Far fewer, however, could tell you much about the worlds first DMT. I think its potentially problematic. All cultures that existed in the time of the aztecs and maya were violent. And they said, Do it. And I felt language rise up in me that was unhooked from english, and I began to speak. I believe the 3 rules of don't worry should apply to your current situation. A psychonaut is a person who experiences intentionally induced altered states of consciousness and claims to use the experience to investigate his or her mind, and possibly address spiritual questions, through direct experience. Its all relative. Somehow I was finding out that thing that you cheerfully assume you cant find out. They would rather just ignore it, and they may get irritated or angry if you continue to push or force narrow views in their presence. 6 Common Hallucinations and What They Tell Us. Yes, while the participants were tripping after taking DMT, they may witness Biblical scenes and encounter realms full of light that exudes bounty and bliss. And the entire point of the encounter, from their perspective, is to teach you to do this, One anonymous user in Strassmans study recalled a similar experience: . Learn how the God Molecule can influence your intimate experiences. The real enemy, the reason for the child abuse, wars and these rituals. It was sort of a benchmark, you might say, and I remember that this friend of mine that always got there first visited me with this little glass pipe and this stuff which looked like orange mothballs. Known colloquially as 'the spirit molecule', DMT is one of the strongest and fastest-acting psychedelics, with a chemical compound that's found in animals, plants and even human beings. Its not like some kind of drug. It may not be so simple as there are alien planets with their own societies. Have you seen his post about shovelling a plot of land? My partner and I have both experienced these machine elves several times. In this case, their appearance and how the interactions unfold may in part be determined by the psychological and spiritual development of the person having the experience. And become outright hostile when talking about God and Jesus. A mind, occupied, may not wander. NO SOURCING ANYTHING related to this molecule. In short, it is an open question whether the DMT realm and its entities exist outside of human consciousness or are a product of human consciousness. Daniel currently studies history, philosophy, egyptology and western esotericism at Uppsala Universitet. That led to human sacrifice, and cannibalism. "One of the most well-known uses of DMT is in the ceremonial Amazonian tea, ayahuasca, which combines a DMT-containing leaf with a MAOI-containing vine. it's strictly all in your head. In his book DMT The Spirit Molecule, where he documents these experiences, Strassman writes, I was neither intellectually nor emotionally prepared for the frequency with which contact with beings occurred in our studies, nor the often utterly bizarre nature of these experiences.. Thus, people are reporting figments of their psychedelic drug induced imagination. The drug is known for its powerful hallucinogenic properties, which take roughly 15 minutes to come into effect. Going off trip reports, individuals have described conscious inanimate machines, mechanoids, androids, biomechanical intelligence, and robots, to name a few. I'm not really religious. Read how DMT is helping addicts beat their substance abuse issues. Indeed, of the thousand pages of notes taken throughout the course of Strassmans research, 50% of them involve interactions with DMT entities. You would say lets analyze these people, okay theyre kinda hard-headed rationalists, except they have this phenomenon called getting loaded and when they get loaded they accept whatever happens to them. A person shouldn't be afraid of their own mind. Latest Shows. DMT Machine/Clockwork elves, Dark Jesters, Djinn, Demons, Extra Dimensional beings, Aliens, Spirit Guides, Coices crazy people hear, Familiars, and whatever else people call them. In her analysis, she categorized the entities and their frequency as follows: Lets take a look at some of these other DMT entities in more detail. DMT Milking | Reality SandwichIndigenous cultures have used 5-MeO-DMT for centuries. Dimethyltryptamine, more popularly known as DMT, is one of the most powerful hallucinations known to man. Humanoid beings are a common archetype of the DMT experience. It explores Dr. Rick Strassmans DEA-approved human DMT research and the experiences of his volunteers at the University of New Mexico in the early 1990s. They surround you and say, Welcome, were so glad to see you., While physical descriptions vary (many users report that the apparitions are amorphous and hard to define), the behaviour of machine elves is commonplace among most trips. Absolutely hilarious. We just assume those ones dont wish to revile themselves;. Reports of machine elf apparitions have even been found amongst the Indigenous tribes of the Amazon Rainforest. Cant help it Im getting schizophrenia vibes from your post. These supra dimensional elves are sentient beings just like you, me, the dog barking, the cat meowing. But to say the root of all of these substances is trickery and evil is just not factual. Perception is in the eye of the beholder, Your email address will not be published. In a blink of a eye I saw in time past present future and how satanic it all is. What Does 5-MeO-DMT Show Us About Consciousness? for simplicity sake I will refer to as machine elves, All life suffering, to embrace this suffering is to transcend it and find peace. I think they have a sense of humor about the whole thing. What are Machine-Elves That Can be Found in DMT? Ive read stories about clowns or jesters seemingly haunting people during and after the experience. Okay I will try to remember not to worry.. Have an evaluation. In my opinion, the feeling that I got from this being was that was a projection of my own fears, scaring me out of the experience because I may not feel ready or I may have my own shadows to work on. There is no doubt they are real as we were seeing them and hearing them at the same time. The hyper-spacial entities that inhabit the DMT realm. I only know what I have been told. You cannot go further into the Bardo and return. And I'm not sure if these things aren't just inventions of the mind. These are the spirits that we work with. Goosbye. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. How DMT is Made: Everything You Need to KnowEver wonder how to make DMT? But at least now, with the knowledge of what you could find when you break through, you might be able to strike up a friendship with machine elves or, in the best-case scenario, get them to reveal all the secrets of their existence. Thanks for sharing. "Invariably, profound and highly intense experiences occurred," the researchers wrote. They are the Hekuras, Menehunes, or diminutive helping and mischievous spirits which inhabit a higher-dimensional space and elves is the best English word we have for them. Kate Morgan My bird of this age is an albatross. History []. DMT Entities | Doctrine of Demons | Machine Elves | New Age Spirituality | Jesus has the Authority #newage #dmt #jesus If you'd like to support my channel you can by becoming a member here on. Like if you try to take a picture all of a sudden your camera will switch out of camera mode, very frustrating! I don't believe they are, I've never really asked them about God or Jesus. 8 hrs. That were the memories of these highly-intelligent beings. DMT (N, N-dimethyltryptamine) is an incredibly powerful, short-lasting tryptamine psychedelic found naturally in animals, fungi, and a wide variety of plants. 2/28/23: IRON WHORES W/ DEAN . As an undergrad at Berkeley in 1965, Terence McKenna had his first experiences with DMT elves, which he called "machine elves," "clockwork elves" and "self transforming machine elves." get a grip hun. It's not fun to live like this. Lucy in the sky with diamonds. Some trip reports mention entities that have manifested as deceased loved ones or family members. You just have to learn to be ok with it, whatever it is. And sometimes, successfully. Contact with life-forms such as clowns, reptiles, mantises, bees, spiders, cacti, and stick figures was commonplace among the volunteers as well. Some people call these elves good, others call them neutral while a few ones call them evil. They seem to shun me and call time whenever that happens. . DMT, sometimes called the "spirit molecule," is a chemical that occurs naturally in some plants and animals. Yet, why do you not concern yourself, with the content which the mind is occupied? War is hell, a bad trip is hell. Love and forgiveness. They are friendly and harmless and one of them we even named the little trickster. They come in all shapes and sizes and some appear to have sort of an invisibility cloak but you can still see their transparent figure. They did seem to get aggressive when I asked if they are any correct religions to follow. I copied and pasted this from the youtube videos page: For MONETIZATION: I have never taken psychedelics before I have just made this video for my actors reel and am acting as someone who has Because of this this video should be treated as a short film that includes dialogue about drug use and does not conflict with Youtube regulations. Look closer at OP's recent post history. In any case, its important to note that DMT is an incredibly potent (and outright illegal) drug and should only be administered in the safest circumstances, if at all. angels, demons, and even elves. Filled with concepts and dogmas? There can be a "dissolving of the sense of self," and, of course, hallucinations involving self-transforming machine elves. 1.Celestial beings One of the things that make ayahuasca ceremonies so powerful is because it can pave the way for you to meet the sky deity. An overwhelming majority reported having seen some kind of entity, whether machine elves or not; 94 percent said they'd encountered "other beings." However, "machine elves" (or DMT elves) is the term that the psychedelic activist and lecturer Terence McKenna used to describe them. VQGAN+CLIP+coco #VQGAN #vqganclip #AIart #generativeart #machineelves pic.twitter.com/jL6p8qIcOu, Steven H fron O&D (@_hernsl) January 20, 2022, McKenna himself theorised many possibilities as to what machine elves might be. The breakthrough is often where users state of consciousness is completely immersed in some other realm, and its also where they commonly report encountering machine elves. What Does 5-MeO-DMT Show Us About Consciousness?How does our brain differentiate between whats real and whats not? Theres always a lesson to be learned while taking dmt. He postulated that they could be evidence of extraterrestrials, entities from a parallel dimension, human souls which have died in this realm, or humans from . Overview In all your words I get the feeling you still see other not as yourself. Artists have been busy trying to depict this mysterious terrain. It is used as a psychedelic drug and prepared by various cultures for ritual purposes as an entheogen.. DMT has a rapid onset, intense effects, and a relatively short duration of action. so we need to understand the mind , our minds, as an observer looking in , and thats a pretty difficult thing , but perhaps DMT/acid/k-hole helps build a bridge there , your guess is as good as mines.. Its quite unfortunate that my partner had childhood epilepsy for a year or two before puberty. In the United States, DMT has been considered a Schedule I drug since the Controlled Substances Act was passed in 1971. Read to learn all about DMT vape pens including: what to know when vaping, what to expect when purchasing a DMT cartridge, and vaping safely. Well Im just playing with different possibilities, I suspect that if these elves are sufficiently spiritually advanced that they may also have recognized this indescribable truth and light of the cosmos, like the mystics and Buddhas of this world have done. Another highly interesting thing the machine elves told him was that all our lives were but memories of these highly-intelligent transcended beings. With a loose understanding of how they appear and what they tend to look like, scientists have sought to explore what the exact function of machine elves might be. And as I understood, I felt a bubble kind of grow inside of me. When given DMT, the brain can now perceive different channels of information that it couldnt in ordinary waking consciousness (that is, within the narrow frequency of Channel Normal). They would mock them, laugh at them, and stock them for sometimes hours and even tell them that they were not ready for the experience. In the West, the psychiatrist Rick Strassman was the first to conduct human research with DMT at the University of New Mexico throughout the early 1990s. "What Are DMT Elves and Who Reports Seeing Them?" With scientific evidence showing us DMT in the brain, what can we conclude it is there for? Unfortunately it also holds us back because we think that religion is absoluteIts not. Read to learn what can 5-MeO-DMT show us about consciousness. People stopped doing that in like 2008. Dont think about who we are Think about doing what were doing. Required fields are marked *, Subscribe for Access to Insightful e-Book on Spirituality. Guide to Machine Elves and Other DMT Entities. Users describe being transported to a distant realm where they meet seemingly autonomous entities, and often those same entities appear to different people. You're pushed through, and you see the tykes, as I call them. With the surge in demand for psychedelic toad milk, is DMT Milking harming the frogs? Oh and method use to access them/their dimension was MDMA. These self-transforming machine elf creatures were speaking in a colored language which condensed into rotating machines that were like Faberg eggs but crafted out of luminescent. They are described as walking in a psychedelic world of fractal shapes. DMT for Depression: Paving the Way for New MedicineWeve been waiting for an effective depression treatment. How DMT is Made: Everything You Need to Know, Differentiating DMT and Near-Death Experiences, DMT Research from 1956 to the Edge of Time, DMT Substance Guide: Effects, Common Uses, Safety, DMT for Depression: Paving the Way for New Medicine, DMT Extraction: Behind the Scientific Process, Microdosing DMT & Common Dosages Explained, DMT Art: A Look Behind Visionary Creations, 5-MeO-DMT Guide: Effects, Benefits, Safety, and Legality, 4-AcO-DMT Guide: Benefits, Effects, Safety, and Legality. SWIM has never done DMT but the other psychedelics opened SWIM up to some of the most pure, loving ways of thought SWIM has ever conceived. I just want it to be stated that what we are dealing with here is something none of us can truly know. Many experimenters find recalling the precise image of the machine elves can be difficult, due in part to the fact that their energetic shape may continuously transform. So the diamonds in the sky are like abstract purple light, fractal and moving closer are further. And so fourth, this is why we all have different experiences Thus an experience does become somewhat predictable even in the infiniatality when one knows what to expect. I will tell you though that they will do strange things with your camera. I think you retain your faculties as it were, no? This is too proximal. RAINBOW UMAMI: a Queer Club Remix Series: Celebrating Somewhere Sounds: Download Free Sample Packs, #MeToo background checks and no drinking: Beyonce's new ground rules for 'Renaissance' tour, Green is the new gold as science confirms looking at green reduces pain, 420 is the new five as Cannabis takes the lead in recreational use. The Celtic people of Britain, Ireland, and France largely believed in the existence of hyperdimensional elves and fairies in the early twentieth century, around the time Evans-Wentz recorded his encounters.
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