Its a wonderful way to live, Lorenzo. Many asked what where his motives for this if not selfish and serve serving and THAT is NOT of GOD!!!!!! That may be his opinion. Anything at all? You actually contemplate cheating on your wife because something as trivial as an ad pops up on your FB page? Let the body of Christ refuse to sever a member. "He's contacted many former associates to try to get funding. Use grace. "On April 3, 2014, Bob Coy resigned as senior pastor of Calvary Chapel Fort Lauderdale, effective immediately, after confessing to a moral failing in his life which disqualifies him from continuing his leadership role at the church he has led since its founding in 1985," the statement read. She'd never even told her family about the crimes. Thank you. Really? Thats what I love about Calvinist preterists, and that is that they are consistent, in denying the literal aspects of scripture and have to do exegetical gymnastics and use pretzel logic to try to prove their conclusions that the Bible does not mean what it says, and says what it means, so when it says that there will be a 1000 year reign of Christ, it doesnt really mean a 1000 year reign, but its symbolic, in fact we are already in the millennium, in fact the lamb is lying with the lion, its to be taken spiritually, (I had one preterist tell me that his cat and his parakeet were getting along and played together and that that was proof for him that we were in the millennium), and Satan is chained up right now (yeah right! Daughter, I understand the struggle of looking for Bible based local church. Im a wretched sinful person. I myself am a disciple of Jesus, so read what he said not what Luther said: 15 So when you see standing in the holy place the abomination that causes desolation,[a] spoken of through the prophet Daniellet the reader understand 16 then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains. Were prayers publicly offered for Bobs wife and children and the church Bob has hurt so badly or has the church now expunged the record and just moving forward. In 2017, he was accused of sexually abusing a four-year-old girl. How is asking for prayer casting a stone about something for which he has admitted? And I can name an endless list of Calvinists who have won tens of thousands to Christ. Theres also much to say about when they began having auctions at the church. Just saying. In 2005, Coy's church rented out Dolphin Stadium on Easter Sunday and drew more than 20,000 people. I did. That may sound petty, but really, your comment is, well, naive. Mr. Newnham.what is your source on this? Then all were invited up to search their hearts. It may be at CC it may not, it may be at an organization such as woman in distress, a food bank or missionary etc.. God has a lot of job openings, it may be that your time for a family is coming. I lost my job because of saying NO, but was made to look like I was a horrible employee. In 2007, Christianity Today spoke to numerous Calvary pastors across the country. Diane Schuler, her daughter Erin, and her three nieces also died in the crash. I am deeply stunned, sickened, hurt and devastated about this news. That body recommends candidates for higher legal office to the governor. Deal with that and then come talk to me. He soon became known for building unique hot rods and in 1977 he opened his own shop, Hot Rods by Boyd, in Stanton, California. Join the accusers my friend, but just know that you will end up where they also will end up, and thus in the name of Jesus I rebuke you!!! They are being good guardians and deserve no finger pointingjust applause for being brave and having the character to do such a thing. As an attendee of Calvary FTL I disagree. The only ones that are monogamous are the ones who have no choice because theyre either too old, too fat or too ugly or too poor. I havent been rebuked and cursed so much since Chuck passed away. I agree with Michael, that MacArthur is being grossly misrepresented here. CAKEGATE 2023: Bad Bunny's Restaurant Accused of Gobbling Birthday Girl's Cake, Death Train: A Timeline of Brightline Fatalities in South Florida UPDATED, Neighborhood Nazi Jon Minadeo Peddles Hate by the Minute, Sen. Rubio's Permanent Daylight Savings Bill Sees Light of Day Once More, NFL Legend Ray Lewis Joins World Jai-Alai League Board of Directors, Affordable New "Micro-Units" Slated for Little River, Edgewater. As one who lives here in S.FL, there is nothing in the news about this. I think thats a YES! Think about that, in light of Davids Bethsheba story. He is a human that, if I may point out, has transformed MANY MANY MANY lives over several years and has grown CCFL into an amazing place of worship. However, if the Pastor fails, I am called to be forgiving and cut him slack. God sees everything. This will certainly be a season of emotional turmoil for CC Fort Lauderdale, as they lose their senior pastor. Time to Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.2Tim 2:15. But something is stopping them from allowing that to happensomething they really do not want to share. 20:3 and threw him into the pit, and shut it and sealed it over him, What kind of a pit will hold a non bodied being like Satan. The reference is not to Rev 5 But to Isaiah 11, which speaks of the millennium. Coy sales millions and that has all changed. Thank you for giving us this resource. More people should resign. It boggles the mind. Many of them do indeed have this going on, yes. So Blessed to hear this,what an awesome speaker,God Bless You Diane! The ads were not provocative- no Victorias secret..women did not wear undergarments in ads.. My beef with Mac is that his version of the gospel is gospel by correct doctrine and holy living which I dont think is correct. If this is untrue or these are unlawfully exaggerated claims the. ", Like Smith, though, Coy used his relaxed persona to sell a deeply conservative brand of Christianity. On April 3, 2014, Coy resigned as Senior Pastor of Calvary Chapel Fort Lauderdale. Yes or no. Everybody sins. Heres a couple of zoning maps for pompano which shows the boundaries going behind the church on Old Mcnab Road. When my Bible says that the seven year tribulation will be a time unlike any other time in the history of man and that unless Jesus had come back when he does all life would be cut short, then anything else is garbage! Make a one-time donation today for as little as $1. And somewhere along the line, Coy slipped right back into his old life. I sincerely hope the congregation not only survives it all but even thrives. Were there other abuse claims against Coy during the nearly three decades he controlled Calvary Chapel Fort Lauderdale? One selfish scumbag SOB he didnt care about his wife or 2 kids or the 1000 employees he had. Ive been married for over 3 decades to the same woman. MLD Daniel 4: Vs 16 Seven times pass over him A time may logically be thought of as a year considering that a year is a natural time unit, the longest one. That is so true. I fight another battle and if you click on my erunner name it will take you to the blog Ive run for six years because of the help of Michael who runs this blog. As someone who has been a casualty of infidelity, such candor and humility helps to answer some of my own long unhealed hurts from that time. So youre saying youve never viewed porn in all the time youve been married? This doesnt directly have to do with the issue on hand but just some insight .. The rock band that usually played raucous hymns to start services was missing. And the local newspapers would never write anything negative about him. I told Michael he could post a thread to what I shared at Grants Pass almost 8 years ago. I got tired of responding to the nonsense. Do we take measures that heal or expunge the record of his existence? not being married doesnt answer the question, thats why i said fornication, or do you feel that if youre not married you can sleep with someone without being married, also when was the last time you viewed pornography?.remember lying is a sin! Thankfully, this isnt my first rodeo. The earthly issue? Its as consistent as the law of gravitythe CC senior pastor marching up the sinner in front of the church to confess their sin publiclythen when its their turnthey want maximum grace and privacy and its a different standard. LOL. It was very beautiful and solemn there. Our practice should be shaped by our doctrine. For her perfecting, she awaits the return of her Lord. Little sister Ive had my struggles at CC and other churches, Ive walked out of sermons and understand the feeling of not relating to Pastors. Ive seen many come and go and have seen a lot of stuff I didnt like here. Police later spoke with the victim in September 2015, but she said she was not sure whether she wanted to go through with a criminal investigation or testify. And I also said that I would not give him the keys to another church. I Am His: Diane Coy. {} 9 They shall not hurt nor destroy in all My holy mountain; for the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea. This blog had nothing to report except for what some very connected church leaders gave the writer to report. What Coy did is wrong, he committed adultery. What does that tell you? When confronted with his sin he stepped down, he could have fought it or refused to step down as many have, but he didnt. The most serious claim against Calvary's national church came in 2011, when four men in Idaho filed a federal suit alleging a youth minister named Anthony Iglesias had molested them between 2000 and 2003. my point exactly. needed payment. I think quoting one of the ten commandments isnt politically correct. I will draw no further comparisons between yourself and a bird with a brain the size of a nut. Barbara, well done. From the camera shots of the kids in the audience-they werent buying it. We who are conservative Christians love to lecture the world about their sins. This didnt HAPPEN to him He HAPPENED to many others. 18 But what does it matter? And yes I have seen it all and have the scoop. so it takes two to tango? When someone calls a corporation for a reference most will only speak to whether the person is eligible to rehire or not. Some in the CCA and CCFTL have tried to make me out to be the one caught in gross sin and any opportunity to discredit me will be taken. Just saying. He quit the cocaine and strippers, met his wife, and moved to South Florida to preach. To all who insist he honorably initiated his resignation: His last fb post (Thursday at 3:37) was I cant wait for beach baptisms next month! Does that sound like a man who plans to end his pastorate that same evening? Bob deserves what ever happens to him and has others said that does not include returning to his post as pastor. it never happened. Mercy should not be misused to render punishment ineffective for both. Also, I notice Chef is no longer listed as a pastor. Several people who witnessed the accident immediately ran to assist the victims. Does that corroborate with what youve heard? With Bob Coy I immediately think of healing for him and the family as I didnt consider him as dangerous to the body. Youre right. He had a staff of 13. So engaging with a second person right now, not interested. I hear bible preaching and teaching being translated into military and sports metaphors all the time. Through that rehabilitation, I became a better man. Wonderful speaker, truly inspiring, but Gay all the same. Bummer. Indwelling our hearts, He gives new life to us, empowers and imparts gifts to us for service. The governing board of the church is providing counselors and ministers who will help guide him through the process of full repentance, cleansing and restoration.". how do you know Pastor Bob wasnt victimize? 2. Flynn, what else have you learned from Chuck Missler and your Schofield Bible? Then non believers wonder why Christians are the only ones to kill their wounded. All the best that money can buy. LOL, go and pray about it. Why hasnt it been called adultery?? Interesting point and something Brodersen/CCCM and Smiths/TWFT are battling overthe IP of Chuck Smith and if his work was his or the property of CCCM. Secondly the Bible will say adultery or fornication but fornication can include many types of different types of sexual sin, its not pertinent to dwell on the sin itself and bring out every lurid detail of that sin for your viewing pleasure and for you to dwell in. What are you talking about? Im in good standing with my church and those Im accountable to. Youre just twisting Acts 2 in the same way. Good point. fscaduto, WELL PUT and that was precisely my point early on. What sin are you guilty off?????? -- Give, Connect, Learn --Give |'m New | | Events | She spends too much money on collectables and is enamored with movies, comics, and television series. No one is perfect, thats why we are just human flesh. WHAT HAPPENED THAT YOURE STILL SINGLE, DO YOU STRUGGLE WITH SEXUAL ATTRACTION TOWARDS THE SAME SEX, OR ARE YOU TRULY A EUNUCH FOR THE KINGDOM OF GOD? The youth pastor was set up to be the fall guy. Am I reading that Coy bought out churches and did not use a large chunk of the 103 million raised and praised by Chuck to build out their new campus? What a disappointment especially as I know many who have thought well of him. This is bad for the pastor, bad for the general congregation. "If you're broken, Jesus will be gentle with you in your anger and disillusionment," Sauder said. Coy's life story is biblical in scope and obvious in moral lessons. Our reach is vast and includes TV programming, radio broadcast, video blog, podcast, digital music, and social media or print publishing resources. Ever. Hope youll give us another try and check out some other articles. To Michael (#646), It isnt the case that the MLK crime scene was unprotected. And I agree with Michael, resigned/fired can be one and the same in the business world. And then others might go in the other direction. I hope you reconsider your life and realize there is a more excellent way to live which God wants to give you. Although Bob was a pastor of a mega church and held to a higher standard, he is still a human being, and human beings are flawed sinners. I do not think praise Bob poor guy comments should be happening about his noble repentance when so many facts are unclear. all speculation your honor. Moniker perversion sorry for the T trouble. That is not a word to blame another person but to remember that we are often seduced by our own desires. Instead the idolaters slay the messenger. Youre boorish behavior reflects poorly on the myriad of folks who are supportive of the Coy family and the value or validity of the teaching ministry he had. Here is what Acts 2 does to your literal 1,000 yrs. He was a star everywhere he went..a total fool and idiot in my book. Perhaps Michael or Alex could follow up with that and find out. Two of my three children still struggle with doubt in their faith and I can not believe our experience didnt have something to do with it. And if Bob is reading this he now knows who I am. I did the change the headline to removed so as not to get caught up in ridiculous minutia. Where am I wrong on this? Flynn, I havent reseached this in its entirety but there seems to be 89 verses on election. photos: Screencap via Youtube/Google Street View, The club has now terminated its relationship with Coy, toured the nation on Evangelical radio and TV shows. Please do not judge my pastor so harshly. The New Jersey-based folk-rock band Driftwood is still a few hours from taking the stage, and a handful of early arrivals sip beer and laugh over the canned blues soundtrack. I wish I could be more positive, but we are living in the last days when there will be a great falling away from the faith, which the Lord has prepared us to expect before He returns. How can you trust anyone at calvary anymore after you were lied to by Coy for years.he is disgusting.. To say he was loyal to diane is a joke..his kids will really be affected for ever.. Did he ever once think about his 1000 employees, did he ever once think about his kids, did he ever once think about what he was doing to Jesus or his wife, his family. Now this man was their bishop and without a bishop they were not sure if they would still be a church what to do? I love the nuts. Chuck would say that its a shame for all the talent to be wasted. You have never read any of Luthers writings (I am sure at best you have read only out of context internet quotes) so a discussion about Luther would be unprofitable. Now he was locked up in jail. Dont over react to what you see here. The woman told him "she had an experience with God and has found forgiveness" for Coy over his abuse. After what happened in the brand-new episode that aired on March 3, Is Diane Farr departing Fire Country? The reason for the resignation is a "moral failing," according to Calvary Chapel leaders, as reported by the Christian Post. We all need to take the telephone pole out of our own eye before we look at the speck of dust in our brothers eye. 16 And there shall be a highway for the remnant of His people, that shall remain from Assyria, like as there was for Israel in the day that he came up out of the land of Egypt. Interview with New Lead Pastor Doug Sauder, 'God Will Not Be Mocked;' Bob Coy Resigned Over Multiple Counts of Adultery and Porn, Reveals Calvary Chapel Pastor Chet Lowe, Megachurch Pastor Bob Coy of Calvary Chapel Fort Lauderdale Resigns Over 'Moral Failing', Calvary Chapel Fort Lauderdale Names New Pastor to Replace Bob Coy Who Resigned Over Moral Failure, Its smut: Kid reads sexually graphic book he got from school library to school board members, Eastview Christian Church pastor resigns after son is fired from Central Christian Church for adultery, School district rejects student-teachers from Arizona Christian University due to their biblical values, His Only Son becomes first-ever crowdfunded theatrical release, coming this Easter, ELCA's first trans bishop sues after being removed from office, A historic first: Vietnam allows Franklin Graham to hold evangelism event with 300 churches, Third generation pastor, convicted felon, allegedly sold church for $600K to support drug habit. As a supportive friend, I have questions, too.. Whatever happened to preaching The Bible, and not ones own brand of The Gospel? So Coy gets the pass because it is normal and I get the ridicule. I hear the CC folks come on hear and proclaimwell were all sinners and only Jesus was perfect!yet they give Jesus-like powers to their Pastor rock star leaders in the form of the Moses Model where the Senior Pastor has all the power. I totally agree anon. Someone else may have more info on this subject. 18 Let no one in the field go back to get their cloak. He shucks at the power of the blood of Jesus, he basically says no problem regarding the mark of the beast the list goes on and on. I know for sure that I wouldt want my own sin, and hypocrisy exposed for the whole world to see. Coys position on Israel is moot if his relationship with his wife is on the rocks. If you live in the area, you know it is not easy finding a church when you are looking for meat. We are all vulnerable and weak!! So, when they said, clean out your desk, he did.. "If we go off the record, I could tell you a lot," he says. The chapel's founder, Kent Nottingham, told a local TV station that there'd been no suspicion of abuse and that he was "shocked.". Her first three children with her husband Steve are Stephen "Danny" Daniel (born 1979), Cheryl Lynn (born 1976), and Christie Ann (born 1974). Below is a summary of our core beliefs which are developed in more detail in the Westminster Confession of Faith, the Westminster Larger Catechism, and the Westminster Shorter Catechism. local news and culture, Tim Elfrink Im asking sincere questions. Bob and family obviously dont want to face any more humiliation. They chose to ignore the explosion that created and run all their services as normal anyway. Michael just want you to know the Mark accusing you and positing other nonsense is not me the long time lurker/poster on this site named Mark who goes back many years with you. There are very few doctrinal stances in Protestantism that I find more odious than your free grace doctrines and the pre trib rapture stuff. You will tow the line no matter what. The problem here is, that you are a skeptic, period. Lorenzo #483. Those who understood their own propensity, weakness and past personal sins and failures might be better off placing a hand over their mouths and silently praying for mercy to be extended to this man and his family. Reading Paiges comments really brought home for me the absolute horror for the wife of a pastor who falls in such a big way. That is indeed, spiritually scary. So if one is in agreement with the end time position of CCFL, they would not want to sit under Tullians teachings. You will always have the tow the line soldier types and they have their place in the body as well but if you want to grow in any aspect of life spiritual or other wise seek out those you respect and let them help you to the next rung a person of good character will be happy to share their life experience to build you up, those that criticize have nothing to offer in the first place. There is a reason God forgives us. This whole thing is hard on you, but it doesnt justify what youre doing.