happily. and again with the rulers of the Yadu dynasty which led to frequent wars and In the palace dungeons, Vasudev was trying his best to console his wife, but Vasudev and Devakis chains were magically released. A Bitter Past Haunts Kunti. Krishnas advent is at midnight. This is your eighth child, roared Kansa. [15][16], Devaki's six dead sons were named Krttimat, Sushena, Udayin, Bhadrasena, Rijudasa, and Bhadradeha. Diti, too, becoming grieved much with sorrows, cursed Aditi that seven of her sons would be killed consecutively after their births. [24], In the state of Goa, Devaki Krishna Sansthan temple is a unique temple, perhaps is the only temple in India where Krishna is worshiped alongside mother Devaki. Anantadeva appeared on the scene and used His many hoods to act as an umbrella. His eyes twinkled merrily. The cowherd tribes of Gokul You cant resist him, no matter how hard you try!" poorly at night. "Ah my son!" 26. Kansa was frightened and confused. Vysa said :-- O king! In his confusion, he freed Vasudev Copyright Rohini Chowdhury 2002. Bhagavan appeared as Shri Rama in that instance, as the son of King Dasharatha of Ayodhya. Raja Harishchandra is admired and idolized for his steadfastness and honesty, even though during his lifetime it led him to sell his son into slavery along with his wife. All at once the river stopped raging, the waves grew still and the water level subsided. Vasudev then narrated what happened on that night to his wife. King Vasudev of the Yadus. Vasudeva embraced Nanda Mahrja with great joy. The bridge had been washed away, and no boat would be able to cross that furious flood. 7. Vasudevs chains fell away from his ankles. divine voice thundered from the sky, Evil Kamsa, you dont know it. The eighth son born to Vasudev and Devaki will kill you! Vasudev shook Nand awake, and explained the prophecy and told him what the voice had asked him to do. Your sons would all become very powerful and would be called Maruts. Or to put it as every mytho does ad nauseum, "vidhi ka vidhaan". child! Here too, all was silent. He turned a deaf ear to all the heart- rending declared and Vasudev had no choice than accepting his verdict. This devotion can either be toward the formless aspect of God or toward his personal form. The guards told Kansa that the seventh child was still born. [7] "Vasudeva" as an object of worship in Hinduism usually refers to the son Vsudeva (Krishna), rather than his father Vasudeva. 8. This covetousness is a powerful enemy; it is always unholy and odious. immediately, before anyone comes to know about the birth of this child. After the wedding, he decided to drive the royal couple home himself to Your destroyer has been born as foretold, and he is safe! your friend King Nanda. The couple is imprisoned by Devaki's brother Kamsa, soon after their marriage. The chief cause being Karma; the minor causes being many. To help parents overcome. It is mentioned in the texts that Krishna was the eighth To begin with, I'd like to say that if we were to hold everyone to the same definition of "natural" and "unnatural", we would have no sinners and no saints. the cry of a divine child. As he approached the gate with the child in his arms, the prison A new baby boy was born to their loved King The moment of truth was upon them. The entire gathering was thrown into fear and confusion. Pozrite sa na 12 jedinench oslv Janmashtami v rznych ttoch Indie. If you like my welfare, then destroy the foetus, in the womb of Diti, by any of the existent means, Sma, Dna or strength and thus remove the cause of grief in my heart. Forced to live in fear and trepidation. [21], Devaki, upon hearing how Krishna restored his Guru Sandipani's son, wished to see her own children. The childhood of Lord Krishna has been glorified. was able to cross the opposite bank of the river safely and entered the Devakis eighth son was born at midnight on a dark and stormy night in the month of Sravan. Samay. Please enter your email address to receive our daily e-newsletter. But he had to special, it was a divine child. Watch. To Vasudevs astonishment the river parted giving him a safe route through. 31. 40. Nanda named They were necessary since life was so dreadful within that the peoples inclination was to escape. 39. Still, in that furious feature, the river gave passage to Vasudeva to cross, just as the great Indian Ocean gave a path to Lord Rama when He was bridging over the gulf. (Krishna, The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Vol 1, Ch 3), Download this episode (right click and save). Priamo od Uttar Pradesh po Kerala, Gujarat po Andhra, vroie narodenia Pna Krinu sa oslavuje s vekm nadenm takmer v kadej asti krajiny. Girl or boy, the child must die! But the baby slipped out of his hands, and shining with a glorious light, flew out of the prison window. The relative chronology of the text, based on its poetic verse and textual style, has been proposed by Parmeshwaranand to the same period of composition as Katha, Isha, Mundaka and Shvetashvatara Upanishads, but before Maitri, Prashna and Mandukya Upanishad. Kamsa was a demon known as Kalanemi These children were cursed that they will be reborn and be killed by their own father who will reincarnate as kamsa, their maternal uncle. 25. Devaki and Vasudev Are Imprisoned. O mother! Krishna, the eighth incarnation of Lord Vishnu, was born in the prison of his maternal uncle Kamsa, the vicious ruler of Mathura.At the time of his sister Devaki's marriage with Vasudeva, Kamsa had heard from a Divine voice that his sister's eighth child would bring disaster and end his life. Please let your only niece live!" 33. Should you have any concerns about your health, or of that of your baby or child, please consult with 53. When Devaki was old enough, it was arranged that she would marry Vasudev, a good and noble man who was a follower of Vishnu, and did not fear the demon Kansa at all. who shall be a hero as strong as Indra, religious and of indomitable energy.". When the boy reaches the top of the pyramid, he smashes the pot with a stick, and the buttermilk spills. of Culture (2000). Since the time I have looked, on my co-wife Diti, of beautiful eyes and proud, this is the one and only thought that troubles the peace in the innermost of my hearts. 8th Child of Vasudev & Devaki was Shri Krishna. He asked if he would spare Devakis life. surely meant that Kamsas frequent wars with the Yadu dynasty would come to The parents were in prison. Krishna and Putana, and more.. Both of The middle of the night, escaping from a prison with a talking baby, the difficulties did not end there. [4][5][6] His sister Kunti was married to Pandu. It was I will hence count greed as more powerful than even Fate, the Ruler of all destinies. Irrespective of whether shes the biological mother or not, women can love selflessly and completely. By earthly standards of "normalcy", Shantanu stopped her from doing the same to Devavrat out of human compassion; then she explained that divine compassion led her to drown the babies in the first place and spare them the misery that was to result from their past lives' curse. 32. Vasudev and Devaki waited in fear for Kansa to appear, but suddenly all was silent. [22][23] She nursed them with her milk and they attained heaven. [8], During the nuptials of Vasudeva and Devaki following the former's wedding with his bride's six older sisters, Vishnu picked a lock of hair from his mount Shesha as well as his own, proclaiming that they would take be born as Devaki's seventh and eighth children, respectively. doors opened automatically. There were a hundred soldiers waiting Kamsa. Devaki was good, kind and gentle, as unlike the cruel Kansa as possible. Harish Bhimani . He flung open the prison doors and snatched the baby from Devakis arms. Ugrasena was a nice ruler, and Kamsa was just the opposite. Vasudeva had many brothers such as Devashrava and Devabhaga, and sisters such as Kunti (mother of the Pandavas), Shrutasravas (mother of Shishupala), and others. O chaste one to your husband! How was the loving father going to protect his son? Dusk gave way to a terrible night as had not been seen earlier in Kamsa snatched the baby girl from Devaki's lap, and hurled the child against 10. Hindus celebrate Janmashtamiworldwide by fasting, singing, praying together, preparing and sharing special food, night vigils and visiting Krishna and Vishnu temples. Having felt much distress at not seeing him for so long, they held him in a tight embrace. He never cried [13] In some versions of the Bhagavata Purana, Vasudeva also married Sutanu, the princess of Kasi, and they had a son named Paundraka.[14]. Kamsa Vasudev did not delay any further and proceeded in waist-deep water with The seventh child was Lord Balarama Suddenly the dark dungeon was filled with a shining light and once again there came a voice out of the sky. The one person whom Kansa loved and adored, was his sister Devaki, who was kind, loving and caring. people under his reign didn't fear for intruders or thieves in the night. Kamsa, as always, ignored her cries. I revere Vasudev and Devaki for everything they did and everything they endured because the way I see it, they always made God's will their first priority. Kansa took the babys life. Kansa immediately went to the prison. Who dared speak such sacrilege? he roared. 15-16. Everyone in the household of King Nanda was in a joyous mood. It seemed that the whole world understood Devakis mind and joined 19. See! Kansa came at once, angry yet afraid. doubt. At the stroke of midnight, the eight baby, who we know as Lord Krishna was born to Devaki. King Vasudev was horrified at this cruelty and fell on his knees. Varuna cursed the sage and his wife, Aditi, to be born on earth as Vasudeva and Devaki, the parents of Vishnu in his avatar of Krishna. 2010-2023 Parenting.FirstCry.com. The Birth of Lord Ka. they realised that the child had changed into a ferocious Goddess! Really! advice. According to Srimadbhagavata Purana,when Kamsa's sister Devaki & Vasudeva were leaving to the later's house in a chariot driven by Kamsa himself, a mysterious voice from the sky prophesized that the eighth pregnancy of Devaki will kill the cruel king of Mathura.Then the frightened and infuriated Kamsa unsheathed his sword to kill his sister. covered his face from the intensity of the light. and cried lustily. After that Kansa killed the next five babies born. After completing the sacrifice, Kashyapa delayed in returning the cow back to the deity. That is NOT what I'm going with though, when I'm confused about something I hate hearing that it happened because it had to happen, so I'm sure you would too ;). Devaki's eighth son was born at midnight on a dark and stormy night in the month of Sravan. 29. Then, without looking back, As soon the child was born, the prison was filled with a dazzling, blinding O best of kings! extravagance and unfair rule. Kansa was cruel enough to execute the . incarnation of Lord Vishnu. O King! And my cruel brother will kill this one too. 34. It was almost as if Vasudeva came onto the bank of the Yamuna and saw that the water of the Yamuna was roaring with waves and that the whole span was full of foam. Even the usually desolate citizens of Mathura were That was a famous incident from Rama-lila, which is the Divine play of the same Narayana. The whole place wore a festive look. Sesh Naag Takes Birth as a Human. O Fortunate One! nephew. Krishna worked His magic through the internal energy known as yogamaya. Similarly, Gods birth is also divine, and unlike ours, it does not take place from a mothers womb. He laid his baby son down beside Yashodha and picked up her baby daughter. If we can develop faith in the divinity of his pastimes and birth, then we will be able to easily engage in devotion to his personal form, and attain the supreme destination. To his amazement, Vasudev saw a huge black snake raising its head from Devaki was pregnant with her eighth child. The baby girl slipped out of his hand and rose in the air, she transformed into Goddess Durga. The people of Mathura and of the surrounding villages were terrified of Kansa, and tired of his cruelty. Yashoda and Nanda were Krishnas foster parents. Signup to receive daily blog posts by email! You can probably also add Ramji, because by human standards, sending a pregnant wife to the forests without thinking about her or her future child's well being would be considered cruel, but there was greater purpose behind Sita's vanvaas so it is important to look at it through a divine lens than a humanistic one. Lord Vishnu. converged into a sphere and the same voice of the Oracle that scared Kamsa, He also spoke to them, explaining their long history of association with Him. The same Ananta serves as the serpent-bed for Narayana in Vaikuntha, the spiritual world. Nands wife has just had a baby. The night Krishna was born, the couple were prepared in advance. John Irvin (1973-1975), Aokan Pillars: A Reassessment of the Evidence, The Burlington Magazine. But let the demon Kansa beware: Devakis eighth son will be his end.. A lamp burned low in the room where Nands wife Yashodha slept with her newborn baby daughter. Great explanation Lola! But they can also be disciplinarians if needed. 54. : | || 9||, janma karma cha me divyam eva yo vetti tattvatatyaktv deha punar janma naiti mm eti so rjuna, janma karma cha me divyam evam yo vetti tattvatahtyaktva deham punar janma naiti mam eti so rjuna. The serpent spread its five hoods over the father and the baby, and escorted them safely to the other side of the dark river. StyleCaster Here's How To Watch 'The Weeknd: Live At SoFi Stadium' For A Better View Than The Front Row Mathura. 51. In Yashodas household, Krishna grew up with utmost love and care, even though he was always stirring up some mischief or the other! The guards were fast asleep, as well. 1. He thought that any of the children of Devaki can be Vishnu, so he killed all other children of Vasudeva and Devaki. [12] By Devaki, he had eight sons - six of whom were killed by Kamsa and the other two being Balarama (transferred into the womb of Rohini) and Krishna. Vasudev headed towards Gokul. To develop such divine feelings, we must understand the difference between Gods actions and ours. Vasudev entered his prison, and laid the baby girl beside Devaki.