but yea, the numbers are weird and i can't interpret the discrepancy lol. Here was the workout fuck those guys in mags 29209. I created VeganLiftz because of my passion (more like obsession) with the vegan diet, strength training, Bodybuilding, Health & Wellness. A post shared by Jamal Browner (@jamal_b15), By Ted Kostov PM chief editor and apparel designer, Your email address will not be published. 4 0 obj If you do so you will exceed your expectations. I would vote Dots, because that also converts to GL points for all the USAPL lifters. I've wondered if those records are just guys with questionable form who are pressing the bar only a few inches? Id like to see him compete and get some training/advice to help him meet his goal he does a 1200 total lift of all three but he has more in him and Id like to see what his max potential is. Based off elite powerlifting standards this man is crazy strong in his lbs. 300, then youve likely been lifting for at least a year. Weve covered John Haack @bilbo_swaggins181 in the past on our website. Men's Equipped . A lot of strong e-stats in this thread. How Many Calories Do You Burn Doing Aqua Aerobics? The Wilks formula is as follows: Wilks Formula for Men: Wilks Score = TWL * 500 / (a + b * BWT2 + c * BWT3 + d * BWT4 + e * BWT5 + f * BWT6). In addition general gym goers that lift weights but don't compete like to "look in" to get a sense of how they might fare in a competition. My max bench was 300lbs. The DOTS powerlifting calculator provides a DOTS score which can be used to compare the strength levels of lifters adjusted for bodyweight . This would be awesome. So then if you are a natural powerlifter you would never compete in the meet unless its drug tested right? The second best total was approximately 200 pounds below this level. Most impressive is his world record squat of 1090 lbs / 490kg. Its fair to assume the heaviest powerlifting totals happen in the Open age category when lifters are at their peak physical strength. If we limit our search for the best Wilks score to only raw lifting in doping-tested powerlifting federations, the top three as of October 2019 is held by Ray Williams, Jesse Norris and Sergey Fedosienko. Any time you see a - in front of the number it means that she missed the lift and it doesnt count toward her total. /im1 6 0 R They talk themselves out of competitive powerlifting because of a misguided vision that everyone is putting up 2000 pound totals. Also looking into competing at State Level Strongman Competitions. /Author (AK) Wow, what an awesome article. Thiis was a good article. week 5 22 We ranked the male on the basis of total and female athletes on the basis of their DOTS score in the Raw and Equipped categories. Back in the day I totaled a solid 1,500lbs in the 198lb class clean and raw. I am looking into getting to 1500 in the near future and perhaps one day into the 2000 pound club. In general, 2 years is a good rule of thumb for federations with same-day weigh-ins, and 1 year is a good rule of thumb for federations with day-before weigh-ins. Your strength levels land you in the top 1% of humanity. This may inspire me to explore some type of local competition. DOTS functions differently from Sinclair, it is not your total if you were a SHW. 4 sets of bench or 5. ago I totally missed the second slide. /BitsPerComponent 8 Scores are calculated by comparing a weight lifted to that of numbers achieved by other lifters at the same bodyweight. << I don't think he meant any negativity towards females, I think it was mostly just references based on when you see people hit those impossible numbers. IPF Points are stupid and new Wilks is far too controversial to say the least. Totals are forever. Your email address will not be published. I respect the iron, and the men and women who move it, and am not here to judge or stir up debates. Let's dive into the topic of raw, natural strength standards by analyzing the national records of several drug-free powerlifting federations. Nobody knows. If you actually believe this you are denser than a black hole. For those of you who are doubting this, let me leave you with some numbers from my first powerlifting experience. POWERLIFTING MEETS. Columbia, It's actually triggering me. Hailing from Florida, USA Jawon @majin_avenger is known for his explosive performance. This article exists to provide natural and raw strength standards to lifters who will never use either. To calculate the Wilks coefficient, you need to use a pretty complicated formula. You should now go and play with the numbers andcalculate your wilks score current and your ambition! You are probably in the top 10 in the world in your weight! For example, if a lifter squatted 180kg, bench pressed 120kg, and deadlift 200kg their total would be 500kg. Ugcw{=^%fSY.C6Z{9K[M3nv1)QFNtzWo)y"Tx}S1["g UJ"gp9$:af`_rI nu]py76ofs;yWRZ~c#{K/ s363kRru01M/: << What is strong? Only a handful of lifters have ever achieved 600+ Wilks none of them in doping tested federations. What is considered a good score for a woman is not for a man, for biological reasons. Lets go back to our example of a 59kg lifter with a total of 600kg versus a 120kg lifter with a total of 625kg. Just a quick look at his last two meets reveals a massive improvement in Blakes performance. Key Points Since we need to compare different formulas obtained at different times and using different data sets, Coefficients are temporary. You should probablyfollow Ray Ray on Instagram. This was a really good article for me. What you see below is a powerlifting scoresheet. What is considered a good wilks score? Like, a 300 lb raw and natural lifter and a 308 lb geared and drugged lifter aren't going to have the same lifts. Did this article help? This definitely puts things in perspective. Calculator. It is going to be slightly subjective, but these are pretty ratings, based on looking at a large amount of data and talking to experts. It was frustrating, however, to lose to the PED users that could total 10 times their body weight. It's SxM-2/3 multiplied by a coefficient so that the best score of all-time in a particular federation or manner of competition is equal to 100. Required fields are marked *. However, the scoring and how lifters rank is not as straightforward as you might think. Privacy Policy - The two most popular powerlifting formulas used are the Wilks Score and IPF GL Points. How New Lifters Can Learn Valuable Lessons From Poker. Great article! Great Article! This conundrum of ranking athletes of different weights was tackled by Robert Wilks, the CEO of Powerlifting Australia. But the elites are so few in total that women might comprise a larger percentage? Just a raw lift. Just like body-weight classes, lifters will not compete outside of their own age category. The total is the sum of the heaviest weight lifted for the squat, bench press, and deadlift. Weight Unit. The reason for this evaluation is, because we realised that the Formula we implemented in 2018 is still . How To Pick Your Attempts In Powerlifting, How To Pick Your Weight Class For Powerlifting, Powerlifting Over 40: How To Start & Get Stronger, Powerlifting Over 60: How To Start & Get Stronger, How To Get Back Into Powerlifting After A Break (7 Rules), How To Switch From Bodybuilding to Powerlifting (9 Steps), Powerlifting Over 50: How To Start & Get Stronger, Let us help you train successfully for powerlifting. Unfortunately, there just doesn't seem to be many people left that want to lift raw and natural, it's all about the biggest number possible in ANY manner possible. Attempts have also been made in the past to incorporate age into the equation as well a Wilks calculator with age factored in but it is not something that is officially supported or backed up by the science and research. Less that 100 people in the world have ever achieved 550+ Wilks points. /Filter/FlateDecode Best Lifts: 335 bench, 500 squat and deadlift Pre knee surgery. Powerlifting Strength Standards I cant think of any good advice other than make sure you have good form and a strong core. Sorry I had to re-read your comment twice -- "women are as strong as men? /Font You guys need to troll harder. For a man weighing 220lbs (99.8kg), he would need to squat 791lbs (359kg) to earn 218.54 Wilks points in order to considered stronger according to the Wilks formula. Would that even be considered a decent PB for my weight. Phone: 1-800-537-9910, Terms of Use - Welcome to Vegan Liftz. /Title (_ Models Evaluation-I - 2020 - 1.0.3-en \(with contents\)) Would it even be worth my time to consider a competition. I used the following multipliers to determine these numbers: Most of you aren't competitive powerlifters, nor do most of you have the goal of weighing 270 pounds or more. . I know of a guy who is 58 210 lbs who was repping 455 6x for bench and was fairly lean (very agile). A squat of over 700 without a squat suit is fairly rare. There may also be a Best Overall Sub-Junior/Junior and Best Overall Master award that further takes into account the different age categories. Ive got a 515 deadlift, 505 squat, 365 bench press, 225 overhead strict press, 300 barbell row, and a 160 pound dumbbell clean and jerk. I see far too many strong forum lifters refer to themselves as weak, simply because they do not understand what reasonable natural standards are. Were a news, analysis, and opinion platform for everything related to the vegan diet and fitness. The USPA is the largest powerlifting federation created by lifters, for lifters. Currently at work, but if I have time this evening Ill put something together for that and comment it here. Thank you for this! Eric Spoto is an American powerlifter and arm-wrestler, who mainly specializes in the bench press. For example, your "Elite" lifter with a Wilks total of 413 kg is "as good as" a lifter weighing 51 kg totalling 413 kg. Powerlifters have 3 attempts in the squat, bench press, and deadlift to reach the highest number they can lift for 1 repetition. Her best performance was in November 2021 at the World Powerlifting Championships held in Norway. I think these standards should be a little higher, not everyone you assume is juicing actually is. If you use the IPF GL Points formula, the result is as follows: 59kg lifter: 99.28 points 120kg lifter: 72.65 points. For a man weighing 220lbs (99.8kg), he would need to squat 791lbs (359kg) to earn 218.54 Wilks points in order to considered stronger according to the Wilks formula. 700 is very good. You dont walk in off the street without training doing this, This could be achieved in 1-2 years of focused effort and training for most lifters, In smaller countries/states, this might win you a medal at the nationals, Odds are, that in most countries you will be competing at a national level with 400+ Wilks. During the Ghost Clash meet held last month, she achieved a 540 DOTS rating in the open division with wraps. 6 0 obj The highest score earns first place, the second highest score earns second place, etc. Web design by Digital Focus. /Name/im1 The following estimates are based on real-world numbers. This was my first competition and I had no idea what to expect. 350-400 can put you in the category of national-level competitors. The total is the sum of the heaviest weight lifted for the squat, bench press, and deadlift. Thanks for posting! Some of these federations are large, and some modest in size. So here are some of the best female junior powerlifters ranked according to their DOTS score. The DOTS powerlifting calculator provides a DOTS score which can be used to compare the strength levels of lifters adjusted for bodyweight. Grip strength standards are a good measure of this so I'd just apply the same ratio here. For the uninitiated, DOTS is a scoring system that takes into account an athletes weight, gender, the type of event they compete and some additional information to calculate a comprehensive view of their performance. You can make amazing strides forward without having the best genetics, so remain patient and train smart. If you look at the winner of this category, Teresa Yeung, the heaviest squat was 157.5kg, bench press 97.5kg, and deadlift 172.5kg. It then calculates a score that represents the athlete's strength. Not true at all. If a man and woman weigh exactly the same and their weight lifted is also the same, the woman will naturally have a high Wilks score due to gender difference (men are obviously biologically stronger than women on average). About Eric Spoto. Another factor adding to these monster totals is an obvious one - steroid and human growth hormone usage. /Subtype/Image Here are 2 major reasons. He totaled 2015 lbs / 914 kg spread on a 340.2kg squat, 199.6 kg bench press, and 374.2 kg deadlift with a bodyweight of 196.8lbs / 89.3 kg, earning him 585.83 Wilks points. Couldnt be bothered with womens standards? 10 reps of 185 3 sec up 3 sec down for 3 months. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); 2012 - 2023 Powerlifting Motivation Ltd - All rights reserved. What would be really nice to know would be the number of years the lifter had been training seriously when they hit their top numbers. It calculates a score based on your gender, body weight, and total in the three main lifts (squat, bench and deadlift), then compares it to other lifters regardless of bodyweight or sex. The Best Overall Lifter Awards are also called the Champion of Champion Awards because the person who wins this award will be the strongest male or female lifter out of the whole competition regardless of weight. Didn't want to be embarrassed Love the article! This total is whats used to rank lifters from first to last. We are in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. >> I haven't measured my ROM on press but it must be at least 15", maybe a couple more. I have never taken and roids and dont even diet properly. It was perspective. Great article. Ray Ray, competing for USA in the International Powerlifting Federation, is by most experts considered the greatest of all time in raw, doping tested powerlifting. Vegan Liftz does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. What is training gear? In a powerlifting meet, athletes compete against each other in the squat, bench press, and deadlift to see who is the strongest. The following equation is used to calculate the Wilks coefficient: = + + + + + where x is the body weight of the lifter in kilograms. He achieved 1978.6lbs (897.4kg) total with a 179.4lbs (81.37kg) body weight, which is super impressive. The respective coefficients are multiplied by the respective totals. The lifting standards I am about to present are merely guidelines. Stefi Cohen (123 class) has the second-highest score with 698.11 (wraps). >> But if youre interested in learning more about how these formulas were created, I encourage you to read the following resources: In recent years, the Wilks Score has been phased out by many countries as a way to determine the Best Overall Award (although Australia still uses it). I should be stronger but I will survive. /Length 713 I'm guessing because less women on the whole lift heavy compared to men, unfortunately. This score can be used to rank lifters across different weight classes. And the very complex formula (which you can see below) is based on research and a coefficient devised by Robert Wilks, CEO of Powerlifting Australia. The DOTS system uses a series of complex formulas, taking into account athletes weight, gender, the type of event they participated in, and the category to calculate a final number. /Type/XObject WTF are IPF points? We all lift and watch the videos on youtube. We live in a world full of Instagram 500lb bench presses and 800lb squats. It sure makes me feel weak. I watched the worlds strongest man, and thought that I was weak for a natural lifter. The 21-year old Russian powerlifter, Daria Efimtseva @efimtseva_daria, probably has one of the highest totals on this list. Click on one of the links below, depending on your preferred unit of mass, to visit the tool. The formula is based on research and a coefficient calculated by Robert Wilks of Powerlifting Australia and i used in most powerlifting federations around the world. For someone who weights 155lbs I guess benching 350lbs squatting 475lbs and deadlifting 500lbs or 510 or something is pretty damn good, don't know why I even doubted myself but like you said seeing guys bench 800lns makes me feel weak especially as a 17 yr old dood. << endobj It is going to be slightly subjective, but these are pretty ratings, based on looking at a large amount of data and talking to experts. It would highly disadvantage the heavier lifter versus the lighter lifter. lbs kg. I hope this helps put powerlifting numbers in perspective. Training gear includes the use of specialized squat suits and bench shirts that are designed to help powerlifters add hundreds of pounds to each lift. There are some powerlifting articles here on M&S, but you could also search YouTube for channels that focus on that sport to help you learn more about training for comps. After having switched in 2018 to the new IPF Formula, the IPF did an evaluation of this method in 2019. Then, of course, you could compare women to women and men to men based on bodyweight/pound-for-pound difference. The article is impressive, and informative. % The OpenPowerlifting project aims to create a permanent, accurate, convenient, accessible, open archive of the world's powerlifting data. Its mostly linear up to the 80th percentile, starts to pick up at the 90th, and the top 1% and .1% are absurdly stronger than everyone else. Add in a squat suit, along with knee wraps and squat briefs, which go under a squat suit to help move even more weight, and these guys are squatting over 1000 pounds. Want to support more powerlifting software? His latest DOTS score is 612.77. Before I move forward, here are some simple definitions for standards names. I'm a 70 year old drug and alcohol free lifter and i bench 1200lbs, squat 2000lbs, and deadlifted my coffin to get back out of my grave to hit the gym! Related:Calculate your powerlifting Wilks Score. Comparing Coefficients of Variation. Lifter B is lifting less than 1.5 x bodyweight and is only lifting 55kg over his own body-weight. I've gone over 500 on multiple occasions with an alltime PR of 515. Muscle & Strength, LLC. The total weight lifted (in kg) is multiplied by the coefficient to find the standard amount lifted . I certainly had no clue that I would be the strongest lifter at the meet. Weightlifting is a little different to curve because of the positive effect of height (especially on snatches), but of course you can argue this stuff endlessly. score sheets and with an accuracy of 6 decimal places in detailed sheets. << The lifters' totals (powerlifting or single-lift) are determined based on the heaviest weight(s) lifted. When I asked lifters who aren't, they agrees, too. The Strength Level Powerlifting Calculator measures your strength in powerlifting against other The Wilks formula is used to compare lifted weight in powerlifting between lifters of different bodyweight and gender so you can compare the strength of men and women and lighter and heavier lifters. Bre 74 Pins. It requires an amazing amount of dedication and practice, and few can master it. 3. All rights reserved. Do you have any recommendations? Accessibility Statement. Columbia, This article reviews each sport and discusses the benefits and potential downsides of each. Would be interested to see how the women's scores have changed as strength sports have become more accessible and less taboo for women and the pool of athletes has grown. In November last year, she competed in the FR-Jr category and has since then increased her DOTS rating by 60 points. The basic idea is that you take the total you lifted, multiple it by a co-efficient based on your body-weight, and then you get a score. There are also rules around competing in a specific weight and age class, which impact the scoring system. Powerlifting Calculator : Calculate your total, Wilks score, Malone score, and more. Cookie Policy - However, our reviews are based on well research backed analysis. IPF GL Formula. endobj Weight Unit. By Powerlifting Motivation - PMedia all powerlifting, 2012 - 2023 Powerlifting Motivation Ltd - All rights reserved. About us. and I way 50lbs because i'm a skeleton! So when you see a guy benching close to 800 pounds with a bench shirt on, there's a good chance he "only" benches 500 without a bench shirt. When you multiply that by the top raw allometric scaling score in raw IPF competition, the resultant score is 100. In his latest meet at Hybrid Showdown 4, Blake scored 2006.2lbs (910kg) total with an almost unchanged bodyweight of 181.4lbs (82.2kg). A 1200 pound 3-lift total (bench press, squats and deadlifts) is more than 95% of gym rats will ever accomplish.