These actions are involuntary if they occur after any of four specified events. (5) An electrically powered call system shall be connected to the emergency power supply. (2) The[facility]nursing homeshall take appropriate infectionprevention andcontrol[steps]measuresto prevent the transmission of[a communicable]an infectiousdisease to residents, employees, and visitors as outlined in the following guidelines: (a)2007Guideline for Isolation Precautions:Preventing Transmission of Infectious Agentsin[Hospitals]HealthcareSettings; and. (i) Successfully completed the required course; (ii) Maintains certification as required by the certifying board for the Association of Nutrition and Foodservice Professionals; and. of Legislative Audits operates a toll-free A utility sink shall be provided within reasonable distance from the food service department for its use, but it may be shared with other activities. A. (2) Foodinstorage shall be arranged so that new food items are stored behind old food items. (4)Authorized prescriber has the meaning stated in Health Occupations Article, 12-101, Annotated Code of Maryland. Pursuant to State Government Article, 7-207, Annotated Code of Maryland, the following have been declared documents generally available to the public and appropriate for incorporation by reference: (1) CMS Long-Term Care Facility Resident Assessment Instrument 3.0 Users Manual (Version 1.14, October 2016); (2) CMS Manual System, Pub. (1) The duty to take the actions under paragraph (2) of this subsection arises only under the limited circumstances described under subsection (b) of this section. State resources. In addition, any withdrawal or denial of an application made for any of the three reasons listed in COMAR need not be reported. (i) In the event of failure of the normal electrical service, be activated immediately; (ii) Come to full speed and load acceptance within 10 seconds; (iii) Have a capacity of 48 hours of operation from fuel stored on-site; and. The statutory language implies but does not specifically require a patient-provider relationship, so it is possible that the duty to warn might be found to extend to certain research settings involving investigators who are mental health providers. It is not necessary to determine anyones subjective intent. A nursing home shall posta noticeon each floor or unit of the nursing home, for each shift, a notice that[explains]givesthe ratio of licensed and unlicensed staff to residents. The water heating equipment shall supply adequate amounts ofheatedwater according to the following temperature guidelines for: (1)Resident use, the water temperature shall be between 100F (38C) and 120F (49C): (2) Food preparation use,as referencedin COMAR 10.15.03; and. [(5)](4)The[facility]nursing homeshall assess and manage a resident with a history ofaprevious positive tuberculin skin test,a history of latent infection, or aprevious history of active tuberculosis,[or positive skin test conversion]in accordance with Guidelines for Preventing the Transmission of Mycobacterium[Tuberculosis]tuberculosisin Health-Care[Facilities]Settings. (ii) A curriculum approved by the Department or its designee; [(d) Privileges at a hospital in this state, participant in an HMO network, or credentialed by a credentialing organization approved by the Department.]. (a)A distance of at least 3 feet shall be maintained between each bed. Space near the utility sink shall be provided for the storage of brooms, mops, and cleaning materials.]. Inexistingfacilities service areas shall be provided forpatientcareitems which are acceptable tothe Department.]. 4140 Patterson Avenue, Baltimore, MD 21215-2254, Employer Notification of Board Order Form, Worksite Verification Monitoring Program Form, Direct Entry Midwifery Advisory Committee, Applicants denied licensure and certification. (h) The cost of care and any additional fees. a list of all states/jurisdictions where the institutions curriculum meets state educational requirements for professional licensure or certification, a list of all states/jurisdictions where the institutions curriculum does not meet state educational requirements for professional licensure or certification, and. Consequently, OHCQ has observed inadequate discharge planning and lack of coordination of care transitions. A. (3) In facilities with 25 beds or fewer, responsibility may be assigned to the full-time cook. (1) Shall be provided on each side of all corridors in resident areas; and. (a) Relocation means the movement of a resident from one room to another within: (i) The same Medicare-certified nursing home; (ii) A Medicaid-only certified nursing home; or. (1) A nursing home shall develop policies and procedures to ensure that a resident or, if the resident lacks the capacity, the residents family or other individual accompanying the resident is informed, both orally and in writing, on how the resident shall safely and correctly take the residents medications during a short-term leave of absence of 24 hours or less. (4) There shall be an agenda to guide meeting participants. (1)[In a decentralized]There shall be at least onefood service[,the area or areas for]floor[pantries shall be approved by the Department]pantry per nursing care unit. No. (1) The nursing home shall inform a residents designated pharmacy about the nursing homes written policies concerning the provision of drugs. (4) Procedure for[referral of]referringdata to the quality assurance committee, when appropriate. For questions or . All rights reserved. General Requirements. (2) Nurses StationExisting Facility. The Mandated 10-Day Report Form is required. The University of Maryland Francis King Carey School of Law is one of seven professional and graduate schools at The University of Maryland Baltimore (UMB).For more help crafting your Fordham supplemental essays, create your free account or schedule a free advising consultation by calling (844) 343-6272 How to Write the Fordham University Essay . If the social worker is not a licensed certified social worker LCSW or a licensed certified social worker-clinical LCSW-C, the facility shall provide for an LCSW or LCSW-C to provide sufficient hours of supervision. (2)The current weeks basic menu shall be posted in one or more easily accessible places in the[dietetic service]food servicesdepartment and in the[patient area]common areas. The director may not disclose, directly or indirectly, the identity of any individual tested. (9) Chemical restraint means the administration of any drug that is used for discipline or convenience and not required to treat medical symptoms. (a) The nursing home shall provide a common area or areas of refuge in an emergency situation if all resident rooms, day rooms, and toilet rooms are not tied into the emergency generator to provide heat and cooling. (38)Medical director means an individual licensed to practice medicine in this State who, pursuant to a written agreement, is responsible for the overall coordination of the medical care in the nursing home to ensure the adequacy and appropriateness of the medical services provided to residents and to maintain surveillance of the health status of employees. (b) Smoking shall be prohibited at the main entrance to all facilities. E. The social work industry and trade groups would benefit due to the increase in hiring and contracting with licensed social workers. Unless otherwiseindicated, all generalrequirementsapply to both new construction and anexisting nursing home unless a waiver has been granted by the Office of Health Care Qualityin accordance with Regulation .03G of this chapter. F. The[facility]nursing homeshall provide pulmonary function testing[,]and blood gas or pulse analysis capability[onsite]on-siteor through contractual arrangements with providers who meet applicable State and federal laws and regulations. The director of a medical laboratory must submit a report of a positive HIV test or of a CD4+ lymphocyte count less than 200 per cubic millimeter, within 48 hours to the health officer. (26) Health officer means the health officer or the designated representative in each of the 23 counties and the Commissioner of Health in Baltimore City. Licensure requirements vary by state. (4) A nursing homeshallscreen with wire screen or its equivalent, not less than 16 meshes per linear inch for doors and windows that provide ventilation. The care plan shall address all of the residents special care requirements necessary to improve or maintain the residents status. (10) The orientation may not be included in the required 75 hours of the training course. B. Nursing service personnel shall help the resident perform daily routine dental hygiene. Otherwise, a dedicated enunciator connected to the wireless call system will be needed. Maryland Board of Nursing Minimum Requirements. [Appropriate action shall be taken.]. by telephone. Frequently Asked Questions & Practice Topics, National Human Trafficking Hotline - 24/7 Confidential. responsive, accurate and consistent, The Office of Health Care Quality surveyed multiple facilities and determined that 25 percent of nursing homes employed or contracted with a licensed social worker. (c) Have attended a program of instruction in training methodologies approved by the Department. (1) The disclosure shall be made to the Department and to any person seeking placement or receiving care in a Dementia special care unit or program of a nursing home. [(19)](18)[Patient]Residentcare management. 100-07 State Operations Provider Certification and in the CMS Long-term Care Facility Resident Assessment Instrument 3.0 Users Manual: (1)TheMinimum Data Set (MDS) version as determined by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, in Transmittal No. 6. The bed shall be at least 36 inches wideandbe substantially constructed. C. Laundries-New Facilities. (b) Has 2 years of experience in a social or recreational program in a licensed health care setting within the last 5 years, 1 year of which was full time in a resident activities program with guidance froman individual identified in B(73)(a) of this regulation. (1) If a nursequestionsthe care provided to anyresidentor believes that appropriate consultation is needed and has not been obtained, the nurse shallinformthe supervisor. In cases where the facility has an individual providing medically related physical, social, and behavioral health needs of the residents that is not licensed but was providing the services both before and at the time of the adoption of this proposal, they are exempt from this requirement. [(2)](4)The Department shall consider the following factors when[considering]decidingwhether to approve an administrator to serve on a less than full-time basis: (a)[Geographical]Geographiclocation of the facilities; (1)In the absence of the administrator, the[facility]nursing homeat all times shall be under the direct and personal supervision of an experienced, trained, competent employee.