ANGELA [00:42:19] So I just had this little thing I gave myself. ANGELA [00:46:30] I found on Reddit there's an Office fan on Reddit and the person sign is the_fungible_man? A little bit. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators . I'm going to chunk it real hard. So but I have no-. Not only eight months, as a superficial observer of events might believe, not from Sept. 1, 1939, when through guarantees to Poland, Britain unleashed the conflagration with a criminal and premeditated will. But it can't get weird sometimes. It's actually at 107 East Drinker Street in Dunmore. It's very interesting to me that you take the time to line it up and you do the thing. Michael: Im very sorry, I did not know that you were wearing a hearing aid, and I just thought that you were speaking abnormally. It seems to mainly be between Angela and Oscar. That's more than a turkey. ANGELA [00:13:19] And the ball goes super slow, super slow. ANGELA [00:15:19] He shoves the heck out of Creed and then he runs towards Leslie David Baker. Jim: What did I do to deserve this? Rainn is, he goes full out, guys. ANGELA [00:11:08] Did people get injured? As long as people care about what you're saying. ANGELA [00:19:43] Okay. Great Britains last support on the Continent was and is Greece, the only nation that did not want to renounce the British guarantee. We have at present under arms more than 2,000,000 men, but within the year we will, if necessary, reach, 4,000,000. I went to 20 minutes, 25 seconds, and I laughed out loud. I know we're best friends at the office, but I'm not going to come to your wedding and when you're married, I'm not gonna hang with you. ANGELA [00:14:40] We have a cold open, Michael and Dwight are throwing a football while they discuss some dilemma at corporate, it's not important. JENNA [00:29:56] I mean, crazy. JENNA [00:32:10] Well, we had a fan question from David Hertwhack. Michael hurls the football all the way to accounting, whereKevincatches it and tosses it back. That was an improvisation. ANGELA [00:04:46] I mean, that is crazy town. JENNA [01:03:55] To get away from your wedding. Here's my bowling strategy. Dwight and Michael chuck a football back and forth, talking. JENNA [00:59:22] Oh, I know why. He's like, no, I know what I did. s02e17 - Dwight's Speech Transcript detail Michael: Let's think this through. Since then the land war on the Continent has ended and it cannot flare back. It is highly ridiculous to count on the eventual moral breakdown of the Italian people. Dwight's speech was a hodge-podge of actual lines from speeches and new material written and delivered in the oratory style of Benito Mussolini, leader of thePartito Nazionale Fascista in Italy, ruling the country as Prime Minister from 1922 to 1943constitutionally until 1925, when he dropped all pretense of democracy and set up a legal dictatorship. Not Mandarin. Third, while during the World War Germany was isolated from Europe and the world, today the Axis is master of the Continent and allied with Japan. ", "I say salesmenand womenof the world, unite! We planned this out like superduper. Thats not a toast, youre not standing up. (Applause) Salesmen of northeastern Pennsylvania, I ask you once more, rise, and be worthy of this historical hour! He said a doctor came and said, you cannot go to work. ANGELA [00:32:32] And I mean all the guys actually. ANGELA [00:12:46] Is that a reference for your butthole? JENNA [00:30:49] Yeah. JENNA [01:03:24] Her wedding is June 10th. And the finale of "Skating with Celebrities" was at the same time as this episode. JENNA [00:54:59] You know, they're sort of meant to be that kind of funny relationship, but they have a really good relationship. Cause I'm tan. Like he would very, like, seriously, like pass me like papers. We don't know what they are going to say. These are the moments that ground it and make it real. And what is playing as they walk through? Did you understand? :wX_ss\fh^_0B7Fb78>(0p,% \hMr8}6azr`#;m?6h85;_ G #KT*{/G Like I remember when it came time for lunch, like the catering was way, it was like Sergio plus all these other extra guys. ANGELA [00:20:41] The little the boob slip. And it's really nice. If there is a scene in the main office bullpen and they want to get reaction shots of everyone. Creed". ANGELA [00:49:04] Right. They can't, how can they be? When Pam tries to tell Ryan how Kelly feels about him, he coldly says, "I know what I said.". I think he was really trying to power it out and then his body just couldn't. OMG I can't stop laughing at Morning Joe's comparison of @kimguilfoyle's RNC speech w/ Dwight Schrute's Mussolini speech from #TheOffice #RNC2020 . ", "No revolution is worth anything unless it can defend itself! Ryan Sass. ZKOoIV.A;p%2ferk?|MWBh 6OT` [ZZh**sz^ZfB~WgzSq+wl9>' D5nUZDuI7%7R*_I(xjG#~4Lf uLF1$iRn$7a>j\QhQS|igJW? ANGELA [00:12:55] But. ANGELA [00:52:00] You can't laugh. Salesmen of Northeastern Pennsylvania, I ask you once more rise and be worthy of this historical hour. ANGELA [00:40:52] Did he say, who are you? SPEECH DELIVERED BY PREMIER BENITO MUSSOLINI. And then Pam is like, you know, she likes you. << /ProcSet [ /PDF ] /XObject << /Fm1 5 0 R >> >> ANGELA [00:43:41] But one of the places he would like to go is New Zealand because he wants to walk the "Lord of the Rings" trail to Mordor. ANGELA [00:46:52] Blood alone moves the wheels of history. Jim: No. It's not orange. 23 Thanks so much for tuning in. He starts pounding his fists. And he says, Brad Pitt. I know why, but I know why. And he's like, yeah, I'm never getting married. ANGELA [00:22:31] All right. I went to a friends house and saw it then came home the next day and told my parents to download it on itunes. But remember, wasn't it Oscar who says he likes the cold? SAM [00:43:59] Mordor is where Sauron is. And Jim decides, you know what? ANGELA [00:33:58] And he's gonna show him an example of that. ANGELA [00:28:52] Yeah. Kelly: Ryan, do you know when you would want to get married? And then he's like, I really hope I see the, the gal from "Battlestar Galactica". And he's really nervous. ANGELA [00:30:35] Well, you know, poor Jim overhears this and he's like, that's it. I don't know. Original Air Date: March 2, 2006. History takes one by the throat and forces a decision. ANGELA [00:14:12] Oh, shut up. And he looks at you and he's like, I know what I said. Jim gave Dwight public speaking tips, such as "you've got to wave your arms and you've got to pound your fists." Jim also downloaded speeches from some of the "most effective public speakers in history." You know, Mussolini, Stalin, etc. "[17] M. Giant of Television Without Pity graded the episode with an "A. I dont know, if I were a betting man, Id say he will have a fun weekend in Philadelphia. And I had a fan question from Madeline Ethington. Pam looks at the camera. The very next day, it was announced that it was canceled. He can't remember. JENNA [00:20:41] Where her boob came out. While some could not get past how loud she was, others drew a comparison between her speech and an episode in the Season 2 of popular sitcom 'The Office,' titled 'Dwight's Speech' where Dwight Schrute (Rainn Wilson) wins the award for Dunder Mifflin salesman of the year and begins shouting quotes from dictators like Benito Mussolini into the . ANGELA [00:31:37] I'm still tan. JENNA [00:05:49] The dummy wranglers. Ryan: I know what I said. Ryan brings Pam the wrong type of stamps for her wedding invitations. When the sufferings of the march by the Julia division almost up to Metzovo are known all will appear legendary. I think what's happening is Jim is saying. Dwight says at one point that he lost a spelling bee to Raj Patel when he misspelled the word "failure". And then I will hike Mount Doom. Dwight Kurt Schrute III (born January 20, 1970) is a fictional character on The Office who is portrayed by Rainn Wilson. JENNA [00:33:07] He says what is the difference between a salesman and a saleswoman? Pam: Australia? I can teach you enough so you don't embarrass yourself during the speech. This proof begins with the dogmatic premise that although anything may happen Italy will march with Germany, side by side, to the end. This is our duty to change their perception. And I kind of remember it because all I do is sit at the reception deak. [15] An encore presentation of the episode on August 15 received a 1.9 rating/6 percent share and was viewed by over 4.6 million viewers and retained 100 percent of its lead-in audience. JENNA [00:00:52] All right, I'll tone it down. They must add at least one zero to the figures of their communiqus. ANGELA [00:32:34] We're always in suits and the lights do like warm up the stage but they cranked the air down so the guys wouldn't get sweaty in their suits. ANGELA [00:24:17] He does not want Dwight to succeed. JENNA [00:18:50] They were cleared and not returned. Michael: The difference between a salesman and a saleswoman is boobs. So I captivated the guy who captivated a thousand guys. But again, I wasn't sure. He says he went there after his divorce for a week or maybe a month. JENNA [00:40:00] Toby suggests that Jim go to Amsterdam. And it was-. And I entertained Dwight to no end, with my bar stories. I took Ryans response to Pam at face value; simply, that he was annoyed at Kelly and wanted to shut her down. In, In this episode, Ryan tells us that Jim eats a ham and cheese sandwich everyday. ANGELA [00:26:41] He had a change of clothes, a Dundee. I don't know if you guys outside of L.A., you see these signs a lot around town. JENNA [00:12:21] "Bowling with Celebrities". And Ryan comes in and you're like, "Oh, did you get my stamps"? And he's like-. And Dunderpedia pointed out that this was the motto of a downtown Scranton revitalization project. ANGELA [00:16:11] But Rainn came at him full throttle. He's psyching him out. We have to go back to the office because there's some Ryan sass happen. Basically, Rainn was sick. ANGELA [00:52:14] Yeah, he gets his courage. Audience: FOR IT IS TOGETHER THAT WE PREVAIL! You thought there wasn't, but there is. JENNA [01:02:35] Great hotel, super charming. Notable cut scenes include Dwight coming to work wearing sunglasses, Michael criticizing Dwight's speaking skills, Dwight trying to tell another joke to the office, Ryan bringing the wrong type of stamps for Pam's wedding invitations, and an extended scene of Michael's unfunny and very awkward speech.[6]. And I was under that. Thus our first squadron of airplanes left on July 27, 1936, and during the same day we had our first dead. ANGELA [00:26:14] Yeah, like, why is this? ANGELA [00:55:57] Back in the conference room. Have you ever asked yourselves in an hour of meditation, which every one finds during the day, how long we . It's not just a joke relationship. JENNA [00:51:23] That sounded super real. ~X+0w_PI\{)L1oWy@Mq:6Yt|W8L^*Z/,@c/v ANGELA [00:00:07] And we're best friends. Taken from a speech Mussolini gave on February 23, 1941. So you know the scene in Michael's office where he's telling Dwight, I'm going to, I'm a mentor you. It makes you wonder how Michael's speech went. I have to disagree with you. ", "Italian men and women, standing once again, be worthy of this great hour! ANGELA [00:14:52] Do you want to know why? Jim, upset at having to hear wedding planning at Pam's desk, calls a travel agent and arranges a trip to Australia. ANGELA [00:00:25] I see what you're doing there. Orange. ANGELA [00:49:46] She's coughing and sniffling. JENNA [00:58:31] Madeline wrote and said, "I have been waiting for this episode to ask this question". JENNA [00:26:34] What, like a couple of items like wrapped in mesh with some twine. JENNA [00:05:45] And so the wranglers really moved them around a lot. This has nothing to do with me. I was like, this is the strangest question. Dwight is sitting at his desk and he is talking about a sale on TiVo. ANGELA [00:49:16] We're watching the music video. You shut it. I did a search to see if there is a gif of someone, of Michael saying, "I'm public speaking. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. ANGELA [01:00:10] And Dwight's like, oh, I wish I wanted to go to this. Also described as the sexiest place on earth where you can be as mild or wild as you like. But remember, while today it is me, we all shall fall. So now Dwight is feeding himself grapes at his desk. About Us | Copyright Inquiry | Privacy Policy | Contact Us. JENNA [00:52:20] And we had a few fan questions. JENNA [00:49:14] We're also watching the music video. ANGELA [00:09:33] I could really tell. ANGELA [00:41:34] This is Creed. Remember when he got Dwight to believe that Thursday was Friday? [0 0 612 792] >> sothis episode was worth waiting through the Olympic coverage! I don't know. Then again, I would have taken a poor episode just to end the drought caused by the Olympics. OK. And Kelly says she wants a June wedding. Creeds shout out in Mandarin (I made out friend and how are you and not much else) JENNA [00:27:19] Rainn improvised that part of it, where, that the word was "failure". ANGELA [00:49:26] They do. JENNA [00:43:09] That was always so fun when they would notice our little choices. JENNA [01:00:40] And otherwise they just had those signs up that said if you walk in this area, you might be filmed for a TV show. So he goes to Michael for advice. SPEECH DELIVERED BY PREMIER BENITO MUSSOLINI. Those two years in a row. JENNA [00:34:46] So hard. JENNA [00:37:59] Okay, so here's the deal. JENNA [00:40:09] Creed says he should go to Hong Kong. Doom. And we're like, are we out of jobs? But I did download speeches from some of historys famous dictators. ANGELA [00:44:43] I'm not as versed in "Lord of the Rings", so-. Well, there are many things, I believe, that do such of thing of that nature. I come really close to getting a strike. So now we go to Pam's talking head and she says, listen, I just I have to do my wedding planning at the office, you know? JENNA [00:02:11] What were you? The Greek successes do not go out of the tactical field and only megalomania has magnified them. Dwight's Mussolini speech as Mussolini Fantastic Filth 138 subscribers Subscribe 1K 50K views 5 years ago Dwight's Mussolini speech from The office! Dwight finally works up the nerve to give his speech and, by using Jim's advice, wins over the crowd with a passionate yet unorthodox speech. ANGELA [00:35:28] And then he goes, oh, also, there's no bonuses. I think Ryan's right. Here he is, Angela. ANGELA [00:55:17] Listen, Dwight and Angela make perfect sense to me. ANGELA [00:59:16] You have to show me. ANGELA [00:48:04] Yeah. Oscar says that he purposely gets to work early to set the thermostat at 66 degrees. Kristy Swanson won. JENNA [00:58:11] And Michael has this quote where he says, "listen, I captivated the guy who captivated a thousand guys. ANGELA [00:02:27] I also own a sweatshirt that says "Always cold". Ryans icy I know what I said JENNA [00:24:40] Is it because he's a little bit rubbing it in everyone's face? << /Type /Page /Parent 7 0 R /Resources 3 0 R /Contents 2 0 R /MediaBox So there were there were only three cast members that went to the convention and it was, you know, Rainn. JENNA [00:42:43] I just like that all of us all the time. Mostly. I do not fear the unknown. And he asked Dwight if he's ready for his big speech. Restoring the Pride." JENNA [00:39:11] I don't know. Pam continues to plan her wedding, while Jim schedules a vacation. And it's a lovely hotel. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! So Angela, the Angela Martin and me is like, you are not being nice. ANGELA [00:38:46] You're not here to look-see, look-see. ANGELA [00:49:00] It's full of people. There's some really good stuff. Jim: Okay, I didnt actually major in public speaking. At 17 minutes, 34 seconds, he says. We cranked it back up. JENNA [00:52:15] He gets out his speech. Dwight's speech was a hodge-podge of actual lines from speeches and new material written and delivered in the oratory style of Benito Mussolini, leader of the Partito Nazionale Fascista in Italy, ruling the country as Prime Minister from 1922 to 1943constitutionally until 1925, when he dropped all pretense of democracy and set up a legal ANGELA [00:35:06] Cars slid off the road into the railing. [15] This means that it was seen by 4.4 percent of all 18- to 49-year-olds, and 10 percent of all 18- to 49-year-olds watching television at the time of the broadcast. ANGELA [00:14:54] OK. Okay, so yeah not my favorite episode, but still worth the wait. JENNA [00:58:26] This. The Axis fights in certainty of victory, while the British fight because, as Lord Halifax said, they have no other choice. I remember from the table read that that killed. ", "We are warriors! JENNA [00:22:47] They're so cute. Could we Fascisti leave without answer that cry and remain indifferent in the face of the perpetuation of the bloody crimes of the so-called popular fronts? Miracles! Its obvious she likes you, and comments like that, they just He's, you know. JENNA [00:11:15] It only went for one season, so it wasn't a hit? JENNA [00:07:05] Fast Fact Number Two: Rainn Wilson was very sick for this episode. This is an old tech alert, though. I reached out to Creed. But I do thank you for writing in. Having definitely liquidated Britains armies on the European Continent, the war could not but assume a naval, air and, for us, also a colonial character. Fourth, with this situation things are diametrically opposed to conditions from 1914 to 1918. ANGELA [00:01:51] A vacay. It was me against Raj Patel. JENNA [00:07:18] We had to. /Resources 6 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode >> JENNA [00:21:04] This is the second time Jim has mentioned Cugino's. And it is really the beginning of what I like to call "Ryan sass", that's going to really kick into effect later in this episode. And Michael is like, "Oh, yes. ANGELA [00:27:22] That is fantastic. Sometimes they would have us do that. But, yeah, I mean, the other thing, too, you should know is that Rainn really didn't want to miss work because he knew how much went into that day. When Michael dejectedly leaves Dwight's speech, he walks past Angela standing in the back of the ballroom, recording the speech with a handheld video camera. ANGELA [00:19:06] Yes. JENNA [00:05:39] He mentioned that Charles McDougal was really worried that you were going to see these dummies. You mean just Mindy? endstream Michael: Insult. I dont care how many times they use the same improv meeting consisting of Michael saying inappropriate things I still find it funny. It was me against Raj Patel. Dwight runs over in only the way that Rainn Wilson would do. He went almost butt overhead. Dwight Schrute Inspired Valedictorian Speech 80,365 views Jun 12, 2012 1K Dislike Share Save NorthIdahoPfunTime 16 subscribers Matt Pfeifer's Valedictorian Speech from Sandpoint High. There was an "Office" convention in 2007. ANGELA [00:25:31] You know you did. Young people, TiVo was like a VCR. Dwight vs. Everything: A Catalog of Dwight Schrute's Battles on 'The Office'. ANGELA [00:25:22] Inside his, like, man armoire. JENNA [00:54:26] So was it written in the script that you're wearing a hat and then wardrobe had to come up with hat choices? Important, like payroll papers. All right. It looked like maybe a silver shot glass and a blue cup. Michael will use the same conclusion when he loses a sale to Danny Cordray and convinces him to work for him in ", Dwight comes to work wearing sunglasses and tries to get Jim to complete the sentence, "My future is so bright". The industrial power of the United States certainly is great, but for aid to be useful supplies must safely reach England and also be of such quantity as not only to replace the destruction already inflicted and that which will come to the industrial plants of Britain, but also to bring about superiority over Germany. Especially-in this war, which has the world as its theatre and pits continents directly or indirectly one against another. So I do remember that. And some takes they would have, they just had me there just in case. Am I wrong? Why are people trying to go to Mordor or not trying to go to Mordor? Some people will tell you salesman is a bad word. In the same period were sent 1,924 cannon of all calibers and many of them of recent construction and model; 15,386 machine-guns; 11,000,000 rounds of shells; 1,344,287,275 bullets for light arms; 127,877 tons of engineers materials; 779 tanks with a certain percentage of heavy tanks; 9,584 auto vehicles of various kinds; 4,809 motorcycles. JENNA [00:39:01] For couples, single women and invited single men. Kelly: This is karma, because of what he did to Jennifer Aniston. Michael: Just, try not to be such an idiot. Now, I had written in my blog a while ago that we had 500 extras, but Kent said we did not have 500 extras. Dunderpedia, guys, is the Wikipedia of "The Office". All right. Michael Sciannamea of TV Squad wrote that he wonders if the Jim-Pam relationship "will reach some sort of resolution or become a season-ending cliffhanger". ANGELA [00:41:46] This doesn't happen very often and Jenna, I did one of our little dorky actory things where I gave myself a backstory. WE MUST NEVER CEDE CONTROL OF THE MOTHERLAND FOR IT IS TOGETHER THAT WE PREVAIL. But I didn't know. It was always something we were annoyed with. Speaking of hidden moments, how many of you noticed that it was Angela who was filming Dwight from the back of the convention hall? I didn't want to know. Pam continues to plan her wedding, while Jim schedules a vacation. The other year he just got a certificate. I didn't even buy it for myself. [even bigger applause as Dwight laughs maniacally] No revolution is worth anything unless it can defend itself. Also, there is a thermostat war going on. "Have you ever asked yourselves in an hour of meditation, which every one finds during the day, how long we have been at war?". That is crazy town. It was the most I'd ever seen. Angela"? And you're like, "Yeah, it doesn't really matter". JENNA [00:17:19] So they could see you better. 2MTFZ_Yw3{BOg+t2Oy# Because I asked Kent Zbornak and Paul Lieberstein, why is there a man dressed as a wizard in the background? I couldn't possibly let you read parts of my speech. :). Some ignorant foreign commentators should take due account of this. So he goes to Michael for advice. JENNA [00:28:35] They were the most fun to me. Bye. What was his response? Don't stop. JENNA [00:44:10] How can you not describe it? Also, Kim Ferry outdid herself with this really intricate braid. ANGELA [00:51:44] So I was there. ANGELA [00:03:50] And the logistics. JENNA [00:18:30] Well, I don't know if you notice at 20 seconds when Michael tosses the ball and he knocks over Jim's stuff on his desk, it all kinds of falls forward onto this pile of boxes that's in front of Dwight's desk. Not less heavy are the losses we inflicted on the English. A lot of fans wrote in and asked if Jim ever takes the trip. Michael is just, I think, jealous that someone else has the spotlight. So whereas Greg Daniels is in charge of all the creative aspects of an episode, Kent Zbornak would be in charge of the practicals. :]. Jim: Im going. Like this one (holding up printout), originally given by Benito Mussolini. Dwight: I say, salesmen and women of the world, unite. Angela: The very best of luck to you, Dwight. Well, I reached out to our line producer Kent Zbornak. What's more, his shout-out is in Mandarin, even though the primary language in Hong Kong is Cantonese. JENNA [00:39:23] Your waitstaff. Dwight Schrute Episode: The Office Season 2 Episode 17: "Dwight's Speech" Show: The Office Related Quotes: Dwight Schrute Quotes, The Office Season 2 Episode 17 Quotes, The Office Quotes Added by . Fifth, the morale of the Axis people is infinitely superior to the morale of the British people. ANGELA [00:25:44] He saved it for ta bit. Michael: Two years in a row. JENNA [01:04:48] What's next week's episode? And I remember that the audience, the the extras, the 400 extras kept getting tickled at Steve. !Love this show!!!Helen. What's interesting to me-. ANGELA [00:02:22] I have a T-shirt on, a sweatshirt with a hoodie and then I have an enormous puffer over that. ANGELA [01:04:28] I think what he is finally admitting is they're, they're not best friends. Why is everyone coming down on Dwight? It's a big honor. JENNA [00:44:05] Is that a thing or a person? He tosses it to Phyllis. Major. JENNA [01:04:06] But I think it's more than that. That's all my actual hair. Let me say now that what is occurring in the United States is one of the most colossal mystifications in all history. I guess is what you could say. He also has to give a big speech at the convention. Dammit, I'm forgetting the name. ANGELA [00:40:11] Creed also calls John "Jimmy". So Kevin suggests he go to Hedonism. Applause John. He wasn't shoved that hard. They wanted me to come out a little bit to the edge of accounting. I'm not sure how to even be your friend now that you're getting married. We're going to be shooting back in the office now". ANGELA [00:22:10] "It is literally the highest possible honor that a northeastern Pennsylvania based mid-size paper company regional salesman can attain". No, that's Kent Zbornak's book. JENNA [00:38:50] We're gonna give you ten minutes to take off your stuff. People were injured. He did not fall in any of the rehearsals. ANGELA [00:34:42] This is so funny. JENNA [01:00:58] Like you go to a restaurant and there's like a sign and you're like, oh, they're filming on the street and I'm gonna be in the background getting my coffee, I guess. That's the most competent Meredith has ever sounded. Although they were not recorded, the dialogue was very detailed. "[20], IGN ranked the scene with Dwight making his speech as its third-best moment in the first two seasons, and called Wilson's performance a "hilariously spot-on impersonation of Mussolini's crazed arm movements. Ryan: Jim has worked at the same place for five years. You get a really good shot of it. So-. There were five "dummy wranglers" who moved the dummies around for each shot. Sorry, you have Javascript Disabled! Do I look tan? ANGELA [00:15:50] It wasn't really in the script that he was going to shove Leslie. And so we answered that question. Global Television Network in Canada aired this episode the day before it aired in the United States due to a scheduling conflict with the finale of, Portions of Dwight's speech are drawn from the speeches of, Dwight's award may have come at the expense of Jim. ANGELA [00:51:42] I was waiting to go on. JENNA [00:00:06] We were on "The Office" together. At the end of the episode, Jim tells Pam that he will be going to Australia and, unfortunately, he will be missing her wedding as a result. JENNA [00:53:14] So Kent said the first take was pretty unusable.