored boy), Harley Keener & Peter Parker & Pepper Potts & Tony Stark, Harley Keener & Peter Parker & Tony Stark, Tony Stark Acting as Harley Keener's Parental Figure, Pepper Potts Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Pepper Potts Acting as Harley Keener's Parental Figure, The Avengers Can't Concentrate On Two Children At The Same Time, James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers/Tony Stark, Clint Barton/Laura Barton/Natasha Romanov, Bucky Barnes Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Not Captain America: Civil War (Movie) Compliant, James "Bucky" Barnes/Harley Keener - past, Peter Parker is Tony Stark's Biological Child, Michelle Jones & Ned Leeds & Peter Parker.