I do believe that this appears to be some sort of structure though, it does seem like some vines / branches have been woven together to form some sort of hut and even the AI enhancement would not make the blue appear on the floor so distinctly, the color and look almost reminds me of a scrap of denim like material? Lisanne's bones appeared as if they had decomposed naturally - but Kris' bones were mysteriously stark white as if they had been bleached, raising questions about whether someone had been involved in her death. Estou certa que no foi Lisanne que a tirou. However, its still possible. It is the morning of April 8th. It took us quite some time to get there, the authors explain to The Daily Beast. I know that in previous photos there are trenches like this one naturally occurring throughout the jungle due to erosion, but this one doesnt appear to be from that. Dimedes Abrego - 12 years in prison. Draw a line from that point in all directions as far as they could travel in the time to the emergency call, and there must be part of the answer to the mystery inside that circle. The bones of Lisannes foot were fractured in an unusual way (from the top down). Excellent editing work, thanks to Justin. After investigating further, I discovered this article from the LA Times: https://www.latimes.com/world-nation/story/2020-01-18/cult-anointed-by-god-kills-7-in-panama-jungle, The LA Times article states The sect arose after a villager returned to the community several months ago following a stint abroad, bringing back unusual religious beliefs with him.. And look at it from this point of view. I wish there were more answers to what happened. Like you, I also live abroad in a developing country. How many tourists go to Australia? Therefore, this can prove that the likelihood of a third party being involved is very high. From the summit, they decided to go in a bit deeper, or just took the wrong exit path by mistake. Like local tribesmen. Its so cold. In Latin America, it is as common as drinking coffee. At least the trash element and roof structure looks like very strong evidence. It belongs to the long green leaves we are seeing up there. In fact the last 4 (pre-nightime) photos are at odds with the others. The authors told The Daily Beast: "It actually came as a surprise to us too, but our conclusion had to be that it was an accident. Looks like shes holding her hand up to shield her eyes. Also, the other ones arent covered by man-made support structures. The black twigs can be seen growing up, as all vegetation/trees do to harness the sun, but the ones above her are clearly bent in a horizontal and parallel formation. I too believe this is most likely what happened. Looking carefully at her forehead you can see theres only the shade from a pole but her face is shaded. Jalisco prosecutors said that three people still seem to be missing after a gang kidnapped a group of tourists at the Pacific resort of Puerto Vallarta earlier this month. There is discussion in reference to a possible cave, but is there any evidence that the girls found a cave besides perhaps Kriss hair appearing unusually dry in the night photos? She is not tied up, there is no rope around her waist and there are no hidden or blurry people in the photo. Also the severity of the situation would dictate the time to the first SOS call. What is peculiar is that there were no attempts to contact anyone other than the emergency services. Fearing that these two strangers may bring the wrath of God upon him, he releases them into the jungle. The finding of the backpack 14 miles away is too incredulous to be believed. Ive written about many disappearances in Central America: https://imperfectplan.com/disappearances/, Thank you for your comment and please feel free to send me any notes/info that you find. Ive met a few people that have maintained their pet in the same way as we do in the USA. He has a whole series of You Tube videos (over 50) that were made that show that the pictures were manipulated and he names the suspect. Bright sunlight is coming in from the left side of the photo, so Kris holds her flattened right hand up to her face to shield her eyes, similar to a salute. I get why people really hard want to believe theres something more to it, but hiking a lot (in very well known areas) you can go lost SO easily. I see nothing extraordinary in this photo, without stretching imagination. Its sad because Panama is a beautiful country with a lot of wonderful people. Even the bones, the few that remain. Throughout the years people have hiked the disappearance route, I wonder if this structure was found there and investigated. Is there a head count of how many people have perished using the hiking trail in, say the last 10 years? Could the structure built above be some sort of a net or trapping device? The mystery remains unsolved to this day, and there is still little certainty around the tragic deaths of the two Dutch students. In 2020 the number of international visitors to Australia dropped to 6.7 million due . If so, they may have wandered across the field looking for the original path back and got themselves well and truly lost. Especially the beams and details, and the cave behind her. However, her surroundings were my intended focus regarding this photo theres a lot of things in this photo that havent been discussed elsewhere and could provide clues as to what happened to them. If one or both of the phones were missing, it would have generated more questions. Its disturbing. Theres no telling how many people touched it before the police got it. After a second look, I found that the Yahoo article specifically states that it was 17 foreigners belonging to another sect, but Yahoo was somewhat unclear Foreign can have a lot of meanings in this context. December 17, 2022. Had someone told them about something worth seeing? Apparently this villager travelled abroad, adopted extremist Christian views, returned home and started a cult in his own village which resulted in human sacrifices of other locals. Maybe they were forced by someone to go. You said it seems to me that they want to destroy the investigation I agree with you that it seems intentional to some degree. Aside from the various graffiti markings, the one thing that looks potentially creepy is the circular, hanging object. In other pictures of her crossing water she is clearly dirty with her hair up. https://netherlandsnewslive.com/kris-and-lisanne-went-hiking-in-panama-but-never-left-the-jungle/151903/. Also and I am assuming the phones where in their possession the phones actually did acquire a signal some times but clearly they were not being used so they did not know. The lower orange being around the belly area. to Kris left is a huge dark area that has been poorly obscured with pixellation. Seems weird. The backpack had no scratches, no marks, the camera and mobile phones inside are as good as new. Ive already researched a lot about the local conditions: https://imperfectplan.com/2020/07/02/kris-kremers-lisanne-froon-panama-bleached-bones/. It is clear they contributed much to this by their actions. Read Matts article about the daytime photos (link) for more detailed information. My opinion is that the girls met with foul play and were murdered. It was the last time anyone saw the women alive. And that looks to be a stocker style stand. Photo #509 was permanently deleted which takes advanced technical knowledge, plus a computer. Take care. Perhaps this is someone who had already joined them along the trail, and that only one of the girls was cool with the third party thats why the complete change from the first exuberant pictures. Unfortunately we dont have a lot of answers to your questions. The backpack and all the contents are so confusing. This girl was tortured before they killed her. Happy reading! Also last year, 22-year-old Florida man Craig Taylor was found strangled to death on a dirt road in Punta Sam, north of downtown Cancun. I was definitely thinking it looks like her hands might be tied behind her back here. I find it odd that the young American girl was murdered not long after this not far away as with the taxi driver who was found depended likely murdered. They place the evidence where it can be found, brining the matter to a close. Several of the relatives and friends of those visitors to the Quintana Roo who went missing formed a group named "Truth, Memory, and Justice" in an attempt to . There was no signal!! I think in the original photo she is putting on her backpack, stretching her arm and back, and the backpack has been airbrushed out because of course she didnt take that with her. I think that this is definitely a murder, because of the rucksack. So without doubt, someone tampered with the photos to some degree. Same goes for the hair photo, that people think might be a portion of a previous shot. Does blue have something to do with this strange punishment ritual? if both then was the other found in their room? They are really good, especially parts 3 and 4, which give a lot of information about the girls photos. Most dog owners here do not use a leash when walking their dogs. Vittorio Caruso. Its a subtle difference, but you can tell the girls smiles are forced in those two photos and are not like the natural happy smiles in the other summit photos. Watch Lost in the Wild Season 1 Episode 1. For the next three days she keeps moving, weakened by exposure to the elements and at the edge of starvation. I think the most important photos were not the daytime ones; I think the most important photos were some of the legible nighttime ones. At the beginning of this video I think I see some blue dye/paint/powder on one of the mens legs and something blue on the floor. However, the perpetrators likely wanted the authorities to believe they were taken on the pianista trail. If there are documented river paths, this could be a way to find that exact same location. Being disoriented, and losing a companion, hunger, asthma. For the next four days they travel. "It is our intention -- almost exactly one month following this tragic accident -- to give proper thanks to all those who supported our families during this difficult time, as well as to have many outstanding questions answered by way of a swift and thorough investigation," the families said in a joint statement. Full remains were found soon afterward and were assumed to be the two missing women. EERIE photos discovered on a camera belonging to two missing hikers revealed their mysterious final moments before both girls vanished in the jungle in Panama. Agreed the thing on the tree trunk looks man made but even if it is it is not sinister. Another important detail was disclosed to the public: Hctor Abrego was actively searching for the missing . Police cant be that stupid, but they hope that we are that stupid. The police, the media attention, the suspicions on him. Ive even been contacted by people in Asia. It is extremely easy to photoshop a photo once it has been darkened. I think that if the parents had withheld important photographs,showing that the circumstances pointed to natural causes,they would have disclosed that theory before now, surely,if for no other reason,than to prevent further speculation about the girls disappearance. I think shes frightened, Not only does it look like her hands are tied behind her back,but if you zoom in on just her,her expression does not look happy at all,and she is looking off to somewhere beside the camera,she isnt even looking at the camera,and there appears to be blood in her hair on both sides of her head and her hair is clearly a mess.maybe this photo was taken after their captured, possibly by whoever captured them. Matts article about the daytime photos (link), https://voyager.lupomesky.cz/kremers-froon/kris-gully-3composite.jpg, https://koudekaas.blogspot.com/2019/12/the-disappearance-of-kris-kremers-and_11.html, https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-CJKQMGxJ1Kc/XH7ld3XtSnI/AAAAAAAAjOg/kechIb5Cge8msf5kRVinBCrEjIiBCl7TwCLcBGAs/s1600/7reCdlm.jpg, https://www.laestrella.com.pa/nacional/141020/of-piece-medical-studies-examiner, https://koudekaas.blogspot.com/2019/12/the-disappearance-of-kris-kremers-and.html, Kris Kremers Case: The People Involved (Reference Guide), New Case Data: Night Photo EXIF Temperatures, Video Footage: El Pianista Complete Trail Hike, Canadas Freedom Convoy Raises Millions On GiveSendGo, Panama Expedition 2021 Complete Overview, Disappearance Stories A Word Of Caution, Kris Kremers and Lisanne Froon (Case Articles), 18 Critical Tips for Traveling Central America. Also right inside the cave looks like a fox or something similar is painted on the rock. Two months after the backpack was found, a pelvic bone and foot still inside a boot were discovered in the same area, according to La Estrella de Panama. Brought to trial and prosecuted successfully: highly unlikely, less than 1%. Sadly however, the Beaumont children are just three of around 2,000 long-term missing people in Australia. This would cover natural causes and the rucksack contents being in perfect condition. 1. The government intentionally did not investigate key pieces of information: fingerprints, phone records, locals in the area, other forms of DNA. Hi Mohaiminul, you mention some good questions. If you have any supplementary information regarding the case, or if you were involved in this case and feel that the information available in this article impacts your privacy, please contact our team. or Why would the perpetrators concoct all of the photo/backpack evidence? Trials are too costly. With regards to the photos, they are probably real. If so, it would indicate that she had been kept alive for a few weeks or more. There is definitely a face on that the post/tree to the right of Kris. scary They decided to enter the jungle, but they failed to mark their entry point into the jungle with a stack of rocks or some such marking. The group of 13 youngsters - nine from Coln province and four who were visiting from Panama City - left on Friday morning to go swimming in Gatn Lake. Her whole body is facing towards the right in the picture, almost in profile to the camera, with even her right leg in front of her left leg (a dancer would tell you that her whole body would much more naturally turn to the left, away from the camera) and then only her face turning right, towards the camera, the upper part of her body following slightly. According the guidance given to the US Embassy, immigration officials will require tourists who leave the country to stay a minimum of 30 days outside of the country before reentering. They got lost and succumbed to the wild. https://postimg.cc/94q0cVhH. I think Kris was about to have a quick look in a man-made structure she had stumbled across just to explore. I was clearly kept elsewhere and planted later. It would be scarey.they could got attack by animal. He went into the girls room without police, he was involved with finding of the backpack, and also the bones. Like the taxidriver and the two local boys. She must therefore be in a house or building of some kind and therefore being kept prisoner at least for the 8 days before that photo was taken. There are no discernible scratches of any kind on the bones, neither of natural nor cultural origin there are no marks on the bones at all. The world may never know what happened to the pair, but speculation still runs wild. What I DO see is a very definite path. The backpack contained sunglasses, a camera, two cell phones,money,two bras, Froon's passport, and a water bottle. Perplexing to say the least. The point is that all of this case was poorly handled by the authorities. Este rosto de uma jovem que est angustiada,aterrorizada sem saber o que fazer para se salvar. Youre asking why didnt they try to call a friend or family member WHEN THEY COULDNT EVEN GET A SIGNAL TO THE POLICE? Why not just kill them and leave it be? There is, of course, the possibility that they might have agreed to share passwords considering that a remote wilderness could present an emergency that might result in a combination of one of them losing her phone while the other was too incapacitated to work hers. There's no telling how many ships or planes have "disappeared" in the Bermuda Triangle, but the U.S. Navy estimates that around 50 ships and 20 aircraft have gone missing there.