There was a great famine in Samaria; and behold, they besieged it, until a donkey's head was sold for eighty shekels of silver . 1 silver dime for a quart of wheat (approx). However, their plan to have the only seed that grows in toxic soils and so on (after they lay down the chemtrails and polute the world so badly that nothing else will grow) is going to backfire. We moderns tend to consider black to be the opposite of white, so to us, black is the color of evil, personified in the almost totally black costume of Darth Vader in Star Wars. SOLO QUESTION (no help from your teammates): Recite Rom 7:7-25 . The wars after the opening of the second seal (Revelation 6:4-4) could lead to a significant decline in crops grown. It is when we keep our eyes firmly focused on this truth that we can have hope beyond the tensions of our present world. Saying that a whole days wages will only be enough to buy a choenix of wheat or a loaf of bread implies that everyone will earn the same for their work during the end times. Kindest regards, The grand solar minimum, late ice storms killed citrus in Texas, dumping out food because supply chains are broken, meat plants production is off, workers sitting at home, gas prices are going up, ships in harbor in California back-logged and cant get unloaded, printing stimulus money is putting upward pressure on the dollar (inflation).. Its crazy In just 2 years, we are on the door of famine and wars are being rumored about. Luke 21:11 also cautions us. In the 13th century B.C., nearly all of the Eastern Mediterranean civilizations collapsed because of a prolonged drought. Recent Examples on the Web Though drought alone may not have been enough to topple the Hittites, such a long-lasting dry period could have destabilized the empire, leaving it more vulnerable to other threats such as an invasion or famine and unrest, the researchers suggest. The cost of food in the 3rd seal famine would be incredible and far beyond any type of ordinary inflation could bring. This idea seems unlikely unless Communism takes over the world. At least I live near a water system with ducks and geese. The Lion and the Lamb, which signifies Jesus, then open the first 4 seals of the scroll. A Troy ounce of silver weighs 31.1 grams. He knew that terrible scenes would occur within the "city of peace." The Bible The New Testament- Who in Revelation Chapter 6 symbolise Conquest Slaughter Famine and Pestilence? Most people today may not see famine as a manifestation of divine wrath. The price of a bushel of wheat is $4.33 at the time of this writing, so the price of a lbs of wheat is approximately $0.07 (4.33 divided by 59.74). Keep the faith and keep looking for the uppertakernot the undertaker! But until then, we will continue to see cyclical occurrence of famine, from all sorts of causes, resulting in millions of people dying when they could have lived. We really do not worship our God at all. Today we use oil drilled out of the ground, natural gas and coal as fuel and as chemical feedstock. The oil and wine discussed in the book of Revelation are food for the wealthy, also controlled by the Anti-Christ. As Christians, we are so innocent and have no idea how evil this whole thing is really going to be. I was aware of the depreciation of the denarius, which I accounted for in my study. U.S. dollars is something people can understand at the moment so thats why I used it. We come now to the third horseman's ride. What we have now is merely smoke and mirrors. If true, this would mean that the precursor to this revelation would be the implementation of a one world system. Their price movement should keep up with rising food prices in an inflationary environment. In 1984, a famine in Ethiopia developed through natural means, but was aggravated by the unstable government. Growing a garden seems like a very good idea if you can maintain it. 3) Flesh devoured Food prices rarely rise this much without a major supply shortage. Below I provide denarius values for 70 A.D. and for 95 A.D.: the two dates most people associate with the writing of the Book of Revelation. Coupled with bad weather, the result was the death of 20 million people by starvation during 1960 and 1961. Im in the electronics manufacturing business and also happen to be an avid hobby baker. To ancient Israelites there was no such thing as nature as we understand it today and no such thing as chance. Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for YOU declares the Lord. In the last book of the Bible there is described a revelation, from Jesus to the Apostle John, about a great cataclysm coming upon earth. Jn. Farmers have been burying perishable produce or dumping milk as a result of supply chain disruption and falling consumer demand. In other words, the curses like those accompanying the horsemen of apocalyptic disaster would not go through their land as long as they sincerely obeyed God and worshipped Him in truth. He is asked to judge between to women who had agreed to . The main objective of this article is to calm people down who listen to people who claim we are seeing the 3rd seal now. Notice what it says in Revelation 6:5-6 Revelation 6:5-6 [5] And when he had opened the third seal, I heard the third beast say, Come and see. Yet we are partying like we were in Babylon, and Daniel is about to interpret the meaning on the wall. 24 Jun 2014. However, what develops after the conflict is over may have long-term implications which helps bring us to a world where prophecy can be fulfilled. The Bible considers honey a symbol of goodness, a blessing, i.e. The third Horseman, Famine on the Black Horse as depicted in the Angers Apocalypse Tapestry (1372-82) When He broke the third seal, I heard the third living creature saying, "Come." I looked, and behold, a black horse; and he who sat on it had a pair of scales in his hand. Where was our attentions? Suffering opened the door for repentance and change. So I looked, and behold, a black horse, and he who sat on it had a pair of scales in his hand. Scripture reveals that God sent plagues as a consequence of disobedience and idolatry. Luke 21:11. American King James Version: "When He opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature say, 'Come and see.' We have rouge nations, who appear to be waiting for any provocation, to start a nuclear war, with us or their neighbors. Psalms 107:34 - A fruitful land into barrenness, for the wickedness of them that dwell therein. We have not yet seen the full depths of the catastrophe that awaits the world as the seals of Revelation 6 are opened and the human tragedies described in them unfold. The printing of massive amounts of currency with no intrinsic value, leads to incredible devaluation of that currency. Rather, Death has a companion, Hades, who ".were given control of one fourth of the earth to kill by sword, famine, and plague and by the wild beasts of the earth" (Rev. A look at past famines gives us an idea of how devastating they can be. BTW, when I calculated the name Monsanto in the same way the Antichrist will have his name calculated to equal 666Monsalto also equals 666. He heard denari. In Bible prophecy a day often symbolizes a year. Your email address will not be published. The typical loaf of bread weighed 1 lbs during the Roman Empire, so well assume that these loaves of bread weighted 1 lbs each. More eruptions and New volcanoes coming online. Denari literally means 1/10th and a denarius is a 1/10th silver coin. The reason I would lean towards famine is that metals tend to be an inflation hedge. Its only been 3 1/2 years since you posted this and bread has gone up to $5 a loaf now. The first century A.D. was a time when one denarius was approximately the amount of money some workers were paid for a full day of work. Yale Divinity School is a member of the Association of Theological Schools. And yes, their demise will effect crops, not to forget to mention that honey in coffee is fantastic..and much healthier!! (REVELATION 6:9-11) The Bible divides the number seven into four plus three or three plus four. And with that movement, in the ancient world as today, comes vulnerability. Thus the 1260 days of Revelation 12, when the "woman . A bitter thing as a parent is to watch a child you love more than the air in your lungs make poor choices, be unable to live their life, to kick that drug habit for them. (43) And they took up twelve baskets full of the fragments, and of the fishes. 14:1-3; Lam. Food insecurity and outright famine is already a reality faced by hundreds of millions of people throughout the world. Wish that they would. Rev 6:6 is interesting because it says something about not hurting the wine or oil. [2] Conversely, if we divide 200 denarri by 5000 loaves of bread, well find that 0.04 denarius bought 1 loaf of bread. The full passage he was referencing was Revelation 6:5-8. No, this is not the fulfillment of end time prophecy. 300. I believe Revelation 6:6 tells us that a denarius will only be worth enough to buy a choenix of wheat or three choenixes of barley during the third seal famine. With every coming year, we have a national contest between football teams in United States. 03 Mar 2023 00:18:27 . But Ive come to learn that the amount of silver in a coin continued to get lessened so that by Christ day it had about 2.5 to 3.5 grams of silver in it, depending on which authority you wish to accept. Oh yeah, and one sword, preferably a .223 or .308, Luke 22:36, Im not surprised the U.N. is behind it. We see this numerous times in the book of Genesis. Simply reminding Americans that were not the Guage that God goes by. Buy enough for one silver coin per day per four people. Mainstream news will not report on this, although Tucker Carlson did on FOX last month. There has been slow, steady progress in the international effort to reduce those numbers and lift people out of poverty. Being that it came on the night of the biggest game of the season. Tell me, who among us can drink blood? Therefore, do not worry about the third seal being opened right now. The CDB will equal 1 when we see third seal conditions since the value of a denarius will be the same as the price for three choenixes of barley. And they went their way, Again he went out about the sixth and ninth hour, and did likewise. Learn which upcoming dates are possible: Many people have no idea how difficult the end times will be for them. Some Bible versions go as far as to change the words A measure of wheat for a penny (KJV) to a quart of wheat for a days wages (NIV) in Revelation 6:6. However, if a nation's social fabric begins to unravel, larger problems can set in. I am scared Im striving every day Im struggling with homosexuality and drugs in so petrified of whats gonna happen to me. The results are horrifying to contemplate. The Bible prophesies a coming famine "of hearing the words of the LORD" ( Amos 8:11 ). It is my suggestion that people with an ear to hear should plant gardens and collect old silver dimes. This means that things would have to get a whole lot worse for us to be close to experiencing third seal famine conditions. Since the meteor landed in Lake Michigan, or nearby it; what would we do with a lake filled with blood? Most Bible commentaries mention the Attic choenix in relation to Revelation 6:5-6. Is it conceivable famine could spread to impact the wealthy, food-rich countries of the world? The next two billion people live on about $10 per day and the final two billion people live on more with only a fraction of the entire human population living on more than $40,000 per year. Do you find any of Daniels teachings to the wise men which gave them knowledge of the planets and Yeshuas Birth? Im sure my diet isnt as healthy it could be, Wayne Got questions on the food What is healthiest way to eat according to the bible. The Horsemen of Revelation: The Black Horse of Famine. We have had a new President in office, and He has been able to offend at least 6 major countries, in the time that he has been in office. The Book of Revelation, the last book in the Christian Bible, is interpreted by many evangelical scholars as a description of Jesus returning to Earth. Using this interpretation, you may wonder if the world is seeing or close to seeing the third seal famine. World Archeology Issue 23. I was losing my dad, but God knew exactly what was going on and loved me greatly-greater than my dad ever loved me (and my dad loved me dearly). (7) They say unto him, Because no man hath hired us. Are Wheat Prices Near Third Seal Famine Levels? When inflation hits, this verse calculates inflation around %1200, silver will jump to $204 approximately. Topsoil loss seems like it could fit in there. During the 20th century two humanly engineered famines brought devastating consequences. Wars and revolutions interrupt supply lines, empty grocery stores, and ruin agricultural land. For keeping His statutes and commandments, God promises in the next verses the necessities for plentiful food production: "rain in its season" so that "the land shall yield its produce, and the trees of the field shall yield their fruit you shall eat your bread to the full, and dwell in your land safely.". Its hard to know exactly what you should do.I am kind of in the middle about it. "The third horse of the Apocalypse (mainly famine) is followed, according to Revelation 6:7-8, by a pale horse, and the rider's name is 'Death,' and 'Hades' or 'the Grave' follows him. We can figure out how much a loaf of bread cost back in the time of Christ by examining Mark 6:35-6:44. Some commentators use this detail to state that Revelation 6:5-6 implies that a dry quart of wheat will cost a person a whole days worth of wages. Nothing is more basic to human survival than food and water. This came true during the reign of king Jehoram, when Samaria is under siege. Starving people in the coming global famine of the Great Tribulation will kill each other in order to eat. However, because the word is often paired with both of those, it may imply a greater devastation than mere physical disease. the phrase, the land of milk and honey. The writers of the Hebrew Bible used famine as the motivating factor for major changes in the lives of its characters undoubtedly reflecting the reality of famines impact in the ancient world. War makes food scarce, which depletes the body and opens it to more diseases due to compromised immune systems. This may mean that God's Word will be available, yet people will refuse to hear, read or respond to it. Let's step back in history to the book of Leviticus for a look at God's warning to man through the example of Israel. This occurs when famine conditions are worse than the famine of the third seal. This means that a denarius is not enough to buy 3 choenixes of barley. A few Bible versions and some commentators go as far as to say that a loaf of bread will cost a person an entire days worth of wages. [22] And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened. The Grand Solar Minimum is the Science behind the destruction in the tribulation. Constant prayer will keep you strong from temptation. Learn how your comment data is processed. No matter how much love or desire on their part, a parent can not live their childs life. What were we watching at half-time? It was understood that famine, or plague, or war, was common enough that anyone might be forced to leave their land to seek refuge in another. For instance, some Chinese meals that would cost $8 to $9 in the U.S. would cost $1.50 to $2.00 in China. Amos 8:11 Verse Concepts "Behold, days are coming," declares the Lord God, "When I will send a famine on the land, Not a famine for bread or a thirst for water, The one thing I strongly agree with you about is the fact that this probably means that wheat will be highly valued. Food prices and silver prices would both rise in an inflationary environment as fiat currency is devalued. Just a bit of trivia. From Sign to the start of the 7 year countdown we may know this September- August. [8] [9] This data allows me to create a graph tracking the CDW as far back as 1960. To analyze something objectively, data is required. PHAS/Universal Images Group via Getty Images, United Nations warned that the economic disruption of the pandemic could result in famines, enormous effort to coax sufficient sustenance out of the ground, televangelist Pat Robertson blamed abortion for Hurricane Katrina, assigned responsibility for the coronavirus pandemic, read that Israel endured a three-year famine, drives the biblical characters of Abraham to Egypt. It indeed could, especially if the start of the tribulation is several decades away. The king James uses the wrong word. It seems that all our resources and monies and time are set aside for this annual ritual. Revelation 18:8, NLT: Therefore, these plagues will overtake her in a single day--death and mourning and famine. In this passage, the Apostle John is seeing a vision of events in heaven, including the unsealing of a scroll with seven seals. Learn to grow your own foods. Just comparing scripture to the events in Venezuela, where bread is currently costing more than a days wages. We have an narcotics epidemic, that comes from our doctors over prescribing drugs to their patients. [8] And five of you shall chase an hundred, and an hundred of you shall put ten thousand to flight: and your enemies shall fall before you by the sword. To be clear, its not the value of wheat going up, but the value of currency going down that might fulfill this prophecy. These words poorly used but are clearly just the interpretive assumptions of the fallible translators. Just wondering why Wheat will be 3 times barley price And I beheld, and see a black horse; and he that sat on him had a pair of balances in his hand. document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. For instance, Matthew 20:2-9 suggests workers were paid one denarius (penny) for 8 hours of labor or a full work day: (2) And when he had agreed with the labourers for a penny a day, he sent them into his vineyard. The Bibles association of famine and other natural disasters with divine anger and punishment paved the way for faith leaders throughout the ages to use their pulpits to cast blame on those they found morally wanting. A person reading Revelation 6:5-6 in the first century A.D. would have read that a denarius would buy only enough wheat to make 1.5 to 1.875 1 lbs loaves of bread instead of 25 loaves of bread. Ill take what you said under consideration if/when I write an update to this article. I will make you a horror to all the kingdoms of the earth. Areas where vineyards and olive groves have been producing for thousands of years will soon be inhospitable to them. Im referring to wheat they both grow and the export of fertilizer by Russia. The thing it lacks is virtue. I would say the vast majority of churches are not worried about prophecy because they are under the erroneous idea that they will be raptured out before anything bad happens, therefore they need not know what is going to happen after they are gone. The church in America is in a deep state of apostasy and more concerned with entertainment than either spreading the true gospel or studying prophecy. Be that it may, but the churches are not watching the skies or Israel. (41) And when he had taken the five loaves and the two fishes, he looked up to heaven, and blessed, and brake the loaves, and gave them to his disciples to set before them; and the two fishes divided he among them all. He carried a pair of scales. Jesus forewarned of pestilence when He described the end times ( Luke 21:11 ). It was large enough to light up the whole sky, and came with a sonic boom. Its about famine. The Hawaii caldera collapse may pose problems. The cost of bread is NOT a $1.98 throughout the world though. If no deal and 3rd temple announcement then we may have another year till we start the countdown. 5 When He broke the third seal, I heard the third living creature saying, "Come[ a]!". The ways that the Bible understood and addressed famine, in turn,. These terms were used in ancient times to refer to the act of weighing . The price of food differs in various places around the world in U.S. dollar terms. (37) He answered and said unto them, Give ye them to eat. They dont agree on everything, but at least they are watching. However, a worst case scenario would be hyperinflation combined with food shortages. Residing in a foreign land meant abandoning social protections: land and kin, and perhaps even deity. "Therefore, thus says the Lord: You have not obeyed me by proclaiming liberty, every one to his brother and to his neighbor; behold, I proclaim to you liberty to the sword, to pestilence, and to famine, declares the Lord. Where were our hearts? Just a single square kilometer of swarm can contain up to 80 million adults, with the capacity to consume the same amount of food in one day as 35,000 people. The 7 year period wont start until sometime in the 2020s this can be calculated by any Bible scholar who are familiar with the knowledge that a day equals 1000 years and also a year equals 360 days. Keep the commentaries coming brother. We are the only thing keeping the world alive. God speed. Something you didnt address, is inflation. The Bible states, "And they were given authority over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword and with famine and with pestilence and by wild beasts of the earth" (Revelation 7:8b). No President Trump is not the Antichrist. I calculated the weight of each choenix by converting dry liters into bushels (. Quite simply famines have occurred in the past the western world have generally had food at decent prices while famines have occurred in Africa. The reference here could indicate there will be pockets of abundance in the midst of famine. Using this information, we can estimate the current value of a denarius. I think you have done a fine job. God promises we can move mountains with the strength of a mustard seed, that nothing will be impossible to you. So regarding the denarius that is written in the Revelation, you have had numerous people on here including yourself attempt to answer that question. Instead, hoard minted, treasury reserve certified silver coins. Im a farmer in wheat & barley country Victoria Australia Ezekiel 6:12ESV / 121 helpful votes HelpfulNot Helpful There are videos for both at this website. I send a lot of love your way because I know you feel scared. Thank you for commenting. By living righteously and avoiding false religion, Israel would be able to receive divine blessings of good weather, fertile soil and plentiful rainfall. 19 Bible Verses about Pestilence. Perhaps they only had 200 denarii in their treasury and it would not be near enough for the large crowd. Christ says in Matthew 24:7 that famines will be followed by pestilences [see also Luke 21:11] The Volcano and Earthquakes will be responsible for 1/3 of destruction. This past year, the grapes were tainted by smoke from western wildfires. [39] For I say to you, You shall not see me from now on, till you shall say, Blessed is he that comes in the name of the Lord. In addition. (40) And they sat down in ranks, by hundreds, and by fifties. Underlying the texts about famine in the Hebrew Bible was the constant threat and recurring reality of famine in ancient Israel. Just curious would you use Revelation 6:6 to argue that an oil shortage is prevalent in the End Times? Most of us have seen pictures of famine in our time, usually in parts of drought-stricken Africa. In that scenario, it would seem that, even without an economic crop failure. An Overview of the Four Horsemen in Revelation. 1) Made desolate The main stream news is finally admitting that global crops are under producing for many reasons. The Bible gives us hope that the light will dawn out of the chaos at the end of this age. More than two million people have died in the past decade in North Korea due to food shortages caused by a combination of flood, drought and bad government policy created by Kim Jong Il, the nation's dictatorial ruler, who currently threatens the use or sale of nuclear weapons. Heres why: Nonetheless, I calculated how much a choenix of wheat would likely cost at the minimum in the United States today if a days wages could only buy one choenix of wheat: We can confirm from all this that Revelation 6:5-6 does describe extreme famine conditions around the world after the third seal is open. Restaurants, fast food chains, even grocery stores would shut down! But the large, worldwide economic interruption caused by covid-19 threatens to undo recent progress made and plunge more people on the brink deeper into a crisis of nutrition. For the biblical authors, rain was a blessing and drought a curse quite literally. I hope this provided you some insight. To do that, we need to lay an important foundation first. I noticed that you based your line on the American economy what Im wondering is are there places in the world right now the people are paying a days wages for a pound of flour.
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