That's because in order to have a healthy relationship with his mom, your guy has to have some boundaries. She uses my kid against me one minute and keeps him while shes ****ing with different guys but then tells me how.much she loves me . I feel like I am [his second choice] but he tells me that he loves me and that I'm his one and only. Two months ago, he called finally saying he wanted me to meet someone. Its hard to explain why, since she was a terrible partner for me, and we weren't compatible at all. Doesn't matter whether she's crazy or not. That's my entire time with her boiled down into one reflex of feeling like I was an atm. Good luck to you. He__acts more respectable and mature__ when you're around. The Mother and the child are coming from Honduras and so they have to stay with him in his house because they have no where to go. All that you wrote went in one ear and came out the next. LMAO. Performance & security by Cloudflare. Most of the time when a guy calls you Mama it is coming from a romantic place. My daughter is almost 2 1/2 and calls her aunt "Uncle Meghan," and everyone thinks it's hilarious. My boyfriend cheated on me with his baby mama and now she is pregnant but I still love him HELP!! I don't know what to do. The thing is I tell him I miss my family and him but he never responds back yet when we go out he pays for everything for both of us but we don't talk much, I will admit that I'm kinda scared to talk to him. Whereas, if he shows multiple signs of attraction in his body language then it would be more likely that he actually is attracted to you. It's different. What some men do is have a hoe on the side and pump her up but it's rare if he'll ever marry her. Yes, its definitely a good sign if your boyfriend is calling you his baby mama! I call my kids little love, baby, buddy, doll, honey, etc. An occasional message late at night is fine if it's . Understand and keep this in the forefront of your mindit's not about you or your relationship with your man. Below, I will mention a number of reasons why a guy might call you mama and the body language signals that you can expect to see with them. You should never settle for being second choice. He will untill he doesnt anymore. Anyway I was ready to walk I don't want that in my life or to be a second to no one. At one point, I thought things would get better between the three of us (my husband, his baby mama and I). So you have no right to judge them on that. Excessive co-parenting. You made the right choice, even if he was being honest and said he didnt have a drop of love left for her, he said he did because of so and so. I am a sucker , I won't disagree with you . This month ( MAY) we celebrated my birthday and went to Miami. No I'm not one of those crazy baby mamas because I don't get strung along lol. Bf's baby mama wants him back and she's trying all the means to get him back. Is this for real?" "He's playing you both. amateur, big ass, big cock, big tits, ass. Hes not a bad guy to be honest but something is off. Is this really true because I just had a back and forth battle with my kids fathers new girlfriend and she knows so much about my business which is the same with all the other ones he's been with beforeshe seems to think she is the best one he's had and said she is someone important its not that I want him back because he's betrayed me the way they went about me finding out which was through my kids but I've known him since we were in high school and he has told her all my business but yet never claimed her to me she told me it was because of how I would react like she is really riding hard for him. Yes I agree she shouldn't call late at night, but the bigger picture is this.what's really in between the calls? (Solution). I feel you on all that. You can just tell that he's not over her. No, a man does not increase feelings because you have saddled him with an obligation he didnt plan on. He should tell her to not call so late at night unless it's an emergency. I fell into a deep depression, for a long time. I feel stuck but you my dear are not! pecas. He claimed I stopped his life when I had a daughter so is this is way of getting his life back ? I couldn't keep that baby knowing that I was pregnant by someone who would connivingly do that just to cover up cheating and to make it seem like I gave him something. Be it though I was in a relationship myself at the time with my other two children father. If this term is completely new to you and youre wondering what he means exactly, there are three possible reasons why hes calling you his baby mama: Lets take a closer look at these and how you might want to respond: Some guys use the term baby mama as part of their vocabulary and its totally normal to them while it might be totally foreign to you! Additional troubleshooting information here. 1 - He Loves You Deeply And Calls You Baby Because It's A Sweet Nickname When You're In A Relationship. But he tried to tel me I set him up wow I said to him. Miss Lucy called the doctor, Miss Lucy called the nurse. Black women It may have been a silly pet name to call you after a couple beers. The reason that he calls you wifey might actually be that he is being manipulative and he is doing it to make it feel like the relationship is more serious than it really is. What to Do if You Dont Like Being Called His Baby Mama. Oct 31, 2016. Before and while I was pregnant. MadameNoire is a sophisticated lifestyle publication that gives African-American women the latest in fashion trends, Are you sure they are not married? The female who he was living with , they were together at a point and he started to cheat on her with different women. If he doesnt get why this needs to happen, it could be a sign something deeper is going on that hes trying to hide. He was incarcerated and he married for sex his BFF told me why didnt I make that happen for our kids at Least. I think you're probably right that there's still something going on between them. I'm feeling lost here with all these responses. It would not matter where I am at in life or who I am with, if she would give things another shot I would drop anything and everyone to do just that. If your boyfriend is talking to his baby mama everyday, there is the obvious concern that he's still involved with her in some way. I said you were gonna tell me when the baby is here ? Again, it would be helpful to consider if he was showing numerous signs of attraction. My baby daddy cheated on me we been together three years he now has another baby by another female when every she leave him with nothing an fly back to Germany he always run back to me what should I do. In some cultures, its normal for a guy to call his girlfriend his baby mama as a way of saying hes committed to her and sees her as wife and/or mother material. And he is present on and off in her life. These girls he's messing with hate the fact that I'm around him , they don't even want to think about me and him even going out for our daughter . You have to say this to him if you can't have me in your life 100% then we're done! My boyfriend cheated on me with his baby mama and now she is pregnant but I still love him HELP!! She told me that when she confronted her boyfriend about the excontacting him after hours, he pretty much responded with, Shes my childs mother. She does call for unneccesary things, and its hard because he cant tell if its a real emergency about the child, or not. The mother of his son tends to call at the worst times, and even sends him messages late at night on occasion. If he's as fussy as most men can be, he'll want his lady back over his "mama" in a hurry. He calls and says, "It's me." When your relationship starts to develop a comfortable routine, chances are he'll call you and say, "Hi, it's me." When this happens, he's sending a message through verbal intimacy that your relationship is going in the right direction and he's feeling warm and fuzzy about you. Ignore the fact that the wife back home can't do the same. Wooo, some you ladies need to learn the game, y'all losing. 1. 2023 ZIFF DAVIS CANADA, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Do you not read between the lines. Then he knocked 2 women up: one didn't keep the baby; the other said if he'd be there to help her she'd keep the baby (he forwarded the messages to me including the pic of the pregnancy test she text him). 9. Roommate Doesnt Want My Boyfriend Coming Over? She is 7 months and he is just not telling me and his family. Please dont bash a real woman for what im about to write. His plan is to impregnate her that way no other man will ever want her. So i just do me, and she do her. Always pointing his feet at you when you're near. He was abusive during my pregnancy. OK my baby daddy are in a relationship his other BM keeps commenting on his pictures n statutes. You ever heard the saying" I know what I bring to the table, therefore I don't mind eating alone". When I first met him he had a daughter , and was living with a female other than his daughters mother. I love my son with all my heart, when I told him I was pregnant he showed his true colors and told me go look for the real father and that he was with someone!now my son soon will be 10 months hes there financially but he never takes the baby to his home or comes help me, he said his gf knows but when he spent time with her he never answers if I call him for an emergency. 24+ Clean Comebacks for Bullies Thatll Make You Smile, Is My Boss a Narcissist Quiz (10 Questions to Help You Find Out!). No, they just don't like the thought of his babies mom sucking another mans dick and his kids calling the new guy Dad. i feel after 3 yrs she has to grow up. She probabaly knows someone is there with him being you and she calls on purpose just to make you mad and get back at him. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. Easier said than done. Seeing as there are a number of reasons why a guy might call you mama it is important to consider the body language signals that he showed and the context of how he said it. Wanting to have a baby with some girl simply refers to being ready to take the . **** her I took care of her 9 years and have a 7 year old with her and she became a cold blooded killer after hanging out with her hoe friends could care less its me and my son time to go find a dime piece. Just talk to him and try to get to the root of the issue with some kind of idea of the pressures of his day to day life. We share our daughter on weekly rotations and my boyfriend and I are long distance . It doesnt matter if you Have 20 kids together if hes with someone and youre still having sex with him youre the side chick. Well yeah. He has too much to deal with and is putting her feelings ahead of yours. Reply. Been with my guy for two years and still never met his BM. I get along with her to show my son the right way to treat females. It would be just too complicated for me. It means you act like a mom. She has no power and has been staying with me and the kids for the last couple of weeks. Baby mama drama, Dating a Guy with a new born baby and dealing with the baby mama drama, Girlfriend stopped calling me baby,babe,love. bigles2000. (I dont recommend that girlfriends try and contact or interact with the co-parents unless its about the well-being of the child. Hey everyone I am confused and I like for someone guy or Girl to give me feedback please I will try to be brief but it will be hard. And to say I don't care about my daughter's mom is like saying I don't care about my daughter in a certain sense. No need to take it personally. Let him go. Do I act crazy? He's with her and he's with you. Your guy calls you baby because he is a hopeless romantic. When it comes to infidelity, IMO men cheat physically, women cheats emotionlly and physically. You have every reason to feel disresepected. Married men especially from Africa and South America with girlfriends here. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); My Boyfriend Calls Me His Baby Mama Is This Normal? If he did call you mama because he is attracted to you then it would be likely that he would show signs of attraction in his body language and behavior which could include: There are more signs of attraction that a guy might show you that get talked about, in an ebook, here. Oh and women, feel free also to give your advice/opinion. Based on what you have said, it appears that you may be an unknowing other woman. If they are not together as a couple anymore then why hide you? He never stopped texting me and finally he told me he wanted to work things out and blah, blah I shouldve never listen to that bs again because I got pregnant! Maybe he just heard it and found it amusing, and dedcided to pass it on. Hes making it clear he wants children with you. Is okay so recently he told the kids he would take them to the movies but he never asked the kids what type of movie they wanted to see he bought the tickets and our kids paid no mind to the fact that they didnt know what movie they were going to see until they got to the theatre so when they get there he has a fit because his wife his wifes kids who are his step kids they dont have kids of their own made decision to watch a movie that they all agree on I guess while our kids whom he made plans with were not in on this movie decision making. I know its not always easy to bring up something like this, especially if he clearly likes calling you this name and it makes him happy. I will always love my baby mama. In my experience, it's still a good nickname no matter how many times you've heard it. He always answers her call becoz he wants to make to sure his kids are ok an I totally understand. But I do believe that these types of relationships can work just fine if the person you date creates boundaries with their co-parent. Surely there's another. I'm basically in the same situation. cuz sweet heart you are no better than they are. Even though he and I are divorced we have remained friends. Plus upon me getting pregnant, I was going to school myself, working towards my dream. Question for the men. Type above and press Enter to search. But it's so hard , apart of me feels as if I should stay , and ever since he moved out I've seen changes , I see us , but idk bout three children. Shes married my son seems to love the guy. Its hard to sever ties because we have a kid. I'm all ears, but until this day, he stalks me alittle and still calls. But i thought we where talking about when I was stuck in another country I just kinda brought it up cuz he blows me sometimes and I just wanna hurt him back. She says she will always love me no matter what but she never admits anything even when I came to get my son and a random guy is in her house with his shirt off walking out the bedroom. Fact that he doesn't want you to text, call or see him often is more proof that he's still with her. Sounds like to me she is playing a game. III. He's complaining about you to her, and she can't respect you because she knows your secrets and fears. And sometimes despite how horrible a person the ex is, some people just never let go or move on. He has some issues with him, Did u put him on child support ? Maybe he wants that attention and your attention. My gut says he is full of it, but his story is possible. He'd talk bad about me; get into it with them; call me with them in the background telling them "Bitch you ain't shit. Put your panties on and lay down the law. If he doesnt follow through with setting boundaries with his baby mama, then he's a ****. I feel a baby mama should be treated like any ex. We're friends now. A lot of men find that Mama is a better alternative to nicknames like Baby, Babe, or Sweetie. No. When I tried doing research there was nothing on this? But he wants his child and her in his house. What say you? He ate up all the soap. My boyfriend does that. Yet he got another girl pregnant and had two kids from her. Know who's talking to whom when. This post will help you understand why he called you mama and help you understand why other guys would call you mama in the future. It basically means that he loves you so much and desires to have a family with you. not every man will always love his baby momma. I haven't met my ex's significant other and it's been almost if not 5 years. I of course love him and I can't help it. I, however, am the nickname type. The person who posted on here earlier this year. I love him so much and fought for two years to make sure he was involved. I avoided him at all cause I was not ready to see him. We had ALOT of attraction and chemistry, but absolutely no compatability. Why waste your time with someone that wouldn't be proud to be with you and let the world know it? I just have on question can my spouse has kids from a previous relationship( has to Baby mama's ) and they call him he hold conversations with them I don't know if it's about the kids because he will say things like yea she called me earlier today talking about this and that but if it was my daughter father calling me it's a problem but you can hold full blown conversations with both you bm's not to mention his 11 yrs older then me at times I don't know what to do or say to him without sounding childish or ridiculous but I hate the feeling that he's doing things behind myou back. What to do when u r confronted by your boyfriend's baby mama My boyfriend has 2 baby mama in four kids but he lives with one baby mama i What Does It Mean When A Guy Says I Don't Want To Hurt You? But for some reason after everything we've been through I still love her! The term was first used in the early 1900s and its popular use is rooted in the work of theorists and child development researchers such as Sigmund Freud and . I don't think I could ever be in another relationship with another woman! Um - each situation is different I guess. Latest Boyfriend Calls Me Mommy updates. I was in a position where I supported him and always made sure he was there for them. He doesn't care about upsetting YOU, but God forbid SHE ever gets upset. She actively tried to make his life miserable and he just wanted to never see or speak to her again, so no I wouldn't say that all guys will always love their babymamas. I like hearing about them. If she's here on a fiancee visa, they will have to marry within 90 days or she has to go back home. Related posts:Baby mamas dont always have to win if you follow this advice;10 signs your guy is still involved with his baby mama;Here is why its not normal for a guy to talk to his baby mama every day; If you dont like being called his baby mama, then you should speak up and tell him! Women love to be called baby in this situation. It might seem like this guy is super amazing in the moment, but what is he demonstrating? But I do believe that these types of relationships can work just fine if the person you date creates boundaries with their co-parent. He dropped off pampers later that day and while intoxicated, attacked me because I filed for child support that day and I did not want to keep the baby.
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