With headquarters in New York and offices in 18 major cities around the world (including Washington, DC), Human Rights Watch is a powerful organization that conducts research and advocacy on human rights. Ludwig von Mises Institute is a Libertarian academic think tank that specializes in researching and promoting Classical Liberal viewpoints about subjects such as economics, philosophy, and political economy. "[7] Many fellows at the institute are veterans of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Over the years, it has become a must-read for healthcare devotees and a quality non-partisan source for up-to-date and accurate information on health policy. The Bipartisan Policy Center (BPC) was founded in 2007 by former Senate Majority Leaders Howard Baker, Tom Daschle, Bob Dole, and George Mitchell. (Washington, DC) It deals with a wide range of policy research areas, including air traffic control, land use, school choice, government reform, housing, eminent domain, medical marijuana, and much, much more. Founded in 2019, the Quincy Institute is a Washington-based foreign-policy think tank that brings together scholars, activists, and former officials of both left and right, most of whom have little in common but a belief that the U.S. should be more accommodating of murderous dictators. (Washington, DC) Think tank: The term denotes a group of people who are paid to do nothing but read, discuss, think, and write, usually to address and redress a matter of vital importance to humanity. (Washington, DC) Looking for inspiration? To do this, it publishes a number of books, articles, op-eds, and interviews targeted towards politicians, scholars, and journalists. (Houston, TX) The think tank develops policy ideas, conducts public opinion research, and hosts issue briefings on the subjects of economics, national security, clean energy, and social policy and politics. Foreign-Policy Mistakes", "America's top anti-war think tank is fracturing over Ukraine", "George Soros and Charles Koch take on the 'endless wars', https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Quincy_Institute_for_Responsible_Statecraft&oldid=1135748197, Foreign policy and strategy think tanks in the United States, Nonpartisan organizations in the United States, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0. Someday soon, they may not have Trump to agree on any more. Critics on the Left have argued that the Open Society Institute and Foundation serve only to advance a capitalist order, while figures on the Right have claimed the Foundation works with the intention of establishing a unitary global government. (New York, NY) CBPP's Board of Directors includes such names as former Kennedy press secretary Frank Mankiewicz, Brookings Institute senior fellow Henry J. Aaron, and former Social Security Administration Commissioner Kenneth S. Apfel. On the education front, RAND is home to the Frederick S. Pardee RAND Graduate School, the world's largest PhD-granting program in Policy Analysis. Specific research programs include disparities policy, global health policy, health costs, health reform, HIV/AIDS, Medicaid, Medicare, private insurance, the uninsured, and women's health policy. Cirincione said he "fundamentally" disagrees with Quincy experts who "completely ignore the dangers and the horrors of Russias invasion and occupation and focus almost exclusively on criticism of the United States, NATO, and Ukraine". In order to most successfully combine accurate research and effective solutions, IAD consists of a Board of Directors that includes more than 100 public and private leaders from the US, Canada, Mexico, Chile, Brazil, Uruguay, Bolivia, Guatemala, Dominican Republic, Barbados, and Panama. Appropriately, EPIC's publications are practically all online. The Quincy Institute for Responsible Statecraft is a U.S. think tank founded in 2019 and located in Washington, D.C., named after former U.S. president John Quincy Adams. The throughline between the Obama and Trump years in foreign policy is members of both administrations complaining about The Blob. Both presidents campaign on fresh thinking in foreign policy. These ratings inform our balanced newsfeed and media bias chart. (New York, NY) The Institute is composed of 18 separate units, all of which conduct their own research and writing. "Two offering alternative approaches to the Middle East and East Asia, one on 'ending endless war,' and one called 'democratizing foreign policy,'" the Boston Globe reports. They want to contribute to the foreign policy debate. (Arlington, VA) While much of the foreign policy establishment supports diplomatic initiatives like the 2015 Iran nuclear deal, Wertheim believes that theres not enough of an apparatus to support them. Theres not one acknowledgment in their criticisms as to why so many believe getting out of these absurdly expensive wars would actually be a boon for an emerging era of great power competition rather than a bust. It was selected for this database because it fits our researchers' inclusion criteria. Discovery Institute has published a number of articles and books through its Discovery Institute Press, including The Deniable Darwin & Other Essays and The Magician's Twin: C.S. The Center has been involved in the establishment of a number of influential government programs over the years, including the State Fiscal Analysis Initiative and the International Budget Partnership. Resolve is defined as staying the course in the face of adversity, no matter how treacherous the situation is or how misguided the mission. (Washington, DC) Worthy initiatives like the Iran nuclear dealit was way too hard to fight for them, and then it proved too difficult to maintain them, he says. Eaton said he resigned because he "supports NATO". Its mission statement is as sensible as it is refreshing: The Quincy Institute is an action-oriented think tank that will lay the foundation for a new foreign policy centered on diplomatic engagement and military restraint.. Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/QuincyInst/, Quincy Institute Plans to Issue Four Reports in 2019, In an astonishing turn, Soros and Charles Koch team up to end US forever war policy, https://www.sourcewatch.org/index.php?title=Quincy_Institute&oldid=822653, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike. The Independent Institute may be tiny, but in the 29 years since its founding, it has grown into a respected think tank that made UPenn's 2014 Global Go To Think Tank Index Report as the 54th-best think tank in the United States. The first is its approach to the Trump administration. Recently, Third Way has been directly involved in policy issues such as the economic benefits of green energy, deficit reduction, proposals to reform Medicare and Medicaid, the repeal of Don't ask, don't tell, and new trade accords with Korea, Colombia, and Panama. Contact details Website: https://quincyinst.org Address: 2000 Pennsylvania Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20006, United States Country: United States Sub-region: Northern America Areas of focus They also maintain a popular blog, and publish books and articles relating to both illegal and legal immigration. All rights reserved. Twitter: https://twitter.com/quincyinst (Washington, DC) Acton is widely respected by those in related fields, and in 2012, the Institute was named one of the top 50 American think tanks by the University of Pennsylvania. In fact, referring to the program's success, Time magazine said, Not since the Heritage Foundation helped guide Ronald Reagan's transition in 1981 has a single outside group held so much sway. Since then, the Center has remained highly influential with the Obama Administration, especially in the form of appointments. In Congress, the GOPs traditional bias in favor of Reagan- and Bush-era policies remains. The Institute's nearly 150 research fellows research, write, and publish their findings for everything from public consumption, to the basis for conferences, to information for media programs. Including names like Fareed Zakaria, Colin Powell, Tom Brokaw, and Madeleine Albright, CFR's impressive membership list has included senior politicians, more than a dozen Secretaries of State, CIA directors, bankers, lawyers, professors, and prominent media figures. But there is no term deployed with such vigor by the foreign policy establishment as isolationist. Isolationist, isolationism, or other variations of the word are almost always meant by those levying it as an insult. Inter-American Dialogue (IAD) is a unique think tank that specializes in policy analysis, exchange, and communication issues in the Western Hemisphere, specifically in Latin America. But who needs evidence when you can just wield the good ole isolationist pejorative to shut down the conversation? Unfortunately, CAP has undergone a number of recent controversies due to its unwillingness to disclose its contributors. (New York, NY) [8][17], Writing in Survival, the journal of the International Institute for Strategic Studies, Daniel Deudney and John Ikenberry criticized the "restraints" that the Quincy Institute advocates for as "misplaced and inadequate". The Center specializes in domestic national security issues, especially terrorism, irregular warfare, the future of the US military, and Asia's emergence as a global power. In recent years, NBER has developed additional research programs in subjects such as aging, children, education, and healthcare, among others. "[13], According to The Nation, the Quincy Institute founders believe that the existing foreign policy elite is out of step with the American public, which is "far more skeptical of military adventurism". Since its official establishment in 1961, at which time the US citizen groups were consolidated, the Atlantic Council has provided a forum for the world's political, business, and intellectual leaders. Neoconservative Bill Kristol is definitely not a fan, tweeting that these ideas would be like reverting back to the interwar period. Our Vision A world Specifically, the Institute conducts public opinion polls on California public policy, then disseminates the results to state, local, and federal officials, as well as to the media and the general public. [20], During the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine, there were two resignations in protest at the institute's dovish response to the conflict: non-resident fellow Joseph Cirincione of Ploughshares Fund, who had raised money for Quincy, and board member Paul Eaton, a retired senior Army major officer and adviser to Democratic politicians and liberal advocacy groups. The Economic Policy Institute (EPI) is a Liberal think tank that assesses current economic policies and advocates for low- and moderate-income families. The Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) is one of the most respected think tanks in Washington. Its founders hope that, as operations ramp up in the coming months, the institute will provide a critique not only of the Trump administrations foreign policy, but of the hawkish bipartisan consensus in Washington.