[6], When Fury was informed that the United States Army, led by Thaddeus Ross, was hunting down Bruce Banner, he personally approached Banner in a bar and tried to talk to him peacefully. Stark then questioned what Fury wanted, which annoyed Fury even more as he told Stark that he had bigger issues to deal with around the world. In an ensuing Skrull attack, Fury kills a Skrull impersonating Coulson. Romanoff also commented that she had hoped Fury would have more to offer but he insisted that this team was enough and together they could stand and outwit and defeat Ultron and his army. He faked his death and allowed the world to believe that the director of S.H.I.E.L.D. However, before he left, Stark then agreed to be the consultant as long as Fury helped him convince Stern to present him and Rhodes with the medals for all their bravery in defeating Whiplash, which Fury agreed to. by the 1980s and was working under R. Keller's command by 1988. We were everywhere. The second girl beautiful girl with long white hair, red eyes, she was tall at 6'5" in height, she had the body of a goddess, she has massive and beautiful white angel wings, she has on a tiara with the Kamen Rider Rey logo, she's dressed in a sleeveless black vest, sleeveless white top, necklace with the Kamen Rider Rey logo for the pendant . [7], Fury later guided Phil Coulson to a secure S.H.I.E.L.D. Coulson and Sitwell then decided to send Stark to annoy Thaddeus Ross until he had refused to allow Blonsky to join the team. Following the subsequent fall of S.H.I.E.L.D., Fury went into hiding, burning his possessions and replacing his eyepatch with a pair of sunglasses, along with a wardrobe change, to blend into a crowd. In 2023, Fury is restored to life and attends Stark's funeral, reuniting with Danvers. Reading the assessment in which Romanoff claimed he contained compulsive behavior and self-destructive tendencies, with textbook narcissism. Perfect opportunity. One day in 2018, Fury was driving through Atlanta with Maria Hill and with no clear idea of what was happening, asked for updates on Tony Stark's location after he had disappeared into a spaceship. Shortly before the Battle of New York in 2012, Fury enlists Dr. Erik Selvig to study the Tesseract. and alerted 'Keller' of Vers' location inside the facility through his pager, dismissing the contact as him simply trying to contact his mother. With little to show for his efforts with bringing the Avengers together, Fury shelved his plan and had begun focusing on weaponry instead. . colleague comes under attack, Steve becomes embroiled in a web of intrigue . [12] Jackson thereafter appeared in a cameo in Avengers: Endgame, and in a substantial role in Spider-Man: Far From Home. Now that the Avengers Initiative had ultimately succeeded, Fury's defiance of the World Security Council may not have been forgotten, but his methods and actions had saved the world. See also: whatever's going on with Gamora. Despite Alexander Pierce and the entirety of S.H.I.E.L.D. However, he did use Coulson's death to motivate the Avengers and used alien biology to bring him back to life, no matter how much Coulson begged to die. : 1.20: Nothing Personal, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Fury of the Gods Star Grace Caroline Currey Says Adult Counterparts Acted Younger Than Kids, Marvel: Crisis Protocol Adds a New MODOK, Teases Squirrel Girl, Spider-Man No Way Home: De La Soul's Magic Number Available to Stream. Eventually, Fury learned of this as he saw a warning that the Helicarrier was now being hacked, allowing someone to access all of S.H.I.E.L.D. Fury is a man of great and indomitable will, but he can feel too, as he was shaken with the death of Coulson and was deeply disturbed at seeing Hill fade away due to the Snap. Although this was surprising during The Winter Soldier, it became a bit redundant in later movies. Just as Fury got to safety after causing two of his assassins' car to be hit by a passing lorry, he encountered an assassin known as the Winter Soldier, who used a Disc Grenade to disable Fury's SUV, causing it to violently crash and greatly injure him. With the attack still continuing, Fury had then engaged in a fierce gunfight alongside Hill, keeping all Loki's soldiers at bay, until Hawkeye joined the fight and had fired several explosive arrows at Fury and Hill, causing explosions which killed multiple S.H.I.E.L.D. Fury tracked down Vers after learning she stole a motorcycle, and followed her to Pancho's Bar. As his long week continued, Phil Coulson informed Fury about the Destroyer's attack on Puente Antiguo, while Fury had learned how Thaddeus Ross hacked S.H.I.E.L.D. Steve Rogers, the world's first supersoldier, who had been frozen in the Arctic ever since his battle against HYDRA and the Red Skull all the way back during World War II, and he had somehow managed to miraculously survive his frozen entombment for almost seventy years.[4]. [27], Fury appears in the Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. [9] Marvel entered into a non-recourse debt structure with Merrill Lynch, under which Marvel got $525million to make a maximum of 10 movies based on the company's properties over eight years, collateralized by certain movie rights to a total of 10 characters, including Nick Fury.[10]. agents. Nick Fury's downtown chase while nefarious forces and the Winter Soldier look to take him out is one of the most thrilling scenes not just in the movie, but the MCU at large. The Winter Soldier was pulled in and out of cryostasis by Hydra. Outwit the platinum bastard.Nick Fury to the Avengers. Until I am certain my team can't hold it, I will not order a nuclear strike against a civilian population!Nick Fury and Gideon Malick. Meanwhile, Fury drafts an initiative to locate heroes like Danvers, naming it after her Air Force call sign, "Avenger". Fury agreed and the pair shook hands and departed. Nick Fury's death in the 'Winter Soldier' After the events at the end of The Avengers , Captain America becomes a S.H.I.E.L.D. The former C.I.A. Project Insight plans to launch helicarriers that will connect with satellites and be used to neutralize hostile enemies. Fury told Garret to clean up and arrive back for debrief.[21]. Having seen the incredible sight of the advanced technology that the Helicarrier was now displaying and the scale of S.H.I.E.L.D. Fury originally appeared in American comic books published by Marvel Comics.Created by writer/artist Jack Kirby and writer Stan Lee, Fury first appeared in Sgt. investigation and analysis. Fury ordered Romanoff to meet Samuel Sterns to take any papers on Banner, as Romanoff took Sterns into custody, having shot him through the leg having also witnessed Sterns' incomplete transformation. With the world believing the new Captain America was dead, Bucky returned to covert operations, now working for S.H.I.E.L.D. He is known to manipulate people and is the bearer of many, classified, global security secrets. Nick Fury died again in the post-credits scene of Avengers: Infinity War -- but this time it was for real. : 1.11: The Magical Place. Vers started chasing after the Skrull, while Fury alerted the S.H.I.E.L.D. During a prolonged car chase, Fury continued to fight and outwit his attackers while driving. Credit: Ranker. With Hill now satisfied with the answer she walked away, leaving Fury overlooking the skyline. Director Alexander Pierce, prompting Pierce to make him director of S.H.I.E.L.D., while Pierce joined the World Security Council.[46]. Nick Fury is clearly one of the MCU's most important characters, but a big problem with how he's been handled in the MCU is Marvel's tendency to kill - or pretend to kill - the character. May, doubting this, replied that she would believe that when she saw it herself. Later, he helps get things running at the new Avengers Compound. [36], While Fury remained under the radar, Melinda May confronted Maria Hill to find out who led Project T.A.H.I.T.I., so Hill simply told her the cryptic answer that Fury had given her. A recent theory shared to r/FanTheories argues that Talos has been Fury ever since Captain America: The Winter Soldier. Looks like a lot of rats didn't go down with the ship. Fury called Tony Stark to warn him of the impending nuke, Stark was able to intercept the missile and fly it towards the Wormhole. Chadwick Boseman's T'Challa may believe that death is not the end, but merely a . Jackson described the role as a cameo, saying, "I'm just kind of passing by there Because, it's another one of those 'people who have powers fighting people who have powers'. As they fight on the Helicarrier, Fury watches as a Romanoff from another universe appears and subdues Loki with his Scepter. When Coulson suggested that he meant he would disappear, Fury laughed and lifted up his sunglasses to reveal his scarred eye, telling Coulson with a smile that he should know him better than that as he would be everywhere, he then turned around he walked away, leaving S.H.I.E.L.D. Returning to his office, he was approached by Phil Coulson, who brought him a box of prosthetic eyeballs. On his way to Europe, Fury received a weak distress call which led him to Jemma Simmons and Leo Fitz, who were stranded in the ocean. The two then bonded with each other as they flew, laughing over their experiences with each other. Once he returned to his post on the bridge to take command of the situation, Fury ordered that the Helicarrier be positioned over water to ensure that if they fell out of the sky, they would not kill thousands of innocent lives below them, becoming annoyed as he had to give directions to the navigator about how to figure out where to turn to get over water. [23], I went to great pains to make sure you didn't die the first time. After a few minutes, Garrett radioed again and told him that Iron Man swooped in a saved his life. 's influence over the world, allowed Rogers to go quietly hand Fury ten dollars to complete a bet they had made about whether or not Rogers could be surprised by any new things since fighting HYDRA and waking up in the modern era, as Fury smiled to himself and then went over to greet all of the other Avengers. The king took a spear and set it with its point in the soil, then he laid an arrow on the string and shot up into the air. This led to an assassination attempt on Fury that started on the streets of Washington D.C. and ended in the living room of Steve Rogers' apartment. However, when the project is a few weeks away from completion, Fury grows suspicious about Insight. Where were you born? After this, he, Phil Coulson, and Maria Hill decide to start the Initiative. ", "Russo brothers tapped for 'Captain America 2': Disney and Marvel in final negotiations with 'Community' producers to helm pic", "Sunday Geekersation: Jackson unleashes the Fury", "The Winter Soldier: Has America Changed Too Much for Captain America? As Vers headed to the file room, Fury secretly contacted S.H.I.E.L.D. Nowhere to be found.""Nowhere? Pierce says: "That photo was taken five years after Nick . When though? [32], According to Victoria Hand, when Coulson got abducted by the Centipede Project and tortured for several days by Edison Po, both Fury and Maria Hill wanted constant updates on the situation of the rescue mission coordinated by Hand and the other agents. He managed to rescue both of them, although Fitz suffered brain damage from the ordeal. Or Loki, who's main timeline iteration seems to finally be dead, although that death is undercut by the fact that an alternate timeline version is about to have his own TV series. Regarding Fury's questionable code of ethics displayed, Jackson said, "Almost everything that comes out of Nick Fury's mouth is a lie in some sense. artificial tactical intelligence system, and was instructed to bequeath the glasses to Peter Parker, having been made aware that Parker was Spider-Man. Standing up and shaking his hand, Stark told Fury that he could not afford his services before going to walk out. It's nearly impossible to read his emotions. He did not. But it was all just a misdirect. However, Stark eventually escaped and not long after, Iron Man had also appeared and begun destroying Ten Rings units, as Fury suspected Stark may have been brainwashed. Samuel L. Jackson 's Nick Fury looks worn out. This article contains spoilers for The Falcon and The Winter Soldier episode 6. Fury chose to be dispatched in those locations, due to them all starting with the letter 'B' and that he could make them rhyme when he would mention them in passing. ", "Samuel L. Jackson Just Filmed Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. to exactly replicate a human. It loses the element of surprise, and becomes really repetitive. Still in space, Fury disconnects the call. vessel, can read a target's DNA anywhere in the world. intended to preemptively eliminate their enemies through the new Project Insight Helicarriers. The Tesseract, which he had assigned Erik Selvig to investigate, formed a significant part of this puzzle which Fury kept a close eye on throughout Selvig's experiments. When Thor questioned what it was that Fury was asking him to do, fearing that he may soon be called upon to end his own brother's life, Fury, in turn, questioned what Thor was now prepared to do in order to keep the Earth safe from Loki's wrath. To their horror, the agitated Banner then picked up the Scepter as he had promised to explain his secret to remaining calm, as Rogers made him realize what was happening just as they got the signal on the Tesseract's location, as Banner then calmed down and went to check the result. ""You're going to disappear. Coulson subsequently reveals to Gonzalez and his board that he and Fury had discovered that the original helicarrier survived HYDRA's attack and repaired it as a failsafe in case of an emergency. First guy I slept with. ""Break what? Fury found Secretary Alexander Pierce speaking to the World Security Council about the Hijacking and Retaking of the Lemurian Star, defending Fury's actions involving the mission and discussing Batroc.