Lola: Yes. Lincoln and Clyde: We dont want to talk about it. I doubt shell improve. My jokes are spot on! LINCOLN: Let's get to Lori! - they said excited, (The two quickly gotten dressed in their winter clothes and they see the snow is cleared on their street). He asked. Ronnie Anne is a Mexican-American girl with dark tan skin (tan in season 1), black hair worn in a low ponytail, freckles on her cheeks, and two buck teeth that stick out of her mouth. This whole book was just to make fun of us! - Leni said, worried, LORI: We all do, he's having fun with Ronnie Anne. Back at Clydes another commercial break appears). Theyre all icons #HispanicHeritageMonth", Part 1 Q&A with Loud House Creator Chris Savino. The experience scared the boy so much, he decided to never speak to his sisters again., The next day, the boy did something that made one of his sisters mad. Despite both liking each other in early episodes, they only dated once, and even that time was only to get Bobby and Lori back together. 12 Kudos: 9 Bookmarks: 2 Hits: 579 One Helluva Loud House by Geo_Soul Her nightwear consists of a light purple shirt, and dark purple pants with white socks. I usually dont like to say this stuff around my friends, because theyll think Im a pansy., (The students begin to laugh their butts off, finding the concept of an 11 year old boy watching a romance cartoon hilarious), Lola: (still reading) Now this is one of the secrets that my best friend and I only know. (Lincoln hangs up and resume playing video games with Ronnie Anne; At home, Lori and Bobby are on the couch, texting each other, Lola, Lana, and Lucy all run through the door, worried), LORI: Girls, what's the matter? Lincoln and Clyde enter Lincolns room, and Lincoln angrily slams the door. By now, Lincoln has about a quarter of his journal filled up. ~Back to 3rd person POV~. Lola: What did I miss? The sisters are moved by these drawings that they hang them on the wall, and look at them with pride), (All the lights in the house turn off as the family goes to sleep). Pranks for the Memories with the Casagrandes, Melissa Joan Hart Returns to Nickelodeon in Animated Series The Casagrandes, "What do Lin-Manuel Miranda, Frida Kahlo & Jos Andrs have in common? (whispers) I have marshmallows. She said with a laugh and I smiled gently at her. Free to cause havoc for all LINCOLN: Those were good times. Why did you make us look stupid in this? Lincoln: Why do you have my homemade comic?! Youre here! #ships Toffee Cocoa Cuddles Murders Harold McBride. Im the victim, Lincoln is the criminal here! With Ronnie Anne The brown haired latina took some clothes out of her bag, fighting the urge to gag at the sight of the pink outfit in it. Ms. Taber: Sure. Lola, knowing that she did a good deed by reuniting Lincoln and Ronnie Anne, leaves to give the two some privacy. Thats why Im dumping Lori right now. (These words from the heartbroken and enraged child causes the sisters to stop laughing and look at him completely appalled. She knows a few words in Spanish, but cannot speak it fluently. / I miss him. Kid #2: He had poop covering his entire body. They have a well known reputation for destroying anything they touch. *, (Its almost bedtime for the Louds. Why did you break up with him?! Both threw their energy balls towards the energy cube, once their forces impacted, that prison suffered a failure and broke into a thousand pieces, freeing Ronnie Anne in the process.-Finally- Ronnie said.-I am free! Lincoln: Yep. Suddenly, a snowball hits Lincoln on his head, making him fall). Seeing this, Ronnie Anne decides to help him destress. She quickly put her hoodie on over it and let out an annoyed sigh before going out of the bathroom and headed back to her friend Madeline. - Bobby said, excited, (Inside the Loud House, everyone is inside in the living room, the other sisters are happy that Lincoln is back with them), LORI: So, how was Ronnie Anne's place? The girls realize something), (The sisters all slide down the slide and run over to Clydes house. As the sisters continue to head towards Clydes house, a truck catches up to them, and honks its horn. LUNA: I don't want to disturb them. Lincoln: And dome! The impact of the punch has given Lola a hideous black eye, and a majority of her teeth to fall out. "You go ahead without me, Lincoln." She's a tough cookie with a sweet side who loves to help her family, and that's taught her to help others, too. Lincoln mentioned on The Loud House's Instagram that although he likes Ronnie Anne as a friend, she's not his girlfriend. LORI: Yep, Bobby and I been hanging out all day. I cant wait to show it to you. (Lincoln pulls out his Fearsome Flyer sled and the two then run outside to the top of the street and they sled down; At the Loud House, Lori and Bobby are outside making snow angels), LORI: This is literally the best snow day ever. I call it The Dome Home. Its about a boy named Damien, based on me, who lives in a house with ten sisters, based on my sisters. They put their respective younger siblings down), LORI: It's cute to see you two with together. Didnt you read the note I left on it? (Ronnie Anne runs out of the house to head to the Loud House), (Ronnie Anne arrives to the Loud residence, and rings the doorbell), (Lola ran downstairs and opened the door to see Ronnie Anne). Will she be able to look at her family again after this horrifying truth, or will she shut them away for good? When the flashback ends, Lincoln and Clyde plop their faces on their food in utter shock like their hearts just stopped). Lori managed to empty out half of her closet, but Leni hasnt even decided on which one to give away. "Plus, I'll be right there if you need me.". Lana and Lola's first grade teacher, Ms. Taber, is of course, a reference to Catherine Taber, the voice of Lori. (she notices some slight damage on Lolas right eye) Uhhh what happened to your eye? Leni: (under her breath) Hes got a point there. Lana: Yeah! (Lincoln exits the attic, walks downstairs and enters the living room. A crash! Please do not take it seriously! Lincoln: They shoved a bar of soap in my mouth and repeatedly punched me until I couldnt move. Hes very caring towards us, he knows what he does, and he never gives up. (Lana begins to build a stage out of some spare mahogany wood in the shed), (As Lincoln plays on his game system in his room, a note slips through the bottom of his door), (Lincoln and Lowie head downstairs and walks out of the house and into the backyard, where they sees a homemade stage, and just one chair. While cleaning out the stuff from my room, I found this journal. - Lori said, relieved - Is Ronnie Anne okay? "Hey, Maddy!" Living with her big, happy, hectic family has helped Ronnie Anne learn to deal with anything life throws her way! Lincoln and Lowie walk up to the chairs and notices a piece of paper on it that reads SIT HERE. I regret having broken up with him, and was going to ask him if he wanted to get back with me. When Lisa's experiment in atomic manipulation goes wrong, each of the Loud Siblings are transformed into beings with bodies and powers made up from each of the natural elements. Bobby: You guys need a ride? *I was told numerous times that there has to be a scene in my fanfiction "The Diary of a Loud", where Ronnie Anne and Lincoln get back together. After a few minutes of waiting, Lola appears, wearing her tap dance attire and with a boombox. You in here?" Accidentally Lola crashed into tree. Clyde: Hey, man. Lola: Come on, Lincoln needs to have something good. His room is always full of knickknacks, so one of these has to be good. ), (Lola is now in the hospital, sitting on a bed with bandages covering her damaged eye. (The sisters leave the bedroom, and head back downstairs where they see Lola sitting on the couch in depression). We have to find something for show and tell! LINCOLN: I just miss my sisters. - Ronnie Anne said, sad. Luan: It looked like he didnt want to see us. 134814113 251549262982136 8039850409857729575 n.jpgCJluASyJKZx. However, Ronnie Anne is also sensitive, insecure and fragile, and she doesn't like to be misjudged. (Lincoln walks out of the living room. - Ronnie Anne mentions. #lonnieanne While searching for a picture to paint for her family, Lily finds a surprising secret that changes her life and family. That how Lincoln sees you. You have a dozen of them! All of the neighbors also have their jaws dropped. Ronnie Anne: (entering the house) Hey, bro. (Lincoln raises his fist and delivers a hard punch on Loris face, knocking her out cold. The Sister Role Reversal. RONNIE ANNE AND LINCOLN: (high five) Awesome! Lori: You better have a good explanation for this, Lincoln! Originally, the premise was that all the Loud kids have secret passions, but do them privately in some secluded area. Lincoln: Okay, one more shelf to go, and my Spring Cleaning will be done. (Leni grabs a couple canisters of insect repellent and sprays it all over the house, causing the siblings to cough and gag. (to Clyde) Dont worry, buddy! This is, if not, one of the very few fanfictions on this site to depict bloodshed. (Lincoln wakes up with a sour mood on his face. (These words cause Lincoln and Clyde to have flashbacks of the events of Two Boys and a Baby. You have to get rid of at least one dress. Maybe you should seek advice from an expert comic book artist. - Bobby said, joy - So, you're ready for our date? "Why aren't you downstairs?" Hes capable of doing anything. - Lincoln said, annoyed. (This revelation causes Lola to cry even harder). Lola: (to the viewers) I did it! BOBBY: We're fine, little sis. - Lincoln thanked - You know, it's been great having fun with you, Ronnie Anne. Luna: Forget about whos who, dudes. Lincoln gives an even colder stare at them, startling them. Ronnie Anne is the third character to change voice actors/actresses due to their voice actor hitting puberty, with the first two being. Theres something on the back. In Lincoln's room, Lincoln is hard at work deciding what to toss out and what to keep. - Ronnie Anne said - Come on, let's get rid of your sorrow and let's grab some cocoa. Its Spring Cleaning day at the Loud House. Lola: After what Ive been through, I think it would be best if you and Lincoln made up. Lincoln: (consoling the girls) Girls, girls. Lucy: You know. He slides down the slide and dashes off. Lola: Who wants to bet that this whole comic is just an insult to us? "Well at least I have someone who doesn't annoy me here." My bratty six-year-old sister, Lola has just revealed a very embarrassing secret to everyone around the school. He glanced at them and noticed they've a worried expression on their faces and stares to their only brother. (Lemon heavy story Hazbin Hotel elements will be added in later). "Yep." This all could have been avoided if Lola didnt show us the comic in the first place. Despite being considered a major character for the series, she only made four onscreen appearances total in the main show before moving to Great Lakes City. (chuckles at his own joke) Now to properly store it away. / I do. REPORTER: We've just informed that a snow plow is clearing the streets! They look outside to see the inflatable slide open), (The girls see a sticky note on his bed, it reads Reminder: Season Premiere of ARGGH!. I could write all of my feelings and adventure in this journal! Toffee Cocoa Cuddles Murders Harold McBride, Episodes focusing on Ronnie Anne Santiago. (They see the door is closed behind them), BOBBY: Funny, I thought that was open when I'd arrived. When she saw how much hate I had in me because of her mistake, she immediately regretted her actions and wanted me to love her again. She's a sassy girl who isn't afraid of a good fight and is #lincolnloud LINCOLN: (excited) Why didn't you say so? Most of the kids began to form tears in their eyes due to laughing so hard, and some of them weren't aware that they farted. (Lola tosses the comic into the fireplace, where it burns away. Some mature person you are. Bobby: Sure, sis. Oh wait, Im always knew I was this good! "Yeah, sounds cool." "I might as well wear it tonight so I don't have to tomorrow" A final sigh slipped from her lips as she took off her clothes, putting on the pink tank top and purple shorts. Bobby: All right, Ill be back in a few hours to pick you up, sis. Lincoln Loud glanced both ways to make sure no one was around. loud house fanfiction lincoln loses his memory. RONNIE ANNE: Me too, we did have nice moments with each other, like we go out for milkshakes after April Fool's Day and that time we play Dance Battle at Gus' Games, and Grubs. She shows El Diablo to the class, causing the girls to scream in fright, and all the boys to laugh at how cool the snake looks). Lincoln: (to the viewers) Well, my sisters did it. (as Lola rummages through his desk, she discovers Lincolns comic) DO NOT TOUCH Okay. Clyde: Lincoln! Luan: He said that you have to perform an act of kindness that would lift his spirits. The title of this fanfiction is a reference to "The Diary of a Young Girl" by Anne Frank. Lana: Yeah! Bobby: Why?! Luan: Shes right. BOBBY: I can't wait to see you, too, Ronnie Anne. (to the viewers) As you may know, I am an avid reader of comics and manga. (Lincoln refuses to answer) Answer me! LINCOLN: (annoyed) And that's the negative effect of snow days: getting hit with a snowball. Lana: This is my pet snake, El Diablo. He says that it has to be dazzling. She wears a purple hooded jacket, dark blue jean shorts, a white tank top, and dark purple flats with light pink socks worn high. He slowly opened the door. Seven other figures walk up to Lincoln and turn on the light, revealing to be his sisters. The entire inspiration for this story originated from one quote from an episode. Ronnie Anne returned the glance silently and the two walked in without saying a word to each other. This fanfic's idea popped in my head hours ago, so that's why I made it. Lana: And its all because we destroyed something Lincoln worked really hard on. Lincoln: (to himself) Thank you, sisters. theloudhouse # 18 Lincoln Uchiha Ft (@THE_13_CLUB) by Alex Debi 30.3K 580 44 Lincoln ran to the woods after being blamed for something, where he found a man on the verge of death, let's just say Lincoln saw things differently after his encounter. - Lincoln informed - (looking at the window) There's a lot of snow outside. She puts the journal in her backpack, and rushes downstairs to meet up with the others). Lincoln helped his friend up. Im looking for someone who would like to take on an online script role play for fun based off the 2021 Netflix movie, The Loud House movie. When the sisters watch Lincoln make a fool of himself singing along to these songs, they hear Lincoln sing a song with lots of foul language.