"May the Darkness have mercy on me. I'm going to press on. 14. He banked the funds through a phony company called C & J Engineering, the C & J standing for Clarence Johnson. Kelly Johnson's 14 Rules and Practices. Hear more revealing testimony from Disclosure Project whistleblowers. During this time, almost by accident, one of the Skunk Works mathematicians finds a copy of a Soviet . And thus, revolutionary aircraft after revolutionary aircraftincluding perhaps Johnsons greatest achievement, the SR-71 Blackbird, still the worlds fastest aircraft fifty years after its first flightrolled off the Lockheed line under Johnsons watch. Instead of giving the SR-71 weapons, Johnson designed the SR-71 to travel at Mach 3.32, making it the fastest aircraft ever. An historical documentary about Kelly Johnson and Skunk Works, a division of Lockheed and the makers of many American iconic aircraft, such as the SR-71 Blackbird, U-2 Dragonlady, F-104. Don Phillips, These UFOs were huge and they would just come to a stop and do a 60 degree, 45 degree, 10 degree turn, and then immediately reverse this action. 4. . Lockheed built the plane at Skunk Works headquarters in Burbank, California, in just eight months, then sent it for testing at Area 51, which Johnson nicknamed "Paradise Ranch." During one of the wind tunnel tests, Johnson discovered a flaw with the Electras directional stability. The Skunk Works' program manager must be delegated practically complete control of his program in all aspects. The Fort Robertson complex was located less than a thousand yards from the Municipal Airports in-bound runway. 5 Best Aviation Games You Can Download Today! We may earn a commission from links on this page. Linda Thompson, It's a blessing not to be alone in your grief but it's also painful to see your parents and siblings in pain. We develop laser weapon systems, radio frequency and other directed energy technologies for air, ground and sea platforms to provide an affordable countermeasure alternative. Bullshit. 13. As such, the Lockheed management ordered Kelly Johnson to rename the division to Skunk Works in order to avoid legal issues. Following his graduation from Flint Junior College, Johnson enrolled at the University of Michigan. There is also the Secrecy aspect. During the 1960s, the US Navy implemented something now known as the KISS principles. On one of these sorties, a P-38 attacked a Japanese Navy air convoy. Even though the engine was running fine I slowed down and lowered our altitude and made a direct line for England. Today's Skunk Works employs 3,700 employees at facilities in Palmdale, California, Marietta, Georgia, and Fort Worth, Texas. Another opponent was Ed Martin, who thought that anyone who hadnt been building airplanes since the propeller-driven days wasnt worth talking to, much less listening to. | About Us The Botes Void: Is This Evidence Of An Alien Civilization? 2. His statements helped to give credence to reports that the U.S. military has been flying vehicles that mimic alien craft. 2. Meghan O'Rourke, Many a good man I have seen go under. Here, the SR-71, F-117 and U-2 were all tested by the US military. This classic history of America's high-stakes quest to dominate the skies is "a gripping technothriller in which the technology is real" (New York Times Book Review). Two minutes later, we were crossing the Channel.. By that, his employees should never delay a contract, or overrun on costs, and/or never deliver a product that is subpar. Only in the last months of his decline did he begin to feel that the international corporate board of directors dealing with the Subject could represent a bigger problem to citizens personal freedoms under the United States Constitution than the presence of off-world visitors themselves.. We can also treat from the same scanner. "There must be a minimum number of reports required, but important work must be recorded thoroughly," Johnson wrote. Johnson worked on almost all of Lockheeds jet aircraft between the 1950s and 1970s. We got Dr. Scott of the Bureau of Standards cleared to work with us as an adviser. It is amazing to think that one man did so much to advance mankinds aerospace capability. In an e-mail, dated July 29, 1999, apparently addressed to Lindemann, McDonald referenced an excerpt of a discussion with Harold Puthoff, founder of the highly classified U.S. remote viewing program. What he said might be new to many people today, but he revealed the information before his death in January 1995. Lockheed's Skunk Works may be one of the earliest models for sustaining innovation inside an organization - never mind the nefarious mission of making flying machines to kill people. He was the kind of enthusiastic visionary that bulled his way past vast odds to achieve great successes, in much the same way as Edison, Ford, and other immortal tinkerers of the past. Explore Skunk Quotes by authors including Abraham Lincoln, G-Dragon, and Michael Paterniti at BrainyQuote. Strong but small project offices must be provided both by the military and industry. McDonnell Douglas DC-10: Your Ultimate Guide. A born engineerI knew I wanted to design airplanes since I was twelve years old, he once saidKelly was offered the position of company president an unprecedented three times, but declined each time to oversee Skunk Works, where he remained a senior advisor even after his formal retirement in 1975. 13. You dont need Harvard to teach you that its more important to listen than to talk. We are who we are in the deepest recesses of our minds, hearts and identities. Kelly Johnson left an impact on both Lockheed (now Lockheed Martin) and aircraft design. Clarence "Kelly" Johnson When a young engineer named Kelly Johnson came to Lockheed in 1933, one of the first things he told his new employers was that their new airplane design, the Electra, was inherently unstable. The book Skunk Works: A Personal Memoir of My Years at Lockheed by Ben Rich and Leo Janos (1996, Little Brown & Company) covers their historic achievements in great detail. I don't have time to complain. And then, in August 1962, they hit pay dirt and came up with the pictures that showed the Russians were planting ballistic missiles right next door, SS-4s and SS-5s. Clarence L. (Kelly) Johnson, creator of Lockheed's secret "Skunk Works" research and development division and legendary designer of aircraft, died . I often wonder what Kelly Johnson would think of Americas aerospace industry today, when we have airframe design and aeronautical performance have arguably devolved, but avionics and sensors are more advanced than ever. McDonald said: Well Hal, you asked for it! 7. Ben Rich may very well have asked for the device to cure him but They refused his request. 'Secret Base' Being Built for 'Man-Eating Aliens' Revealed by US Official Records, The Brooklyn Bridge UFO - The Weirdest Story You'll Ever Hear, Two Suns Theory, Kali Yuga Cycle Completes 2025, Lockheed CEO Ben Rich Declared On His Death Bed: Extraterrestrial UFO Are Real. One day, he got tired of being called Clara and tripped one of the other boys, breaking his leg. As Tony LaVier, Lockheeds former chief test pilot and a frequent Kelly arm-wrestling opponent, said, it was Johnsons planes that kept us out of World War III.. He was so powerful that simply by going along on his plans and schemes, the rest of us helped to produce miracles too. . This resulted in Irv Culver, answering the internal phone lines as Skonk Works in reference to a comic strip in the local newspaper. During the Apollo landing, Neil Armstrong says, Theyre here.They are right over there and looking at the size of those ships., it is obvious they dont like us being here. I, Skunk Works: A Personal Memoir of My Years at Lockheed, Skunk Works: A Personal Memoir of My Years of Lockheed. They are working on over 500 projects, from radar coatings to war . Almost all major US aircraft manufacturers submitted designs to the US military. Open, casual and free forum where you can: post and share news events, discuss, debate, learn, or share your knowledge with others or just observe quietlyyou're in control! Before mercury, brandy was used to fill thermometers. FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK, TWITTER , OR SUBSCRIBE TO OUR BLOG SO YOU NEVER MISS NEWLY POSTED ARTICLES OR IMPORTANT ALERTS! We couldnt figure out what in hell it was. Helen Fisher 9. In 1928, Johnson graduated from Flint Central High School. Kelly Johnson was always fanatical about security. I marvel more and more at what enterprising engineers were able to do with slide rules and drafting tables so long ago. In the pursuit of breakthrough designs, he tolerated errorswith the caveat that they were made just once. We cannot evangelize until we have been evangelized. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Anti-gravitational research was going on. To this day, Kelly Johnsons resume of accomplishments reads like a list of the most iconic airplanes in aviation history. Top Kelly Johnson Skunk Works Quotes It would be nice to redefine ourselves - at the moment we are drowning in diversity. , , , . The majority of the F-86 pilots wanted an aircraft that was much simpler, smaller and was faster than contemporary Soviet jets. The History of Barnstorming Explained! One of the main specifications for the aircraft was its height. However, the US military was pressured into the sale by the CIA who preferred the aircraft for their own missions. When Kennedy was shown the site constructions, he asked, How do we know these sites are being manned? They showed Kennedy a picture taken from 72,000 feet, showing a worker taking a dump in an outdoor latrine. No reports longer than 20 pages or meetings with more than 15 people. All because Johnson had designed the U-2 to fly higher than any other jet in history! Well, if they were hostile, with their weaponry they could have destroyed us a long time ago. Alya Kulikova is a Russian avgeek who loves nothing more than learning about new aircraft, and sharing that with her fellow avgeeks! The Blackbird had as much gliding capacity as a manhole cover, and it came barreling in over Salt Lake, just as our pilot got a restart and hit those afterburners right above the Mormon Tabernacle. Many of these sub-divisions are working on Lockheed Martins next generation fighters! Kelly Johnson, the legendary founder of the Skunk Works, sought to recruit only the best person in each specialty the project required (Disney tried to do the same). We had the specks lab tested, and they turned out to be organic materialinsects that had been injected into the stratosphere and were circling in orbit around the earth with dust and debris at seventy-five thousand feet in the jet stream. I can tell you personally that it has already started. The project was highly secret, very high priority, and time was of the essence., Inside the Skunk Works, we were a small, intensely cohesive group consisting of about fifty veteran engineers and designers and a hundred or so expert machinists and shop workers., I enjoyed the goodwill of my colleagues because most of us had worked together intimately under tremendous pressures for more than a quarter century. Kelly Johnson, Design Pioneer of Lockheed Aircraft, Dies,. Thats all there is to it. Whilst this works out at just over one a year for his entire career, naturally, some years were better than others. Tell me in the comments! , Skunk Works, , . He has tied the knot with Althea Louise Young in 1937. Funding a program must be timely so that the contractor doesn't have to keep running to the bank to support government projects. Privacy Terms of Use EU and UK Data Protection Notice Cookies, Boyne, Walter J. 1. This taught Johnson to be hard working as well as to conserve cash- both things that would serve him well at Lockheed. We now have the capability to travel to the stars. He should report to a division president or higher. Robertson hated having anyone look over his shoulder at his drawing and reacted by grabbing a culprits tie and cutting it off with scissors. In 1956, he became Vice President of the Research and Development division, where he was the lead designer on several aircraft. Error rating book. Due to the P-38s incredible speed and maneuverability, one of these P-38s shot down the aircraft carrying Isoroku Yamamoto, killing him. Are these ET people hostile? Kelly Johnson is known for a lot of things. Top Kelly Johnson Skunkworks Quotes That's what a Congressman or a Senator is for to see that too much money don't accumulate in the national Treasury. The ocean waves showed up on radar like a string of tracer bullets. The result was an airliner better than Howard Hughes couldve asked for. 6. All Rights Reserved. Dont try to diminish the accomplishment of these people. He has received the Collier Trophy twice, for his works on the YF-12 (a variant of the SR-71) and the F-117 Nighthawk. He lived by the motto Be quick, be quiet, be on time. So, while in London to finalize the sale of the new Hudson bomber, the British Air Ministry requested numerous design changes, and Johnson took on the challenge over three nearly sleepless days. We encouraged our people to work imaginatively, to improvise and try unconventional approaches to problem solving, and then got out of their way. The Lockheed Rye Canyon Research and Development Center inSanta Claritawas renamed, the Kelly Johnson Research and Development Center in his honor. Lisa Norato, I certainly wasn't happy. Another of our pilots got in engine trouble over Utah and flamed out. Moreover, his total net worth is about $2.5 million US dollars as of 2022. We have invested in developing and demonstrating hypersonic technology for over 30 years. The main tenants of his management are: efficiency; reliability and cost-effectiveness. So Kelly approved my idea of painting the airplane black, and by the time our first prototype rolled out the airplane became known as the Blackbird. , , , , , ., Dave Robertson, one of Kellys original recruits and aerospaces most intuitively smart hydraulic specialist, ridiculed our design by calling it a flying engagement ring. Dave seldom minced words; he kept a fourteen-inch blowgun he had fashioned out of a jets tailpipe on his desk and would fire clay pellets at the necks of any other designers in the big drafting room who got on his nerves. I had the honor of piloting that final flight on March 6, 1990, for its final 2,300-mile flight between L.A. and D.C. Johnson officially retired from Lockheed in 1975, where he was succeeded by his close friend, Ben Rich. A very simple drawing and drawing release system with great flexibility for making changes must be provided. After WWII, the Germans were no longer the enemy, but the US was skeptical of the Soviets. 2. Now you can run this goddamn place. That's all there is to it. The Skunk Works manager must be delegated practically complete control of his program in all aspects. 2. 12. Lockheed contracted Johnson, then head of Lockheed Skunk Works, to develop the U-2s replacement. Clarence Kelly Johnson is the Babe Ruth of aerospace design. Jack London The future rewards those who press on. Will Rogers It is vitally important that we implement immigration reform. I lit the afterburners and left that Mirage standing still. Below stretched hundreds of miles of California coastline in the early morning light. He also worked on the F-104, U-2, SR-71, A-12, and F-22 among others, many of which are still classified. As recounted by Ben Rich, the operation's brilliant boss for nearly two decades . Kelly johnson, the founder of the lockheed skunk works, established fourteen basic operating principles to govern his talented personnel and top secret projects. He declared his intention, then pushed through while his subordinates followed in his wake. He should report. The final thing you need to know is don't half-heartedly wound problems - kill them dead. The Skunk Works manager must be delegated near complete control of his program in all aspects. Kelly Johnson was born on February 27 1910 in Ishpeming, Michigan, a remote mining town. 17. In 1975, Kelly Johnson retired from Lockheed as a corporate vice president, leaving his personal understudy Ben Rich to head the Skunk Works. Ill teach you all you need to know about running a company in one afternoon, and well both go home early to boot. Paperback. But some complaints were for real. During the 1964 Presidential Election, Republican Barry Goldwater and Democrat Lyndon B. Johnson were having a televised debate. SIGNING UP IS FAST, EASY AND FREE (TAKES LESS THAN A MINUTE AND IT'S A FREE FORUM), CLICK IMAGE FOR VIDEO, MAP & ARTICLE LINKS. The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing. Copyright 2023 Famous Quotes & Sayings. Johnson hand-picked a small team to attack the problem and delivered the XP-80 in only 143 days. In 1983, Lockheed formally recognized Johnsons 50 years of service to the company. But it was Hall Hibbard, Kellys boss, who summed up his abilities best. Rudolf Steiner, One person is always too many around me. Because only a few people will be used in engineering and most other areas, ways must be provided to reward good performance by pay not based on the number of personnel supervised. His parents were Swedish immigrants from Malmo. Commercial bid procedures are often better than military ones. This item: Skunk Works: A Personal Memoir of My Years of Lockheed $2375 Kelly: More Than My Share of It All $2495 Failure Is Not an Option: Mission Control From Mercury to Apollo 13 and Beyond $2178 Total price: $70.48 Add all three to Cart Some of these items ship sooner than the others. The contractor must be delegated and must assume more than normal responsibility to get good vendor bids for subcontract on the project. John Michael Talbot This still involved illegally . He was the lead designer on several of Lockheeds greatest aircraft in the Cold War, as well as being the first leader of Lockheeds infamous Skunk Works division. Personal life Moving to their anticntic and private life he married three times. Following his graduation, he enrolled at Flint Junior College (now Mott Community College) where he graduated a few years later. According to a CNI News report by Colorado resident Michael Lindemann, the design information was derived from forensic illustrations and numerous witness testimonies about the Roswell UFO, provided by William L. Bill McDonald. In time, it proved to be one of the most important decisions in the companys history. Using what Johnson had pioneered on the P-38, especially speed, Johnson led a group of engineers, including the famous Hall Hibbard and Willis Hawkins. He should report to a division president or higher. On December 22, 1990 Kelly Johnson, the founder of Skunk Works died at the age of 80. I doubt it would be pretty, as i seems to go against almost every single one of his commandments and it definitely is not quick, quiet and quality.. I do not know but the Major Pharmaceutical companies would lose a lot of money if there was a cure. In 1970 Johnson was awarded theSpirit of St. LouisMedal by theAmerican Society of Mechanical Engineers. 2. The Skunk Works practice of having a specification section stating clearly which important military specification items will not knowingly be complied with and reasons therefore is highly recommended. 3. They can and must test it in the initial stages. In the video, Speed Racer launches from a Beech 1900, a civilian aircraft the U.S. Air Force, Army, Navy, and Marine Corps fly as the C-12 Huron. Created by Ben Rich and Clarence "Kelly" Johnson, Skunk Works takes its name from the . My God in heaven, he exclaimed, youre gonna blow up Burbank., The CIA had been covering Cuba with U-2 flights for years. 8. Due to this, the Model 10 was a major success. I asked my backseater, who said, Dont worry about it. "The Ship that Never Was" from "Skunk Works" by Ben R. Rich In 1939, TWA, at the behest of Howard Hughes, commissioned Lockheed to build an airliner that was faster than anything on the market. BE QUICK, be quiet, be on time. These include: Kelly Johnson had spent his entire career working for Lockheed. So he decided to have one of his inspectors follow our unmarked van as it traveled back to Burbank. "The Skunk Works manager must be delegated practically complete control of his program in all aspects. The founder and first director of Skunk Works was Clarence "Kelly" Johnson, who was the designer of a U.S. spy plane called the U-2. Let's go bwaa ha ha. If they dont, they rapidly lose their competency to design other vehicles. The young engineers name was Clarence Johnson, but ever since hed trounced a local bully in grade school, he went by the more defiant nickname: Kelly, which suited his fierce and pugnacious personality. CHECK OUT OUR EDITOR'S LIST OF MUST READ ARTICLES. Help me out here. The phrase; "keep it simple, stupid" is thought to have been coined by the late Kelly Johnson, who was the lead engineer at the Lockheed Skunk Works (a place responsible for the S-71 Blackbird spy plane amongst many other notable achievements). "Kelly Johnson and the products of his famous Skunk Works epitomize the highest and finest goal of our society, the goal of excellence. The Lockheed Electra, P-38 Lightning, Constellation, P-80 Shooting Star, F-104 Starfighter, C-130 Hercules, U-2 Dragon Lady, Jetstar, and of course the almost supernatural A-12 Oxcart and its SR-71 Blackbird successor are just a few of the nearly 50 designs Johnson worked on during his 50 year career with Lockheed. There must be a minimum number of reports required, but important work must be recorded thoroughly. He believed they could not handle the truth ever. IT WASNT. And the first time Dr. Scott paid us a visit and saw the three tanks of liquid hydrogen holding hundreds of gallons under storage, his knees began to shake. On the black paint, he said, you were right about the advantages and I was wrong. He handed me a quarter. We finally figured it out: they were hoisted aloft from the atomic test explosions in Russia and China., The biggest bang, which knocked us four feet backwards, came when we mixed liquid oxygen with an equal amount of liquid hydrogen. There is an error in the equations. Today, Lockheed Martin is still at the forefront of stealth technology, mostly due to Johnsons earlier work. He is an AIAA Fellow and recipient of the AIAA Aircraft Design Award, the SAE Clarence L. Kelly Johnson Aerospace Vehicle Design and Development Award, The Engineers Council Clarence L. Kelly Johnson Skunk Works Award, and the Lockheed Martin Aero Star Award. Access by outsiders to the project and its personnel must be strictly controlled by appropriate security measures. Johnson could have absconded with the dough and taken off on a one-way ticket to Tahiti. What we have to do is find out where Einstein went wrong., 4 : When Rich was asked how UFO propulsion worked, he said, Let me ask you. Unfortunately, I can't. Ursula K. Le Guin, She looked at him. We can term it black, deep black, or hidden. Restrict access to outsiders. He asked only for hard work, good communication, and unwavering honesty. His favorite maxim? Initially the USAF didnt like the design (mostly because Lockheed submitted it without asking for it). No video evidence of this alleged confession? The Skunk Works manager must be delegated practically complete control of their program in all aspects. This was all in an era before pressurization, meaning it was very chilly. How did he achieve such amazing success? Arming U-2s wasnt an option- this would decrease the service ceiling of the U-2 and make it easier for Soviet radars to detect. Johnson resigned from the corporate board of directors in 1980, but continued on as a senior advisor until his death. Johnson lived by the simple motto: Be quick, be quiet, and be on time. This influenced his management style at Lockheed, which was subsequently adopted by several other members of the Lockheed management. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more. Although it was a commercial failure, it was a technological marvel. Following the success of the P-38, Lockheed tasked Kelly Johnson with working on a family of airliners that could replace the earlier Lockheed Model 18 Lodestars. I didn`t see the craft, nor did I see the bodies, but I certainly know some of the people that did. More than my share of it all. These were so successful that Skunk Works still use them today. Due to Johnsons previous experiences pushing how high an aircraft could fly, Johnson worked extensively on pushing the aircrafts service ceiling. If it looks ugly, it will fly the same. His work was instrumental in preventing a Soviet win during the Cold War. Any workernot just a supervisor or a managercould send back a part that didnt meet his or her standards. The specifications applying to the hardware, including rationale for each point, must be agreed upon well in advance of contracting. They should report to a division president or higher. Price and other details may vary based on product size and color. That's what a Congressman or a Senator is for to see that too much money don't accumulate in the national Treasury. Don Mattingly, The person who does not decide to love forever will find it very difficult to really love for even one day. Any one of his many airplane designs would have honored any individual's career." President Lyndon B. Johnson. Kelly Johnson worked on several of Lockheeds projects between the 1930s and the 1980s. Johnson delivered an aircraft that could travel faster than 400 km/h, with a superior range. Documentary History War The history of Skunk Works, the top-secret division of Lockheed that specialised in extreme, highly classified military aircraft design. Kelly Johnson lived a comfortable life with his family. NASA can not deny secrets discovered by UK hacker Gary McKinnon and many astronauts if it expects full funding from the Obama White House administration. Search for jobs related to kelly johnson skunk works quotes or hire on the world's largest freelancing marketplace with 19m+ jobs. Now its 2021. All rights reserved. That was the credo of Clarence L. (Kelly) Johnson, the aeronautical innovator who founded Lockheed's superse-cret "Skunk Works" where he designed the world's fastest and highest-flying aircraftthe SR-71 Blackbird. However, he didnt remain as a tool designer for long. Second, we have to devise a new propulsion technology. Skunkworks reckons its anniversary to the June day in 1943 that Clarence "Kelly" Johnson, then chief of engineering for Lockheed, signed a contract with the Army Air Corps to develop, within 180 days, a jet fighter. You could argue, that without Kelly Johnson, there might not have been stealth aircraft, and if there were, at least not to the level available today. The mesure of an intelligent person is the ability to change his mind." Clarence L. Johnson, Kelly: More Than My Share of It All 2 likes Like Too few to do anyones career much good in terms of power or prestige. Lockheed tasked Johnson with creating the perfect fighter-bomber that would decimate the German and Japanese forces. Kelly Johnson's Skunk Works was a revolt against the formalities of conventional industry. BY BEN R. RICH. The history of Skunk Works, the top-secret division of Lockheed that specialised in extreme, highly classified military aircraft design. The contractor must be delegated the authority to test his final product in flight. By 1955, Johnson and his secret division of engineersdubbedSkunk Workslaunched the worlds first dedicated spy plane, theU-2, just nine months after receiving an official contract. Clarence L. "Kelly" Johnson led the design of such crucial aircraft as the P-38 and Constellation, but he will be more remembered for the U-2 and SR-71 spy planes. Taking action to help you protect what matters most. There must be a minimum number of reports required, but important work must be recorded thoroughly. 12. 11. From there the reader is taken back to 1975 where the chief of the Skunk Works, Kelly Johnson, has asked Rich to replace him as he prepares to retire. WE ENCOURAGE YOU TO REGISTER, LET'S BUILD A GREAT COMMUNITY TOGETHER, World Predictions Until 2050 by Remote Viewer E.M Nicolay. 16 results for "kelly johnson skunk works" RESULTS. I pushed out to Mach 3.3., Over the years we had developed the concept of using existing hardware developed and paid for by other programs to save time and money and reduce the risks of failures in prototype projects., My years inside the Skunk Works, for example, convinced me of the tremendous value of building prototypes. Kelly Johnson and Lockheed Story The Film Gate 72.1K subscribers Subscribe 3.4K Share Save 259K views 3 years ago #stockfootage #lockheed #history https://www.thefilmgate.com/. Here, he managed to convince him that the Model 10 was unstable, with Johnson leading the tails redesign. I don't have time to feel sorry for myself. 3. But neither Lockheed nor the government had any resources to spare because of the total war effort going on. Taking action to help you protect what matters most. However, the 1960 U-2 incident highlighted to the USAF and CIA that the U-2 wasnt invincible and needed something to prevent that. There was no question that there were beings from outside the planet. Kelly Johnson Skunk Works Quotes & Sayings Happy to read and share the best inspirational Kelly Johnson Skunk Works quotes, sayings and quotations on Wise Famous Quotes. "If you want us to keep pretending that you're sorting old books whenever we come by to chat, you shouldn't slam them on the table.