For fisheries with observer coverage, species or stocks are generally removed from the list of marine mammal species and/or stocks incidentally killed or injured if no interactions are documented in the 5-year timeframe summarized in that year's LOF. NMFS West Coast Region's 2018 Guidance on Assessing the Effects of Existing Structures in ESA Section 7 Consultations In 2018, the NMFS West Coast Region (WCR) issued internal guidance (2018 Guidance) on ESA Section 7 consultations for work on existing structures. Individuals who use a telecommunications device for the hearing impaired may call the Federal Information Relay Service at 1-800-877-8339 between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m. Eastern time, Monday through Friday, excluding Federal holidays. Copies of the SARs are available on the NMFS Office of Protected Resources website at: Additional information on observer programs in commercial fisheries can be found on the NMFS National Observer Program's website: NMFS removes the Alaska stock of ringed seal from the list of species/stocks incidentally killed or injured in the Category III AK Bering Sea, Aleutian Islands Pacific cod trawl fishery. Therefore, some vessels/participants may possess valid HSFCA permits without the ability to fish under the permit because it was issued for a gear type that is no longer authorized under the most current FMP. The fishery classification criteria consist of a two-tiered, stock-specific approach that first addresses the total impact of all fisheries on each marine mammal stock and then addresses the impact of individual fisheries on each stock. Additionally, species identified by logbook entries, stranding data, or fishermen self-reports (i.e., MMAP reports) may not be verified. Comment 12: AOLA expresses concern that data used in the LOF do not represent the current conditions of the Category I Northeast/mid-Atlantic American lobster trap/pot fishery nor marine mammal stocks. We review federal proposals for land and water development to make sure these activities do not further degrade habitat or harm protected species. The Operations, Management, and Information Services Division supports West Coast Region operations through budget planning, formulation, and execution; human resources management (including Equal Employment Opportunity and diversity); oversight of administrative processes; management of information, information technology, and communications systems; and management of environmental compliance, travel, facilities, safety, and property. Category I: Annual mortality and serious injury of a stock in a given fishery is greater than or equal to 50 percent of the PBR level (i.e., frequent incidental mortality and serious injury of marine mammals). . This notice initiated a 60-day period for the public to provide comments to NMFS related to the status of the species being reviewed. In some cases, more recent information may be available and used in the LOF. *, Southeastern, U.S. Atlantic, Gulf of Mexico stone crab trap/pot. MLA also alleges that Maine's state and Federal lobster fisheries do not meet the criteria of a Category I fishery under the MMPA. This approach is based on consideration of the rate, in numbers of animals per year, of incidental mortalities and serious injuries of marine mammals due to commercial fishing operations relative to the potential biological removal (PBR) level for each marine mammal stock. 2022. The Branch works with staff throughout the region to share strategic communications and knowledge, build understanding, and recognize achievements from NOAA Fisheries stewardship activities on the West Coast. Serious injury and mortality determinations for baleen whale stocks along the Gulf of Mexico, United States East Coast, and Atlantic Canadian Provinces, 2012-2016. : WCRO-2021-03107 . The classification of a fishery on the LOF determines whether participants in that fishery are subject to certain provisions of the MMPA, such as registration, observer coverage, and take reduction plan (TRP) requirements. 01/13/2021 at 8:45 am. The SARs referenced in this LOF include: 2016 (82 FR 29039; June 27, 2017), 2018 (84 FR 28489; June 19, 2019), and 2019 (84 FR 65353; November 27, 2019). NOAA Technical Memorandum. Annual bycatch estimates are prorated using a process outlined in detail in the SARs, which account for M/SI that occur within the MHI-pelagic or NWHI-pelagic overlap zones. Species diversity is part of the natural legacy we leave for future generations. Information on observer coverage levels in Category I, II, and III fisheries can be found in the fishery fact sheets on the NMFS Office of Protected Resources' website: It also oversees and coordinates several cross-division activities, such as communications, aquaculture, and National Environmental Policy Act review that requires coordination among multiple offices and locations. Most species are coastwide stocks. Fritz, R.C. Tables 1, 2, and 3 also list the marine mammal species and/or stocks incidentally killed or injured (seriously or non-seriously) in each fishery based on SARs, injury determination reports, bycatch estimation reports, observer data, logbook data, stranding data, disentanglement network data, fishermen self-reports (i.e., MMAP reports), and anecdotal reports. To determine which species or stocks are included as incidentally killed or injured in a fishery, NMFS annually reviews the information presented in the current SARs and injury determination reports. Scott most recently served as the Deputy Regional Administrator for the region since 2017. ^, Bottlenose Dolphin Take Reduction Plan (BDTRP). Southeastern U.S. Atlantic, Gulf of Mexico stone crab trap/pot. AOLA recommends NMFS take a more equitable approach when assessing entanglement risk across fisheries, countries, and non-fishery sources, and also notes this would assist in assuring fishermen are treated fairly. Partnership Profiles: A Queen Conch Hatchery and the Local Fish Initiative, The NOAA Aquaculture Strategic Plan (20232028) includes goals and objectives to sustainably develop the aquaculture industry in the United States. The list of species and/or stocks incidentally killed or injured includes serious and non-serious documented injuries as described later in the List of Species and/or Stocks Incidentally Killed or Injured in the Pacific Ocean and List of Species and/or Stocks Incidentally Killed or Injured in the Atlantic Ocean, Gulf of Mexico, and Caribbean sections. Video and sensor data is reviewed after the trip to determine fishing locations and quantify discards. For questions related to West Coast groundfish regulations, contact the West Coast Regions Groundfish Branch at (206) 526-6140. Fish and Wildlife Service share jurisdiction of some listed entities; this service only contains spatial data for NMFS critical habitat in the West Coast Region. Korie is the Acting Deputy Regional Administrator for NOAA Fisheries West Coast Region. If NMFS takes a management action, for example, through the development of a TRP, NMFS would first prepare an Environmental Impact Statement or Environmental Assessment, as required under NEPA, specific to that action. NOAA has recorded a generally increasing trend in the number of whale entanglement cases reported on the West Coast with the average number of confirmed cases rising from 9 confirmed cases to 41 confirmed cases between the spans of 1982 to 2013 and 2014 to 2017, respectively (NOAA Fisheries, 2019; Saez et al., 2020). Bottlenose dolphin, unknown (Northern migratory coastal or Southern migratory coastal). Using dolphins to catch tuna: Assessment of associations between pantropical spotted dolphins and yellowfin tuna hook and line fisheries in Hawai`i. We work to recover and conserve threatened and endangered marine and anadromous species, as well as manage and conserve marine mammals. Killer whale, unknown. documents in the last year. Therefore, while HSFCA permits exist for these gear types, it does not represent effort. daily Federal Register on will remain an unofficial The management of West Coast groundfish fisheries relies on ongoing scientific efforts in federal, state, and academic programs. 2020 certificates may be retained or replacements downloaded from Further, eligible commercial fisheries not specifically identified on the LOF are deemed to be Category II fisheries until the next LOF is published (50 CFR 229.2). on WestCoast Region, NMFS, NOAA| 7600Sand Point Way NE| Seattle | WA | 98115. Jobs People Learning . Bottlenose dolphin, CA/OR/WA offshore. These offices consult with Federal, Tribal, and State agencies on actions that may adversely affect protected species or EFH, as well as on projects to improve fish passage or habitat conditions for managed and protected species. Otherwise, these fisheries are subject to the next tier (Tier 2) of analysis to determine their classification. Allen, P.L. Under Section 4(f)(1)(B), to the maximum . This table of contents is a navigational tool, processed from the Bottlenose dolphin, Mississippi River Delta. Response: NMFS agrees that the Agency has the flexibility to separate out individual fisheries where it is appropriate; however, the commenter has not presented adequate information to substantiate any difference in risk that Maine state and Federal lobster fisheries pose to North Atlantic right whales, or other large whale species, that would warrant a current change in classification for these fisheries. Because fisheries are classified on a per-stock basis, a fishery may qualify as one category for one marine mammal stock and another category for a different marine mammal stock. Fishery information presented in the SARs' appendices and other resources referenced during the tier analysis may include: Level of observer coverage; target species; levels of fishing effort; spatial and temporal distribution of fishing effort; characteristics of fishing gear and operations; management and regulations; and interactions with marine mammals. MLA alleges there are no documented M/SI in the Maine Federal lobster fishery, but the Category II classification may be warranted under an abundance of precaution that a future interaction could occur due to the offshore migration of North Atlantic right whales. ^The list of marine mammal species and/or stocks killed or injured in this fishery is identical to the list of species and/or stocks killed or injured in high seas component of the fishery, minus species and/or stocks that have geographic ranges exclusively on the high seas. FLC further states that NMFS attributes the single M/SI to both stocks equally. Today, the U.S. Department of Commerce, through its National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), has awarded grants of up to $30 million, over a five-year period, to two Historically Black Colleges and Universities: Florida A&M University and the University of Maryland Eastern Shore. AOLA further states that the 2014 ALWTRP regulations as well as the American lobster fishery management plan regulations, reduced vertical lines and enhanced gear marking in the fishery. Should Maine fisheries make significant changes to their gear configurations that differentiate these fisheries from other state and Federal lobster trap/pot fisheries, such as eliminating vertical lines, NMFS will reconsider this decision.Start Printed Page 3037. NMFS adds the Cook Inlet stock of harbor seal to the list of species/stocks incidentally killed or injured in the Category III AK Gulf of Alaska halibut longline fishery. Hobbs, Y.V. Humpback whale, Western North Pacific. NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-NE-264, 479 p. Henry A, Garron M, Reid A, Morin D, Ledwell W, Cole TVN. 2015. Where does NMFS obtain information on the level of observer coverage in a fishery on the LOF? Baird, C.H. It is not an official legal edition of the Federal In 2017, a spotted dolphin from the 4-Islands stock was observed with a band of debris around its rostrum preventing it from opening its mouth (Bradford and Lyman, 2019). Table 1 lists all of the commercial fisheries in the Pacific Ocean (including Alaska); Table 2 lists all of the commercial fisheries in the Atlantic Ocean, Gulf of Mexico, and Caribbean; and Table 3 lists all U.S. authorized commercial fisheries on the high seas. Mahaffy, A.M. Gorgone, T. Cullins, D.J. FLC also states that the BSAI Pacific cod longline fishery is currently classified as a Category II based on a killer whale M/SI in 2012. : WCRO-2022-00168 October 24. NMFS is proposing that the nearshore fishery be open every Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday beginning Monday May 8 until the nearshore allocation is taken, or on September 30, whichever is earlier. The following is a collection of organizations and programs involved in various aspects of West Coast groundfish science. 2020. Aerial surveys, whale watching boats, the presence of other fisheries, and the presence and associated outreach by a disentanglement team contribute to the higher reporting of entanglement sightings in certain areas (i.e., Massachusetts) than in Maine state and offshore waters; we cannot conclude that risk is nonexistent in other areas where entanglements are not observed. This catch data is used along with captain-reported logbooks in place of observer data to debit vessel accounts. Credit: Mary Campbell, Feiro Marine Life Center, Volunteer Group Responds to Strandings on Washingtons Olympic Peninsula, West Coast Species on the Move as Climate Change Drives Ecological Shifts, Analysis Shows, NOAA Fisheries Releases Draft National Seafood Strategy, Requests Public Input. Some species are long-lived, with life spans exceeding 30 years. Those cases where we could identify lobster gear from right whale entanglements during the past 10 years were determined to result in non-serious injuries. Tier 1: Tier 1 considers the cumulative fishery mortality and serious injury for a particular stock. Select stocks to include in the report: NMFS also reviews other sources of new information, including injury determination reports, bycatch estimation reports, observer data, logbook data, stranding data, disentanglement network data, fishermen self-reports (i.e., MMPA mortality/injury reports), and anecdotal reports from that time period. Comment 14: AOLA expresses concern over the perceived lack of parity when assessing the impacts of fisheries on marine mammals. Response: NMFS uses the classification criteria described in the preamble to classify fisheries as Category I, Category II, or Category III. CA nearshore finfish live trap/hook-and-line. In addition, any animal that ingests fishing gear or any animal that is released with fishing gear entangling, trailing, or perforating any part of the body is considered injured, regardless of the presence of any wound or other evidence of injury, and must be reported. Webster. Internet Explorer lacks support for the features of this website. This list includes all species and/or stocks known to be killed or injured in a given fishery, but also includes species and/or stocks for which there are anecdotal records of a mortality or injury.
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