2.3 Raisins. Chinchillas are very friendly animals. Even though this might sound really confusing, if you follow the feeding guide later in the post then you should have no issues with over or underfeeding greens to your chinchilla. Pics + 7 Signs Theyre Overweight, How Much Is A Chinchilla [Cost & Price Stats]. This might not sound that bad at first, however, the fact that a chinchillas digestional tract isnt adapted to processing large amounts of sugar means that it can be left to ferment and cause gas. If they are fed certain foods together frequently, they will become accustomed to them always being served together. so from these numbers alone its clear to see that good quality hay is undoubtedly the most vital part of your chinchillas diet. If you want to get a pet chinchilla, you should take into consideration some important things before buying them. You should thus monitor it at all times to make sure it doesnt hunt down your chinchilla. By Laurie Hess, DVM, Dipl ABVP (Avian Practice). Are Chinchillas Territorial? You can give these things in moderation but make sure to avoid nuts and seeds as they are way too high in fat content. Because of this, its a good idea to keep their diet simple and stick to their base diet as much as possible and only add the foods that are needed to keep your chinchilla healthy. Over time, your cat might get used to your chinchilla and stop attacking it altogether. It is important to remember the natural chinchilla diet is mainly made up of hay and grass, with some twigs and leaves in between. So what should you do? A good quality pellet usually contains vitamins such as vitamins A, B12, D3 & E. In contrast to hay, where you should provide it in large quantities, pellets should be offered in smaller amounts and make up more of the remaining 10% of your chinchillas diet. Yucca. Its always best to check before you offer your chinchilla a new fruit just to make sure its safe and to see just how much you can offer them in one sitting. The most common flowers you can feed your chinchilla include rosebuds, rose petals, calendula flowers and cactus flowers. This means that chinchillas require a diet rich in protein but low in fat and carbohydrates. The treats that you choose to feed them should be done in very limited and controlled quantities. Only a couple of tablespoons (1-2 tablespoons) of pellets should be given as daily amounts to a baby or adult chinchilla. 2.5 Dried Cranberry And Apple. Special emphasis on nutritional support. However, this makes them need a lot of physical and mental stimulation. As a general rule of thumb, chinchillas dont need fruit to be considered healthy and they dont need it in their diet. Orchardgrass. Because of the sensitive nature of a chinchillas digestive tract, sugar can be extremely harmful even if its fed in moderate quantities. Do make sure to feed them every day and check if their droppings are dry and normal. We have created a list of common foods that chinchilla owners regularly contemplate feeding their chinchilla. 3. To try to mimic this rough vegetation, the mainstay of pet chinchillas diets should be hay offered in unlimited quantities. 1 What Foods Are Poisonous To Chinchillas? Oat grass. Dried fruit is often preferred to regular fruit, this is down to the fact that dried fruit offers much less water (which is considered bad for chinchillas) as well as increased levels of other nutrients such as fibre. Reasons Why Theyre Smart. Grapes and raisins have shown to be toxic to dogs, ferrets and cats. Belmore, NSW. Fresh Apple. Poison Ivy. Protein: should be between 16% and 20%. Coprophagy helps to maintain the correct balance of intestinal flora within the gut, and also enables the chinchilla to absorb B Vitamins that are produced in the caecum (part of the gut). Dry foods are made entirely from grains and other similar products. The answer to this question is no, Cat foods are not suitable for chinchillas and there are many reasons why you should avoid feeding it to them. Dont make sudden changes in their diets as it can upset their stomach. What Nutrients Are Unhealthy If Overfed to Your Chinchilla? Some common options for food items that every pet chinchilla owner needs to keep their chinchilla safe and healthy are listed below. Can Chinchillas Eat Cat Food? Some dos and donts for having chinchillas as pets are listed below. Along with the quality of good that you feed your pet chinchilla, the quantity is just as important. Some use only meat products while others include vegetables and grains. 1.1 Rabbit Food; 1.2 Hamster And Gerbil Food; 1.3 Sugary Foods; 1.4 Certain Vegetables; 1.5 Certain Fruits; 1.6 Processed Human Foods; 1.7 Chocolate; 2 What Foods Are Toxic To Chinchillas: Final Thoughts Bread and Dairy Products. This site is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. As such, its best to look for a reputable brand of dry food made specifically for chinchillas. While chinchillas and hamsters may seem similar, their diets couldn't be more different, and that means you . These flowers should be dried before feeding to ensure that they are crunchy since our little ones love to nibble. Most importantly, you need to know what they can and cant eat! If you ask your chinchilla what their fave treats are, dried cranberries and raisins are at the top of their list. These tend to be expensive but, over time, theyre worth the investment. hay, fresh vegetables, and pellets should still make up the majority of their diet. Its important to offer your chinchillas an unlimited amount of fresh hay in their cage daily so they can continually consume the large amounts of fibre they need. 2 Human Food Chinchillas Can Eat. You can either purchase wood sticks from a store or collect your own. Collect. From allergies to zoomies, we have dogs covered like fur on a sofa. On the other hand, the natural hamster diet is mainly . Ideally, you want to offer your chinchillas a low to moderate calcium diet that on the whole contains more calcium than phosphorus. Feeding greens and vegetables in large quantities can upset the nutritional balance of the hay and pellets you are providing to your chinchilla. We ship to everywhere in Canada, and can deliver your package right to your door! You may also be able to give your chinchilla treats like rose petals, rolled oats, or even non-frosted shredded wheat. Here are useful tips you should follow to ensure peaceful coexistence between these two: Whereas your cat and chinchilla might eventually learn to live with each other, dont expect them to be best friends. A few hamster owners were concerned that their buddies would have trouble eating it because of its size and shape . 2.4 Certain Breakfast Cereals. It is also coarse enough to keep their teeth short and stop them from overgrowing. But guinea pigs are actually really good at eating slowly and reading their body. An overweight chinchilla is susceptible to many illnesses like diabetes, diarrhea, and liver damage. Chinchillas only need to consume around 3-5% fat in their diet which is easily attainable from their base diet so foods such as. Overfeeding of fresh greens also can lead to soft stool or diarrhea. I'm a pocket pet enthusiast and I love sharing my knowledge and passion for these amazing animals. Hey is extremely high in fibre which is important as the dietary tract of a chinchilla requires constant movement and large amounts of fibre are essential to help with this process. The main takeaway here is that you should never give cat food to your pet chinchilla. Dried Cranberries. Cats with a chinchilla coat pattern have white undercoats and tipping on the back, tail, head, and flanks. If you want to know what age baby chinchillas are weaned then head over to our post that shares all you need to know. Purebred Chinchilla's. $1,200. Chinchillas can consume a wide variety of human foods, most notably vegetables, fruits, seeds, nuts, and grains. If you want to give your chinchilla some treats, then these should be carefully selected. Why You Shouldnt Feed Cat Food To A Chinchilla, The Risks Of Feeding Wet Cat Food To A Chinchilla, Can Chinchillas Eat Pretzels? So, excessive feeding can lead to diarrhea and urinary problems. Fruits and Veggies - Fresh fruits, fresh greens, and other veggies are a healthy part of your chinchilla's diet as well. The foods below are considered unsafe or too unhealthy to feed to your chinchilla and therefore should be avoided. As you know, chinchillas are very active, so they run around a lot. (Benefits/Risks), Can Chinchillas Eat Nuts? Chinchillas and cats can get along just fine, but this depends on your cats personality and demeanor. You can either purchase wood sticks from a store or collect your own, Wash The wood Thoroughly (remove all visible dirt), Ensure Sticks Are Totally Dry (should easily snap under pressure), Timothy or Orchard Grass Hay Always Available. [Top Speeds], Is My Chinchilla Fat? Copyright tagDiv. Having said this, both hay varieties will do a great job of keeping your chins teeth short and providing them with the nutrients they need to be healthy. If you want to bring a chinchilla into your home, you could be worried about their diet and general health. Chinchillas love dandelion leaves. While hay should be offered in unlimited quantities, feeding large amounts of high-calcium alfalfa hay to non-breeding, adult chinchillas has been associated with the development calcium-based bladder stones. Additionally, chinchillas can be fed a small amount (1-2 tbsp/day) of a commercial pelleted diet formulated for chinchillas. We will be constantly adding new dedicated posts where we spotlight popular fruits so you can see in detail if the fruit is safe as well as how often and how much to offer your chinchilla. Bottles water is safe for chinchillas to use but is an expensive way of providing your Chinchilla with water and some would consider this quite wasteful. Fruit is a food that can be offered to your chinchilla as a treat. You can give them raisins, carrots, sultanas, and basically all the things that were mentioned above in the list. This is because fatty foods are very harmful to their digestive system. Hay that is recommended for your chinchilla. Chinchilla Diapers: What You Need To Know + Pics, 16+ Different Chinchilla Colors: Pictures + Pricing, How Fast Can Chinchillas Run? In this article, we'll answer the above questions by taking an in-depth look at what kind of diet is best for your beloved pet chinchilla. Unfortunately, yes. Chinchilla Sleeping Habits: Are Chinchillas Nocturnal? Some comments from a popular forum AGAINST giving raisins include: 1. Purebred Silver & White chinchilla. Like most animals in the world, chinchillas require a variety of nutrients to be considered healthy and for their organs to work correctly. Chinchillas can't eat blueberries for a variety of reasons. This leads to problems including diarrhea, weight loss, and stomach ulcers. Eggshells are rich in calcium and, as such, theyre an excellent source of nutrition for your chinchilla! Second, not all rabbit foods are created equal. Although fruits and nuts are something that can be fed to chinchillas, it is best to avoid them. They love to play and interact with humans which makes them excellent pets. Their mum is a chinchilla Persian Semi-long haired silky & soft coat and their Dad is a red . It's safe to give your chin a raisin-size amount 2-3 times per week. You also need to make sure your cat has a mellow personality to lower the likelihood of it attacking your chinchilla. Some other healthy treats include rosehips and mountain ash berries. Feeding any type of cat food to your chinchilla is a bad idea, however, feeding them wet cat food is one of the worst things you can do. It is also built with a speaker for remote interaction with pets. (Benefits/Risks), Can Chinchillas Eat Rabbit Food? chinchillabreeders.org is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon.com. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. As rodents, their standard diet tends to follow a more opportunistic model, with chinchillas eating plants, seeds, fruits, and insects that it can get its paws on. After all, it wont cost much and it might even taste good. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'smallpetshq_com-box-4','ezslot_2',194,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-smallpetshq_com-box-4-0');You should thus not be surprised if a cat and chinchilla bond as companions or friends. Hamsters eat more carbohydrates than chinchillas do, but both species need food with plenty of protein and calcium. Take a look at the guide below that details what foods your chinchilla should eat and in what quantities. The Chinchillas are often described as adorable, but they're also Is your chinchilla looking a little too plump? Remember that treats are only supposed to be offered sparingly and not in large amounts daily. . The diet for chinchillas should be monitored to make sure they follow it daily. Avoid feeding dried fruits. Its advisable to have a big enough cage for your chinchilla to jump around should they ever feel threatened by your cat. This is made worse by the fact that chinchillas dont have the ability to pass gas and therefore the situation can become extremely painful and in some cases, it has actually caused death. Chins have a high metabolism and can eat constantlyideally, they shouldn't go without food for more than 12 hours, but 24 hours is doable if absolutely necessary. You need to ensure your cat has a comfortable sitting area thats far from the chinchillas cage. They are very sensitive animals but can be great friends if you know how to take care of them. You dont need to panic about the role that calcium and phosphorus play in the health of your chinchilla, instead, simply stick to a basic and recommended diet of fresh hay, supplemented with pellets and a small number of fresh greens or vegetables. Get practical pet health tips, articles, and insights from our veterinary community delivered weekly to your inbox. As a Chewy & flexoffers affiliate I earn commissions for qualifying purchases. Either way, you need to be careful when offering your chin both fruit and dried fruit and always check to see if the fruit is recommended for chinchillas and what quantities it should be offered in.
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