You can save time by filling out the Immigration Form (s) online. Malika- I have never been to Nayarit but I did a little digging before I responded and this is what I found. yes, but so does Memphis and it doesnt stop me from going home and it shouldnt stop you from traveling solo to Mexico. you are absolutely right. The Department of State advises that U.S. citizens not travel to the country or to leave as soon as it is safe to do so. As in the US cities where there is a majority of black and brown people there is much more crime. In the future, Id steer clear of assumptions and use facts. Thanks so much for the feedback and I really appreciate you! Red lighted by cops for a courtesy check. The courtesy check was a ruse to search me and my vehicle. New Orleans is one my favorite cities in the states but the FBI reports the murder rate of New Orleans has declined but it is still nearly 4 times higher than all of Mexico and over 5 times higher than Mexico City. The United States is a thief country a hypocrite country that should and does not have any right to call people they stole their territory from Invaders when it is the other way around United States invaded Mexico illegally created a made-up war to steal more than half of its territory and you have the nerve criticizing Mexicans us Invaders you should just shut the hell up! Meanwhile, us happy, abundant, lovin-life, readers will enjoy our southern neighbor and all its colorful radiant culture, cuisine, delicious views and history. Firstly, is it safe to travel via ADO buses across the Yucatan? As an avid traveler who loves my family I would take my daughter to Mexico over Rome in a heartbeat. Would like to do the same this trip. Mexico City (Distrito Federal) is Level 2. We did not live in a gated neighborhood. [] visited Los Cabos this past fall after not visiting Los Cabos because I listened to people who said Mexico was too dangerous I came to the conclusion there are simply too many great beaches to choose just one as [], [] Related Post: How Safe Is It To Travel To Mexico [], [] Cabos is one of Mexicos most popular tourist spots. People are being decapitated and murdered- over 30,000 last year alone 1 of those being my brother Taylor. You have to be out of your mind or, more likely, paid to write this. But are the odds higher in Mexico? You can enjoy the clear and peaceful waters of the bay. The high prices you pay dont trickle down to make the lives of the lowly workers better. Although this warning appears to be focused around gang and drug violence, this August advisory included Cancun and Los Cabos, two of the most popular tourist destinations in the country. . Mexico has a level 2 warning and for the most part the people of mexico are very safe and friendly. Travel Insurance is important no matter where you are traveling because accidents happen and you should always travel with insurance. Hahaha! This is how you know its corrupt!!! Right now theres also an issue in the Yucatan with toxic algae called sargassum that carries deadly heavy metals and releases a dangerous gas. If you're . I am planning my next visit now and cant wait. It would be wonderful to find a blog of expats who regularly contribute and live in Mexico. What if I stay at my resort and dont leave. Traveling anywhere requires a little bit of safety precaution. extends to certain parts of Sonora state, which borders . I will help anyway I can to help relieve your fears. After spending more than six months in Central America, driving through eight countries ( Mexico, Belize, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and Panama ), I can say, generally speaking, it's all relatively safe and sane. That is the same for any city in the world, though, right? I was told that the original bottle is sufficient with clear labeling. Saying it is safe is hogwash. lol, no great loss Jeff. I love Mexico, the people, the culture and the food! Mexico isnt this big bad place where you will be slaughtered at every turn and I suggest you turn off Fox News. I have traveled all over Mexico and I nothing has happened to me. But you definitely cant relax and put your guard down like you can in other nice places. The majority of visitors to Mexico City DO NOT experience any crime because the highly populated touristy areas are heavily guarded by local police to ensure those areas remain safe. if your family loves seafood you can have lobster prepared every way imaginable! No place in Mexico, Latin America or the Caribbean is SAFE for gringos who are regarded fair game like deer hunting season ! Just do the math of chances. There are dangerous areas in Mexico, as in any country. the police are the root of corruption here. Thats the equivalent of his support base. I think you will be ok. Dont go trying to buy drugs and keep your noses clean but you should do that when you are traveling anywhere. Stay the heck away from here! We want to know your option on this hotel and security measures all around . This infuriated taxi drivers, who face higher costs because they are considered public transportation. exactly! I will see what else I can find for you. I just returned from Mexico and I while I didnt drink from the mini bar it wasnt because I was afraid. Even with increased police security, there has still been an uptake in criminal activity so you must remain aware of your surroundings at all times. amzn_assoc_region = "US"; Taking precautions when withdrawing money at ATMs and using licensed taxis can help reduce the risk of being kidnapped. I dont do anything here that I would not do in Toronto. Plus I dont want my money to benefit the corrupt people down there. Thanks much for your quick response Tomiko! You will find that there are 2 main highways in Baja that run vertically through the peninsula. My 19 year old son and 2 friends are planning to go to Cozumel and stay at an air bnb by the cruise ship pier. In 2020 Mexico had the highest number of homicides in the countrys history, there were 17,439murders, a 1.7% increase but most of the deaths in Mexico are due to fighting between cartels and if you are not part of the cartel then you are probably safe. 2) Organized crime dont like to mess with tourists, because the foreing country will demand a clarification and Mexican government, who is involved with the crime), will need to do something, and thats like shooting to oneselfs foot. We did that cruise last year and felt safe. Required fields are marked *, By using this form you agree with the storage and handling of your data by this website. Mexico has a wealth of culture, food, and adventure so do not miss out on traveling to this beautiful country because you are worried if is Mexico safe. Thanks, Marcia, Hi-Webare traveling to Cancun to stay at GR SOLARIS for and all inclusive visit . The Mexican government is highly motivated to keep tourists safe in order to preserve the tourist trade but you must also do your part when traveling to Mexico. Please keep up the wonderful blog! Dont wear flashy jewelry looking like you are balling out of control will get you robbed. I lied and said I was feeling ill and to take me to hospital, that my friends were would be worried as they were in a nearby city. We dont need your disgusting stupid opinion on whether or not it is safe or not safe here when you are the ones responsible for making it them safe regarding drug trafficking and you are the ones who stole more than half of our territory to place an illegal border and then you call us Invaders? If you are going to visit your great grandmother make sure you leave early in the afternoon so you will not be driving at night. Do you leave your valuables out in plain sight in the states? Acapulco is the most famous Destination of Mexico with International level, thanks to the natural beauty environment, golden sand, tropical weather, warm sea water and its people. I have never been robbed, kidnapped or raped or even pickpocketed why visiting Mexico but the media will have you believe its more dangerous than the US. You are absolutely correct and those who state that Mexico is safe are in denial! Earlier you were chastised for criticizing Trump and his attacks on the Mexican people, making them out to be dangerous, criminals, and murders (that last part I took liberties with but they are Trumps words from various points in time). For example, murders in Playa del Carmen are up by 200% this year, and many executions and armed robberies happen in the tourist zone, which is an area of about only 4 square miles. Does Mexico have a bad reputation? Violence is used. U.S. government employees may not drive from the U.S.-Mexico border to or from the interior parts of Mexico, except daytime travel within Baja California and between Nogales and Hermosillo on Mexican Federal Highway 15D, and between Nuevo Laredo and Monterrey on Highway 85D. Mexico is safe and I am sure you eat a Mexican restaurant every Friday and drink margaritas every Tuesday. Since you mention Rome, Rome is far safer then even the safe places in Mexico. I felt more unsafe in Rome than I did Mexico. amzn_assoc_linkid = "063fc92648a6a3d0276fa9ca7a87e20c"; Congratulations on your trip to Mexico. I also want to do an excursion to Isla Mujeres. That is about the same as Fond du Lac, Wisconsin. While Cabo is relatively safe some areas of Mexico pose an increased risk to travelers, so before you startpacking for Mexico keep reading to make sure Mexico is safe. Here are some precautions that you can take in order to make sure your trip goes as planned: amzn_assoc_placement = "adunit0"; you lost all credibility as well for not doing your research and listening to one side. Thank you very much!!! Level 1:The State Department advises normal precautions when traveling to Campeche or Yucatn, shown in green. You should also not drink tap water in Tulum. Conditions in any country may change at any time. Ive visited Mexico plenty of times and my husband and I have never experienced anything but sweet and kind people. Firstly, driving through Mexico is quite safe, for the most part. 17 How safe is Mexico City in 2021? There has been a lot of news coverage about violence in Mexico. A safety expert who has coached countless drivers and worked with numerous fleet managers discusses the importance of cultivating a passion for safe driving. Dont give them a reason to want to, because you will not win. Leave a copy of your passport and itinerary with someone at home. Although many Americans go south of the border to have a little fun remember the last thing you want is to end up in a Mexican Jail. I like to explore and make my own itinerary as I go therefore tour buses do not give me the freedom I want when traveling and they may not cover every place I want to see. Going to Cancun for the first time. I stayed two nights at an air bnb and we were perfectly fine. Your I am better than tone tells me exactly why you feel the way you do. Instead, learn the risks and decide how much risk you can accept. Dont cancel! Is Mexico City Safe to Visit Right Now? In fact the police chief in Cancun area was recently beheaded by one cartel for taking sides with another. sending out Travel Alerts, calling Mexico A Failed State, and saying that ALL parts of the country (including popular tourist resorts like Puerto Vallarta and Cancun) are now unsafe for travel? To put things in perspective, consider that the murder rate in Mexicos Yucatan State is 2 per 100,000. I was traveling but I will be home for the next few weeks to help you. Level 2: Except for the two Level 1 states, travelers to all the rest are advised to exercise increased caution. They are: Aguascalientes, Baja California Sur, Chiapas, Coahuila, Hidalgo, state of Mexico, Nayarit, Nuevo Leon, Oaxaca, Puebla, Queretara, Quintana Roo, San Luis Potosi, Tabasco, Tlaxcala and Veracruz. If the answer is no then you should not be concerned is it safe to travel to Mexico? All by ADO Bus Travel while staying at only AirBnB for each town/city. Dont try to buy drugs: Dont ask about buying drugs and dont even think about buying drugs. I plan to book all excursions through resort. You do not need to provide a negative result of a Covid-19 test or proof of vaccination to enter. Many drive through Tijuana and drive south down the peninsula. The basics. Afterall, are we not trying to keep them from coming to our country, illegally? Use common sense and you will be fine. Imagine 111 people out of the nearly 8 million visitors (about 1 million of whom make Mexico their full-time home). The key is to remain calm and accept your mistake and when it is inevitable that they take you to jail then subtly offer a bribe, it is like a negotiation, start with a low amount and they will go up to agree on an amount. I have not stayed at the secrets resorts but let me see what I can find out and I will get back with you. The troops they sent here are useless; they just drive around here looking ready for war in Afghanistan. I suggest finding one that has a chef and they will prepare authentic Mexican cuisine and you wont have to worry about going out every morning to find breakfast. Do you recommend staying in a larger city like Cancun or Cozumel or is Tulum ok? Bottom line Mexico is absolutely NOT safe for anyone ! There is police protecting visitors. Rome was a nightmare for me and it has the same level 2 warning as Mexico but you dont see the media reporting how dangerous Rome or other countries that has the same level 2 warning. I am going to Cancun in April with two of my old college friends. In all I was in jail for 9 hours, they wanted to keep me overnight but I was very scared being a young female traveler. I would not consider our trip to be "crazy" by any stretch of the imagination. As long as you keep an eye out for crime hotspots (like large swaths of deserted roads) it will help prevent you from getting lost in translation with Mexican law enforcement. They made 1 arrest yet 3 people murdered Taylor in Playa Del Carmen. You might be subject to a health screening before . I bring race into the post because it matters. Driving restrictions in Mexico City. Italy has the same level 3 warning so why is Mexico considered more violent? Mexico is open to travelers. Can you please post the date and time and location of when president Trump said it is not safe to take a vacation in Mexico because of brown or black people. Mexico is completely safe so need to worry. Thoughts? Violent crime and gang activity are common in parts of Nayarit state. Your site implies they will be fine if they keep their noses clean. your head. Why bring up black and brown? They do not like Americans and we are the great melting pot, so no color, just being American is enough. Cancun- PDC- Tulum- coba Ek Balam -valladolid- chichen itza -Merida Campeche. Bajabound is one of them. Regulated prescriptions were a concern of my wife and I crossing the border. Mexico has a zero tolerance for drinking and driving. Cancun is safe to visit right now. Am I saying a trip to Mexico is going to mean certain doom for you? Police extortion of tourists detained for minor offenses is often a problem and there have been some grotesque incidents. Avoid back roads and nighttime driving and hire taxis and driving services through the hotel where youre staying. Mexico is by far one of the top destinations for many U.S. travelers, but violent crime is soaring in certain areas which causes many tourists to second-guess their spring break vacation plans to Mexico. and Baja California Sur (B.C.S.). I have been to Mexico twice,once to Puerto Vallarta and to Cancun,but me and my friend are headed to Playa Del Carmen in September-no major worries? Been to Rome 3 times and walked the city both day and late night, without any issues. They just love drinking lots of booze, killing others as they race downs the hill from the La Bufadora , no police patrols; this is the Macho way of life for our ignorant Male citizens. Planning on visiting ifrom end of Nov First few weeks in Dec. Permits are NOT needed in the Baja Peninsula. ), Melissa- Exactly! And how do you secure them in your motel room? Mexico Citys murder rate is 8 per 100,000, despite being the second-largest city on the planet. YES, if you go to Cancun, youll be safe. No matter where you go, always due your research before you go. Weve all heard the stories about the corrupt cops south of the border. I have traveled all over Mexico and I have never felt unsafe. So happy I stumble upon this useful site! Italy has the same level 2 warning so why is Mexico considered more violent and why are you asking is it safe to travel to Mexico?. Have you allowed the Mexico travel warning to affect your travel decisions and are you still wondering is Mexico safe for American tourists this fall? Hey Bruce- I suggest getting a written note from your doctor and do not pull the label off. That is why it is dangerous. Hi, I have family that live in Nayarit in the city of Tepic near San Blas. Prime Minister Kaja Kallas made history as the first female prime minister of the tiny . Our Police rarely catch criminals. Had to give them all the cashll in my pocket and truck in order not to be taken to jail. My friend wasnt wearing a mask so they demanded a fine from both of us. Mexico is not completely safe!! Use your common sense and stay out of trouble. Will spend the night with her. There are areas the Mexican nationals will tell you to avoid and do so. no worries Jason and I apologize for the late response as I was traveling. 9.3 million visitors travel to Mexico annually bringing in approximately 5 Billion dollars in annual revenue therefore the Mexican governments number one priority is keeping its visitors safe and happy. I have appreciated your research and reassurance to all who have posed these questions to you. Cheap sometimes dangerous alcohol filled into brand name bottles so they can cheat you that way also. I am all about saying money so I dont use the mini because of the mark up not because Im afraid something will happen. You know why I dont encounter issues at home and abroad? [Updated December 2020], Is Cancun Safe For Travel? If you are at the beach in Hilton Head, SC you would keep an eye on your children. I got robbed by the POLICE in Roma Norte in Mexico City. Use common sense and obey the traffic rules. Recently the official in charge of extraditing criminal fugitives was executed, which tells you that criminal fugitives are making their home there. They threatened to kill my wife and baby if I didnt pay. The people of Mexico are friendly and if you treat others with respect it will go a long way toward your having a pleasant and safe time. Sometimes I that keeps us safe. Is this resort safe? Turn off MSNBS. [], [] U.S State Department has released a Level 4 do not travel warningon five Mexican states, and the entire country has a Level 3 Travel [], [] doesnt matter if you are traveling to Mexico or Italy nothing can ruin your trip faster than being pickpocketed, credit cards are stolen, or [], [] Is Mexico Safe: Mexico Travel Warning [], [] between Mexico and Guatemala, the tiny country of Belize has become one of the most popular destinations in [], [] Stay alert even in tourist areas, where petty crime is common. Only thing I found was people were not that friendly, other than that we had a great time. Bad news for you. I travel to Mexico solo and with my husband and nothing has ever happened to me. I lived in Mexico for the past four years splitting time between Mazatlan and San Carlos/Guaymas. It is no different than you being in your own hometown and crime is restricted to certain areas. Medallion taxi drivers have been attacking ride-hailing service drivers as they battle over lucrative tourist rides. Read the entire Travel Advisory. I also took my medication with me and not one person suggested it was something illegal or even looked my way. Are you regurgitating what the media wants you to believe or have you had first hand experience with crime in Mexico. And the answer is: Yes, it can be dangerous in specific areas and random accidents happen, like everywhere in the world. Btw,, Im Mexican. As my readers are planning their spring and summer travel I have been receiving a lot of questions on is Mexico safe and more specific questions about whether is Cancun safe, is Cabo San Lucas safe, is Tulum safe, and MexicoCity travel advisory. Your liberalism is showing and your fake news BS is just that, BS. Tijuana had a metro area population of 2,1240,000 in 2020, up from 2,054,000 in 2019. This Author is so uninformed its astonishing!
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