Last but definitely not least, Pluto will make its first-official debut in Aquarius on March 23, highlighting the darker attributes of your immediate circles and thought processes. Before that, take a retrospective view of your family, domestic life, and roots, and appreciate the ground youve covered. Lean on the new moon energy on March 21 for the peace and serenity you crave, even if it requires you taking the lead. Did you discover concepts through podcasts, conversation, or formal study? That same day, your taskmaster ruler, Saturn, will be joining the sun and Mercury in your communication sector, and for the first time since 1996. If only we could bring that wealth of knowledge with us when we cross back over the threshold of consciousness. It could be that one aspect of your existence is sending you roses and another giving you lemons. 2023 BDG Media, Inc. All rights reserved. All products featured on Glamour are independently selected by our editors. On a sweeter note, lovely Venus will be making its dazzling debut in Taurus, via your curious third house of communication, thought process, and immediate surroundings. What is the journey youve been on? Youll be amazed at what manifests from that starting point. However, when you buy something through our retail links, we may earn an affiliate commission. Embrace your inner sweet dream believer and float through this week. The same goes for your self-confidence, so chin up. Heres what the stars have in store for you this week. Two weeks after Saturn departs from Aquarius, alchemical Pluto picks up the baton, making a short visit to the Water Bearer's realm from March 23 to June 11, 2023. In fact, you should never go head-to-toe with just one look. This could clear up some areas where youve unconsciously sabotaged your growth or potential. Their horoscopes reach millions here and through their resident astrologer column at ELLE Magazine. Dear Geminis, this will be a suffocating week for you. Important details may suddenly resurface and on the dark side, overcomplicate your intuitive perception of things. If you are a male Gemini, then you may be having a Neptune experience yourself, cruising and drifting in this . In particular, communication is highlighted, so step into your authority or expertise. On the one hand, allow yourself to go with the flow and be open to possibilities. Moving away from that grim beginning doesnt sound like the worst thing in your March 2023 horoscope. Madame Clairevoyant: Horoscopes for the Week of October 25. The Moon's return to Gemini each month is always a valuable chance to check in and to become more emotionally engaged and aware. Click here to get $10 free! Let that part of you harvest what helps and disperse what doesnt. December 19: Venus Retrograde in Capricorn. The new beginning you're experiencing within yourself is reflecting onto your one-on-one relationships, and Pluto's ingress into Aquarius on March 23 will begin to slowly but surely transform the dynamic of your self-expression. March 2023 Horoscopes by Zodiac Sign Aries March 2023 Horoscope (March 21-April 19) You are mentally and spiritually preparing yourself for a brand-new solar season, Aries. An eternal kid at heart, the Gemini family member is the undeniable wild child. Maybe it's via professional matters or a prominent parental figure; either way, you're being called to take charge moving forward. The Gemini family member will get down on the floor and build a Lego castle, set up an Easter egg hunt, and tutor their kids on their homework for hours on end. (Perhaps at a play party or in a spontaneous moment of affection.) Realizing your restrictions and limited beliefs around stability will set you free, Scorpio. Fashion, to a Gemini, can be like an endless costume party. This week, your nature will be seen as a little more vigilant about your health. Stay grounded, and be sure to consider the bigger picture when planning ahead. The red planet doesnt necessarily enjoy being in the sign of Cancer, but its a nice change of pace. On a brighter note, Venus will be entering its home sign Taurus, and your sensually driven second house of money on March 16. With so many people to mingle with along the way, ts not like youre going to make it home to change in between events! Pisces prefers to dream and sweep things under the rug, which is where Saturn comes into play. Come March 19, Mercury will join Jupiter via the sign of Aries, where its as bold as it is impulsive, so think before you say something in the heat of the moment. Time to save. Look back to those times if you were around and you could see repeating themes. It gets better though, as the sun and Mercury will join your celestial ruler, Jupiter, in Aries, bringing energy and vitality to your expressive fifth house of love, passion, and pleasure. With limitless Jupiter fueling your impetus to exploridate, theres no telling whose arms youll be wrapped up in. Youre a born superconnector, Gemini, and this week, you should liberally flex those skills on your own behalf. Home / Weekly Horoscope / Gemini Weekly Horoscope. You will find that the brighter you shine, the more prosperity will come your way. While its easy for you to gush with enthusiasm, youll need to focus on whats in it for other people. Speak to a relationship advisor - your first reading for just $1.99! New Moon February 20, 2023 New Beginnings, Tarot Card Meanings by Psychic Revelation. The moon will also be renewing itself in this area of your chart on March 21, so be sure to set your intentions wisely. Like an undercover lover, peer beneath the surfacenot at what people say with their words, but everything else around the syllables; the tone, intonation, and body language. Held back by the time spend in Gemini, Mars will be keen to make up for lost time and especially with Saturn returning to your career sector early next week. Be open to dialogue and listen to what they say without taking anything personally. Life . Kicking off the most hectic month of the year, Mercury the planet that governs communication style and thought process will join the sun via the all-encompassing sign of Pisces on March 2. Being brutally honest with yourself is key, especially those of you in the process of making an important decision. Just in time for your birthday, Mercury and the sun will join lucky Jupiter in your sign between March 19 and 20. A helpful influence builds up to a peak on Friday, leading to a more tangible, concrete bridge to this area of life. Or maybe you and your S.O. You can learn more at or follow Montgomery on Instagram @astro_allstarz. Those are the people you need to see today. Although, when considering Mercury's close proximity to Saturn between March 1 and 2, the cosmos is encouraging you to lean on your ride-or-dies, while others of you contemplate the structure of your professional collaborations. Without being TOO results-obsessed, treat all interactions as potential business deals, keeping your ears perked for win-wins. Luckily, with the help of Venus' shift into Taurus activating your 11th house of associations, societal affairs, and individual freedom you have the stability and support of your community at this time. However, these profound transits in your March 2023 horoscope can snap us out of auto-pilot, leaving us awakened and alert. March begins on a serious note, given Mercury's close proximity to taskmaster Saturn in Aquarius, via your 12th house of unconscious patterns. March is arguably the biggest astrological month of 2023, set to usher in profound changes that will unfold for the rest of the year. Over the weekend, take your ideas and assume the position of contemplative repose. Speaking of the heat, the sun will enter Aries shortly after on March 20 during the spring equinox which also happens to be the astrological new year. This March 30, Mars will high-five Saturn when the two form a supportive trine. Go-getter Mars will finally conclude its journey through Gemini on March 25, making its official debut in Cancer and your fifth house of love, passion, and pleasure. Heres whats in store for you in March, according to your sun and rising sign: You are mentally and spiritually preparing yourself for a brand-new solar season, Aries. This lunation will take place on the same day Saturn enters Pisces, and your 12th house of healing, spirituality, and unconscious realms. This planet is going to inspire a whole lot of other, less enjoyable, things too, but overall Saturn will prove helpful to your cause. Its been a solid slog in your work and wellness zone since March 2020, and thank your lucky stars, this is the final week. The Week Ahead for Gemini Monday, 27 February - Sunday 5 March Dealing with contradictory influences is always a challenge. Saturn, a planet of adulting and slow but steady progress, spends this last week of a 2.5-year run in your sign. Getting clear on your values requires a certain amount of humility from your part, but with Mercury the messenger slipping into Pisces that same day, you are presented with a new pair of rose-colored glasses, and an opportunity to dream a little bigger. Gemini Weekly Horoscope When you're faced with uncertainty or indecision, you're good at letting curiosity and instinct guide you. It's been focused in your financial zone, so a serious acquisition or investment might have been hard won but worth the limitation to your budget. The Empress is all about personal growth. What you understand better than most is that you don't need to know everything ahead of time: solutions often reveal themselves gradually. This event will occur after joining forces with Saturn via the last degrees of Aquarius, where the messenger planet exalts. This is where you will be, essentially, confronted and challenged to hold yourself accountable. Saturn will conclude its journey through your sign that same day, marking the end of a strenuous chapter. Christopher Renstrom. Youll either be celebrating your achievements or bringing to an end a long commitment and moving forward. This week, you could. However, Mercury the messenger will be joining the taskmaster planet in your sign on March 2, which is the epitome of a reality check. Identical twin sisters Ophira and Tali Edut, known as The AstroTwins, are the founders of and the authors of multiple bestselling astrology books. Vanessa Montgomery. You're choosing to keep a high vibe this month, Capricorn. This is neither a planting period nor one for . You can get to the cause of any bad habit or addiction. Energy must be expended . Today psychology frames this idea as surrendering thoughts to the subconscious, nonrational side to work through in dreams and reflection. Gemini Weekly Horoscope. It takes two to tango, but the only person you can truly speak for is yourself, Virgo. The planet Saturn is on the move, changing sign and finally finishing up an extended tour of your zone of local relationships, short courses, and writing. You may have a particularly potent conversation or insight, so yes, consult an expert, or perhaps by this stage, the real expert is you. Some intriguing discussions could result. They sometimes forget to be the disciplinarian though, and while its fun to be BFFs with their brood, they need to work to provide more structure for them, like setting bedtime and curfew. In the meantime, before shifting the majority of your focus towards your one-on-one relationships, your celestial ruler, Mercury, will join forces with taskmaster Saturn via your sixth house of health, daily rituals, and acts of service on March 2. Pussy Riot co-founder Nadezhda Tolokonnikova, a Scorpio. Are you ready to spring forward? Have you noticed the uptick in mental agility and comms? Give yourself some credit. Relationships are about to hit their halcyon days. Offer them up to the gods, as the ancients once did. Socially, they enjoy the company of aunts, uncles, kids, cousins, siblingsthe more, the merrier. Weekly Horoscope Signs Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces Weekly Horoscope February 27 to March 5 The times below are for New York. Late Scorpios, you might still feel some heaviness or pressure to get your own room, home, authority, or control. Things will feel lighter as the focus shifts into themes of the following sign. With Saturns help, you can make it to the top and become financially stable, but there are no shortcuts. From learning a trade to enrolling in online classes, you can develop understanding in a structured setting.Speak your dreams into existence when Mercury enters Pisces on Thursday, moving into your career zone. Layers are the key to going from boardroom appropriate to bar-opening sexy with a change of shoes and jacket. On the other hand, less than an hour away, will be Saturns debut in Pisces. But even you occasionally get stuck in a rut, dragged down by inertia, by the unending pressures of daily life. What makes you happy, and brings you genuine joy? Time for romance. Read on to discover what's . A new beginning in this area of life is almost inevitable, but with Pluto entering Aquarius on March 23, you could also be distracted by the intensity and transformation occurring in your personal life. Show your knowledge around a particular topic, step into your authority, and use how you communicate to convey that you mean business. Image by Brianna Lee x mbg creative / Stocksy. Or take them on yourself with some reflection or a conscious conversation with a significant other with whom you share a child, bank account, or other assets. The 27th rolls around with a balancing Half Moon in your sign, reminding you to take stock of your life and your goals and make sure they are in alignment. Time for love. On that note, Mercury and the sun's debut in Aries followed by the new moon on March 21 brings passionate new beginnings to your intimate unions, some of which will bring alchemy and transformation to everything from your health habits to your day-to-day lifestyle. Penny ThorntonsThe Astrology HandbookPart IGuide to Interpretation, Available in paperback and e-book on Amazon. Reflect on your sacrifices to consolidate in this area and celebrate achievements. Pluto moves into Aquarius on March 23. Since, wherever it flows, Venus IS the love planet, this could be a highly experimental week for Twins. Also known as the Lord of Karma, Saturn represents discipline and structure; its energy is grounding, and challenges the collective to hold themselves accountable. Wednesday to Sunday brings an increased desire for intimate relations and sexual satisfaction. Outside of these massive moments, there are lots of other highlights for your March 2023 horoscope. From love to money and career to health and happiness, The AstroTwins deliver their spot-on and eerily accurate forecasts for every sign zodiac sign, guiding you through your 2023 astrology forecast from January to December. Mar 3, 2023 - Things should go nicely for you today, Gemini. Before that, Saturn floated in the cosmic Fishs pond from March 25, 1964 to March 4, 1967. This correlates with the passage of surly Saturn through this area. Also your mindset and understanding because of what you learned on the job or through a particular health challenge. A full moon on the life-direction axis accompanies Saturns entry into your tenth house, so this week may contain a moment of truth. Dreams are part of your nonordinary waking reality, full of personal insight and sometimes prophetic understanding. Air signs love the conceptual stage, so move your favorite ideas on and refine them. Weekly Horoscope Click on your sign below to read your weekly horoscope starting Monday, February 27, 2023. Toward Friday, you may have a clear understanding, so use this time to plan ahead and commit to work and well-being routines. So if you've had a cross to bear, get ready to cast it off! Mars will move into Cancer from March 25 to May 20, where its said to be in fall (a weakened state since the yang energy of Mars isnt that comfortable in the yin waters of Cancer). Getting tangled up in the middle is no fun either. Gemini Style Horoscope by The AstroTwins The zodiac's trendiest sign, Gemini style looks fresh off the walkwayand accessorized to the nines with unique treasures you've sourced everywhere from global bazaars to estate sales. The Lord of the Underworld is not only here to empower and transform you, but also help you unveil what's been hidden from your conscious mind. Mark March 7 on your calendars, because this will be a Very Big Day. Your time is a precious commodity, and you want to spend it with people who stimulate your mind and soul. The first planet to move is Saturn, which will shift into Pisces on March 7, 2023, in sync with the Virgo full moon. Gemini Weekly Horoscope Daily Planetary Love Weekly Career Romance Money Monthly Annual Gemini Prev February 20 - February 26, 2023 Just having the Moon return to your career sector on Monday is going to get the new working week off to a good start. Gemini Weekly Horoscope from February 27 to March 5 by The AstroTwins You're a born superconnector, Gemini, and this week, you should liberally flex those skills on your own behalf. Career action heats up on Thursday, too, when hyperkinetic Mercury races into Pisces and your career-driven tenth house until March 19. And with the moon reaching its peak of fullness in Virgo on March 7 the same day Saturn enters your third house of communication and immediate surroundings you could be gaining clarity on the areas where you've unconsciously disregarded your needs to some degree. Or was it you sharing your ideas and developing them as you went? ), Pluto last visited Aquarius from 1778 to 1798, right as the United States began its first wobbly steps as a nation. (Read our article all about the Pluto in Aquarius transit here. Not just for your March 2023 horoscope but for the next couple months, our emotions, homes and personal lives can be a source of both friction and fuel. This is an excellent transit for stability, harmony and general mindfulness, so don't let it pass you by. Guaranteed. Translation? 7, shaking up your curious third house of communication, short trips, and immediate surroundings, just an hour or so before Saturn enters Pisces. Your weekly horoscope is here. Your motto: I think, therefore I am. AstroTwins Gemini Horoscope 2023, Astro Twins Weekly Astrology Online Home > Horoscopes > AstroTwins - Astrology Calculator > Seek your Astro-Twin AstroTwins - Astrology Online Search Seek your Sun/Moon/Rising Sign Twin Sun Moon Rising Sort by Found people: 31080 Gemini Sun ladapple *Jun 1, 1995 Female, 27 years misspeachy913 *Jun 19, 1981 Do that this week. (Although, you might wanna wait for Jupiter in Taurus later in the year) Shortly after, between March 19 and 20, Mercury and the sun will join lucky Jupiter in Aries via your seventh house of relationships and contractual agreements followed by a new moon in this area of your chart on March 21. See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil: Unless someone comes to them directly to ask for help with an issue, they do their best to keep outta the biz of others. While every household will play by different rules, understanding each zodiac signs innate domestic style can help you sort it out. Its all about who you know, Gemini.If youve been thinking about going back to school, now is the time to do it as Mercury conjoins Saturn in your expansion zone on Thursday. Neptune Retrograde ends on. A significant duty is being completed, and with your ruler, Mercury, joining the sun in your partnership sector that same day, you could finally be surrendering to ebb and flow of your relationship dynamics. Were already seeing glimpses of Plutos fingerprints in this tech-savvy sign, from the obsession with all things AI to cryptocurrency. You could have a lot of interests in common with this person. Mercury and the sun will join lucky Jupiter in Aries during the spring equinox, followed by a new moon in the same sign in March 21. Every item on this page was chosen by an ELLE editor. Venus is the planet of romance, pleasure and abundance, so be sure to harness the magic of this extra-Venusian transit. After a 15-year-journey through Capricorn, Pluto planet of destruction, transformation, and regeneration will make its debut in the humanitarian-like Aquarius, where it will begin to unveil the dark side of societys makeup. Can you believe Uncle Shane said that to Cousin Teresa? (Insert mortified gasps.) Something's shifting in your personal life, leaving you with no choice but to get down to business and hold yourself accountable moving forward. During this week, you are advised to keep yourself away from all kinds of suspicious . Mercury and the sun will eventually join Jupiter in Aries (in your money sector) between March 19 and 20, followed by a new moon in this area of your chart on March 21. Gemini Weekly Horoscope Gemini Monthly Horoscope None Earth to Gemini: You're welcome to fly free, but try to stay inside the stratosphere! A newfound outlook is inspiring and motivating you to take a leap forward, and you have the support of the cosmos, too. If money's coming in, then make . Endings may be a theme, and perhaps fewer social coffee dates than you're used to. Draw on this creative influence to amplify your already sharp intuitive faculty. The Gemini family member will get down on the floor and build a Lego castle, set up an Easter egg hunt, and tutor their kids on their homework for hours on end. Nearing weeks end, you may revisit a situation that encapsulates these themes. You might have discovered a new hobby or had to fill a few extra hours indoors that felt more like a chore and a bore than spirit-elevating. Its probably not going to be the easiest week on record, but it will be purposeful. During the spring equinox, we're all like tiny, tender seedlings pushing our way through hardened soil. Between March 19 and 21, Mercury and the sun will join Jupiter in Aries in your communication sector, followed by a new moon in this area of your chart. Whether it be one you're giving or receiving, something's becoming crystal clear. The Three of Wands refers to work in an extremely positive way. Lets talk career as Saturn, the planet of achievement through disciplined and focused effort closes off its last week in this zone. Gemini rules the arms and hands. The best part of March? By The AstroTwins. This is extra flirty and delightful energy, so be sure to use it wisely, especially those of you in the midst of negotiating something financial. What stimulated growth or expansion in this area? To revisit this article, visit My Profile, thenView saved stories. As this influence wraps up, devise a concise plan for this area as practical ideas align with your usual pragmatic realism. Leave it to Pluto in Aquarius to shake things up, but even still, this barely scratches the surface. As the zodiacs communicator, uncensored conversation is one of their favorite things. This is something that has happened every four weeks since this longest visit in eight decades began but it is also the last. This is why you might have some big project under your belt or underway. Although it won't be visible in the U.S, the weekend carries a total solar eclipsego with it, and eclipse that one habit, item, or relationship out of your life. To revisit this article, select My Account, thenView saved stories. | established in 2000, Your relationship with the females of each sign, Your relationship with the males of each sign, The female guide to love sex and compatibility. From Fitness to Relationships, Your Virgo Full Moon Horoscope Calls For A Clean-Up, Your Saturn in Pisces Horoscope for The 3-Year, Reality Melting Transit, Marchs Virgo Full Moon Blows the Whistle on Your Messy Habits, These Celebrities Are Finishing Their Saturn Return in Aquarius: Before and After, Your March 2023 Horoscope: The Decades Next Turning Point, Saturn in Pisces Turns the World Inside Out for the Next Three Years (But Dont Panic). MAR 3, 2023 - Venus links up with the centaur Chiron in Aries today. Thankfully, this is the last week of this influence as it moves out of a particularly tense aspect to your sign. It's more likely to be your career, unpaid work or academic career, Gemini. Gemini Weekly Horoscope Most of the time, you're skilled at mixing things up, at keeping your days fresh with new sights and sounds and experiences. Stars: summon the celestial makeover squad and lets get a do-over on the 2020s underway? Gemini Weekly Horoscope It can be useful to reflect on all of the decisions, big and small, that have brought you to a point in time, to dream about all of the ways your life could have gone differently. Sensually driven Venus will be entering its sign of rulership, Taurus, where it will ignite your sixth house of daily routines, health habits, and acts of service. Friends are where your heart is this season, Taurus. The relationship will evolve deeper, or you will be free to move on.