So the baby was carried in a small deal box, under an ancient woman's shawl, to the churchyard that night, and buried by lantern-light, at the cost of a shilling and a pint of beer to the sexton, in that shabby corner of God's allotment where He lets the nettles grow, and where all unbaptized infants, notorious drunkards, suicides, and others of the conjecturally damned are laid. Do you? Christianity teaches that its the other way around: we are never alone. He doesnt like it when we hurt each other. The Son (as a human) obeyed the Father, just as we should. Have you done yours? Like the rest, we were by nature deserving of wrath. I welcome it. This life IS good, and you should work hard to enjoy all that God has made. The sounds (notes) cant be good or bad. In John 3, Jesus called it being born again. The apostle Paul said that if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: the old has gone, the new is here. The Bible also makes it clear that the Father is God, Jesus is God, and the Holy Spirit is God. Your job is to cooperate with Him, not to do the work yourself. I keep praying for guidance but I cant hear anything. 3:9), as the Church reaffirms in the Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC): Outside the Church there is no salvation. Following Jesus isnt just something we do on the outside. When were born again, the Holy Spirit comes to dwell in each of us. It could be that going to another (good) church for a week or two will give you the insight you need to better judge whether this original church is where you belong. A baptism is public in nature, and you cant have a ceremony thats both private and public. Thats something different. so God was aware of the part his son would play as God knows all and created all. And that its Gods job to punish those sins. Its like I want to share my gift to others but I guess I fear of being judge. In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was WITH God, and the Word WAS God. Where they differ, theyre wrong. Thats silly. Hopefully before the end comes I can find a church which preaches the light and truth, unadulterated by satan. where will you be if you are not reconciled and once you die is it too late? If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. Ask yourself this, if you believe in Jesus ? I was baptized in a horse trough. It should not be. I have believed in Jesus all my life. To help me get in touch with him? Thanks for writing! When we decide to follow Jesus, we decide to do what He taught. Since Limbo is outside of Heaven and Hell, these souls will not experience either eternal joy or damnation. Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit gives birth to spirit. You know, things like loving your neighbor and being forgiving and so on but more. If someone is pressuring you, it may be time to leave. Life gets hard sometimes, and we need encouragement and help from each other. The heart of the baptism conversation and inquiry to me is why are so many so-called Christians living lives that are not remotely reflecting Christ? Divorce, unforgiveness and disunity are just as rampant in the church as outside the church. Pray he will show you many things. Thank you for your response. In the meantime, God wants to give us joy, and peace, and confidence, and courage. Who is the Word, Jesus. Ask any question about God, the Bible, or Christianity. The Father sent the Holy Spirit when the Son went to be with the Father. Lets talk further about your hermeneuticsthe principles youre using to interpret Scripture. That was your intent in seventh grade, and its your intent now. - user32 Feb 21, 2014 at 18:40 Still, Im pretty old, and have suffered maybe a bit more so I hope you understand my desire to go home and be with God, and with my loved ones who loved Him. I suppose wrong is simply not trusting that God knows best, and failing to submit to His instructions. I write this because I hope you will listen, and consider what I say, and possibly be spared great difficulty. Check Gods Word to make sure that what everyone says including me is true. Its possible they see something that you dont see, so I would recommend having a conversation with them about it. Take JOY in the place you find yourself. If thats not what you mean, will you explain a bit more? I realize that this might be an old thread but after reading through all of these answers and your post there was something that struck me. I prayed for guidance, and heard nothing and things didnt seem to go well. and in the day of salvation I helped you.. The best place for that is the Bible. Your added to the lords church just like it says in Acts, baptism is for the forgiveness of sins. Its been a topic of debate for hundreds of years, and I dont believe anyone can settle the matter. Sometimes the parents need to apologize, or to explain their decisions, but its mostly the child seeing that they ARE a child, and that they should accept instruction and correction from their parents. From where I stand, you should follow Jesus lead. Its an interesting question. There will be plenty of people in Hell who recited prayers without being changed, and plenty who were baptized. Your feet should be comfortable. Jesus died for us because God loves us. I want us both to go to heaven but I have never been baptized and we dont live a very Christian life. If your parents will not allow it, wait until youre able to decide for yourselfand, in the meantime, grow in the faith. I want to be fair to Bell, and to answer your question responsibly. Spirits do not have bodies muchless blood to atone with, thus the manifestation of God/Christ in the flesh. For we are Gods handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. Christian baptism isnt uniquely Christian. That makes our relationship with them more difficult strained, rather than peaceful and harmonious. Theres no penalty left to pay. If youre a Christian, you should be baptized not so you can go to Heaven, but because you want all that God has for you. He didnt raise questions and leave people hanging. Heres the video: I would be very happy to help you with this, Ted. They all agree on salvation, forgiveness, and grace. I know none of the stuff is demonic because they (BTS) spreads messages about self-love and self acceptance. Thats good. They put themselves in the position of prophet, proclaiming what they believe to be Gods message, and they get into all kinds of trouble. The first would be Enoch, another Elijah, and so on. They will seek first His kingdom, and always be ready to explain why they have hope in Christ. Please let me know. In March of the next year, he finally got in touch. You couldnt just walk up to the gate and tell them you deserved to come in and play all day. It seems very unfair that someone who murders or rapes or any other sick crime could be let into Heaven while someone who loved and respected all living things would be tortured for eternity in hell? In case anybody reading this wonders about what I just wrote, lets consider a real-life scenario. If you see a chair, you know that its something used for sitting. Now the question is: Those who surrender to God go to Heaven, warts and all. We dont have to like it, but we do have to deal with it. If youd like a hand picking a few local churches to visit, I can help. Hi Tony I love confrontation, if theres a good chance it will make things better. I have a pretty good idea of what He would say to you. Turns out that was one of the most beneficial periods of my life, where my faith grew strong. Its actually pretty wise. You may have noticed that I didnt mention baptism. Be bad, go to Hell. Lets say that you and Jesus are having lunch together. Baptism is a public declaration of faith. Maybe youre in a similar situation. I do know that he seems to fit Pauls description of a false teacher. Thats great! I checked up on the Sins that man should not commit. While Adam and Eve sinned, Jesus did not. He is the final and perfect sacrifice for sin, and there is no penalty left to pay. Let me know if you have any other questions. He knows better than I do. I appreciate hearing from you. The opposite. Thanks for your comment! What makes you think that good and bad exist? Im very glad that you came to visit my website. If youve decided to trust God with your life, you should be baptized if you can. In Genesis, God created Adam by forming his body from the earth. God has taken the first step toward His rebellious children, right? Though we once regarded Christ in this way, we do so no longer. Thats a horrific tragedy. Verse 9: false teaching spreads throughout the church, changing the way believers see everything. By that I mean that you and I and somebody else can read into his words whatever we want them to say. That gracious act is only half of the equation, though. He already knows what youre thinking, but talk to Him anyway. We must have faith and follow the rules that of which God has put forth and listed. No one comes to the Father except through Jesus. This is the fire of purification in 1 Corinthians 3:15, and what we call purgative fire. zavetti canada cervati jacket; 90 day fiance justin and evelyn sister in law Only then could they make that kind of commitment. What makes something like music good, or bad? Its a common complaint from a lot of people. Nobody will be kept out of Heaven because they made a mistake, or because they were misled, or because they got a bit of information wrong. If so, thats good. Do the rules change about sin or have we gotten the whole Gay and Christian thing wrong? Thanks for writing. The subtle but significant difference between the indwelling and outpouring of the Holy Spirit which can cause confusion as to what is happening at water baptism which now gives us the gift of the Holy Spirit. What were left with is a difficult idea to grasp, as theres nothing else in the universe like Him. It could happen to all of us. Judaism and Christianity are entirely monotheistic. How, you ask, can a disobedient person go to Heaven? In other words, God does not hold young children . Thanks for taking part. Its a good thing that Jesus died for us, isnt it? Im very happy to hear that youve taken control with regard to porn and your thoughts. An adult or child of catechetical age who is not baptized enters the Christian Initiation process and through a process of liturgy, catechesis, and formation is prepared to celebrate the three sacraments of . When that happens, you begin a personal relationship with the Creator of the universe! Or do his teachings tend to make readers re-evaluate everything they believe about God? Third, doing things a certain way wont save you. Its Gods job to transform you. James 1:13 says Let no one say when he is tempted, I am being tempted by God; for God cannot be tempted by evil, and He Himself does not tempt anyone. He remakes us. Its not a prayer, its belief. What have I missed? Thats a big encouragement for others, and a wise thing to do. Jesus died to set us free from slavery to sin, and to show us how much He loves us. I dont mean that God is in HeavenI mean that Heaven is wherever God happens to be. First, thanks for writing. I am torn. You say youre Catholic, but thats often a simple statement about which church you attend. He will put the sheep on his right and the goats on his left. They describe things that arent the way they should be, and Id rather take the Apostle Pauls suggestion: to think about things that are true, noble, pure, and lovely. The man was worried about his loved ones, and was eager to help them avoid his fate. Salvation is not accomplished by getting wet. Why? Heres something Paul of Tarsus wrote: As for you, you were dead in your transgressions and sins, in which you used to live when you followed the ways of this world and of the ruler of the kingdom of the air, the spirit who is now at work in those who are disobedient. The Bible teaches that if we trust God to guide us, He will help us become what we should be. Each believer is baptized after believing, to profess their faith to the community. Hi, First, a false teacher is a teacher. Yes, the Bible tells of a number of times that angels appear as human beings. I grew up listening to music, and still do (Im pretty old now). Thanks! Have a great day! Some of Her greatest Saints have disagreed on this issue: St. Augustine and St. Thomas Aquinas, for example, came to different conclusions. Their spiritual growth is stunted because they spend more time on what they GET from God, rather than on what God wants FROM THEM. Its a ritual bath where utensils are cleansed, new priests were dunked to begin their ministry, and so on. Only then should they be baptized. Another thing, relevant to your message, is that nobody laid hands on them to receive the Spirit, and it didnt happen when they were baptized. Let me know if theres anything more I can do for you. People will definitely be in Hell. When someone in the western world decides to become a Christian, they usually have no idea that THAT is exactly what being a disciple of Jesus Christ means not being a suicide bomber, but following what Jesus taught, and being obedient to Him, no matter what. it cant be both. I believe that God commanded me and directed to one specific group of believers (Church), my focus was mostly on baptism knowing that this is the next step after being saved. Sex, in Scripture, is less important than our relationship with God. Because Adam was disobedient, God said to him: "Dust you are and to dust you will return.". The Holy Spirit will do a lot of that on the inside of us, and you should always listen to Him. Thats the entire reason for Heaven to exist. Have you been born again? Unless one believes that non-Christians can receive the Spirit, this should settle the issue on whether one must be baptized to be saved. what happens to unbaptized adults when they die. Another objection to cremation is that pagan cultures have cremated the dead for centuries, and (as the argument goes) we should avoid doing what the pagans do. Let me try to encourage you a bit. Is it bad that i am scared for judgment day, not because im scared of going to hell but because I have always wanted to live a full life here and have kids and die naturally- im 15. Is it too late to be forgiven? I grew up in a church that was Pentecostal, and have been a leader in different churches, and have seen that those in the Pentecostal movement are sometimes more concerned with feeling spiritual and with having spiritual experiences than they are with knowing and living the gospel. If you read Acts 2:38-39 you will see that Baptism is indeed a necessity! He offers peace and joy, and they turn their backs to Him. God knows all things. If you dont have a community, find one. We know this because there has been no judgment! Christianity is following a person. The question isnt whether youve been dunked, but whether you trust God with your life. Sometimes a visitor might happen or a medicine might be due during that sleep. Its trusting God: Abraham believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness. The general presumption among most commentators is that our spirits will be reunited with our bodies. The rich man also died and was buried. If the thief was saved and Im pretty sure we agree that he was then it wasnt because he kept the law. When people ask me and they do Im not free to tell them whatever I want to. I now understand that I can never become the man I was intended to be under my own power. I appreciate your honesty. That appears to say that if you dont believe you are condemned to death or hell. Augustine discusses this in one of his earliest works if one pays attention to his logic on the issue of what happens to unbaptized children: Not even the leaf of a tree is created without a purpose. Thats why GodWords is here. While there are certainly some verses like the ones you mention that seem to say that we must be baptized to be saved, theres a very important thing to consider before settling on that doctrinal interpretation. Its also a good way to check out what their congregation does, to see if thats a better fit for you than where youve been. Pentecostals believe that those who die in their sins without seeking God's forgiveness through Jesus Christ will spend eternity in a literal hell. I know thats probably the opposite of what youve heard, but its true. Thats God, living in you. For it is by grace you have been saved through faith. So without holyspirit we cant go heaven correct? You can only accept it or reject it. This tells them that you believe as they do, and that you wish you be part of their fellowship. Blessings. Hi, Youre exactly the age God wants you to be. And besides all this, between us and you a great chasm has been set in place, so that those who want to go from here to you cannot, nor can anyone cross over from there to us. He answered, Then I beg you, father, send Lazarus to my family, for I have five brothers. Orthodox Christian. Throughout the whole Bible, we see this kind of thing in the Old Testament there is no God except me and in the New Testament there is one God. Youre rightthe Bible never says that you cant be privately baptized. You should believe Him. Thats intended to be a permanent relationship, and not entered into lightly. Its a ritual that tells your community of faith that youve joined them. Your question is whether a believer who isnt baptized can go to Heaven. Can you go to Heaven if youre not baptized? Cats have kittens, dogs have puppies, and Gods Son is God. Jesus forgave sins without baptizing people. When someone is dying, their heartbeat and blood circulation slow down. I have friends who lost their precious son shortly after he was born. I have been baptized in past lives and I know this from regressions, however I am afraid to get baptized in this lifetime and this fear resonates in my soul. Im NOT saying that the people in your church are wrong. After the judgment, THEN people will receive their eternal reward. I dont know. Being anointed by the Holy Spirit is being made able to serve when theres a need. If you accept. Let me know if theres more I can do for you. You dont appear to have read what I wrote very carefully. And we know from verse 1 that the Word WAS God. In the days before death, people often begin to lose control of their breathing. Turning it off risks her life, dunking it will break it, and there are no real options. Second, it appears Augustine was not transducianist at this point, which informs his view of infant salvation. People tend to think, Surely a message such as mine will convince people that God is real, and that they should heed my warning, and that I can help bring about revival. Maybeand maybe not. Baptizing a dead person just gets them wet. If we look at Galatians 5, where Paul talks about false teachers, we can see a few things that identify false teachers: Verse 7: false teachers distract us from being obedient. Until children reach the maturity that enables them to love, worship, and obey God in Christ, they have not "sinned.". I dont know. Yes, obedience is important but we dont start out being obedient. Any local congregation of people can SAY theyre Christian, but Christians are simply all of the people, throughout history, who have been born again. This is confirmed by Pope Pius IX, in "Quanto conficiamur moerore," August 10, 1863 (DS 2866) "God in His supreme goodness and clemency, by no means allows anyone to be punished with eternal punishments who does not have the guilt of voluntary fault." If your Grandpa trusted God, even in the last minute before he died, then he will be in Heaven. It is because a small mistake can lead us to hell.. From that i was thinking that going to heaven is not that easy.. Im scared that i will not meet my parents when im gone like were in the different world.. And i dont want to suffer in hell and ofc i dont want to let my parents go to that place too.. No, Willissathey are not. Nobody really grasps the full meaning of salvation at the beginning, of course. Is He right, or wrong? Absolutely, if theyre born again. As my previous comment says, Matthew 25 says that God will separate the godly from the ungodly at the end. Is the gift of salvation not something you must receive? Third, HOWEVER. Its also something that God said we should do, so we should do it if we can. I choose to live His way, which by the way is the best way Ive ever found. Here are some suggestions: Read the New Testament. I am worried about the end of times. Thats what the Bible teaches. No need to baptised by the holyspirit. Lets say a Christian like me who was sprinkled with water as a baby and i still believe in Jesus, therefore in the Bible it says with salvation you are saved in Faith through Jesus Christ by praying and repenting of your Sins and im still never baptized in water, will i still go to Heaven. I kind of felt and still feel that I had no choice really, because of the pressure of becoming member of the Church. Its all Christian music, and you can use AutoPlay and Shuffle to listen to the whole website. There were times when church was the last place I wanted to be and I was a pastor! Heaven is HOME for us, where we get to be together with our family forever. Christian is still a word that has meaning. That means that He will always do what is right, and will never be unfair. Am a young man that is so much interested in the things of God and growing spiritually. So, those who say that Christians who eat pork violate Gods command are simply wrong. You say youre Jewish, but thats usually a simple statement about your family history. Do you have to be baptized to go to Heaven? Honestly, while Heaven sounds great, Im at least as concerned about the here and now. The question behind your question is what is baptism?. If That Way is unknown or unheard of to these people, what happens to those who are ignorant of the Father, when they die? But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin. I teach things as I understand them, and I have no problem with people disagreeing. I believe fully in the gospel of Jesus Christ but I have yet to be baptized and it is for this very reason: every church I have attended is visibly wicked. I realize that there are spiritual consequces for the actions done. Spread Jesus messagethe same message that He preached, that His disciples preached, and that believers have preached for many centuries. Eating pork I can prevent easilly. I said is he lying about being a carpenter he said no, but its not his name. Suicide is a leading cause of death in the United States, 3 with 45,979 deaths in 2020. i am really confused help me out. I didnt forsake going. If you havent already, I hope that youll make the decision to place your full faith and confidence in Him right now. Theres no sin that Jesus did not pay for. That is the purpose of Christian baptism. The apostle Paul said that that would be preferable, actually. Its GOOD that youre taking action! Isnt that what we all should do? I dont want to miss out on the good things in life, like having kids and living a long time and enjoying this world.. Of course you dont. The judgement will be at the end, but there seem to be some irregularities with regard to certain people. He expounds on the value of the scrutiny and the reason for the prayer of exorcism for a person who is unbaptized . Third, many abortions are performed for actual or perceived birth defects, sometimes as trivial as cleft lip or palate. You choose your own path in life. I love you too. Hi Tony. Sometimes, the things we do like will change, too if theyre not good for us. I was so scares if we didnt go to heaven like what im hoping for.. All throughout Scripture, we see that they are not the same person. The first punishment of Gehenna is eternal. Hi i was searching and came across your site, i feel guilty because i am not baptized, i believe in God but i dont feel i havent an honest relationship with him, i get told so many things like what religion to join and if i dont do things a certain way i wont be saved, it starts to get really confusing and im not sure where to go or where to start. If you dont mind me asking, how are you doing in dealing with same-sex attraction? The more we study to show ourselves approved just as the Lord ask us to, the closer walk we can have with Jesus. 4) How will I be sure, I dont go to Hell. Hes an expert in looking at the evidence to find holes in peoples explanations. The only way to actually trust the chair is to sit on it. I ask because I like to read Rob bells books and listen to his teachings a lot. If you have, youve been born again and your eternal life has already begun. Youre not alone. Get MORE involved, but do it in a 100% positive way. No, a whole bunch of people on here are wrong. >> Matthew 25 was written before ad70 and has been finished. A good answer must start with a definition of sin. The most authoritatively the Church has spoken on this are the council of Carthage in 419 (accepted by Trullo in the East in 692) and in the Confession of Dositheus (accepted by the pan-Orthodox Council of Jerusalem in 1672). Let Him bear that burden. Also, I told my parents that I dont want to go to church and that I want to do my thing but they dont understand. The only people who need to worry about judgment are those who turn their backs on Him. The Bible tells us that everyone has been forgiven. Dont try to grow on your own! The brutality of the Karan ( preachings of Ala ), or the King James Bible ( Preachings of God ) are telling us that True Justice, and all of its brutality, if truly righteous, is not a sin. He goes to Cornelius, preaches the gospel, andwell, here it is: While Peter was still speaking these words, the Holy Spirit came on all who heard the message. Jesus said, the Way to the Father is through Me. "The man from whom the demons had gone out begged to go with him, but Jesus sent him away, saying, "Return home and tell how much God has done for you." So the man went away and told all over town how much Jesus had done for him" (Luke 8:38-39).
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